
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

[Chapter:2][First World~!]

*ding* *dong* *dong* *dong*

The school bell rings, resounding within the entire campus of Fujimi Highschool.

Students hurry to their classrooms, teachers walk with books and instruments in hand, and the very first of the infected and 'them' begin to move, slowly yet surely increasing in number.

Yup, just another apocalypse-beginning day in the world of HOTD.

And on the roof of Fujimi Highschool, the school where the main cast and the main character, oh, my bad, the 'former' MC of the series, study, a youth with a muscular body, long white hair, and a handsome face opens his crimson red eyes.

"Ok? I guess this is the first world I'm going to?"

Grace, recalling the 'Multiverse' tag of the fanfic he is the MC of, mutters to himself as he raises his body and looks around.

"I'm on a rooftop…a school rooftop of a Japanese school it seems."

He approaches the edge of the roof and peers down, looking at the empty grounds beneath him. Then he looks across into the classrooms of the block opposite him, and stares at the uniform of the students sitting on their desks and listening to the teachers teaching.

"That uniform…ah, it's that fan service anime and manga. Highschool of the Dead."

Grace nodded as he thought Author-san did a good job selecting this rather cliché world as the first of many in his huge-harem fanfic.

"Now then, by the looks of it, I don't have much time before shit hits the fan."

Grace looked around and found the former MC, Takashi Komuro, leaning against the railing and staring at the sky in a daze.

"I should have a few tens of minutes at most."

But then Grace blinked as he saw a golden marker appear on top of Takashi's head.

"Huh? Did I somehow slip into SAO?"

It was a marker similar to the ones in SAO, only instead of blue or orange or red, this one is gold.

Just as he was about to tap the marker with his finger, even if he was several metres away from the guy, a sudden voice appeared in his mind.

(Hey there! Long time no see Grace.)

Grace blinked.

'Dea-chan? It's good to hear your voice, but what do you mean long time no see?'

(Ah, it hasn't been long in your perspective huh?)

Dea Numen, or little loli Dea, chuckled softly.

(You don't know it, but it took nearly sixteen days for you to get there you know? I don't know why Author-san made Dimensional travelling so long since, as omnipotent as he is, he should be able to Thanos-snap you there, but eh. I guess that's another plot point.)

Grace nodded.

'I guess so. Anyway, can you tell me what those markers are?'

He wondered as he saw that, not only Takashi, but all others also had a similar marker on top of their heads.

Only, he was the only one with a golden marker, and the rest had blue markers instead.

(Ah, those are the System Markers. Golden means you get 1 Golden Point for killing him.)

Grace blinked when the topic suddenly changed to killing the former MC.

(Blue markers are for common mob characters. They give 1 Point each. You need 1,000 Points to fuse them into a Silver Point.)

(You can only get Silver Points from quests or fusing 1,000 Points. As for their use, I'll tell you when you're free. You don't have much time before the plot begins.)

(Golden markers will give you 1 Golden Point for killing them. Golden Markers also mean that the target is a certified 'Trash' that you can dispose. That's what the system is, after all, the 'Trash Disposal System'. The more trash you dispose of, the more rewards you get.)

(Also, 100 or 1,000 Silver Points do not fuse into a Golden Point. You can only get Golden Points from disposing trash.)

(Then there are Crystal Points above the Golden Points. And you get Crystal Points from completing special quests called 'World Quests'.)

(But that's enough of that. You don't have much time, so I'll tell you the other things later. For now, focus on that teacher at the fourth room from the left.)

Grace nodded his head, as he could already see 'them' banging their bodies against the gate, meaning the plot will begin soon.

He looked at the teacher that Dea pointed at, and focused on the blue marker above his head.

Suddenly, a new window appeared on his head.


(Japanese Proficiency : E+) | (House Chores : E+) | (Teaching : D-) | (English Proficiency : E) | (Science Knowledge : E-) | (Math Knowledge : F+) | (…..


(That's one of your only current abilities, 'Extraction'. You can use it once a day at the moment. Anyway, extract the 'Japanese Proficiency : E+' Card unless you want to be seen as an illiterate and possibly illegal immigrant.)

Grace nodded as he indeed had no clue about the Japanese language. Since the 'Extraction' ability was pretty clear enough, he focused on '(Japanese Proficiency : E+)', and the words glowed for a moment before a Card appeared next to them.

The card swiftly flew to Grace and integrated with him, and the next moment, he realised that he could speak Japanese quite easily.

