
Alaya The Collection of Humanity Spirit


'wha...what happen?'

I look around and I see a vast lake so clear that you can see the sky reflection on it, ah its look like inside Avalon the everdistant utopia in fate series.

[I see that you have woken up]

a voice startled me, then I saw a woman in her thirties with a long blonde hair reaching her back, as we locked eyes I notice a beautiful emerald eyes, so gentle yet firm. My eyes then roaming down to her body, I saw her body wrapped in blue and white dress decorated by silver armor piece that cover her chest area, her side skirt and gauntlet covering her hands that holding an Excalibur... wait EXCALIBUR?? my eyes become as wide as a saucer.

"What the fuck!? You're artoria pendragon from Nasuverse! what are you doing here!? wait more importantly aren't you just a fictional character!?"

I was so shocked I continued rambling even I felt that I forgotten something important.

[Is that how you see me? I'm alaya and I'm just a collection of humanity spirit, I don't have a form…no that wasn't right, I have infinity form and because of that my form changed based on who I talk to. How curious why you see me as this… "artoria" you talk about?]

"artoria" calmly answered.

"Well you see I kinda like her, not only because her charm and beauty but also she is an awesome king so awesome that her legend is wide spread. Just think about it, even in the real world there is countless book, movies and anime that talk about Arthurian legend. Moreover, for me the best personification for artoria is in nasuverse because balanced level of charming woman, great knight, awesome king and cute girl haha. I always wanted to tease her. hehe…"

I continue rambling ignoring her curious stares.

[I see, anyway I bring your soul here to give you a deal]

I paused at that.

"Wait…I'm dead…?"

Realization slowly creeping in

[Yes you're, you died saving a group of children that taken hostage. Maybe you forgot because of shock but you died a hero, be proud of yourself]

'oh yeah that happen isn't it? I totally dead, oh man I just about to graduate from my university and become a teacher too. *sigh* I feel sorry for my parents all that hardwork to put me in school all gone with me dead'

I was crying, and not a manly crying, I was weeping like child. I was so sad and felt sorry for my parents. I just hope that my older sister and my little brother can take care of them.

I felt that "artoria" are giving me time to adjust to the news and waiting for me to calm down.

[If there is any consolation, I will alter their surrounding human's will to ease your family lives.]

"She" tried to cheer me up.

"Thank you very much alaya, that meant a lot to me"

Hearing that I began to calm down and giving "her" a smile.

[No need to thank me, you saved a group of children, helping two people is nothing much for me. Besides with the deal I about to give you I felt that I should give you more benefit.]

When I hear that I just remember the deal "she" talk about earlier.

"Oh yeah you said about a deal, what do you meant?"

I ask.

[You will be sent to the world where gods is still running around and other supernatural is exist. I want you to save that world from its apocalypse in form of beast trihexa. That world still have long…long age before its time to vanish.]

"Artoria" calmly explained.

"Hmm, so an universe also have age. Eh wait, I have a question are there two heavenly dragon by the name Albion and Ddraig? and there is a war between God's heaven, fallen angel's grigory and Devil's Underworld?"

I have a bad feeling about it.

[...Yes you're right, how do you know?]

"She" paused, and then and answered a bit perplexed.


I shouted. Taking a deep breath I tried to calm myself.

"Well you see there is an anime, a moving pictures of some sort that tell a story about a boy wielding a sacred gear containing a dragon named Ddraig."

I tried to explain to "collection of humanity spirit".

[…I see, how fascinating, I'm sorry that my power isn't encompasses a fictional human. and I also haven't watch an anime you've talk about. However, I have to warn you that that anime you talk about and the world is different. Anyway, since you familiar with that world the explanation will be fast, you will be sent there to save it from trihexa]

"She" explain.

"I see, I understand, but you know that world is super dangerous with threat lurking in every corner. I might be dead before the Beast even released you know?"

I tried to reason with "her". I meant in world of DxD there is devil kidnaping you to be a slave, fanatic church eliminating all heartens and looked down by some fallen angel.

[I understand, that's why I will give you three power of your choices]

"She" said.

'ah finally, a cliché'

I thought.

"Okay then first, I want a Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and I want to be proficient at wielding it. And it meant that I can wield chakra like shinobi from shinobiverse. For the left eyes I want the power of ameterasu and for my right eyes I want the power of kamui. For how it works it will be easier if you look to my memories."

Heh, might as well go for the OP.

[I understand...]

as she said that I felt that my eyes stung, no burned from front to the back of my head.


I scream and scream. Until I heard "her voice" again.


I was sweating bullets. Fuck.

"Can you warn me before hand, Shit that hurts."

I complained.

[I'm sorry, what is your second wish?]

I though for a bit. Heh, I need for more OP-ness hehe.

"I want to be Gilgamesh The King of Heroes, The First Hero, The Ender of Age of Gods The Starter of Age of Heroes."

