
True Essence

'The world we live in is a world of essences. Everything has an essence, animals, plants, elements, concepts. And only those who can understand them, can see the world as it is.' Gen ended up losing his essence, and after trying everything and not being able to get it back, when he was just about to give up, he meets a man at a pub who after hearing his story, says to him, "Have you ever heard of Dahji? He was the emperor of the greatest empire that once existed in this world. The legends say that every year he would hold a tournament, giving the winner a wish of his choice." "But the empire doesn't exist anymore." "Who said that? Have you ever heard of a desert south of here?" "Yeah, the desert of ..." "Dahji." Gen then decides to go to the desert, and after three years living there, Gen finally leaves towards a ruin that could be the solution he was looking for. but little did he know that this ruin wasn't the end of his troubles, but the beginning of his journey. Follow Gen on his journey in this world of essences, making friends, finding unimaginable places, and dominating the essences.

Motsu_Kion · Fantasy
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459 Chs

Auxiliary Chapter

Hi everyone, how are you?

In this chapter, I will explain how I organize the dialogues in the book, at least currently.

I hope this will make it easier for you to read the book.

Well, let's get started.

First of all, ( " ). I use " when a character is saying something out loud, I always start and end the sentence with them, and I usually indicate who is speaking before the " in the beginning, or after the " at the end of the sentence. (Mostly at the begging after some chapters.)

The same goes for, ( ' ), only instead of speaking, ' is used for thoughts.

Now about the flow of the conversation. Sometimes when a conversation is going on between two characters for more than three or four sentences in a row, I stop quoting who is speaking, and it becomes a matter of speech order, for example:

A said, "My name is A.", B said, "My name is B.", A said, "You have a very pretty name.", B said, "Thank you, my mom picked it out.", "That's cool, I don't know who picked mine out.", "I bet it was your mom too."

In this example, A spoke the sentence, "That's cool, I don't know who picked mine.", and B spoke the sentence, "I bet it was your mom too.", but I didn't quote that.

In this case, I stop quoting the names of the people who are speaking from the fifth sentence onwards, because in my opinion, a conversation has already been established. This is not something that will always happen, but sometimes I do it.

If there's more than three people talking, I'll almost always mention all of their names.

And that's it for now. If I think of anything else, or if you have any doubts while reading, feel free to comment and I will add it here as well.

Have a nice day, and thanks for giving my book a chance :)