
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

[Chapter:3][System functions (I) .]

"Hmm…these guys really are easy to kill.", a white haired youth muttered to himself softly.

With another swift thrust, Grace pierced the metal rod in his hands right through the eyes of another blood covered student, before quickly pulling it out and repeating the same on another one of 'them'.

It had been roughly ten minutes since the apocalypse reached its claws to the school and Grace walked downstairs, yet within those short few minutes, nearly half of the school had become one of 'them' already.

"That's number 69."

Grace whispered under his breath as the little loli Dea commented.

(You now have 70 Points, though you can't use them for anything yet.)

Grace merely nodded his head.

"These guys and unfortunate girls are easier than I thought to deal with. Why don't you begin explanations now itself instead?", he asked out loud, not really used to the whole 'communicating through thoughts' trope.

Well, it's not like there's anyone around to think he's mad anyway.

Dea thought for a moment before nodding, although Grace couldn't see the sight of the little loli nodding her little head.

(Alright. To begin with, say 'Status'. Thinking works too.)

"Status.", Grace muttered softly, making a translucent hologram-like window appears in the centre of his vision which, nonetheless, didn't really obstruct him too much.



Gabriel Grace Godkin

Human Male 19 years old

World : Highschool of the Dead

State : normal, calm, alert

Points : 72 Silver Points : 1

Golden Points : 1 Crystal Points : 0


"Well that's simple enough.", he whispered softly.

((A/N : You don't say? Ain't no way in hell I'm wracking my brain trying to do the math by digging my own grave and adding some bullshit like stats of all things. Nope, not happening.))

(I know, so I won't bother explaining them all. Now, to close the window, try swiping it to the side.)

Grace raised his hand holding the blood covered metal rod, and raised his index finger before flicking it to the side. The window followed the finger's movement and suddenly minimised into an icon with the image of a silhouette, appearing to the right of his vision.

(Think 'Quests'.)

'Quests.', he tried simply thinking this time.

Another window appeared in his view.



World Quest I : Despair

Description : The world is coming to an end. 'They' have begun to rise from the graves of man, and hunt woman and child alike. Amidst this hellish planet are those that have given in to their despair, embracing their dark side. Remove them before they cause even more despair.

Completion : (0/10) Golden Marks disposed

Rewards : 10 Golden Points, 10 Silver Points

Quest : Zombies!

Description : The world has gone to hell! Kill as many of 'them' as you can, thus contributing to society.

Completion : (73/100) | (73/1,000) | (73/10,000) | (73/100,000) | (73/1,000,000)

Rewards : 1 SP and 1 GP per completion.


"Oh? So that's the world quest you mentioned?", he wondered out loud.

(Yes, now let me explain to you the basics of your System.)

Dea cleared her throat, and Grace somehow imagined the little loli dressed as a teacher with fake spectacles and holding a stick and hitting a white board with it while trying to act mature, making him smile involuntarily.

Dea, luckily, didn't notice this thought of his, as she continued with her explanation.

(The name of your System is 'Trash Disposal System', and it's main purpose is to award you for disposing all 'trash' that you encounter throughout your journey through the multiverse. Said trash might be serial killers, psychopaths, rapists, scammers, scum, hypocrites, etc… . It doesn't matter who, as long as they are trash recognised by the System Administrator, which is the Author, the System will mark them Gold, and you get a Golden Point for disposing of them.)

(Now, coming to Points, there are four kinds of Points in the System. The usual Points, which you earn through disposing all blue marked targets which is, basically, everyone other than you and your currently nonexistent harem or familiars. These Points are practically useless, but a thousand of them can fuse together to form a Silver Point.)

(Silver Points can be used to turn the 'Lottery'.)

Grace thought 'Lottery.', as a new window appeared in his vision just as he minimised the 'Quests' window into an icon of an open scroll.

The Lottery window was relatively simple, with a big wheel at the centre and a thin arrow pointing up. The wheel was divided into hundreds of segments, all of them being the same size yet of different colours.

Behind the wheel, a little to the side, is a darkened pair of dice with a lock symbol on top of them. Behind this pair of dice is a pack of cards, a roulette, and a dark board with three darts next to it. And the last was a slot machine of sorts, only with six slots instead of three.

(You have to spend 10 Silver Points first to unlock one of the locked five, 100 Silver Points for another, then 1,000, 10,000, and finally 100,000 Silver Points to unlock the sixth one. You can unlock anyone of the lottery types , but I would recommend putting the Slot Machine for the last because while it has the most bountiful rewards, worth far more than even a Crystal Point, it also has the worst probability of winning anything other than rubber ducks.)

