
Trials of Horror

The sky tears, a voice comes through booming almost ripping apart existence . The voice says "humans.. you mere insects, for your crimes of destroying your very own birth place I condemn you to horror." Infinite realms with certain rules of horror. Multiple lifeforms battling for supremacy. Experience the True Horror. ----------------- This story is messed up, has many disturbing things about it. if you cant handle things because of your morals. Dont read. For 13+ and older. Have fun! I'm still a pretty new writer,but I'm trying. ‐-------‐----------- I do not own cover photo. Everything I write is mere fiction so if any names or place I name are of someone /someplace then I'm sorry that was not my intention.

OdinEatsBooty · Horror
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4 Chs

Ever Ending Darkness

As the dark flames wrap around my body, excruciating pain shoots through me. My skin ripping and shedding apart, my bones smashing and reforming,my brain melting..into something smaller.

Being embraced by darkness my screams are mere echoes of whispers launched into the vast emptiness before me.

I awake, as something new.


In a eerie field of grass with critters of undead slithering around, a horned rabbit spawns in the center of the field seemingly outta no where.

Now awakened from his experience of horror, Lop tries to figure out what is going on.

"Where am I?" asks Lop searching around with his new animalistic beady eyes.

Spotting the bugs much larger than of earth, with pale skin and red eyes. Seemed to awaken something in Lop, Fear..that he always had within himself.

"What..wha.wah is thaaat.." Lop thinks while hes panicking proceeding to try an run away, but before he did for some reason his instinct told him that he rules over them.

"Strange.." Lop thinks as he looks towards the critters once again noticing something.

"They do seem to look towards me like they are awaiting orders but why? I'm just a human.."

Lop continues questioning what's going on finaly notices something he should've long ago.

"What am I?" thinks Lop as he looks toward the ground noticing his small furry paws.

Lop also begins to notice how everything looks to be much smaller and how his body feels much different than before.

As Lop already made his conclusion of what he is, is interrupted by the rules of the realm entering directly into his brain causing him to shiver.

Rules of The Realms for Horrors


"Monster of Horror, Your job is to kill and devour the enemy survivors in this trial."

"The timer is your limit to kill the survivors,if the timer runs out before all the survivors are dead then you die."

"As a Monster of horror you hold absolute control over all creatures inside your realm besides the survivors."

"Devouring the survivors or killing them earns you essence points,after winning the trial of a realm earns you the right to use your essence points capable of evolution."

"Beware as survivors for each realm all come in 7"

"Last but not least these survivors are people from earth... HahahahAhaha! " and with that the voice cut off.


Lops after hearing the rules of the realm became terrified..curling himself into a ball with his new fluffy like body, shivering against the coldness of the ground breathing in the dark fog hovering over the land.

Lops at odds with his conscience and his new predicament of having to become a monster and killing humans to survive was torturing him.

As Lops is having a interal conflict with himself, a timer appears with a shattering quake in the sky. Forever perched to slowly scare Lops with each count down before the survivors arrive.

As the clock hits 0 a voice celebrates!

"The Trials Of Horror Begin!!"