
The death of two and now one is a System.

Late in the night, a young man was working and using all his stamina just to do the job he was assigned. He worked on the factory floor and did his part of the assembling.

This young man was Daban, he was the average 18 year old. One that could be found almost anywhere, or so most could tell. In all actuality, he is slowly going insane. The world around him is boring him to an extreme height and his only way of escape is video games, anime, manga and light novels.

And while he is working his usual 10 hours a day, for the low wage of 11.50$ an hour he is solely thinking of what he could watch as he gets home later that night before bed.

Suddenly due to his past, Daban has his depression hit him extraordinarily hard. Almost as if he lost something very precious to him. He also lets his mind wander and ends up thinking of the girl he fell in love with almost three whole years ago.

The girl's name was Darcy and she was a very beautiful and sweet girl in the eyes of Daban. She stood roughly 5'4" with a slight bit more meat on her than most other woman, yet this had only brought out her curves more and gave her a very cute and pretty face. She had natural raven black hair and eyes to match, she seemed of a Latino and Caucasian descent; same as Daban. Her breast were roughly at that of a D and a nice bottom to match. Plus she also always wore a pair of fake cat ears on her head which increased her cuteness. Her general personality was a very nice and cheerful demeanor. She worked very hard and made herself into an amazing artist, guitarist and she always had an aura that brought people around her.

Daban constantly thought of this girl whom he knew he was never destined to be with, he even went so far as to imagine how he would treat her and imagined them going on dates and getting married. He was lost in his own mind as he always had been.

But don't get him wrong, he truly wanted to be with her. He even went past all his feelings of absolute dread at the thought of her turning him down. And asked the young lady out on a date after confessing in a very stupid manner to the prom his school was holding several months back. She said she was already going with a friend of hers, and therefore cannot go with him. At this he knew he was turned down and truly never wanted to feel the pain in his heart any longer.

It had taken him much effort to ask her out due to his past trauma, he had a girlfriend cheat on him and ghost him out of her life. He didn't take it to well and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation and was later sent home after forgetting everything as he didn't want to bother with it.

And just earlier this week he had met up with an old friend of 6 years and offered to bring him, his girlfriend and another friend out to San Antonio and go to an amusement park together. He declined and later told Daban that he doesn't went to be bothered by him anymore.

That night for the first time in a long time Daban had hit rock bottom and just wanted to be even a little happy, so he cried his entire heart out and wailed to the heavens at the unfairness. He had always worked had and had a lot of fun and when a friend asked for help he never turned them down, so why? Why can't he be happy himself?

And now due to his depressed state he had his body running on auto pilot and told it to stand up and work, while he lowered his cap to cover his eyes as he didn't want anyone to see his tears. He knew if he stopped working he'd fall to the ground and cry so he held on.

That was when a coil in the machine got caught, he as per usual went as the machine was inactive and moved it aside. Unbeknownst to him and the CEO who came to look at the factory floor to check and see if it is operating as it always should. He saw one of the new workers slow his movements down and lower his face. He turned to his assistant and asked:

"Why is he moving slower and hiding his eyes? He could hurt himself and slow the line!"

The assistant replied "He is probably having a bad day, or perhaps just doesn't want you to notice him" he replied with two plausible excuses. And as they were chatting of whether to go and speak to the youth. They saw a shocking scene.

Just after Daban had moved the coil that he was required to move as he couldn't hold up the assembly line, he misplaced his footing and fell to his knees while simultaneously hitting his head on the metal bar of the machine. 'Damn boots! Slip resistant my fucking ass!' he thought internally.

Daban kneeled there dazed and couldn't move for a few seconds, yet that was enough time to seal his fate. As the machine just so happen to have a malfunction in the laser sensory of the machine to make sure the area was clear. As it malfunctioned it didn't scan properly it also automatically reset itelf which it should be unable to, this means something happened internally with the machine. Yet Daban had gone unnoticed and just as he turned his head to get up, he heard a loud 'WHIIIIIR' and that was the last he heard as he felt a great pain on the right side of his skull and blacked out. Or so he last thought, but rather he had died after the machine smashed into his skull.

The scene the CEO saw had shocked him, he called an ambulance and for the factories own medical team. When they arrived and concluded that he was already dead the CEO could only look on with face that seemed older. He had witnessed a death in his own factory of a hard worker.

He told his assistant to make sure his family was immediately notified and given death benefits. This was because the factory was at fault, the machine of theirs had malfunctioned and killed the young man, and not only that but he slipped in a puddle of oil and if he hadn't he may still be alive. The unsafe environment was caused by the lack of understanding in the company.

A week had passed and the CEO received notice that the young man's family could not receive any of the death benefits due to his lacking of paperwork and time in the company. They seemed to have even written it off as the young man's own fault as he was kneeling on the floor rather than walking as he should have been and also wore improper foot ware.

