
True Explosion [MHA]

A genius born with unforeseen powers. Living life as he sees fit, he holds no care for any set of norms. QUIRK: Destruction. DISCLAIMER!! This story is something new... I'm going to do my best to make it one of the best things you guys have ever read but don't hold me accountable if you hate it. After all, not everyone shares the same opinion- It'd be best if you kept your negative ones to yourself though. NO HAREM! Might not even have romance, so if that's something you're looking for, sorry. There's a 50/50 chance.

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6 Chs

Rebirth [2]

Just like the first time he died and came back to life, Dion was greeted with the instinctive urge to inhale all the oxygen his little human lungs could gather.

Except this time, he ran into a problem.

He couldn't devour his oxygen fresh from the atmosphere. As soon as he tried to, it felt like his lungs tried to collapse in on themselves, causing him great pain.

But it only got a grunt out of him. Choosing to open his eyes instead of suck all the oxygen out of the Ozone, he was greeted with the sight of pure darkness, very different from when he met his Random Omnipotent Being.

'Don't tell me I was thrown back into my dead body… A soul with a dead shell. How tragic…' He mused mentally, feeling a little hopeless. However, that soon changed as he felt a powerful suction grip his head.

'Holy shit that's cold.' He commented on the slight breeze that soon met him. As the suction began to get stronger and stronger, he felt a pair of giant hands rest on the back of his head, clearing his mind and giving him an idea of what was happening.

'Oh~ True rebirth… Starting out from a baby is going to be soooo fucking excruciating.' He wanted to groan out loud and curse the God that put him in this predicament, but he couldn't even breathe properly on his own yet.

'Should've requested to skip the infant stage.'

"Congratulations Mrs. Bakugo… It's a healthy young boy!" A nurse stated, cradling the new vessel filled with Dion's soul. The boy in question slowly opened his eyes but regretted it almost instantly when they began to burn and tear up.

He couldn't stop the waterworks that followed close behind.

Masaru Bakugo smiled gently, his manly features littered with signs of age making their appearance in the form of slight wrinkles. Placing his hand on the shoulder of Mitsuki Bakugo, his wife, he slightly gripped it.

Mitsuki placed her hand on his. "Honey… You're gripping my hand kind of hard right now." But the sweet atmosphere was soon ruined. Mitsuki felt her blood pressure rise as her eyes glanced from the son she just pushed out to the other, laying within a bed wrapped in blankets.

"T-Two sons… T-two of them…!" She muttered, her mind already forming the disastrous scenes ahead of her. Imagining having to pick up after them, stopping them from fighting, dealing with their sassy attitudes…

She was already wanting to rip her hair out.

"Oh don't worry. I'm here so you won't be alone." Masaru reassured gently, gazing down at his fatigued wife. Yet, his words fell on deaf ears as her grip on his knuckles increased, causing him to yelp slightly.

"Love? Love…?? Please let go!"

The nurse chuckled slightly, hearing the bickering of the new parents behind her. She gently placed the blonde haired baby next to the other, not being able but to help notice the similarities already.

'Well… It's not like there was going to be a big difference.' She mused, casting a glance to the couple behind her. Both parents had the same facial structure. The only difference being the slight difference in hair color and Mitsuki' red eyes and Masaru' brown.

Meanwhile, Dions mind was already made up.

'I'm definitely disowning this damn family…' Glancing over to his supposed brother, his decision was reinforced.




4 Years Later: March 16th, 2308.

Within Shizuoka prefecture, two young boys with slightly tanned skin and blonde hair, though one was a little darker compared to the other, were walking side by side.

"Why'd you come along, Jissoji!? I told you to stay home!" One of the boys complained loudly, not a worry in the world about the opinions of the surrounding people.

Dion- Now known as Jissoji, rolled his eyes. "You act like I wanted to." He combated, keeping his answer short. With his hands in his pockets and his gaze constantly scanning his surroundings, he and his brother were on their way to the park at the behest of Katsuki.

Jissoji was forced to come along due to the fact their mother didn't like the idea of Katsuki going to play with his friends alone.

