





And it started again. "Hey!" A voice in my head spoke to me like every week at the same time. "What do you want to talk about today?" I asked the voice

Voice: I just wanna know how your doing after what happened yesterday?

Me: I am fine thanks for asking.

Voice: You know as you and the man from yesterday, how was his name again? I don't remember, but that doesn't matter. He was in love with you.

Me: Never.

Voice: He was! Do you want me to prove it?

Me: How do you want to prove that.

Voice: I will prove it to you! Just wait and you'll see.

Me: What will I see?

Voice: ...

Me: Hello? Are you there?

Voice: ...

Me: "sigh" Alright then till next week.

Sorry for the short chapter! I just have the problem that the next Part doesn't suit this chapter so I will write it in the next one.

JasonNewhousecreators' thoughts