Grace blinked at that.

'Wait, I can get rubber ducks in the lottery?'



He felt rather speechless, but decided not to dwell on it.

He was, after all, the main character of a shitty harem fanfic with an 'OP MC' tag, so the results of lottery shouldn't be that bad.

Probably. Right?

'Hmm…I have 1 SP don't I?'

(You wanna spin the wheel?)

Grace nods his head as he attains his 79th Point.


Right then, the number of Silver Points Grace had decreased to 0, and the wheel began to spin.

Faster and faster the wheel spins, before quickly slowing down, so quickly and suddenly, in fact, that he didn't even have the chance to react properly.

'Huh, well, I guess it's nice I don't have to wait for hours.'

Grace shrugged his shoulders as the wheel finally comes to a stop, and the needle points to a certain red sector.

(Congratulations! You have obtained the ability 'Adaptability(low) : F-'.)

The little loli Dea quipped in an obviously excited tone.

Grace blinked his eyes in confusion.

'Since when did you become an announcer? And why are you excited?'

But then a thought came to his mind.

'Wait, did you stop the wheel?'

(Well duh, who else? You should be grateful, even if your luck isn't that good, this Goddess can let you have good rewards since my luck is nothing short of fantastic.)


Grace suddenly felt rather speechless and wanted to say he was the MC of this shitty fanfic, meaning his luck isn't something that can even be measured properly, what with the plot armour of a future OP MC and all, but decided to keep the thought to himself.


Just then, Grace blinked his eyes as he felt a strange…'something' wash over his body. It was cool, nearly bone chillingly cool, yet he didn't shudder. On the contrary, Grace felt that the chill was rather comfortable.

(Ah, that's the System changing your body and integrating your new ability with you. Since it's '(low)', only your body is adaptable. At '(medium)', that ability will affect your soul, and Spirit as well at '(high)'. As for what happens when you raise the Rank to EX or above, I have no clue.)

'Eh? Aren't you supposed to be, like, all knowing or something?'

Grace asked in confusion as he wondered if the little loli is 'A Goddess' instead of 'The Goddess'.

(All knowing? Ah, you mean my omniscience? I sealed it, cause, what's the fun in that? I'm not like some of those readers in webnovel that like spoilers, I'd much rather have this book interesting. I mean, wouldn't it be boring if all the plans Author-san has about this book suddenly surface in your mind?)

Grace nodded his head.

"I guess that's true. But still, aren't there quite a few of them already?", he muttered out loud as he killed another one of 'them'.

(You think this is a school from your previous world or something?)

Dea rolled her eyes cutely. A pity, no one was around to see it.

(Unlike your world or Author-san's reality beyond the fourth wall, this is an anime world. Fujimi Highschool is enormous. It has, what, 3,000 plus students? And less than twenty actually survive and even among them, only the main cast and the Trash's group manage to make it out alive.)

Grace recalled the plot and first few episodes of HOTD, but alas, unlike other protagonists that conveniently have near-perfect memory, such a thing wasn't included in his Starter Pack.


Grace suddenly froze mid thrust, though he quickly finished off his 420th zombie, but his sudden shout attracted several other walking corpses towards him.

Dea, too, was stunned for a moment.

(What happened?)

"Starter Pack, don't I get a newbie pack or something?"

Dea blinked her large sapphire-like eyes, before she sticks out her tongue cutely to no one but the readers.

(Oops? Looks like I completely forgot.)




Grace felt rather speechless, before realising that he was feeling speechless a little too many times nowadays, or rather, during the last few minutes alone. Alas, he couldn't say anything since he, too, forgot about that.

((A/N : *cough* *cough* Hey, you! What are you looking at!? I-it's not like I forgot the very basic function of a System a-alright!?))


*Beyond the fourth wall*

Hey there folks! How do you do?

Last time, I mentioned the Ranks of Skills and Abilities, and I also mentioned the different Points in the System.

This time, I'm going to explain the basic Life Tiers.

There are four Tiers of Life / Existence in my story, the very first being the Mortal Tier / Realm.

Mortals are, well, obvious enough. They have several shackles, they can't study the Laws of Reality without their bodies bursting and their souls collapsing and their minds shattering to pieces, they can't live for more than several tens of times their original life span even with things like medicine, technology, etc… because their bodies simply can't absorb enough Life Force even from these external sources, etc… .

