
Trooper DO-0M: Rip and Tear

I reincarnated as Doom guy in Star Wars. I used to be a loser with no life til I died. Now I'm a trooper in the Clone Army but I'm also the Doomguy. Now my life is simply one thing...Rip and Tear.

GreenZ · Others
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19 Chs

Chapter Four: Retaking Geonosis

(The events of this chapter take place during Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 5:Landing at Point Rain with some significant differences)

I was currently aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer, awaiting a briefing with the other clones. I had gotten off the transport an hour ago and was sitting on an ammo crate. Some of the gunships were already taking off so I got up. I was looking around for any indication of where we were going. Then I saw them, Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi walking toward a gunship while talking with each other. I managed to overhear some of their conversations. "... Involved in the first assault on Geonosis". Said Commander Cody as I remembered what that line was from. We're being sent to retake Geonosis from Poggle the Lesser. I watched as Obi-Wan boarded a gunship and left. So I just waited for Anakin Skywalker but someone else showed up. It was a clone with blue decals on his armor which meant that he had to be Captain Rex. I stood up and walked forward with the other clones for the briefing. Some of them looked at me and I could tell they were giving me stink eyes under their helmet. I recognized some of them from Kamino but I didn't care for them.

"Alright men, here's the plan...we will approach the rendezvous point from the south while also attacking the defensive lines". Said Captain Rex as he looked to the side and saluted someone. I turned to see who he was saluting. It was Anakin Skywalker wearing his Clone Wars armor and his Padawan, Ashoka Tano who wore practically nothing which baffled me when I watched the Clone Wars in my previous life. But I decided not to think more of it as I suddenly heard my Number being called out by General Skywalker. Unknown to DO-0M, when he selected Anakin as his commanding officer, Palpatine was notified and told Anakin personally. So Anakin wanted to meet DO-0M and get an idea of who he was. I walked through the crowd of clones to reach Captain Rex who was standing next to Ashoka and Anakin with his helmet under his shoulder. Ashoka's mouth hung open as she was only 4ft11 and I towered over her at 6ft10. I saluted them as the clones behind me started talking among themselves.

"Chancellor Palpatine says that you're a good fighter but the clones here say different". Said Anakin as I turned my head slightly, looking at some of the clones behind me. "But I trust the Chancellor so I'll give you a chance but if you become a danger to the team...you'll be discharged". I barely thought much about the veiled threat as Rex ordered us to board the gunship. I stayed close to the doors as we took off. I could feel the hull shaking from the heavy artillery blasts that were coming from the surface of Geonosis. I looked out through the openings in the door and saw some of the other gunships go down. Then I remember what happens to ours, I barely braced myself when the cannon shot the ship down. Everything started to shake violently then we crashed and slid across the ground. I ended up falling onto some of the clones and almost crushing them. When it finally stopped, I heard one of the clones calling for aid but our radios cut out. I got up and made it to the door before Anakin could. I pulled out my rifle and kicked the door down. We were immediately pelted with blaster fire. Anakin came out from behind me as I looked around at the surface of Geobosis while the clones pushed past me, taking cover. Everyone stayed behind cover while Anakin rushed the lines. But what shocked him was when I sprinted past him, stomping the indents of my boots into the ground. The Geonosians saw me and started to focus fire on me. I could feel the shots, hitting my armor and bare skin. It burned as if a hot poker was forced into my skin...I've never felt anything like it before...they'll wish what's coming for them was like that.

One of the Geonosian on a Z-6 Rotary Cannon was reloading it when it heard fast heavy footsteps getting closer. It barely had time to turn around before its head exploded from the direct blaster shot from DO-0M. I jumped over the homemade cover and started blasting Geonosian. I took a lot of blaster shots from their sonic rifles but my armor held up. There wasn't just Geonosian though, there were also battalions of battle droids. I turned around to see that Anakin was still somewhere behind me and the other clones finally started to come out of cover. I turned back around and stared down at the enemy forces approaching. I went into my inventory and check that all the other weapons I had were loaded before exiting. Then I activated a feature of the system that I unlocked a few days ago.

Would you like to activate RIP AND TEAR mode?.... I took a couple of deep breaths to ready myself before saying yes.

RIP AND TEAR MODE INITIALIZING...I started to feel stronger and angry as the song The Only Thing They Fear Is You by the legendary Mick Gordon started to play in my head. In this mode, all my stats were increased significantly and I take less damage but I can only activate it for an hour before a full day cooldown. One of the changes I wasn't able to see was the visor of my helmet turned red as the song started to approach its climax. Ahead of me, a commando droid was rushing me with its sword out. But I managed to grab it by the face and lift it up in the air as the climax of the song was about to start, I stared into its eyes and only said three words...Rip and tear. I crushed the face and started blasting away at the enemy forces. I was blasting Geonosians in the face, bashing battle droids with rocks, and chucking thermal detonators into groupings of droids. Anakin was behind me but he was shocked at my combat prowess and brutality. He didn't think too much of it as he was still blocking blaster fire with his lightsaber. Ashoka was close behind him along with Rex and the other clones. As I continued on, my armor was taking a beating and falling apart. I watched the armor bar drop rapidly. But I didn't care, all I cared about was slaughtering these sons of bitches. I saw one of the towering rock formations that were being used as cover for their Rotary Cannons. I pulled out a DC-15A carbine fitted with a grapple attachment and used it to ascend the rock formation.

As I climbed up, some of the enemy forces were shooting at me which I just shrugged off. But one of them got a lucky shot off their sonic rifle and busted the grapple line. I managed to punch my fist into the wall, stopping myself from falling. I holstered my rifle and just kept slamming my fists into the rock as I kept climbing up. One of the Geonosian on top happened to look down and saw me coming. At the moment, I was partially covered in some of my own blood and Geonosian blood which was yellow. My armor was covered with blast marks, my knuckle armor was cracked from all the punching into the rock I did, and the left side of my eye visor was broken which exposed my eye. The Geonosian was freaked out by this and was frantically trying to warn his comrade on the Rotary Cannon who couldn't hear him over the sounds of battle. But unfortunately for the Geonosian who saw me, I had reached the top and pulled him over the edge. I got onto the top and approached the Geonosian from behind. I grabbed him with one hand on the shoulder to hold him steady and with the other, I gripped his pathetic small neck and pulled upward. He let out a screech of pain that was quickly cut out when I fully ripped his head off. I tossed it aside and looked down at the ongoing battle. At the moment, Anakin, Rex, and Ashoka were behind the cover of a long rock and they were talking. I recognized this moment when they heard that Obi-Wan hadn't made it to the landing zone. As I was up there, I saw a fortified wall ahead of their position. I turned around and ripped the power generator off the rotary cannon. I tossed it down the rock formation at a group of Geonosians and jumped up onto the edge of the formation just as the power generator exploded, sending up a plume of plasma and smoke in front of me.

A few seconds ago, on the ground...

Anakin, Ashoka, and Rex were behind cover with the other clones. They had left their cover when a group of Geonosians in front of them blew up. They were shocked and were about to move forward again when something fell onto the ground, causing a bunch of dust and smoke to spread out. Anakin and Ashoka both covered their faces til the dust settled. They moved their hands to see DO-0M on the ground, kneeling with one fist in the ground.

I pulled my fist out and stood up. Good to know that I also got Doomguy's ability to jump from any height and survive. I checked and saw that I still had 40 minutes on my Rip and Tear mode. So I just sprinted ahead, despite Rex calling out to me. Anakin told him to just let me go and focus on the mission while Ashoka was trying to tell Anakin about a wall but Anakin just kept going. She scowl in annoyance as she followed him. They continued on as they saw the towering fortress before them. Meanwhile, I was in the middle of the field, shooting at the enemy forces from the ground behind cover since they had cannons on the wall and I didn't want to find out if I could survive a direct blast from one of them. Unfortunately, I only packed one grapple and there were too many Geonosians and battle droids on the wall to climb. My current stats were...

Level 1 (10 Glory Kills left to progress)

Health: 576+50/600+50

Stamina: 488+50/600+50

Endurance: 550+50/550+50

Strength: 455+50/1000

Armor: 88/250

I had taken cover so I could read my Stats. I chuckled to myself seeing that I didn't have a point system but instead I had a goal of Glory Kills to accomplish. The next thing I saw was the low armor stats I had but luckily due to the Rip and Tear mode, my other stats had 50 points added to them. I looked to the side to see Anakin and Ashoka scaling one of the walls with packs on their backs. I pulled out a DC-15x sniper rifle and five cartridges of ammo since one only held five shots. I tried to aim for the cannons to destroy them but my aim wasn't the best. I ended up shooting 6 cannons before running out of ammo. I tossed it aside as I noticed Anakin, Ashoka, and Rex jumping off the wall. Well, Ashoka and Anakin jumped while Rex was thrown off. Knowing what happens next, I took cover as the wall blew up. After the explosion, I went ahead to meet up with the others. Rex was being helped to his feet by Anakin when I saw a wounded Geonosian, crawling out from under the rubble. I walked towards it, stomping my feet which attracted the other clone's attention as they watched me stomp the Geonosian head into the ground. Nine glory kills left for me to do. Anakin and Rex didn't see it so they kept going ahead along with some of the clones but Ashoka was shocked. She stared at me til I noticed and made eye contact with her. She instantly started running to the others as something in the force told her to run away. I didn't think anything of it as I easily caught up with everyone as we sprinted through Geonosis. As we did, we could hear screeching sounds as Ashoka directed our attention to a cave high up in the mountains where Geonosians were fleeing the cave on fire.

