
Trials of Horror

The sky tears, a voice comes through booming almost ripping apart existence . The voice says "humans.. you mere insects, for your crimes of destroying your very own birth place I condemn you to horror." Infinite realms with certain rules of horror. Multiple lifeforms battling for supremacy. Experience the True Horror. ----------------- This story is messed up, has many disturbing things about it. if you cant handle things because of your morals. Dont read. For 13+ and older. Have fun! I'm still a pretty new writer,but I'm trying. ‐-------‐----------- I do not own cover photo. Everything I write is mere fiction so if any names or place I name are of someone /someplace then I'm sorry that was not my intention.

OdinEatsBooty · Horror
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4 Chs

The Voice

A cigarette lights, the fire spreading as the smoke rising above. a deep sigh of relief escapes from a man's mouth as he exhales the smoke from his lungs.

"I fucking hate this job.." the man mumbles as he proceeds to rub his back with his free hand. Only thing holding his sanity is this sweet break of his.

"Lop!" "Lop'" a different man calls out while smacking the now sleeping Lops over the head to wake him up.

The now awake Lop confused by his new awake, mumbles out a few cuss words towards his co-worker of his. In the midst of mumbling proceeds to accidentally swallow the leftover nud of a cigarette.

"Cough..cough jesus John couldn't you have took out the cigarette before you woke me?" said Lop finally getting himself together while grasping at his neck to ease the burning of his throat.

John acting oblivious to the situation told lop why he woke him up in the first place.

"We got work.." said John as he looks away as to not let Lop see the apologetic look on his face.

Lop who is confused but just puts it off as nothing saying "Whatever" while rolling his eyes walking his way towards the workers truck showcasing Golden Gleen in giant letters across the side.

Entering the vehicle from the driver's seat as John sits in the passenger seat, lop twists the key causing the engine to run.

Now on the road driving using the GPS on John's phone, Lop begins to ask "So who we cleaning for today?" as Lop wiggles his hand around in his jacket pocket pulling out a cigarette, then a lighter to spark up the cigarette as he takes a drag while slowly rolling down the window half way to let the smoke out.

John feeling guilty as he knows how much Lop hates this person says their employer. "Damien..Damien Surgen" spits out John whose alittle tongue tied.

Lop begins to fill with rage over just hearing the guys name, pulls over quickly in the middle of the highway and hopes out of the truck leaving the keys inside with john.

John now alone in the car in the middle of the highway is screaming for Lop to come back and start driving again. Lop hears this but he doesn't seem to care proceeds to pass across the high way almost getting hit multiple times.

"Honk.."Honk" a truck driving by honking at Lop to get off the road,but all lop does is flip him off.

The truck driver who is currently pissed off pulls over and gets off to teach lop a lesson.

Lop seeing this is enticed, he has someone to vent his anger on and demolish. As the 24 year old Lop getting ready to cock his fist back towards this oldman, a thunderous boom in the sky resonates across the planet causing all life to give full attention.

The sky tears, a voice comes through booming almost ripping apart existence . The voice says in a demonic yet angelic tone "humans.. you mere insects, for your crimes of destroying your very own birth place I condemn you to horror."

As the word Horror rang through all life forms minds, a golden glow covered the vast majority of the population causing them to disappear entirely.

Despite others getting a golden glow, Lop got black demonic flames ripping apart and burning his body and existence creating a terror.

A Horror.