
chapter 18

David clenched his jaw and he shook his head. "That wasn't our choice and you know it!" He snapped slightly, he couldn't believe that Emma had even said that. He turned to look at snow and the glare in his eyes quickly disappeared when he heard how stern she was. "You can't possibly be alright with this?" He said before turning to Emma. "The reason I am angry is because I lied, perhaps I'd have acted differently if you'd have told me. You're no daughter of mine" he shook his head and sighed turning to snow. "Let's go then before I kill him" he said and started to walk off the ship still in a slight fit of rage.

Regina looked between the two couples in shock, now she really was glad that Henry hadn't come, and how she was going to explain this to Henry she didn't know. She waited until prince charming left the ship and walked towards Emma. "I'm sorry about that..." She said meaning slapping her father. She used her magic and healed the cut on Killian's lip. "You could have told us...me...I thought I was your friend..." She said sadly, it wasn't often she threw that word around. "But...if you do need a place to stay....there's a spare room at mine" she said with a small nod and then also turning to leave the pirate and the saviour.

Emma stared at David hearing his words. Though she didn't reply this time, she just stood there watching as her parents walked away before her attention turned to Regina but her eyes softened, just a little at hearing her words and knew the mayor often didn't use the word friend like that. "I know.." she said and she knew she could have told Regina, that she would have probably understood this and why she didn't want to tell her parents. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. you are my friend." Emma told Regina. Though the savior could feel herself still tensed. "Thank you.." she said hearing there was a spare room at Regina's if she needed it.

Killian thanked Regina when she healed his lip and he held onto Emma's hand. "Calm down Swan, it's alright, he's going" he said standing behind her slightly and holding onto her tightly. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and slipped his hook into the middle of her clenched up fist. "If you need to squeeze and let the anger out then do it....are you okay?" He asked softly after a moment, he had gotten heated too and it certainly wasn't the way he had expected this situation to unravel. He had also agreed with everything that Emma had said, he wondered what Snow thought since she hadn't said much, not that she had the chance to between David's temper.

Emma closed her eyes slightly when she felt the pirates touch and the coldness of his hook between her clenched fists, giving his hook a squeeze until she let go and just sat down on the deck right where she stood, putting her head in her hands with a small groan. "No, I'm not okay." She said. The anger seeming to have left her at least a little and she didn't know how to feel right now.

Killian frowned slightly. "I'm okay Swan, you punch harder than that" he joked lightly trying to cheer her up, when he saw her sink to the floor he knelt down behind her, pulling her back into his chest, he wanted to wrap his arms around her but felt she needed space. "nothing he said was true...he was angry, because of me...it wasn't anything you did" he pressed a gentle kiss to her head and gently rest a hand on her shoulder. "What can I do, love?" He asked quietly desperately wanting to help.

Emma took a deep breath before she lifted her head, trying to smile a little at his joke before she felt her back against his chest, just letting herself lean back into him a little bit. "He was angry I lied. Maybe I should have told them the truth but I just.. liked having a relationship that was mine and I knew how it could have gone." Emma said. "I just.. didn't think it would have gone this way." She admitted before she turned a little bit, shaking her head. "You didn't want to run off once he punched you. That's enough for me." She whispered before she let her head fall against his chest, she wasn't sure where she would sleep tonight or about when she could go and get her clothes. Or what she would tell Henry later.

Killian listened to her carefully, he'd never seen her quite this broken down and defenceless. "Emma....what's done is done...and I would never leave your side, ever, and I never will. Charming will realise this isn't just some phase he can wait out" he said. He moved to kneel down in front of her and gently cupped her cheek. "Do you want to me to call Henry? You could spend some time with him? And don't worry...you can stay with me tonight if you like" Killian offered gently brushing his thumb over her cheek.

Emma lifted her head up to look up at the pirate, trying for another smile. She reached out and put a hand on his arm, giving it a squeeze. She hadn't ever felt as vulnerable as she did at the moment but she wasn't going to try and hide it. Emma sighed a bit and gave a smile hearing he wouldn't leave her before asking. "And what if he doesn't realize that?" She asked. She didn't know how it would go if her dad never got over this or realized that she wasn't going to end things with him. Hearing his offer, she nodded some. "I think spending some time with Henry would be nice." She said. And she had to tell Henry about them before he heard, if he didn't already know. "Are you sure?" She asked hearing the offer to stay with him tonight before she leaned into his touch, letting her eyes close slightly.

Hook shook his head quickly, eyes searching hers gently and he sat down, crossing his knees beneath him. He continued to cup her cheek and kissed her forehead. "it will pass...and if not, then we'll compromise" he promised. "don't worry about it for now." He whispered. He held her close and then pulled out his phone, he dialed Henry's number and held it to his ear trapping it with his shoulder so that he had his hand free to hold onto Emma's and comfortingly squeeze it. "Of course you can stay at mine love, as long as you need" he waited for Henry to pick up and sighed once he heard the phone answered. "Henry lad, David found out me and Emma were dating and he didn't respond too well, there was a little argument...and...." He paused, he wasn't going to sugarcoat it, he needed to know, and much unlike some of the others he felt it best to actually tell Henry things. "Emma's not doing so great....she wants to see you, I think it'd really help her" he said quickly, keeping his eyes fixed on her while waiting for Henry's reply, hoping that he too wouldn't be angry and refuse to see her.

Emma gave him a small smile and nodded. "Thank you, Hook." She whispered. At least she wouldn't have to think of where to stay for tonight. But she would think of everything else later. While he called Henry, Emma let herself just lean into him, feeling at least a bit more calmer.

Snow looked over her shoulder at her daughter and gave an apologetic smile. She wanted to talk to her but figured she could do it a little later without her husband around before she looked over at Regina. Although, when they were away from the ship, she turned to face her husband, a look of anger in her eyes which could be odd for her since she often tried to keep calm. "Really? Did you have to go punching him and saying all that?" Snow demanded. "That Emma isn't allowed under our roof or that she's not your daughter?" Snow asked

Regina smiled softly and left them following David and snow. She caught up to them just in time to hear some arguing going on. Snow sounded pissed, and she didn't think that she'd ever heard Snow white raise her voice like that to anyone, not even the evil Queen. She stood slightly behind them, not wanting to intrude on their privacy, but she would be there in case anything got too heated again. She pondered sending Henry s text but just decided to wait a little, she had to admit, after everything all of them had been through together, she too wasn't exactly pleased with David's reaction either.

David growled at his wife and looked over her, he was sick of people not seeing his side of view. "oh and you've never once thought that?" He snapped. He took a deep breath trying to remember who he was talking to, his wife, his true love, but that pirate had gotten under his skin, and a low level of anger still resonated in his voice as he spoke. "She will not be sleeping around with that pirate by my accounts....she had to understand that no one likes him! And she will not be coming back to ours until this problem is solved" he said clenching his fists.  His eyes snapped to Regina as she told him gently to watch his tone, of course she would be on Snows side, how ironic.

Snow kept her eyes on him, shaking her head. "Even if she did keep this from us she is still our daughter." She told him with a small sigh. "We know that Hook has a past and most of the town may not like him, but do you truly think he would do anything to hurt Emma? You saw the way he stood beside her." She said. "And the old Hook wouldn't have hesitated to fight." She added. "I'm not happy Emma hid this either, I wish she would have told us. But she is our daughter, and you're just going to kick her out?" Snow asked, "what if she doesn't end things with him? You just plan to keep her out of our home for good?" She questioned.

David shook his head with a sigh. "perhaps not...but she's not coming back tonight at least" he said. He ran a hand over his face and held onto Snows shoulders softly. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have acted that way...or said what I did" he was more upset that he'd hurt Snow rather than Emma. "Can we just...go home now?" He asked softly, only regretting his actions towards Emma and his wife, not Killian.

Regina let out a soft sigh and walked a little closer to the two, placing her hand on Snows back to comfort her a little, she'd never seen her angry and it had scared even her a little bit, but for once she found herself agreeing with Snow. "You okay?" She whispered quietly into Snow's ear when David had already turned around to begin walking back to their place.

Snow looked at David and shook her head. "I'll be home in a few." She said. She wanted to give David a few minutes to calm down. Snow looked at Regina and hesitated before shaking her head. "I don't know how to feel. I'm worried but I'm also angry." She admitted. "I'm upset that Emma didn't tell us but at the same time I can understand why she didn't but what if David and her don't talk and get this figured out? I liked having my daughter in the same house and so near by after missing so much of her life." Snow said. It felt odd sharing her feelings with Regina but at the same time it felt nice.

Regina pouted a little and rubbed Snow's back. "You don't have to know how you feel....I certainly wouldn't" she said softly. She couldn't begin to understand what Snow was going through, but if Henry ever lied to her she believed that she'd possibly feel the same way as her. However, she could very much relate to the last part. She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest, hanging her head and looking at the ground. "that...." She willed herself not to get upset. "That last part is my fault....my curse....I'm the reason Emma wasn't there...and I'm sorry for it" she said feeling a little self conscious being so open and vulnerable with her.

Snow nodded and gave a small smile before shaking her head. "You've proven yourself after that. You aren't the same person you were when you did that curse. I know Emma brought that up but she was just upset and angry." She said. "And thank you, for trying to keep the calm even if you did slap him.. he was out of line." Snow said and gave a small smile, "and thank you for standing up for Emma." She said knowing Regina had done that and she appreciated it. Snow gave another smile before she saw Henry .

Regina smiled a little bit shook her head, quickly wiping a tear away from her cheek. "but I still did it...." She was the reason for half of the argument, what she did all them years ago was still haunting her, even if snow had forgiven her. She nodded at Snows thanks, she was glad to be of some use at least, but she herself couldn't accept that, not quite yet. "I'm sorry....I can't..." She backed away a little tears in her eyes then turned around and spotted her son.