
Trooper DO-0M: Rip and Tear

I reincarnated as Doom guy in Star Wars. I used to be a loser with no life til I died. Now I'm a trooper in the Clone Army but I'm also the Doomguy. Now my life is simply one thing...Rip and Tear.

GreenZ · Others
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19 Chs

Chapter Six: Retaking Geonosis Pt.3

I was currently inside a Ventator Destroyer, wearing my Doomguy armor. After my activities with Nala Se. I ordered her to inform General Skywalker and the others that my new armor was one they made special for me. I also told her to let them know that it was too expensive and takes a long time to make so they don't ask for more. I also had her give me a clean bill of health so they don't try to bench me. I was still wondering how to explain the Super Shotgun but for now, I'll keep it in my inventory. I was in the hangar, performing maintenance on my weapons while listening to the sandstorm outside. It was about to die down when Anakin came up to me. "Doom, time to go, Master Unduli was attacked while pursuing Poggle". Anakin said as I stifled a chuckle which he did not notice. "We're moving out now". I followed him to the gunship where the other clones were boarding and Obi-Wan was there as well". Anakin walked up to him and introduced me. I saluted him due to personal respect for what he did for Luke in the future and in general.

"So you are...Doom...well, I look forward to seeing you in combat". Obi-Wan said as I boarded the ship. Anakin pulled him aside and told him of my brutality but assured him that I was a good soldier. I managed to overhear that part as they boarded and we flew towards Luminara Unduli's last location, the Progate Temple. It was a long flight as I looked out onto the surface of Geonosis. Eventually, we reached the Progate Temple and entered. Buzz was found dead and Luminara's lightsaber was on the ground. My memory about this episode was fuzzy so I took it safe and followed everyone else's lead but I did know that this was where the brain-controlling parasites were. We began to head deeper into the temple, each of us turning our lights on but mine was attached to my rifle. We passed through the dusty hallways when we reached a dead end. One of the clones saw a small passageway and said it lead down the furthest. I struggled to fit through it and just ended up breaking the wall so I could fit. The structure was old and not very hard to break. We continued down another passageway when Kenobi got a holo from Luminara, she told us to leave. It was then that I remeber that this was also where the Geonosian zombies were. We rushed down but I started slowing down as I remembered another thing and turned around to see the zombies approaching from behind while the others also encountered them too. I started blasting the zombies on my end while the others were dealing with the ones on their end.

My rifle did nothing as I started to back up towards the group. Some of the clones were pulled down into tunnels as I was thinking of what to do. I realized that I couldn't do my full potential with witnesses so I rushed a group and pushed them back as I shot the supports. Anakin tried to rush forward but Obi-Wan held him back as the ceiling started to fall down. It completely covered the tunnel as I turned around and pulled the Super Shotgun out of my inventory. I aimed it at the head of a zombie who came too close as I blew its head off. I also used the Doomblade to hack and slash at them. I don't think I'll ever fight anything as gross as these freaks. I was bashing their heads into the walls, chopping their limbs and they still kept coming. So I loaded a grenade into my rifle's launcher and fired it at the wall next to me. It blew the zombies away and made a new escape hole for me. I went through it and ran down the passageway when I heard some screeching. I followed it to a large chamber where I saw the Queen and the zombies. Luminara was detained by the throne as I saw the Queen lay an egg. It was gross so I had the rifle ready to fire a grenade when I was pulled back by a horde of zombies.

I began to punch at the zombie, crushing some of their heads to a pulp. They tackled me to the ground and kept attacking me. I pushed some off and used the Doomblade to take care of the rest. Eventually, I got them off and ran down one of the passageways only to find more zombies. I was busy dealing with them while Anakin and Obi-Wan were talking with the Queen. While their conversation was going on, I was smashing skulls into the walls. One of the zombies pinned me to the wall and I could see the worm, moving through a nostril to the other side. Once I got a hand free, I grabbed and ripped it out which caused the zombie to drop dead. I squeezed the worm so hard that it exploded. Then zombies started to swarm me and pile on top, trying to scratch through the armor. Then I saw it...

Glory Kills achieved...Level Up...

Health: 650/650

Stamina: 650/650

Endurance: 600/600

Strength: 505/1000

Armor: 498/500

With the increase in my Stats, I could feel myself getting stronger as the weight of the Geonosian Zombies on top of me began to lessen.

Meanwhile in the chamber...

