
True Dragon Reincarnation

This is a revision of my previous story, "A New Tempest". I making making lots of different changes here. Changes such as events taking place earlier than it is supposed to.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


(One good thing. I have come to the conclusion of many different ships that will in fact happen.

Velzura x Ciel

Velgrynd x Rudra

Velzard x Guy

Veldanava x Lucia (They will make appearances eventually)

Veldora x Ramiris

The entire family gets a happy ending!!)

A far distance away from the Jura Forest. The home to the true dragons Veldora and Velzura Tempest, is a land completely frozen like a tundra. The entire continent was overtaken by the cold weather caused by one being.

The White Ice Dragon Velzard

She has lived on this continent for millennia, with her partner. The first demon as well as the first demon lord.

Guy Crimson

Guy had Velzard freeze this entire continent because he did not wish to be bothered by lesser beings. And any who made it to the continent and survived its harsh conditions were met with a battle with the strongest of the demon lords.

Up until now, there has rarely been anyone to make the journey, so Guy, Velzard and his maids lived here in peace without any annoyances.

Velzard POV:

(A/N: I plan to change Velzards personality. When the True Dragons interact, I don't want Veldora to feel like he's walking on eggshells around them.)

That demon has proved to be an idiot through and through. How much do I have to express myself towards him until he stops being dense?

I think I am honestly done going after him since he lacks the brains to return my feelings.

I could complain more but that would just start to be a hassle. So I guess I'll just lay here.... Doing nothing.... Like usual.

So, I decided to lay in my bed and try to go to sleep. I kept twisting and turning until I decided.

'Nope, I can't sleep.' I have not been able to do so for quite awhile. Only a few days to be honest. I can barely even eat and I don't know why.


Is it.... Because I don't know what happened to Veldora?

No... theres no way. That child probably just died and is going to reincarnate soon. Yea.... I don't feel bad and I'm not worried about him either.

'Hah, why do I have such an idiot of a little brother?' I had thought to myself. But as I was thinking this.... Something weird began to happen.

I was starting to feel fluctuations of magical energy near the Jura Forest. It is unusual, it felt like a True Dragons magical presence. One I have not met before. Had it been Velgrynd or Veldora, I would have been able to tell, but this presence felt different but at the same time similar.

I could pinpoint one of these presences to be Milim. This must mean she was fighting someone. Perhaps another one of us was born and she was fighting the newborn.

Perhaps that demon has also sensed these fluctuations. If it was a new sibling of mine, I'd rather not have him or any of those damn human heroes getting in my way.

I got up and walked to where Guy was, he was simply sitting at a table in the kitchen and drinking tea. Both Mizery and Rain were neutral, standing behind him waiting for his next order.

"I assume you felt that as well?" He asked me, still taking a sip from his tea. I simply nodded to his words, I wished to get a move on in that area so I can see this other True Dragon with my own eyes.

"It appears Milim was fighting someone, but for the life of me I cannot figure out who it was. Perhaps one of those Heroes decided to mess with her." Guy had suggested a possible outcome.

"Oh please, if those heroes decided to mess with my family, it would be the end of them."

"Is that so? But didn't you let one of them seal your brother?"

"That child needed to calm down, I would have assisted him, if I was there. But I was not, so I merely took advantage of this situation. Hopefully he used it to calm down over time."

"You know I never realized why that idiot always rampaged whenever he pleased."

"I am unsure of that as well. Although I have my own beliefs as to why he rampaged, I will keep it to myself."

"Oh.... A secret?"

"Yes. Now if you don't mind me, I am heading out." I said as I began to walk away directly towards our balcony. From their I decided to transform into my dragon form and headed off for the Jura Forest.

Guy POV:

Well.... That was surely interesting. In truth she seems to truly care for that complete doofus.

Never mind that but where is it she is going? Surely she is not off to the Jura Forest. But then again she does care for her family, so she might just be going to see Milim.

