
Trough Maipad!

A love thousands of miles away ... A love under the same sky ... A love in different places ... A spiritual love ... A love from a distance ... A love through Maipad! Come and discover the story of these two persons, of this great love between, Elizabeth and Tyler. Is it possible to fall in love with someone without meeting them in person? Do you believe? What will happen? Because something always has to happen Could that love be true? Because it shouldn't be Can they fight for their love? Why not, who prevents them from doing so The only thing that prevents people from being happy is death… And, is this the case? How could we know, nobody knows what awaits you in the future… What about you, Do you believe in love from a distance? It all started that night after New Year's eve... Is this the end of all endings?

quiqueg89 · Teen
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191 Chs

Chapter 50. Alisa

Andres was indicating where to park the car so I could enter a coffee shop he had suggested to celebrate my new license.

There," I pointed to an empty spot where I could do so, and he nodded his head.

I parked the car between two others of the same color, possibly confusing them on the way back, although none of them were the same model, the only thing they shared was the color. 

We got out of the car and walked a few meters, neither of us was talking, each one was quiet and deep in his own thoughts. We went through the lane where the bicycles usually go and when we finished crossing we had arrived at the coffee shop, it was called "Albus" the truth was not a very striking name to give to a coffee shop, unless that meant something or that the coffee shop is themed and with a unique style.