Clicking his tongue, Katsuki folded his arms but kept side by side with Jissoji, something he quickly noticed. Growling under his breath, he picked up his pace, putting him a step ahead of Jissoji.

The latter ignored it and wrote it off as him being petty. 'It's a nice day out though… Besides the company, it would be a waste not to enjoy this.' Jissoji mused, turning a corner that led to the final stretch towards the park.

Katsuki was familiar with this path and took off in a sprint, his face forming into a grin as he got excited. In response to his emotions, his hands began to crackle and pop slightly with miniature explosions, something Jissoji took notice of with a squint.

'...trip and fall.' Keeping his eye on his older brother, he only upped his walking pace, not feeling like breaking out into a sprint just to play with some kids a decade younger than him.

'Man I feel old… I'm technically only in my twenties too.' Jissoji mused, taking his hand out of his pocket to act as a visor. Soon, he caught up and arrived at the park where Katsuki and his elementary school friends were already beginning to play.

Or in this case, praise Katsuki for having such an amazing quirk.

Jissoji didn't necessarily like any of them due to the fact he never liked kids, even in his past life. But especially not in this one.

As his gaze silently swept over the group of kids surrounding his brother, he couldn't help but observe the only one that didn't have a quirk. A green haired broccoli of a child.

His face was littered with freckles and his gaze always held a hunger for knowledge and worship. Worship towards those with power. As he snuck over to the park staircases that led to a big spiral tube slide, Jissoji scoffed slightly.

'This world is crazy…' Though his thoughts had a different meaning behind them, he still felt that it was directed towards the fact that almost 90% of the population have access to these supernatural powers…

Including him.

Gazing at the back of his palm, Jissoji watched nonchalantly as a subtle orangish electrical, misty glow flowed through his arm, the heat within starting to become apparent when the plastic step below him began to melt slightly.

His hand still felt the heat even after he quelled the raging destruction within it. 'I wonder…' Looking off into the distance, Jissoji imagined what his quirk could do.

Unlike his brother who could generate explosions using the sweat his body gives off, or create them by rubbing his hands together like his father…

His quirk came in the form of energy. Something that confused his peers. And since no ones ever seen him use it…

"Hey Katsuki, where's your useless little brother!?" A fat chubby kid with dragon wings on back pointed out that Jissoji hasn't yet made his appearance. Chuckling at his own words, the kid looked towards Katsuki for praise.

"I don't know, and don't run around calling him useless! It'll paint me in a bad light!" He grunted, frowning deeply at his little minions.

Jissoji leaned back on a pole and just listened, not really knowing what else to do.

"W-Well, even if he's not useless… Doesn't he h-have a quirk? What is it? What does it do!?" He asked energetically, practically bouncing with stars in his eyes.

Clicking his tongue, Katsuki hopped off his rock and approached the kid.

"Shut up, Stupid! You have no reason to worry about that idiot! My quirk's stronger and more effective, what's the interest in a quirk that doesn't even do anything except make you glow!?"

Turning his back towards his little minions, the kid put a leg up on his rock. Facing the sky and the trees as he declared- "Watch me instead! With a quirk as great as mine, I'm definitely taking All-Mights #1 spot and becoming the best there ever was!"

Sighing, Jissoji stood up, hopping off the staircases, the wood chips crunched under his steps.

The star-struck kids snapped their heads in his direction.

"Kay Katsuki. If you're done fantasizing with your friends, let's go to the candy shop. You can play later." With his hands in his pockets, Jissoji stopped just a few feet away from them, yawning as the mid-noon sun graced his face.

"Tch, who died and made you king? A loser can't tell me what to do!" Katsuki laughed in return, getting a giggle out of his friends. All except Izuku, the green haired broccoli boy.

Jissoji scoffed. "For someone who never beat me in a fight before you surely talk big." The area went quiet as the three minions shut their mouths, looking towards their leader with question marks floating above their heads.

Katsuki grew red, feeling embarrassment weld up within his ears.

Grinding his teeth with clenched fists, Katsuki stomped up towards his brother. "Y-You! Fine, bring it on! I'll show you just how big of a loser you really are!"