Basically, they are weak as Fuck.

Also, in Ranks, Mortals are represented from F-, to F, F+, E-, E, E+, D-, D, and D+. For instance, Captain America's Super Soldier Serum would be something like a D- item, since it boosts his physical and mental aspects to the peak of human limits. Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark's intellect would be D, and Reed Richard's intelligence would be D+.

Yes, I know, the latter is more of an EX++, but what can I do? Giving it such a Rank would make the balance I set till now collapse. Lucky for me, he won't be going to Marvel, nor will he be getting too many powers from MCU.

After Mortal, is the Transcendent Tier / Realm.

A Transcendent is, in this book, simply anyone that has broken any one of the mortal shackles

Mortals have loads of shackles placed on them by the Universe itself, like being unable to 'create' energy by tapping into the Void, being unable to refine / strengthen their souls, being unable to wield supernatural forms of energies such as Magic, Mana, Ki, Qi, etc… . And breaking even one of those 'rules' would make one a Transcendent.

Meaning, Doctor Strange, Legendary Masters from Strongest Disciple, Saiyans with their Ki, Magicians, Mages, Demons, Devils, Angels, Dragons, etc… are all Transcendent beings. And the last few races are even born Transcendent.

Mostly commonly, however, Transcendent beings refine / strengthen their souls, making them purer, stronger, bigger, etc… .

The Ranks which represent Transcendents are C-, followed by C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, and A+.

After Transcendents come the Divine Beings. And to become a Divine Being, one need only satisfy one of four conditions.

Condition 1; gather a certain amount of faith or belief. Conventional Gods and Goddesses are birthed or ascend through satisfying this condition. And it also includes Mythical and Legendary beings, like King Arthur, Merlin, Sun Wu Kong, Zhuge Liang, etc… .

Condition 2; link your body and soul with your spirit. In this book, the Spirit is basically a cumulative of information, your memories, your emotions, your thoughts, and your will. It's an ethereal amalgamation of all of this, without proper shape or form. But it is also what makes you, well, you. It's kind of like your identity. And it also serves as a bridge between your physical body, which holds your life, and your soul, which contains your capacity to think for yourself among other things. The second condition is to make the bond / bridge between your body and soul made by your Spirit stronger, broader, etc… .

Condition 3; comprehend and, thus, wield one or many of the Laws of Reality. Kind of like Cultivators, only, one needs a body and soul with the capacity and a Spirit strong enough to withhold the enormous information that a Law of Reality represents to use it properly. So no Mortal spamming spells or techniques with 100% comprehension of some or the other Law.

Condition 4; haven't thought of one yet. It's open to ideas, though. Just comment what you all readers think would be a good condition to become a Divine Being, someone that is beyond the concept of Mortals and Transcendents, but isn't actually omnipotent or anything. Also, no, this isn't some kind of event, and I won't introduce your idea as the fourth Condition if I like it, so don't get your hopes up. I'm just looking forward to what you all will manage to come up with and maybe get a few laughs and some inspiration.

Also, Divine Beings Ranks are S-, S, S+, SS-, SS, SS+, SSS-, SSS, and SSS+.

And the highest Tier / Realm, are the Exceeds. Not the talking winged cats from Fairy Tail, mind you.

Exceeds are those that have exceeded anyone and everyone in their respective fields, pun intended.

For instance, a Sword Exceed is someone that has surpassed all the infinite Mortals, Transcendents, and Divine Beings in the comprehension and mastery over the Sword. The Magic Exceed is someone that has, similarly, exceeded any and all Mortals, Transcendents, and Divine Beings over understanding of Magic.

Exceeds have three ranks, EX, EX+, and EX++. And each Rank corresponds to one of the three former Tiers / Realms.

An EX Ranked Exceed is someone that has surpassed all the infinite mortals in the infinite worlds, time lines, parallel universes, etc… that exist, have existed, will exist, or could possibly exist.

EX+ means said Exceed has surpassed all Mortals 'and' all Transcendents in the infinite worlds, time lines, parallel universes, etc… that exist, have existed, will exist, or could possibly exist.

EX++ means said Exceed has surpassed all Mortals, Transcendents, and Divine Beings in the infinite…you get the point, right?

Also, the moment one becomes an Exceed, they attain an Authority.

And I'll say more about Authorities in the next 'Beyond the fourth wall', so adios!