

The alarm woke me up from my deep sleep. I got up and took my phone. I started scanning for music and played it. I get off my bed and took my planner on the table beside my vanity set.

I flipped the pages to go to the date today. It is our firs day for the last semester in senior high.

I was still scanning my planner when my favorite song started to play. I took my towel and walk inside the bathroom.

After I took a bath a started arranging my things in my bag and all the stuffs I need for today. I took my planner and check the list of everything. After making sure that I am all set, I rushed downstairs to eat my breakfast. My parents are probably still sleeping. I am an only child, so it is usual for me to eat alone sometimes.

Kane must be here at 7:00 so we will not be late. I was eating my breakfast peacefully when I he suddenly appears on our dining area. I almost choke on my toast.

I drank my coffee and gave him a glare.

“Geez! Can you at least make a sound when you walk? I could’ve died because of the toast.” I said and continued eating.

“You know I don’t do that” He said and sat in front of me.

He just stared at me while I eat. His name is Kane Dalfon Golveo. He is my closest friend. We have been friends since grade 7. I do not know why I became friends with him. We are the total opposite. I am also quiet but when you get to know me, I’m loud.

“Eat first.” I told him because he is just there not saying anything.

He just nodded but he still did not move a thing.

I just let him do what he wants. I do not really care.

We were about to leave when my parents woke up.

It is already 6:58 when we got into his car. It is always like this. He always fetches me, and we go to school together. But sometimes when he woke up late, I always took a cab to go to school because I cannot let him ruin my plans for every day.

After arriving a thanked him and got off his car.

“Bye K. I will see you at lunch. Bring Chel” I said and shut the passenger’s door.

I went inside our room and took a seat on a chair in the middle row. I am not in the same class as Kane and of my other friends because we have different course. But we always make sure to have lunch together. Chel is also our friend from Junior high but we just met her when we are in grade 9.

The bell rang and the class started at 8:30.

“Excuse me sir, I’m sorry I’m late” the guy at the back door said. He looks so tired from running but he still manages to smile. I do not know him. Maybe his new. He is kinda cute.

Some of my female classmates giggled at his sight. I looked away and focus my gaze on front.

“I guess you are Mr. Montero?” Sir Agdipa said.

“Yes sir. Sorry for being late sir. I forgot that It’s our first day today.” He said still smiling. I looked at him in surprised. I laugh a bit with my classmates. How can he forget about that? I even planned this day a week ahead.

“What an excuse. Anyway, take a seat already.” Sir told him.

He nodded and found a seat just behind me. The class continued after that.

It was our second subject for the day and the prof assigned for the subject was not able to meet us, so it was an early lunch for us. I stood up only to meet the gaze Mr. Montero. I ignored it and fixed my things. Maybe I will just stay on the tables in front of K’s building.

“What do you want?” I ask cause him following my every move annoys me.

“Nothing. I just want to know where you are going.” He said and gave me a smile.

I was stunned for a bit. I admit that smile is contagious, but I am not his friend, so I will keep a straight face.

“I’m going to meet my friends.” I said. I almost told him that it is not his business, but I remembered he is a transferee so maybe he does not have any friends here yet.

“Can I come with you? I do not know anyone from here. And I think you’re the most approachable person here.” He said while looking around.

Is he insulting me? Everyone here voids me because I always look like I am in a bad mood. And from the looks of it every girl in this room literally wants to be with him. I rolled my eyes and just nodded at him. He looked so innocent that is why I let him come.

I walked out of the room and he follows. We were walking side by side. Everyone is looking at us or maybe looking at him. How can they not. He is smiling all the time.

He tried to strike a conversation with me, and I answered him properly. He is fun to be with.

“By the way, my name is Russel” He said

“You told me almost all of your childhood experience, but you forgot to introduce yourself” I said and chuckled. The ABM building is a ten-minute walk from our building that is why we have a longer time to talk.

“I’m sorry. I am really a talkative person. I love fun. But what’s your name?” He asked and glanced at me.

“Thal. Thalliya Nazri Deborah” I said and held out my hand for formalities.

“Nice name. It suits you.” He said and smiled again. So, I smiled at him too.

Isn’t it tiring to always smile like that? My jaw hurts just from seeing it.

We arrived at the ABM building. I found our usual place and put my bag on the concrete table and sat down. Russ also took a seat beside me.

I texted K and Chel that I am at our usual spot. They told me that their class is about to be done so I just waited for them.

“Well, well, well look who’s here?” Kyle said and smiled at me. He is with Kim and Andrea.

“Long time no see, Thallll!!” Andrea hugged me tight.

“You look pretty as always.” She said and took a seat on my right because Russel is on my left.

“Care to introduce us to this hottie, babe?” Kim said while eyeing the guy beside me.

“This is Russel Montero. He is new here. He asks me if it is okay to join us since he doesn’t know anyone here” I explained while catching their malicious eyes.

“Did you tell Kane about this? Does he know that you brought a guy on our usual spot?” Kyle said knowingly.

“I’ll tell him later. I’m sure he’ll understand” I smiled at them. I forgot to tell K that I took Russel with me. But why am I afraid of. It is not like I am cheating on him. I shrugged my shoulder to ignore the thought.

“Ohhh. You think he’ll understand?” Kim said while still looking at Russel.

“Yes. I assure you.”

“Who’s this?” We heard K’s deep voice behind us.

I turn around to face him. I almost rolled my eyes when I saw Chel’s books at his arm. I smiled to hide this hideous feeling.

“This is Russel. From now on he will be with us. He’s new here.” I said and turned my back from him. I do not know why I am feeling like this. It is strange.