With a slight thought on what action I should take my gaze landed on Misery. Of course she noticed this.

"Would you like me to follow Lady Velzard, Lord Guy?" She had asked.

"No, I just thought about it and came to the realization that she might just up and kill you if she found anyone following her. I don't wish to put her in a bad mood."

"Understood my lord." She said and had returned to her position.

Hah, but what is there to do around here? Leon has been busy with his damn student. All Dino does is laze around at Dagruels. Ramiris is a shut in. Luminous is being all touchy with her staff. Milim is in a predicament. Those other demon lords of ours are not entertaining. Much less those heroes are no challenge to fight.

Perhaps I might just have to put Velzard on a bad mood in order to find entertainment.

But just what truly caught her attention enough for her to leave? She rarely leaves as is and she might be preparing for a fight of some kind.

A mischievous grin formed on my face as I had a good but somewhat bad idea. They might gain some distain for me, but who cares.

"Misery, Rain, I will be heading out."

"Understood Guy-sama" They said in unison. I proceeded to teleport to the first person I wish to visit.


Guy POV End:

Ramiris POV:

There I was. Simply enjoying my boring old life within this labyrinth. When all of a sudden...


"Ahhhh!" I turned around in a panic to see a very particular crimson haired demon.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME!" I screamed my head off towards this inconsiderate jerk. YOU DONT JUST POP UP OUT OF NOWHERE!

"Hahaha! Fine, I apologize. Now I have a question for you."

As I was still shaking from both the shock and fear of this jerk popping up out of nowhere, he asked a question as well.


Luckily for him, I am mature enough to not yell that. So instead I just let out a little "hm?" To tell him he can continue.

"Did you sense anything abnormal within the Jura Forest?" The forest. All I ever managed to hear about from there was Veldoras disappearance.

"No, I have not heard or sense anything besides Veldora disappearing." I gave an honest answer.

"Besides the True Dragons and I, Do you know of anyone who can fight Milim?"

What kind of answer is this?! Besides them and me in my prime, who the hell can even fight her?!


"Thanks for the answer, I was thinking the heroes were picking a fight with her or maybe one of our lesser demon lords were somehow fighting her. Anyways I will be calling a Walpurgis, so I need you to sign off on it." He merely stated before disappearing once more. But something could not leave my mind.

"Someone..... was fighting Milim?"

Ramiris POV End:

To the northeast of the frozen continent existed an empire called the Holy Empire of Ruberios.

It was a peaceful place, one where people could live happily and peacefully due to their protectors.

The protectors of this country are holy knights. And the highest level of the holy knights are the 10 great saints. All of those knights are either a calamity level threat or a lowest end of disaster level.

The Holy Knights maintained peace in Ruberios as well as keeping them safe from the ones they deem the enemy of humanity.


But what most the inhabitants of Ruberios do not know, is the fact that their secret and true leader is a monster. A vampire in fact. But this information was only known to other vampires and one select individual.

Luminous Valentine POV:

"What the hell are you doing?" I could only question the very distinct individual before me.

"What? A fellow demon lord can't pay you a visit?" He asked jokingly. But right now I am not in a joking mood.

'I HAVE AN OUTFIT THAT WOULD LOOK GREAT ON HINATA!' I screamed inwardly. This better not take long, I need Hinata to have this dressed in this outfit.

I proceeded to slap my cheeks to snap out of my trance. Hurry, If I end this quickly, I can get to dressing up Hinata.

"What do you need Guy?"

"I wanted to know aside from the True Dragons and Myself, is there anyone you are aware of who can fight Milim?"

"Is this related to what Milim was doing in the forest?" I asked.

"Hoh, so you sensed it as well?"

"Of course. I have been keeping my eye on that fools seal ever since he got sealed. But to answer your question, no I am not aware of anyone who can fight that hurricane of chaos."

"I figured as much. Anyways I am hosting a Walpurgis, I want you to sign off on it."

