
Anna's Confessional Diary (2)

Anna heard Sister Mary looking for her, so she hurriedly poked her head out of the window, quickly lowered the curtains, turned around and sat down on the bed, picked up her diary and pretended to be thinking hard, writing and drawing every now and then. When Sister Mary came in, Anna looked up at her and said, "I'm writing my confession diary. ..."

Sister Mary smiled when she saw how well Anna was following the rules, "Oh, that's good, then you should do it seriously.

As Sister Mary's footsteps faded into the distance, Anna looked at the icon in her room and looked down to write her penitential diary.

Dear God

I confess to you with all my heart

The secret that is hidden in my heart

I do not know to whom I should confess it

I can only open my heart to you quietly

I know the heart of a nun

Can only hold God and holy books

This is why I confess to you

Because my heart

Is not so holy

My sins have grown more and more

On rainy days, I'm in a bad mood

I only like the sunny days

In the convent

I feel dull and dreary

I just want to escape to the monastery

The world outside seems to have an endless attraction

I don't like any other work

I only look forward to the annual rose picking

For in the rose garden

I can enjoy the beauty and fragrance of the roses

And most of all I can meet him

As a nun

I should have a quiet heart

But my heart is not so

Whenever I see him

I can't take my eyes off him

I miss him

I think of him, I think of him, I think of him, I think of him

I am always longing

To see him

I feel my heart flush with the thought of him

I can't stop thinking about him

It makes me ecstatic

Addicted to it

Even though I read the Bible every day

I prayed every day

But it seems, God, that you have not redeemed my soul

The deeper I got into it

The more I tried to escape, the more I couldn't let go

What shall I do?

I sincerely confess my sins to you

O God

Help me!
