
Traversing the Multiverse

1st World: Shura's Wrath

Gilgamesh_Weak · Others
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Chapter 1 Prologue

An orphan walking through the street with a bullet inside of his chest. He who lays there slowly dying. His death was imminent. The man was seeing flashes of his life right before his death...

Born with two loving parents. Had a better than normal childhood and life was great. Until...

His parents were killed... He who was enjoying his life. Saw the murderer stab them and smile at him.

Frozen by terror he couldn't move, yet the man didn't kill him. No he knocked the kid out and walked out as if nothing has happened.

Later their bodies were found with the kid still alive. People were sceptical with who did it but nothing was found. No traces. No tracks. It as if the kid killed them himself.

But the terror on his face and the note left removed that misunderstanding.

Later, while detetives were trying to find clues from the note or anything that can help with the investigation nothing was found.

The only words written on the note was...

"They messed up".

This is confusing to all that saw the note.

What happened? What did they do?

The next day when the kid finally woke up. He was sent to an orphanage.

Nothing seemed special about this incident since it looked it they got in trouble with some gangs. However... it was because of the kid being kept alive that stopped a plan that took nearly a decade of planning.

~10 years later~

Ever since that day... That unspeakable day I have slowly matured... Before that you could have said my mentally was about the average kid of my age which was 5. Now... 10 years later, i've... changed... I could have been at a better place in life but I wanted revenge.

I still remember every detail of that night... Sometimes... I have nightmares and it wasn't pretty...

I decided to keep the name of "Ling Chen." That was the name my parents gave me and my only remaining connection to them...

The day after I was sent to the orphanage, I found out someone burned my dead parents house down.

That just added fuel to my fury and anguish.

I didn't know why I didn't feel fear... Only fury. I wanted to kill him. It was an extreme thirst for vengeance.

When I was 8... I found out the person who killed my parents was none other than the President of the People's republic of China which was the country my parents and I were living in. I started trying to build up my own body and train myself in art of killing.

The boys in the orphanage started bullying me. As I aged I grew more handsome. They hated me... After all since I was here they couldn't get any girlfriends because no one would like them. Even the owner of the orphanage who was a female looked at me with a weird look.

I started hating them... I was too weak and couldn't do anything. My training wasn't exactly going too well. I wanted to get stronger... Strong enough to fight... Strong enough to get revenge. One day when I went out for a walk after asking for it, they came out too and tried to jump me. That day... It was a day that was hard to forget...

I tried fighting back... But I have no strength and only knew how to kill. Even that, I wouldn't be able kill them all.

I felt hatred. Mortal fury... Someone primal and wanted to tear them apart. For a second I thought I heard something but I passed it off as a fragment of my imagination.

However I knew it wasn't after something happened that surpassed all logic. I somehow was seemingly growing stronger. It felt like I could have beaten them all. I nailed the first guy in the balls and slapped another one on the side of their head and knocked them out. Then, with a thumb jab to the side of his neck, I knocked another one out. I felt powerful... Stronger than ever before. I wanted to beat them to pulp yet something stopped me. A feeling that if I did now... I wouldn't be able to get my revenge for my parents. If he finds out how strong i've gotten now... I don't he will allow me to live.

I decided to just leave them there and went back to the orphanage.

After that day training became easier for me but I didn't get increases of strength like that day again...

The boys started acting docile in front of me and in the orphanage and didn't dare do anything.

A year later... I killed my first person. I felt nothing... He was trying to **** a 9 year old from the orphanage and seeing that I couldn't not act. All boys/men disgusted me. It was like they weren't human.

I expected myself to at least feel something as people's first kills as i've read normally can affect someone mentally and make their mentality unstable.

(AN: He's not emotionless but it's linked to the fact that he got stronger suddenly and his disgust help him basically feel nothing from scum.)

Another years later, I gave myself a trial and tried to take down the local gang. I bought a couple of throwing knives. And a main knife made mainly for slashing. I always listen to my gut feeling and I felt that they might try to take over the orphanage. They might try to attack it to make money off of it.

After all it was also kind of my fault because somehow since the owner of the orphanage knew that I was disgusted by certain processes such as forced prostitution and others things such as ****. She tried to get on my good side by abolishing it. After all our orphanage was somewhat on the poorer side but conditions got better because of my help with setting up online investments.

(AN: Although I'm not sure if all orphanages in China has do such things. I'm pretty sure in the slums it happens. I'm not 100% sure but its my book and although not 100% i'm 90 percent sure so f*ck it.)

As I got closer to their "base." I started blending into the shadows. Although we were in a poorer town for some reason they were the only gang here and the only ones that ruled here. For some reason that felt strength to me and my gut was telling my there was a deeper story. But I had no empathy for people have such caliber. If there's any repercussions I will deal with it later.

There were two people patrolling around the base. I figured at exactly 2:00 AM, 30 Minutes before they rotated and switched with another patrolling crew, they were sleepiest and were nearly asleep. That was when I attacked.

I killed one before they can make a single sound with a throwing knife to the eye and the other went down with a small thump when I kneed him in the back with momentum which increased my power and pretty much slit his backbone.

Two down. More to go.

I decided to be more efficient and surrounded the entire base with gasoline that I took form their cars. I took about half of the gas out of their tanks before hand and took before from the surrounding neighborhood.

I was only able to cover about 3/4 of it but I think that enough. I myself will cover the 1/4 place left myself.

I would prefer to leave none alive. After all no one would suspect me unless otherwise.

I lit a match and watched it burn.

Even if you call 119 they won't get here in time before they're all dead. It would take them about 30 minutes to get here and that will be all I need to finish these scum.

I heard screaming and a ruff voice giving directions i'm pretty sure by now they will know that the fire is surrounding them in three directions and their is only one way out.

I set up tripwires before hand to slow them down to seperate them to make them easier to pick off.

When the first one came through, I jumped down from a tree and slashed his head off. My knife which was through sharpened with the propulsion force of my trying to slice as fast as I can. I heard a crunch followed by a spray of blood.

I don't necessary have any fetishes with murdering but whenever I get rid of any of these scum. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

As they came out and saw their comrade headless, they realized a chilling truth... The fire wasn't an accident! It was planned by someone...

The ones being attack felt a chill behind and and the last thought that remained in all of their hands was the thought that "I'm dead" before they all were kindly invited to depart from the world.

A gang that was existing perfectly one morning was obliterated in one night. None saw the assailants.

That was what was going to top the news.

What they didn't know was that it was done by one man... Or one child depending on how you interpret it.

What Ling Chen doesn't know was that his life was going to get a whole lot busier.

This isn't going to be his first world yet. It is like a prequel where he will get his revenge. Enjoy~~~

Gilgamesh_Weakcreators' thoughts