
Trough Maipad!

A love thousands of miles away ... A love under the same sky ... A love in different places ... A spiritual love ... A love from a distance ... A love through Maipad! Come and discover the story of these two persons, of this great love between, Elizabeth and Tyler. Is it possible to fall in love with someone without meeting them in person? Do you believe? What will happen? Because something always has to happen Could that love be true? Because it shouldn't be Can they fight for their love? Why not, who prevents them from doing so The only thing that prevents people from being happy is death… And, is this the case? How could we know, nobody knows what awaits you in the future… What about you, Do you believe in love from a distance? It all started that night after New Year's eve... Is this the end of all endings?

quiqueg89 · Teen
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191 Chs

Chapter 57. Carla

It had been about 3 hours since I had gone to visit Elizabeth, we had a bit of an intense conversation because of everything that had happened in the last few days. 

But what bothered me the most (I don't know if it was with her or in spite of her) is that they told her about the accident first, taking into account that it was nothing to do with Tyler, well yes she was his girlfriend but they had never seen each other in person until then, it would have been more logical that they contacted me, I was his best friend and the one who had gone with him there, I was one of the closest people to him that there was in the city. But that doesn't matter much anymore, he's been stepped on.

I had bought myself a cappuccino from the coffee shop on my way back to the office. (It felt so weird to say it like that, it was the first time I had a real job).