The CEO was outraged and immediately fired the man who oversaw the claim. He personally went to the victim's home and gave them a far better settlement. He later left as he saw the mother crying and her children of all ages comforting her. He swore not to let such things happen again.

This CEO later went back to his job and had remade the entirety of the benefits for workers. Allowing them many more than before and that they are able to get them all without much hassle if the factory is at fault. He even placed one of his most trusted friends to over see it all. He was later named a very benevolent CEO by his workers and fully enjoyed his time with the company. And to this day he still has the ID photo of the young man he saw die on his wall with the caption "He was the beginning at his end".


Darkness, that is what was before my eyes. If i had any that is. I can tell easily that what I currently am is in fact not a human body, this was due to the fact that I can only think and not feel anything which surrounds me; yet I can see.

What I saw was a floating orb. Something like a soul from Soul Eater. But mine was far different. It was a bright golden tint for some reason it was unfathomable to me, but within I saw other souls. One was a Crimson Red that screamed for blood and war, another was White and it represented all of purity itself and seemed lonely, one was a Dark Green and wished to be born once more to live and then die until living was no longer an option, another was Purple and was giving an aura of destruction as if it could overthrow worlds perhaps even destroy them and finally one was Black it reigned over all the other souls and was extremely overbearing as if it was the peak of all existence it seeped out evil and wanted to be known as a king.

The Black one seemed to be the strongest, I felt close to it. I felt one with it.

And the others? The feeling I get from them is the same, albeit weaker.

Due to all of this happening I had remained in this state and looked into my own soul for probably infinity, as I cannot tell the time as it was a ruined throughout my days of work.

The number of other souls inside my own seemed indefinite. To go on forever.


I screamed in my mind to release my frustrations. I was sinking deeper into my insanity, the void was beginning to sink into my mind and the weight of existence pressured me into a bottomless sinkhole.

"AAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed toward the heavens for the first time in my life. (Ironically)


Yet so suddenly I hear a voice in my head, one that seemed to be so familiar I nearly died from the thought of the owner of this voice hearing me curse the heavens in such a manner.

It was the voice of Darcy. (Like fucking how?!)

[Uuuuummm…? Hello, could I know who I'am speaking with?]

She didn't hear me, thank the fucking Devils, Gods and Immortals. Now let's see what the hell is going on.

"Hello? Darcy is that you? It's me Daban." I spoke in a quizzical manner, yet inside I was practically leaping in pure joy.

[What?! Daban it's you? You died too?!] I was a little shaken at hearing "too" but inside I knew that is what happened.

"Sure did, I had my head smashed by a machine. And I was trapped in this place for what seemed like an eternity."

[Really? But it says here you've been here for less than 20 minutes?]

What? 20 minutes? Seriously?!

"Well uuuuuhhhhhh… let's move on shall we! Why are you here all of a sudden?" I changed the topic and asked a serious question. Why is Darcy here? I know she died, but we by chance met after our death; that should be near impossible.

[OH! Well… I died in a car crash after we were heading home from our vacation, I was the only one to die and all. But after I died I heard a voice give me two separate choices. Either become a host for a system or become a system myself. I obviously became a system after hearing that they will just act as a support for the host as the host will be facing great dangers that are unmatched. So I got a bit scared and chose the easy way out. I tried looking for a soul to link with and I stumbled upon you. Anyway that is all that happened.] She reported the entirety of her situation to me. And I was amazed at her calm demeanor.

I question her on several things, her calmness is linked with the fact that she accepted her fate already, the fact that she can tell how long I was here was due to a system scan, and what type of system she was is in fact a [Fiction System] a system involving all that is fiction.

"Alright Darcy, after hearing all that is going on I Daban wish to formally ask for you to be my system in my next life is that alright?" I asked her to become my system and strength.

To this question of mine she let out a very happy voice saying: [Yes! With you as my partner we can become quite the powerful team you know.]

With that all said and done we initiated the linking of our beings.

[Fiction System is attempting to link with your soul <Accept / Decline>]

"Accept" I of course accepted the linking.

[Fiction System linking with soul: 1%…28%…69%…93%…100%]

[Linking with Fiction System complete]

[Yes~ Now, first things first. A quick look at your memories and status.]

I then practically began to quiver at the thought of Darcy finding out my past, as even I began to become insane due to it. But before I could stop her it was far to late.

[System scan of memories of Host complete. Linking memories into system.]

[KYAAAAAAA!!!!! What is this?!?! How can your mind be on the brink of collapse every day?! Even when you were at your happiest you doubted the entire world and when you asked me out… sniff*… you were absolutely horrified at the though of rejection. And that night we talked till morning and did those things, you were gonna kill yourself before I contacted you?! What, how even just me asking you why you didn't wave at my that one time in the hall brought an immense amount of joy to your heart that you waited for me to leave to then break down in tears of joy. Yet… I still hurt you so badly… I'am sorry… please forgive me and my mistakes toward you.]