Anakin had used his comlink to contact Ki-Adi-Mundi who reported that he could see the landing zone but it wasn't looking good. So Anakin told one of the clones to contact Admiral Yularen. Then we rushed to the landing zone which was peppered with blaster fire from each side. Luckily, Anakin had ordered a bombing run so the opposition was pushed back. As we made our way through, we found Obi-Wan Kenobi on the ground, sitting against some ammo crates, covered in cuts and dirt. Once we made sure our position was secure, the generals gathered to discuss our next plan. I wasn't interested as I knew the gist of the plan from the show so I just walked around and resupplied my ammunition. Then I heard someone coming up from behind me, I turned around and saw it was Anakin. "DO-0M...you know, could just be a coincidence of what your clone name seems to insinuate but seeing you in combat...I'd say it would be appropriate to call you Doom...don't you think". Said Anakin as I smirked under my helmet and nodded at him, accepting the name. "I'm taking a team with me to assault the enemy weapons behind the ray shield and you're coming with". I readied my rifle to show that I was ready to go as we went to get in position. So it was Anakin, Ashoka, me, Rex, and a few other clones. I waited for Anakin to give the order when I saw his lightsaber turn on. We rushed through the shields and blasted the enemies in our way. Anakin and Ashoka were running ahead of the group due to their enhanced Jedi physique but I was able to keep up. I was able to perform three Glory Kills along the way. I used a hammer fist to slam a battle droid's head into its body, I threw a rock straight into a super battle droid's rocket launcher which made it go off, and then my Dc-17m rifle ran out of ammo so I shoved it down a Geonosian throat. I pulled out my DC-17 hand blaster and had my vibro knife in the other hand. 6 Glory Kills to go.

We took cover behind some rocks as Anakin and Ashoka threw droid poppers at the J-1 Proton Cannons. Then Anakin told Mundi to send the tanks in. They attacked the main building, destroying most of the cannons and knocking out the ray shield generator. Then the gunships were able to come in and provide more assistance. Mundi came out of one as the Geonosian started to surrender which was lucky for me as my Armor Stats were fully depleted and the Rip and Tear mode ended along with the music in the background. Once it did, I felt like I ran 20 marathons and sat down on a nearby rock. The Geonosians were being detained and struggled but when they saw me, they stopped fighting and kept their heads down. They must have heard of what I did to their toys and comrades. Good, that means they'll tell their friends and give me a reputation just like Doomguy had with the demons of hell. As I sat there, Mundi was looking at me. Unknown to Doom, he was trying to get into his head but found nothing but rage and violence. So he went to the gunship and awaited Kenobi to show up so he could give him proper medical attention.

He saw Anakin helping carry Obi-Wan towards him with Ashoka behind them. They were talking about their tallies for kills which Mundi gave his which was higher than Ashoka's. He asked what he won and Anakin told him that he won his respect which Obi-Wan gave his own comment. As they took off, Obi-Wan could sense the unrest within Mundi and asked what was wrong. "The new trooper under Skywalker's command...what do you know about him"? Asked Mundi as Obi-Wan wasn't sure about who he was talking about til he remember the message Anakin got from the Chancellor talking about a new recruit.

"Not much, Anakin told me that the Chancellor personally approved the trooper to be here but the trooper himself requested to serve under Anakin...why do you ask"? Said Obi-Wan as Mundi told him what he felt earlier when he looked into Doom's mind.

Meanwhile on the surface, in the main droid control room...

Poggle the Lesser was watching the Republic army gain new ground but he was interrupted by another Geonosian who came rushing in. This soldier was badly wounded and frantically chirping in their alien dialect. He kept muttering something about a demon which was all Poggle the Lesser could understand when one of his communications officers loaded a recording from one of the destroyed battle droid's memory. It played on the main table and Poggle the Lesser watch a recording of Doom brutally slaughtering his forces. The officer kept loading different tapes from different droids as Poggle the Lesser was scared shitless inside but he used all of his will to maintain his composure. He watched an hour worth of these recordings while outside I saw Anakin walk up to me.

"Your methods are a little extreme Doom...but we're at war and these Separatists only understand violence". Said Anakin as he extended his hand. I looked at it for a while before getting up and shaking his right robotic hand with a firm grip. "Now head to the barracks and get some armor, yours is barely hanging on". He walked away as I looked down at the fully beat-up armor. It was covered in black blaster marks, yellow Geonosian blood, and dirt. The gauntlets and knuckle armor were demolished and all that remained on my hand were the black under gloves. My chest armor was partially destroyed and cracked. I looked around for a supply case and replaced my gear with another set of commando armor. I also took another DC-17m rifle from one of the weapons cases and headed toward Anakin for the next phase. As I did, the other clones were looking at me. Some of them had their helmets off and had looks of admiration but others had hatred on their face. But I didn't care...this was my life now and I'm just getting started.