
Tree Growing Bones: Birth of a Necromancer

When young Auriel tragically meets his end, he awakens to a bizarre reality on the distant planet of Warkinels. Reincarnated as a necromancer tree, he finds himself immersed in a world governed by a real-life game system, where every creature is relentlessly striving to level up and gain strength. Unfazed by his peculiar transformation, Auriel embraces his new identity and sets out on a singular quest: to ascend the ranks and become the most powerful being in the Warkinels. With each encounter, he absorbs the life force of fallen creatures, enhancing his own abilities and expanding his necromantic influence. As Auriel delves deeper into the intricacies of Warkinel’s game system, he discovers hidden mechanics and exploits that allow him to accelerate his progression. Along the way, he forms alliances with fellow adventurers and clashes with rival factions, all vying for dominance in the ever-shifting landscape of Warkinels. Driven by an insatiable thirst for power, Auriel navigates treacherous dungeons, battles formidable foes, and unearths ancient artifacts that augment his necromantic prowess. But with each victory comes greater challenges, as rival players and malevolent forces seek to thwart his ascent. As Auriel rises through the ranks of Warkinel’s hierarchy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with, feared and respected by all who dare to oppose him. Yet, amidst his quest for supremacy, he must grapple with the moral implications of his actions and confront the darkness that lurks within his own heart. Arboreal Ascendance is a riveting tale of ambition, sacrifice, and the pursuit of power, as one boy's journey from death to rebirth leads him on an epic quest to conquer the game of life itself.

IZZKOR_ · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Unexpected gains (3)

Faint roars of beasts were now getting louder and more frequent. The beasts that were eyeing this dying bird beast were fast on their paces.

Loudness of roars increased everytime it sounded and it indicated that they were getting nearer to where I was or rather where the bird beast was.

I was getting impatient with every roar. I had to take a decision and it should be fast. Without much thought, I was ready to land the final blow and send the bird beast on its way to afterlife.

Killing the bird was still not a choice for me but there was no other option. Being caught up between the fight for the bird beast would be devastating to me. I could not even run away from here. Thus killing the bird beast was the only option left for me.

I took a final glance at the bird beast, closed my eyes and extended my branches towards the bird beast. I wanted to pierce the brain of the bird beast and give it a quick death.

I wanted to find openings that could lead me to its brain but the feathers on it were tough and I could not pierce it with my miniscule strength.

After searching for a while and failing to find anything. I sent my branches towards its eyes. Even piercing its eyes were difficult but the injuries present there made it easier.

I swiftly extended my branches and stabbed something. It was mushy with jelly like texture.

The possibility of the mushy thing being the bird beast's brain was high as the bird beast that just flinched a little when I pierced its eyes, convulsed violently as I stabbed the mushy thing.

Finally after some time and struggle, I was able to stab through its head and destroying its brain.

Convulsing of the bird beast also stopped and with a final tweak, the half dead bird beast that was accompanying me for the past few hours finally vanished.

The bird beast that was infront of turned into small light particles. The sheer amount of light particles present here was shocking to me. The body of killer mosquito also had turned into light particle but it was just one light particle and now there were tens of thousands of such light particles.

The light particles started floating toward me. As it entered my body, mechanical voice started going crazy. At first little amount of light particles made mechanical voice ring but as the light particles disappeared, amount of notifications from mechanical voice also decreased.

Nonethless, I benefited the most from this encounter. The lights were disappearing at a rapid pace. I wanted to check what the mechanical voice had said but waited for the last bit of light particles to be absorbed.

After the last light particle floated towards me and disappeared, I hurriedly checked the notifications from the system.