
Chapter 19

Henry had just finished off his second cup of hot chocolate when he felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out, answering it but was surprised to hear it was Hook. Although he listened and frowned a little bit hearing there was an argument. He didn't know what would have happened when his mom and grandparents left but he didn't think it was as bad as it turned out to be. "You and my mom?" He echoed. He didn't sound angry though, more surprised but he was already starting to get up off his stool. "I can come." He said. "Are you at your ship?" He asked wanting to make sure that's where they still were as he waved bye to Ruby and left the diner, heading down the street. "I'm on my way." He told him before he hung up but as he walked he saw Snow and Regina standing there talking.

Killian nodded and replied. "yes mate, alright...see you soon" he hung up and pushed his phone into his pocket and held Emma, his other arm around her and pulling her in close. "He's on his way love" he whispered softly, he didn't want anyone else upsetting her or making her angry, he assured himself that he would indeed find a way to fix this.

Emma nodded before she lifted her head to look up at him, running her fingers along his arm. "I know I have said this but thank you." She told him. "For just being here." She added. She still felt upset about the argument and by the words that had been said but she was glad to have him with her. She kept her eyes on him before she leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw, the area david had punched before she sat back and moved her hand to be in his, lacing their fingers. Killian nodded and pressed a kiss to her temple, running his hand through her hair. "anything for you love" he hummed softly. Hook smiled softly feeling her lips against the red mark on his jaw, it calmed the dull throbbing that was there. "if you wanted to break up with me swan....or...even take a break from the relationship...I'd understand" he said quietly.

Emma pressed another small kiss against his jaw before she looked up at him but hearing his words he leaned back and shook her head, putting a hand on his cheek. "Just because of what happened. I am not going to end this or just want to take a break." She told him. "I still do want to be with you, Killian." Emma said and gave a smile. "I promise that this argument doesn't change how I feel." She said. "And I know you aren't the same pirate you once were.. I know that after he hit you that you would have fought back." She said softly.

Killian nodded and he agreed. "Good...because the last thing I want to be is apart from you" he said softly and kissed her hand after bringing it up to her lips. "You only know a little about the pirate I used to be" he hummed softly but decided to drop the matter, that wasn't the most important thing right now. "hey...I think Henry is here" he said hearing some creaking behind him.

"I don't want to be a part from you either." Emma said softly and gave a smile. "I know I don't know much of the pirate you were. But I know you are changing." She said softly before she pressed a kiss to his cheek just before she heard what he said about Henry and nodded as she slowly stood up

"Henry?" Regina asked, she quickly wiped her tears away and crouched in front of him, straightening the collar of his coat. "What are you doing here?" She asked softly, she had expected him to still be at the diner, but she could feel in her gut that he knew what had happened. Before she had seen Henry she was planning on going back to her office, but now it came to her mind to visit Mr Gold, to ask him if he knew anything of what was happening to them, if there was someway to remember, or a way to stop her hand shaking violently every time she saw her son, guilt and regret slowly building up and up. "Did someone call you?" She asked softly, hiding her other hand behind her back slightly as it shook. She hadn't wanted to expose Henry to this argument yet, not like this.

Henry looked up at his mom and gave a smile before nodding. "Hook called." He told them. "He said something about an argument and that she wasn't doing well so I was going to spend some time with mom." Henry explained but then he frowned, a look of concern crossing his face. "Was that argument as bad as it seems?" He asked.

Snow looked at her and nodded. "You did do that. But it is alright. It all worked out, didn't it? We're together." She told her but knew she probably still felt bad about what had happened those years ago. She looked at her with a little concern but that left slightly when she saw her grandson. Snow gave her grandson a smile. "Everything will be alright." She told the boy, she didn't want him to worry as much about this argument or know the full extent of what was all said.

Regina looked down at Henry and cupped his cheek a little. "don't worry...it'll all smooth over soon" she stood up and let out a small sigh. "go to your mom Henry..." Regina said softly. "don't keep her waiting too long" she said and let him be on his way. She took a small sigh and turned to Snow. "Will you be alright with him?" She asked referring to David, though she had believed that he had calmed down a little now. She didn't want to leave her alone in case David was still angry, but her heart screamed to be alone, she hurt everyone she had come to now love or deeply care about, she brushed a hand over her face to wipe away the remaining tears, putting both hands in her pocket and letting out another small sigh, maybe if she made a deal with rumple this could all end, or she could simply lock herself away in her office, she hadn't decided yet.

