
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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114 Chs

feng-yan contracting the fire.

All of them leave the capital city to go back to the forest where they do their training it took them three weeks to return to the forests when they reach their everyone rest for night and again in the morning they start their training with this training not only there stamina has improve but also there speed and also in others asset.

"feng'er today you will contract with the fire we had got from those alchemist with this flame you will able to practice pills now yun will first tame the flame but it's not that easy yun these type of spiritual flame are very prideful they don't like to be controlled those alchemist must has failed to tame the flame that why they want to exchange the flame with other things"

"now I want leigong and lim to not let anyone came in the forest or nesr this training area you all know while contracting or taming one should not be disturbed" everyone understand how much dangerous and important to be disturbed.

"you don't need to worry we will not let anyone came here even if they dare to came here then my poison will kill them" lim pat her chest proudly.

"and by any chance the person is still alive then I will not leave him alive so you don't need to worry master" leigong assure him.

"master with this flame I will able to become real alchemist thank you very much master for taking care all of us" master shook his head as he spoke.

"you are my students and students are equal to own child and which parents don't care of there child it's their duty to do that now let yun tame the beast for you" with that he take out the flame from his own space once a person become immortal they develop there own space where one can put living things.

master has set up a array formation so the flame don't run away as he predicted as soon as he take out the flame it try to run away but the array make it impossible for him to go anywhere then the flame set his eyes on the old man but he give off very powerful aura so he don't dare to approach him so it make the girls target.

when the flame reach near to feng'er it was block by a very powerful energy the flame can see dark red colour cloud around feng-yan which can only develop after fighting and living in edge of blades then he turn to yun but he start feeling dizzy when it look at her eyes.

the flame realise that it's useless to struggle under there hands it's much better to submit not only he has chance to become more stronger but even cultivating his own body is not that hard so obediently stay infront of yun who tame the flame fully but it exhaust her mental energy master stuff a pill inside her mouth and let her rest inside the hut he then spoke to feng-yan.

"feng'er now you only need to insert your spiritual energy in the flame then the process of contracting will be done" feng'er nodded her head and follow his instructions.

she put her hand on the fire she felt burning sensation in her hand but the flame didn't burn her hand since yun has tame it for her she close her eyes and insert her spiritual energy in the flame soon the temperature around her arouse she start feeling burning sensation.

the flame engulf her whole body soon she broke out in sweat the flame was running wild inside her veins her blood was boiling like the flame want to burn her alive but suddenly her silent beast seed react those three leafs which has came out from the seed shook in excitement as weird energy came out from the seed which make the temperature around her to rise more dramatically.

this change surprise master he know that spirit beasts are prideful and they usually don't let other beast contract with their master unless it benefit them or the beast is very powerful for them to resist but this flame is top notch then why did her beast react in this manners.

infact the plant is not resisting the flame but infact it's trying to merge the flame with himself that why the temperature raiss cause the human blood is warm in nature and the flame is also hot that why the temperature rise more then normal but this make feng'er to feel unbearable pain she almost faint away.

but master throw a pill inside her mouth which make her mind to become clear for few mintues but it's don't has permanent effect which make master to worry about her if this continue then she will die from pain.

blood start coming out from her mouth, ear and nose she become bloody mess when the flame vanish master rush out and stuff few healing pill, blood replenishing pill and qi recovery pill in her mouth then he check her pulse only them he sigh in relief her breath was weak but it's still their feng'er manage to hold on cause of the medical bath she take regularly and the water from the space pound also has effect on her body which her more stronger then other and her mental energy is also very strong.

all of this make feng'er survive this calamity or else she has died today master leave her in hut to rest he remove the formation which make both lim and leigong to rush back when they saw blood on the ground they were taken back with shock as they bombard master with questions.

"what happen here"

"who's blood is this"

"is feng'er okay"

"do something happen to yun"

"or did something goes wrong during the process"

"calm down let me talk first then I will tell you what happen here and both yun and feng'er are fine just resting right now you both don't need to panick" only then did both of them relax and listen to master who's telling them about the incident that happen here.