I began to question my existence once more, yet I heard "mistakes" I began to grow even more sad, as I could guess…

[Sorry, I just thought you were a little creepy and a loner who wanted to stay by yourself and I just ended up ignoring the amount of pain you could have been holding deep inside, I thought that maybe we shouldn't be friends and that you didn't want to be near me after I rejected you and that you could have went after other girls but yet… after that things just got worst for you, even your own family doesn't seem to care to much about you.]

I began to feel like crying, yet I could not do such actions with my current body.

[But now… I'll have many long years to make up for all that! Now won't I?]

I felt my soul calm down and all emotion turned to happiness and excitement at this truth and returned in kind: "Of course! You and I are now stuck together until we are erased! HAHA!"

[Mmmm… That's good. Now let us move on. You should pick a choice on what worlds you would like to visit on your travels.]

"Oh? What are the choices?" I asked in an amazed and curious manner.

[Your choices are: Anime, Cultivation, Fantacy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery, Manga, Video Games, Alternate Realities, etc.]

"OKAY! I choose Anime, Manga, and Video Games! Please!"

[Alright then…]

[Fiction system has integrated with the Anime Dimensions, Manga Dimensions and Video Game Dimensions. This allows host the chance of transporting his soul and body into different worlds of these types]

[Finally we should take a look at your status and start you off in a random world. Okay?]

I thought the plan sounded good and played along. I then saw a blue screen appear in (what seemed) in front of me.


Name: Daban

Sex: Male

Race: Immortal Human

Class': Dimensional Traveler

Titles: Insane

Level: 0 XP: 0/100

HP: 100/100 MP: 1000/1000 Energy: 0/0

Str: 1.1 End: 1.0 Agi: 1.3

Per:1.0 Int: 1.0 Wis: 2.5

Stat Points: (0) Skill Points: (0)

Blessing: <???> <???>

Skills: <Martial Arts 1> <Sword Arts 1> <Gun Arts 1> <Lying 5> <Acting 5> <Mental Resistance 4> <Soul Resistance 1> <Driving 2> <Sneaking 2> <Cooking 2> <Pain Resistance 2> <Disease Resistance 2> <Speech 1> <Swimming 3> <Blacksmithing 2> <Hidden Weapons 1> <Throwing 4> <Spear Arts 1> <Computer Knowledge 3> <Sex Arts 4>

Equipment: None

Bloodlines: None

Summons: None

Special: None

Vehicles: None

Buildings: None

Worlds: <Earth>

Danger Rating: F

{Inventory} {Quest} {Dungeon} {Roulette 0} {Sell} {Fusion} (Harem)


{System Credits: 0} {Item Credits: 0} {Skill Credits: 0} {Equipment Credits: 0} {Bloodline Credits: 0} {Summon Credits: 0} {Special Credits: 0} {Vehicle Credits: 0} {Building Credits: 0}

(Items) (Skills) (Equipments) (Bloodlines)

(Summons) (Special) (Vehicles) (Buildings) (Worlds)


After me looking around I noticed the System Points were at zero. So I asked Darcy about it and she responded with: [Oh right, you have a Beginners Package in the Inventory. Go ahead and use it.]

I went ahead and opened the box: [Open Beginners Package? <Accept / Decline>]

After accepting I get the notice of:

Ding* [Gained: x10,000 System Credits / Item Credits / Skill Credits / Equipment Credits / Bloodline Credits / Summon Credits / Special Credits / Vehicle Credits / Building Credits]

[Gained Item: x1 Low level Identity card]

[Gained Skill: Sprinting] (Agility Active Skill)

[Gained Equipment: x1 Sandai Keitsu Wazamono] (One Piece)

[Gained Equipment: x1 Tactical Gear Set (Clothing and Weapons)] (Call of Duty 4)

[Gained Bloodline: Vampire] (Hellsing Ultimate)

[Gained Summon: Kirito] (Sword Art Online)

[Gained Special: Sharingan/One Tomoe] (Naruto)

[Gained World/System: High School of the Dead]

[Gained: x3 Random Roulette Chance]

"You've gotta be fucking shitting me." All the item I got my hands on, from that fucking package are insane. Absolutely top tier shit. "Darcy… I fucking love you."

After saying such things. Well, she freaked out… and well sent me off to the only world I had unlocked completely and that is High School of the Dead.

Yep… Good job me… Way to go.

Hi, hows it going? Hope you are takin' an interest in my novel here. I want you guys to enjoy what work I've got.

Also, due to my crazy stupid schedule. I WILL NOT be posting regularly, only when I manage to get the chapter(s) completed will I upload.


Anyway, go ahead and tell me if you see any mistakes that need to be corrected.

Thank You and enjoy.

(Also, I had to fix some spelling errors I discovered)

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts