
The Secret Meeting (1)

The monastery seems to live in isolation, but despite this, the cycle of the seasons still affects the sisters' lives. Winter came, a time when there was less agricultural work to be done and when the sisters had little to do except pray and confess and read the Holy Book.

Alexander, who worked in the rose garden, did not have to come to the rose garden every day and Anna saw him less and less. For Anna, this meant that the days became even more dull and boring.

One day, after Vespers, the Mother Superior said to the sisters, "I have good news for you all, a piano has been donated to our convent today, so that you can sit around it, sing hymns and read holy books. Sing ..."

Anna was so happy to hear this that she went back to her dormitory and fidgeted, hoping that time would fly by so that she could go back to the auditorium to see the donated piano again.

Anna walked around the room in a state of distraction. As the night fell outside her window, Anna went to the window sill, lifted the curtain and opened the window. She stretched her head out of the window and felt the cold winter wind on her face.

A dark figure walks around the garden, looking at the door of the convent from time to time, the dark figure seems to shake its head helplessly, looking downcast.

Who was wandering around the garden in this cold weather? Anna stared to see what was going on. As she watched, Anna was surprised to see that the dark figure seemed to be coming towards her room. She lowered the curtains, but still lifted a corner of the curtain to watch the movement of the figure.

At some point the moon had slipped out of the clouds and was hanging in the sky like a jade dish. In the moonlight, Anna almost screamed as she watched the dark figure approaching.

There was no mistaking the long, slender figure and the familiar face that reminded Anna that it was Alexandre. What was he doing in the garden at this time of night? Anna searched the room, picked up a small piece of soap left over from the laundry, wrapped it in a piece of paper and threw it over to where Alexandre was.

He was standing not far from here, and when Alexandre noticed the ball of paper that had fallen beside him, he looked over at it. It was as if his eyes flashed a light in the darkness of the night.

As he looked this way, Anna took the opportunity to wave the white curtain in her hand at him.

Anna's heart pounded as she watched Alexander dart towards the window of Anna's room, and she felt as if she couldn't breathe because of the tension and excitement. When Alexander came to the window, Anna asked in as calm a tone as possible, "Alexander, what are you doing in the garden at this late hour ..."

"I came to see the roses at the convent," said Alexander hesitantly, noticing that Anna's eyes seemed a little disappointed, so he scratched his head and added: "Actually I ... just wanted to see you. ..." Alexander stammered out the truth.

The sound of something blossomed in Anna's heart, a radiance that rivaled the fireworks of a dark night. Anna touched her heart, which was beating out of her chest, and despite her joy, she said nonchalantly, "Thank you for coming to see me, how are you? How is the old gardener doing? ..."

Alexander's face darkened instantly and he said in a low voice, "My father, he ... died ...," as if squeezing out of his throat reluctantly.