Poggle was holding an egg with a worm inside it and walked towards Luminara Unduli while Anakin was trying to interfere but Obi-Wan kept stopping him. Poggle got close to Luminara's face when they all heard a loud crashing sound. They looked up to see a portion of the wall broken as a horde of zombies fell out of it with Doom on top. As I stood up, I made eye contact with Poggle. I could see the fear in his eye as one of the zombies reached up for me but I just grabbed it by the head and crushed it. But what shocked them more was the next second, I pulled out the Super Shotgun and used the Meat Hook to grapple the Queen. It pulled me towards her and when I got close, I shot her point blank. As I jumped down from her corpse, I used the Doomblade to cut Luminara's restraints as the other clones came out from cover and started to blast the zombies. We made our way out of the chamber before shooting the supports and running out of the caverns. Poggle had been captured and restrained. We dragged him through the tunnels as the zombies were attempting to swarm us.

We made our way through the tunnel before Luminara showed us the way out. We started to climb as the debris covering the top began to fall down. It helped with burying the zombies but it made it hard to climb. As they made it out of the hole, they ran out of the temple before it fully collapsed. We looked at the temple as I turned around and looked at Poggle. He shot me a dirty look but put his head down as fear overpowered his hatred.

We took him back to the Venator for transport while the Padawans went to get medical supplies. I was sitting in the mess hall by myself as the clones still wanted nothing to do with me. I took my helmet off and was staring into my reflection on the metal tray. My face was that of Doomguy which shocked some of the clones who saw me without my helmet for the first time. The door opened and it was Luminara. I thought nothing of it til I saw her walking straight towards me. If not for the armor, she would not have been able to find me. I just sat there eating the grub on my plate as she sat across from me. "...I never thanked you for your aid in rescuing me...or apologized for the incident on...the bridge". Luminara said with a guilty look on her face as she kept glancing down. "I lost my focus in the battle...the Jedi were never meant to get involved with such things...but how else will peace return to the galaxy". I slightly felt bad for her but knew that they were forced into this war.

But I lost my train of thought as she held one of my hands in hers. "...hmm, so full of many emotions but most of all rage, hate, and violence". I was listening to her talk while she held my hand and read my mind. I realized it but then wondered why she couldn't read my real train of thought. Then I thought about what she said. This most likely meant that my mind was shielded by my rage which was confirmed when the System gave me a ding as if I had the right answer in a trivia game. I looked at her again while she was trying to read my mind. I observed her clothing and how tightly it hugged her curves. She had a nice pair of B cups and her skin felt smooth. I had rubbed a thumb on his hand when the System activated my pheromones. I was caught off guard as I saw Luminara blushing as she stood up and walked out of the room. I thought about following her but then I remember that the pheromones help with influencing a person but can't fully make them love me unless they were overpowered by lust or other strong feelings. I felt a little tired so I went to the cabins and laid in bed when I realized that I had barely slept at all during my first deployment. I was jolted awake by remembering about the infected crew with Ashoka and Barriss but I just forgot about it since they were able to handle it on their own. Plus I wasn't really attached to most of these clones, there were some that I knew were truly good and wouldn't hesitate to help but the rest I couldn't be bothered with.

So I closed my eyes, waiting for my brain to fall asleep when I could sense something. It was a strange feeling so I opened my eyes only to not see the top bunk instead I saw orangish red skies. I moved my head to the right and saw an abundance of black alien plants. I stood up and looked around as I realized that I was on a tower, overlooking a vast barren planet. Something about it was familiar when I heard some kind of whispering behind me. I spun around only to find my location had changed again. Now I was in a temple and before me was a stone door with carvings in it. I could tell it was a door since it was obviously recessed into the wall. As I approached it, it opened by sliding up into the ceiling and I walked through a dark corridor. I couldn't see anything for a while before seeing a faintly glowing red light. As I was walking closer, all of a sudden I heard an echoing voice. It was a woman, "Impossible...THERE IS A INTRUDER"! Shouted the voice as I was disoriented and woke up with start, hitting my head on the top bunk which barely fazed the clone up there. I looked around and was glad it was just a dream but there was something strange about it. I laid back down and closed my eyes again but I didn't go back to the dream. So I just fully fell asleep, listening to the sounds of the ship.

Meanwhile, in Luminara Unduli's room...

Luminara was meditating on the ground but her focus kept getting pulled away. She couldn't stop thinking about what she felt earlier. While she was in Doom's mind, she felt rage and hatred at first but then she felt the unbridled lust emanating from him and now she couldn't stop thinking about it. When she couldn't meditate anymore, she gave up and went to the door, she pushed the buttons on the panel and locked it fully. She then went to the bunk and took her clothes off, revealing some basic black underwear. The normal equivalent would have been a sports bra and boxer shorts. She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. She had her hands on her lower torso as she tried to fall asleep. It took her a while but she was able to but she had a vivid dream of her and Doom alone in her room. She felt like it was a vision but she convinced herself that it was a dream.

An hour later...

I was up and fully suited as I overheard that we lost communications with Ashoka's transport. They were trying to reestablish communication as I was walking toward Poggle's cell. I knew that the clones were infected but I couldn't remember how they needed to be cured so I wanted to get the info from him. I approached the cell where two clones waited with rifles raised. They looked at me as I approached. "Why are you here"? Asked one of the clones as I just stood there and looked into the cell where Poggle was looking at me with fear. I stepped towards the cell as the clones stopped me again when Anakin came from behind me.

"He's with me, leave us". Said Anakin as he had a look of anger on his face. The clones looked at each other before leaving as Anakin gave me a nod as I entered the cell with Anakin close behind me. He tried to use a mind trick on Poggle which didn't work. In the next second, I walked over to Poggle who was nervous. I sat on the table and just stared at him as Anakin looked at me with a confused look as he asked how to deal with the worms. Poggle just scoffed which was a bad mistake as I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall. I squeezed my fist but not with all my strength. I waited a few seconds before letting him drop to the ground, coughing up yellow blood. Anakin asked him again with a stern voice as I placed a foot on one of his legs. He looked up in fear but still had defiance in his eyes. Screams of pain echoed in the halls as Luminara was jolted awake by the sounds. She threw her clothes on and rushed out of the room. She ran to the bridge where Ki-Adi-Mundi and Obi-Wan were. She asked them what that screaming was as they were confused. Anakin had walked in and went to a computer to try and make contact with Ashoka. I was behind him and just stood there while they talked. Luminara had glanced over at me and saw the yellow blood on my right hand. She was about to say something when Ashoka made contact. That distracted her as I left the bridge. I just went back to my room and slept the rest of hyperspace. I was content as we took Geonosis, captured Poggle, and I got to learn more about myself. And now I'm ready for what awaits me.

Meanwhile, on Serenno, in Count Dooku's Palace...

Count Dooku was sitting at his desk, reviewing reports from various Separatists bases. He had heard that Geonosis was taken and ordered Ventress to sneak onto the planet for any information on what happened. The door opened and Ventress walked in, wearing a long purplish-blue skirt with a revealing crop top. Her signature curved lightsabers were on her lower back. She walked up to Dooku and kneeled before him as she held up a data card in her hand. Dooku used the force to pull it towards him. Once he had it, he plugged it into a slot in his desk. A hologram of Poggle appeared, speaking in Geonosian. "We have a situation...there is a new...clone in their ranks...I've never seen anything like him." Said the hologram of Poggle as Dooku saw the fear in Poggle's eyes. "If you're watching this, it means I've been captured or worse...in this data card is the recordings of the new clone so you'll be better prepared than I was". The hologram turned off and in its place were recordings taken from the droids memory banks on Geonosis. Dooku was shocked, watching the footage of droids and Geonosians being ripped apart by Doom. Ventress was equally shocked but felt something strange when looking at Doom. Eventually Dooku turned it off, unable to watch anymore as he noticed Ventress's emotions.

"What is it"? Asked Dooku as Ventress asked to go to Dathomir. She told him that she sensed something strange that she needed Mother Talzin to help her figure out. Dooku was skeptical but allowed her to leave as he sent a message to Darth Sidious. Ventress took a ship and began the flight to Dathomir. She was slightly nervous as she hadn't been back there since she forced into slavery by a criminal named Hal'Sted. She pushed the memories from her past deep inside as she shifted her focus to the clone in the tape she saw. She couldn't explain it but she felt like they were connected by something. She went to her cabin to sleep for the rest of the journey to Dathomir.

Back on the Venator Destroyer...

I was excited as we were going to go to Coruscant for a while once the Padawans recovered from their ordeal. I was jogging in the hanger since I couldn't stop thinking about the strange dream. As i jogged, I was unknowingly being watched by someone else. It was Luminara who was standing by the doors, watching me jog. I was only wearing my black pants as I put my armor into my inventory when no one was looking. She just watched as I jogged back and forth continuously. She stayed like that for a while before going back to her room.