Henry gave her a smile and nodded. "How about I come by later and me and you can have some dinner?" He suggested to Regina before he reached out to give her a hug before letting go and continuing on his way to the Jolly Roger

Snow watched with a small smile before she gave a small sigh. "I think I've given him enough time to calm down. Maybe he's much calmer by now." She said. "I'll be alright." She added and reached out to give Regina's hand a gentle squeeze. "Will you be alright?" She asked her, "if you need anything. Call me." She told her, she wanted to be there for her and wanted Regina know that Snow was here if she needed anything.

Regina hesitated slightly but then hugged Henry back, she looked over his shoulder to see her hand trembling a little, she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of the hug before pulling back and nodded. "I can make us an apple turnover" she chuckled softly cupping his chin softly before letting him go off to the ship. She then turned to Snow, letting out a small smile. "Thank you..." She whispered. She felt herself getting upset, tears beginning to form in her her eyes, she pulled her shaking hand out of Snows and put it into her coat. "You too" she said, she then quickly turned around and left, walking away from snow quickly as the tears began to fall down her face.

Regina was only walking a few minutes before she was at Mr Gold's pawnshop. She wiped the tears off her face and entered the shop. "Mr gold?" She called out wondering if he was in, as far as she knew, he hadn't been affected by this curse, so she had a little hope that he'd be able to help her, no matter what price she had to pay. Gold had been in the back of his shop when he heard the door open and walked out, raising an eyebrow when he saw who walked in. "What can I do for you, mayor?" He asked, leaning against his cane slightly.

Regina rolled her eyes, Rumple never seemed affected by any curse which rolled through the town. "No doubt you already know about what's happened... so let's get to it" she pulled her hand out from her pocket which was now violently trembling. "can you stop it?" She asked, she couldn't have this keep happening to her, each time it shook when she saw Henry or she was upset, she only thought of them visions she had about her time in Neverland, needless to say it was also affecting her magic.

Rumple walked over and looked at the mayor when he saw how violently her hand was trembling. "I do know what's happened to all." He said. "If I were able to, what do I get out of this?" He asked her, leaning against the desk slightly. "I don't believe that can be fixed by something simple. What happened to cause the mayor to have her hand tremble like it is?" He asked her.

Regina clenched her jaw, she was in no mood for his games. "we disappeared and we've all been having flashbacks....mine involved something that happened to Henry, I had a panic attack when I came around and my hand was shaking, now every time I look at him this happens " she hoped he was satisfied with the answer. She moved her hand down by her side and looked at him with a heavy sigh. "I'll do anything. What is it you want?" She asked Mr Gold.

Rumple listened to her and shrugged a bit. "Sounds like this has more to do with your own feelings." He said simply. "You need to try and figure out how to get what you're feeling under control and the trembling of your hand will stop." He said and shrugged, a small smirk on his face. "I haven't decided what it is I want yet." He said. "Are we done now?" He asked her. Regina shook her head. "no. And we don't have a deal" she smirked. "I wanted something physical from you to help...not something I would have eventually realised on my own" she shrugged and turned around. "Therefore you get nothing in return. Oh well..." She said and began to turn around, ready to leave his shop and head home.

Rumple gave a sigh as he watched her and straightened up slightly, though he leaned against his cane a little bit before he spoke. "Fine. I'll help." He said. "But for me to do that, you have to make a deal that if I ever need a favor you'll do it." He said. He wanted the queen to be able to do a favor for him if a time came for that. "Then I will help." He told her.

Regina looked up at him, she was ready to take the deal, but no one who ever made a deal with him fared well, the price was almost too high, and this favour could end up being anything. "On second thought....I'll try the emotion thing first" she smirked and left his shop before she could change her mind. Rumple waited to hear her response but when he heard she wasn't going to take the deal, he gave a shrug. "Alright, suite yourself." He said simply, watching as the mayor left the shop. Regina went home and walked up to her bedroom, she slid down against the door after she shut it behind her and pulled her knees up to her chest, burying her head in them and sobbed gently, sitting in the darkness and alone like she deserved.