
Tricking The Vampire King

‘I became the Vampire King’s chamberlain!’ ‘He thinks I’m a man!?’ ___ The evening that Reina Gomez experienced one of the biggest betrayals in her life was the day her life came to an end. Helping her elder sister, a three times failed author, in her research for her next project had turned out to be the cause of her demise. The efforts she had put in to teach her sister everything that she knew was not repaid with gratitude. The day of the new book’s release brought sorrow to Reina who had high expectations from the project that she had lent her support in. No matter how many times she refreshed the novel’s site, the result was the same. “Where the heck is the BL tag!?” She cried out for answers but to no avail. Her sister who had learned everything there is to know about BL for the new book had done something unexpected. ‘She wrote a frickin vanilla Vampire love story instead!’ She sniffled while finding solace in the one thing that never disappointed her. Her blurry eyes fell on the cover of the novel and her scowl deepened. The petite woman with cotton-candy colored hair surrounded by three breathtakingly handsome men was not something that she was hoping for. ‘Stupid reverse harem.’ She sneered while chugging the contents of the bottle. Her eyes shut that night only to awaken in a different room the next morning. From a drunken daze to panic at what had taken place, Reina soon realized what was wrong. The images flashing across her eyes displayed a life that was not her own. ‘Memories…’ She deciphered the meaning of these images. Staring at the new face in the mirror, Reina blinked those icy blue eyes as a name formed in her mind. ‘Rein Melk… The Vampire King’s chamberlain.’ She repeated the identity of the new body she was in. Was it not enough that she was in a different world, in a different body? She now had to pretend to be the King’s loyal servant. ‘A manservant at that!’ She grimaced as her new life seemed too hard to live. Tricking the Vampire King never was an easy task but doing so while possessing jumbled memories of this body was way harder. __ As days passed, Reina began to adjust to the world, living in the body of Rein Melk. However, she began noticing something strange. ‘Why do these men seem so familiar?’ She wondered while gawking at the three handsome men she was sure to have seen somewhere in the past. The pretty lady with pink hair further brought up a sense of deja vu. ‘Wait…!’ Her eyes widened when it finally clicked. __ With a large chunk of her memories still missing, will she be able to discover everything about the body she possessed? A nameless cannon fodder in the story her sister wrote, was that her fate now? Was the identity of Rein Melk as simple as a servant concealing her true gender or was there more at play here? Numerous questions with answers yet to be obtained. This was the life of Rein Melk, the one tricking the Vampire King.

ObsidianOrbs · Fantasy
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250 Chs

You Will Pay!

Inside her room, Reina could hear the noises of water being sloshed around and knew that the King found her work satisfactory as she had not heard any complaints coming from him.

This made the previous human now trying to adapt to her vampire body sigh as she had not earned the ire of the great King.

Taking her seat on the bed, she glanced at the metallic canister placed on the bedside table and snickered.

For eight years, Rein had been fetching water from the enchanted fountain for the King yet not once did she use it for herself.

However that had changed today as when Reina had decided to fetch the same water as her predecessor always did every day, she made a change to that routine today.

Before heading out to the woods where the fountain was located, Reina first stopped by the kitchen where she picked up a metallic bottle.

In this bottle, she later filled up the water she found in that fountain along with the glass that she brought along which was meant for the King.

Thus, for the very first time, the chamberlain had brought back more than the single glass that the King drank every morning.

Since her body was still recovering after the poisoning incident, she decided to make use of this resource to purify her body from the toxins that might have remained.

Taking a sip from the bottle she had just picked up, a soothing sensation washed over her body which made her smile.

She hadn't even realized it earlier but now she could feel her body getting lighter, alleviating the queasy feeling that had been present in her stomach.

From Doctor Bundt's diagnosis, she knew that the inflammation caused by the eroding poison was the source of that uneasy feeling.

Thankfully, this liquid had aided in diminishing that strange and mildly painful sensation that she had not given too much thought to earlier.

'No wonder that scary King liked to drink this each day.' She sneered as just a single sip of this water made her feel light and fluffy, causing her to wonder what else it could accomplish with regular consumption.

Noticing this subtle change made her decide that she needed to care for her body and clear the toxins still swirling around in her bloodstream which she would achieve by drinking from the fountain each day.

While the King just had a glass in the morning, sly Reina was glad that she had gone a step further and filled the large bottle which could last her for the entire day.

As she snickered at her sharp mind which had come up with this solution, she felt a shiver run down her spine.

Looking around, she found no one in the room and neither was there anyone around her room.

The only one nearby was the King but he was busy with his bath and she knew that he had not caused it.

'Maybe it's the water doing its work.' She shrugged and went back to resting until the King returned from his bath so that she might assist him again.


In a different part of the Palace, a low growl was heard followed by a series of curse words which made the ones who heard it feel shy.

"That sly bastard!" A snarling voice escaped the bounds of the room and reached the corridor outside before silence took over.

The maids and guards who were passing by sighed in relief as the murderous intent coming from the room earlier was scary and suffocating but now it was gone.

They glanced at the door which was locked from the inside and went about their chores, not making a single sound lest they infuriate this person any further and incur their wrath.

While those who passed by hastened their pace, the one who had caused this was trying to calm themselves in order to not lose control over their senses.

Inside the room, long brown hair scattered across the face of the person who was huffing furiously.

Violet orbs peeked through the curtain of thick hair which covered his excellent facial features.

"Rein Melk...You will pay for what you did!" This time the voice was low enough to be a whisper.

The earlier pair of violet eyes flashed with a flaming red before they regained their original color as the stifling aura encompassing the room also faded away.

The man known as the King's loyal aide and shadow, Treegan Molt raised his head and combed his fingers through the long locks before tying them up.

After letting out his frustrations at what had just happened, Treegan felt much better but the fire of vengeance was still burning strong in his heart.

Back to looking like the well-groomed aide of the King, he carried on with what he was doing before he was summoned to the King's bed chambers.

His face was still distorted due to the anger burning in his chest but he rushed to get dressed for the day ahead.

As Treegan stared at himself in the mirror once he had gotten prepared for this new day of work, his mind recalled a certain memory from not too long ago.

'That audacious brat!' He cursed the silver-haired man who had made things difficult for him.

His mind was revolving around the punishment that he would have to face early the next morning, courtesy of the King's chamberlain which was making him gnash his teeth now.

The punishment he was about to receive was not something that he had ever expected.

His cheeks burned with embarrassment and once again he grit his teeth at what that mousy man had decided as his punishment.

'Plenty of chances to avenge myself.' Treegan sneered as he would ensure that Rein Melk faced worse situations than what he would tomorrow morning.

Having come to this conclusion, he turned away from his reflection in the mirror and strode out of the room to begin his day which had already started on the wrong foot thanks to what he had experienced earlier.

Reina just made herself a powerful enemy. Like she did not have enough in the first place. XP

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