"Do I have a choice?" To my question he simply smiled as if saying "Not at all."

"Fine, I will sign off on it." I let out a heavy sigh to vent my frustration.

"Excellent! See you there." He said before turning around and disappearing.

Great! Now I can get back to my Hinata time!

"Gunther, Call Hinata here now!" I called out to him, out in the distance I could hear him give a short response.

'Hahaha! Soon I will see all your wonderful curves!' I thought to myself with excitement like a child getting a crate full of sweets.

Five Days Later:

Guy Crimson POV:

The day has arrived.

Who would have thought we would be having another Walpurgis this soon?

Except there will be No attendants. Including no one has a choice to attend.

Currently, I am inside our Venue as I am the first one of us present.

Rain and Misery are gathering the participants. After a few minutes, slowly but surely each and everyone of the demon lords were showing up.

The first to arrive was Ramiris. After her was Dagruel, Luminous and Dino. Then Leon, Carrion, Frey, and lastly Clayman. For some reason Milim did not show up, I guess she is still having fun with this person.

But it is no problem, she can be a nuisance at times, so she can be the one person who does not have to show up.

Well, time to address everyone.

"Firstly, thank you all for showing up. Not like you had a choice in the matter. But lets commence this Walpurgis." I was met with nothing else but silence, until one person spoke up.

"What is the meaning for this Guy?" It was my best friend Leon.

"As you all may have sensed prior to this meeting. There has been a strange fluctuation of magicules within the Jura Forest." To my statement, everyone looked unfazed. Everyone except our newest members, Carrion,Frey and Clayman. They had an expression of fear and surprise. And there was no reaction from a certain sleepy and lazy bastard.

"Is there a point to this? We have no reason to be inside the forest." Luminous perked up and spoke.

"You see, the reason Milim is not present currently may be she is still within the forest. I believe that she may have been fighting another person. However, I am unsure if it was one of those heroes or someone else." Everyone was surprised by this, who on this earth besides only a few of the people present could fight Milim.

"Someone was fighting Milim? Are you sure she was not just destroying anything?" Dagruel had asked.

"Come on. We all know how Milim can be, she does not rampage unless she has a reason to. She may be dim but she is not a complete idiot." Everyone had essentially nodded agreement. Dino was still sleeping. But whatever, I continued to speak.

"I believe I have taken an interest in this unknown individual. I even believe Velzard has also taken an interest in them."

"Why do you think that?" Frey spoke up and asked.

"As soon as she felt the both of them, she left all in a hurry. Currently I sense her power within the forest." I explained.

"So what if the frost dragon took an interest in the forest? It does not affect us." Leon had said.

"That is correct, Leon. But it does affect a few of us present." I turned my gaze towards than of Clayman, Frey and Carrion. Everyone else noticed this and shifted their gaze to them as well.

"The three of them have some activity going on within the forest. And their plan has already been put into motion."

"No problem with that Guy. We will cease everything we have inside the forest." Frey was the first of them to speak up.

"No need for that Frey. Velzard should not be harming you in your activities. But there is no need to cease your activities. I want you to try and further gauge this persons power. And once done, try to get them under us. If you can't, then I surely will." I explained to them.

They simply nodded in agreement. Although they did seem reluctant about accepting my offer.

"Now then, this is a Demon Lord Banquet after all. So lets begin!" I said as I motioned for Rain and Misery to bring out the courses of meals. From that moment onward, we all simply enjoyed the meal. Due to Milim being absent, it was fairly quiet. Luminous and Leon had left after the meeting was over.

But in truth, I could care less about this meeting right now.

I said what I needed to say.

I have three other demon lords trying to observe and capture this unknown individual.

It is exciting.

A person who could fight Milim just shows up out of nowhere. They may prove to be a nuisance or an ally. But either way, things look like they are going to be a hell of a lot more fun.

My heart has not raced this hard in centuries.