As I said that, I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and prepared for the world of pain.

…But nothing happen.

As I opened my eyes, I hear.


Eh, what happen? Where is the pain?

"Eh, what happen? Where is the pain?"

Eh, I said that outloud didn't I? *sigh*

[I just created a body according your memories of Gilgamesh adding EMS to its body and put your soul in it]

Eh, wait. Then why I should have to endure that pain. I take a deep breath to calm myself.

"Okay then for the third wish I want…."

As I talk about my third wish "she cut me off"

[Wait, there is some changes to your new body, I feel that you need to hear it before deciding your third wish.]

Eh, what happen?

"What changes?"

I ask.

[Your EMS ability changed, for your left eyes, your amaterasu the black flames that burn everything changed into a golden flame than not only burn your enemy but also heal your ally…]

I gaped at that information. Truly fitting for the golden king hehe, OP-ness here I comes hahaha.

[…and for your right eyes, your kamui it's merged with Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon creating an independent space with a golden castle in its middle…]

Wow, okay. I don't even know what to do with that space. Nevertheless, it is nice to have it hehe.

[…I know from your memories that later on with your EMS you can create a spectral knight that you can control… Susanoo if I'm not wrong… Its will be coloured gold and having a burning crimson eyes. Your Susanoo will lost its wings but in exchange it can call upon infinity hands to wield your treasure at Gate of Babylon…]

Hmm, it reminds me of netero of HxH.

[…And finally, your body will able to use chakra and natural chakra or senjutsu. You see it turns out that Gilgamesh's body is really correspond to the nature.]

I see, so that suspicious red marking all over his body turns out he using senjutsu unknowingly.

[So what is your final wish?]

I thought a bit. Everyone that transmigrated to another world always wanted a system right? But by the end of the day they wanted the system to have a body.

"For the last wish I want two assistant… no a harem member that fiercely loyal to me. hehe…"

I ask shyly. Don't blame people! Even in the world of high school DxD there is a lot of beautiful woman, I still don't think I can get one girlfriend. Yeah, I'm a virgin and a social awkward man, sue me.

[…I understand. Now how you want I create them?]

…it needs to be perfect.

…I thought long and hard.

Finally I answer.

"The first one will be a girl named Michelle, 167 cm height, have an gorgeous angelic face with sky blue eyes and a soothing smile, platinum blonde hair all the way to her back uniquely there is a tint of rainbow at her hair when its brushed by the sunlight. A perfect hourglass body with a firm G-cup breast. Her personality will be gentle and caring to all.

For the second assistant will also be girl. Her name is Lucy, 166 cm height, have a devilish beautiful face with a piercing golden eyes and a mischievous smile, or smirk depends on how you see it hehe. Her hair will be pitch black, shoulder length with a tint of purple-red when its brushed by the sunlight. An athletic body sith a firm E-cup breast. Her personality will be outgoing and a bit mischievous.

Well that's it I guess, you can fill the blanks and please make it perfect."

I finish and look at "artoria" waiting for answer.

[Very well.]

"She" answered. Soon there is two absolutely stunning girls beside her.

""Greeting Master!""

Both girl said simultaneously. I froze, I mean I rarely got in touch with a woman, now that I presented with by two beautifull girls I don't know what to do. My eyes then roaming to their body and I just realize that they both naked!

"Like what you see?"

Lucy said with her trademark mischievious smile. While Michelle just smile.

"Lucy, don't tease master too much. Master our body is yours anyway so don't hesitate to use it anyway you like."

I gaped and can only talk inherent words.


Lucy burst out laughing while Michele giggling. Then Michele come closer and bow down.

"Anyway master we are born ar at this moment created to assist you in our journey in the new world. Please command us to do anything and we will execute it swiftly and with utmost perfection."

Michelle said. Then Lucy come closer too.

"What she said! we will crush your enemy for you master! hahaha"

Lucy said cheerfully. I then calming down by taking several deep breath.

"Very well please take care of me both of you."

I said with a smile making both of their smile widen. Then I looked at alaya waiting for "her" to continue.

[It's seem everything is in order. I repeat you will go to the world of…DxD as you called it and saved it from its incoming apocalypse. You will be reborn as a baby so that the gods in that world doesn't notice your arrival.]

"artoria" said.

"Oh, can you make us born the same year as rias gremory… the main heroine of the story…so that I can use my foreknowledge to the max?"

I ask.

[…are you sure? the time to the incoming Beast is to close.]

"She" ask concerned.

"Yes, It's more than enough."

I answer confidently as I already make some plan in my head.

[…Very well, you will be reborn in a village in England. Good luck.]

and then white light engulf me.

Just add it to your library first, it will be inconsistent update for now. please give me some review, it's my first novel and English is not my first and second language.

TheQuibblercreators' thoughts