

They always say that we can’t control what will happen to our lives. But I always think of the opposite way. That only me, myself and I can control my life.

I have always been strict of the plans I have every day. From the time I wake up until I go to bed. I don’t have any spare time for any sudden plans.

Every time I list down the things I wanted to do on my planner, there is this one main goal that I always wanted to achieve. And this is to be free after college and to achieve my dream job. And that is to make my own name in the ceramic industry.

I have always been a fan of ceramic designs and all the things that includes it. My dream to achieve this has always been an impossible thing for me to reach as what my relatives says. They always tell me to just focus on what has been started which is my parents’ business.

But who cares? I do not need their opinion if they will just oppose my decision. If I have my family who supports me in everything, I will be fine.

One day all these plans came to an end. My dreams, my goals and even my relationship with some of the people in my life have been sacrificed because of a mistake.

“NAZZZ!!” I heard someone called me. I am now in a grocery to buy stuffs for the small party later.

I looked at the person who called me and raised my brow. What is this lady doing here?

“I miss you so much!” She said then hug me. I smiled to surpass my laugh. She just visited me yesterday in my office for the same reason.

“What? We’re together yesterday, Shie” I said and break from the hug. I scanned her outfit, and she is wearing a tight long sleeve dress.

“Of course, I miss you every day. But you look good today. Look’s like you’re not going to work.” She said after that I looked at my clothes.

I am wearing a simple High waist ripped jeans, a simple off-shoulder top, and a sandal. I look like I am going for a walk in a park.

“Yeah, I took a day off for today.” I said and continued walking and she walks beside me.

“What brings you here?” I asked her as I scan the shelves for the ingredients.

“Well, I was in the hospital when Tita Maribel ask me to help you here.” She said in delight and I just nodded.

I sighed. I see mom is still worried whenever this day comes. But I am alright now.

“Very well what’s for my baby’s birthday?” She said while scanning my cart.

“It’s my baby it’s not yours.” I rolled my eyes at her and she just laughed at me.

After completing the list, we decided to go for a walk in the mall. It is summer here in LA. So, the mall is slightly crowded. Shie decided to take the groceries first in her car and I told her that I will be looking for gifts.

I was in the kid’s wear to look for some clothes for Avi when I found a familiar face. I felt cold for a moment, but he suddenly walks away. Maybe I was just hallucinating.

But my gut is telling me to follow the guy to make sure that we are safe. I was about to follow him when Shie came.

“Naz, who are you looking at?” she asks confused.

“Nothing I already found a gift, let’s go home” I said trying to ignore her interrogations and to make sure that the guy I just saw will not follow us.

She was still confused but she just ignored it and we go straight to her car. I was still breathing heavily and trying to calm myself. He is not supposed to be here.

Shie is stealing glances at me because of my continuous sighs.

“Are you really okay?” She asked worriedly.

“Yeah, Maybe I’m just too tired from work yesterday and for planning the party.” I said to stop her worry.

I always told everything to her and to Jay, our other friend. But this time I do not want to worry them.

“Okay. Tell me if something is wrong. By the way, Jay is already in your house. She started the decorations already.” She said and smiled at me.

“I don’t really trust her designing skills. We should hurry” I laughed a bit.

“Yeah, me too.” She said and laughed with me.

The huge gate of our house slides as soon as it detected Shie’s car. She got straight to the garage. I got off the car and took some of the groceries and my gift at her trunk.

“I’ll go in first. Take the other stuffs inside. Thanks.” I said and walked to the front door.

Our house here in LA is not that big it only has two floors and & bedrooms. I walked in and passed the living and dining area to put the bags in the kitchen. I saw my mother already baking the cake.

“Oh, you’re here already” Mom said and kissed my cheek.

“Where’s Avi?” I asked while arranging the groceries on the counter.

I am planning to cook white pasta and pizza for the party later. It is not really that big I just invited some of my friend and their child so that Avi can enjoy his party.

“He’s in his room with Chad.” She said while taking out the cake from the oven. Chad is Jay’s son. Maybe Jay is also with them.

I nodded and started to prepare the ingredients. I was nervous because I thought the guy, I saw earlier will take Avi. But now that I know his fine maybe I am just paranoid. I started to cook as soon as I finished preparing.

After all the things I have been through. After all the things I have realized. The mistake that I always despite is just a blessing in disguised. I cried tons of tears when that day happened but now, I learned to treasure that blessing. And that is Avi and all the things that I got after that day.

I already got all the things that I wanted. I always thought that I will no longer achieve the dreams that I have. But the people around me helped me to stand again. And now I have my own company that manufactures ceramic products to the different parts of the world except for that country. My country.

Philippines is the place where I grew. But that is where all the delays in my dream happened and the person that I do not want to see ever again is sleeping peacefully in that place.

So as much as possible I tried to avoid having a connection in that country. I am fine now. We are fine now. Me and Avi.

“Mommmmm!” I heard Avi calling me. I just finished the last dish for the party later. I told the aids to put it in the garden.

“Yes, Baby? How are you?” I walk close to him and kneeled in front of him to fix his messy hair.

“I’m fine mom. I’m just thirsty” he said. Avi is already 6.

“Okay, I’ll get you some water.” I smiled at him and gave him a glass of water.

He started drinking it and I felt so emotional that he is growing so fast. I stared at him. His features are the same with me and I am thankful for that but there is one thing that he got from his father. His eyes. Those almond-shaped blueish grey eyes. I am not against it, but I am afraid that if someday we are to cross paths with his father, he will know immediately. And I am scared that he might take away Avi from me.

I wiped the tear that escaped my eyes when he finished his drink.

“Let’s go honey I’ll give you a bath so that we can start the party the visitors are already in the garden.” I said and took his hand.

After I finished taking care of Avi I told the maid to take him to the garden. I got in my room and took a half bath. I decided to wear a fitted white shoulder puffed dress that is above the knee long.

The party started after my mother finished decorating the cake. I prepared a simple program for the kids. After that, the parents took care of their children. I was beside Avi when Shie and Jay came to us. They gave their gift to Avi and kissed him.

I was looking at them and I am thankful that these girls have been supporting me since then.

After the party Shie and Jay decided to stay for the night. We started to clean things upas soon as the last visitor left.

“Jay, how about your husband?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about him. He is of age. He can take care of himself.” She laughed.

We are now sitting in the stairs before the front door.

“This wine taste good.” Shie said.

“Everything is good, as long as it is a liquor, for you” Jay said, and we all laugh.

“When are you planning to have a family, Shie?” I asked in curiosity.

“I’m busy. I have a tight schedule in my clinic.” She said and took a shot again.

I shook my head and smiled. I do not know what I will do if these girls are not in my life.

“Busy your ass! You are just afraid of commitment. DUH!” Jay spit at her and we both laughed so hard while Shie is glaring at us.

We were still laughing when someone rang the doorbell. We were confused because the party ended at 4 in the afternoon. And it is already pass 8 in the evening.

I stood up and walk to our gate. The ones where only people can fit. We do not have any guards at home because we live in a village.

“Who’s that?” I asked while opening the gate.

I felt numb. I did not expect this at all. I thought I am just paranoid and keep thinking of things. Why? Why is he here?

I just stood there about to cry because of the fear for his presence.

“How are you Thal?”