(Well, looks like your out of time.)

Grace blinked, snapping out of his daze from learning an entire language in a short few seconds to the point where he could easily apply as a Japanese Teacher in a Highschool, and looked at the massacre happening below.

"Oh? Another golden marker?"

(Ah, that PE teacher. Technically, it's all his fault for trying to show off to that hot single teacher that caused the first outbreak in the school. It's obvious he's listed as trash.)

"Guess so."

Grace muttered under his breath as he saw the said hot and single teacher fall onto her supple butt as the PE teacher, now one of 'them', finishes turning the rest of the teachers within the group to 'them' as well.

"Looking at it from here, it's pretty stupid how she just freezes in place, not even screaming, and letting him reach her."

(Well, what do you expect? She probably hasn't seen more than a few blood packets even once in her life.)

Grace shook his head at that, before reaching out and clutching a rusty metal beam on the railing. With a sharp pull, displaying his near inhuman strength, he manages to rip the metal bar out.

With another display of strength, he crushes the bar and makes a rough sphere with it.

"Well then, here goes nothing."

Taking in a deep, long breath, Grace calms his breathing and heart beat before cocking his hand back…


…and flings the metal ball towards the PE teacher ready to rip Kyoko Hayashi's throat apart.

With a sharp sound, it tears through the air and impacts the PE teacher right on the head, making his skull cave in and causing him to fall down.

Kyoko jumps up, alarmed at the sudden change in the situation, and looks around like an idiot trying to find where the metal ball came from.

"The hell, doesn't she have basic common sense of, I don't know, running away?"

(…no comment…)

Even the little loli Dea wasn't able to say anything to her defence, not that she actually cared for the mature teacher.

Luckily, Kyoko's curiosity was satisfied she she saw Grace standing on the roof, and with another glance, she quickly shook her head and begins to run, with a few of 'them' slowly walking after her.

"Well now…should I wait here?"

(There will be changes in the plot due to your interference, but those three, Takashi, that guy whose name I forgot, and that orange head Rei should still come here.)

Grace thought for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Nah, I'll go downstairs. I'll farm as many as I can before joining up with the main cast."

Grace looked back at the PE teacher with the golden marker, who was slowly getting up, and the other 'them' walking towards the campus, with blue markers atop their heads.

"1 Point, even if it's very little, is still one additional point after all."

(So you're one of those farmer and hoarder types huh? Well, that's fine too, I guess. I'll tell you about the rest of the System and your Cheats once you settle down for a few minutes.)

Grace nodded as he walked to the stairs and climbed down, another metal rod he had ripped out in hand and a small smile hanging on his face.


*Beyond the fourth wall*

Hey there! Welcome back!

So, how was the Chapter? Short isn't it? I decided each chapter would be between 1,500 and 1,700 words, with another 600 to 800 words being this special section, for a grand total of 2,100 to 2,500 words per chapter!

The previous one is around 2,300 odd words, by the way.

Anyway, since I ended the last chapter with a cliff hanger which I'm sure caused most of you to curse me and my ancestors, I'll continue with explaining Grace's cheats.

Now, where was I? Ah, yes, the points.

1,000 Points, obtained from killing blue targets, makes 1 Silver Point.

Now, as for the purpose of the Points, well, Grace can use the 'Lottery' for 1,000 Points, for starters.

Yup, there's Gacha in here, bear with it.

Anyway, the results of the Gacha are entirely random (meaning I can give him whatever I want without making the plot look forced, teehee~~). From food and water to clothes to equipment to Abilities like 'Arc of Embodiment' or 'Sunshine' to things like 'EA', 'Excalibur', 'Fountain of Youth', 'Death Star', etc… .

Now, for Silver Points, well, they have no use really. Silver Points have no use, other than being equal to 1,000 Points so as to not make the number too large. I thought using Silver Points for Gacha is better than using 1,000 Points every time, so there. You can mostly ignore them, though that might change in the future.

Golden Points, on the other hand, are important. 1 GP can raise the rank of a skill or ability by 1.

Ranks of Skills and Abilities go F- << F << F+ << E- << E << E+ << D- << D << D+ << C- << C << C+ << B- << B << B+ << A- << A << A+ << S- << S << S+ << SS- << SS << SS+ << SSS- << SSS << SSS+ << EX << EX+ << EX++.

Crystal Points are practically the most important, as well as the rarest.

Grace needs Crystal Points to go to other worlds. Well, more like select a world to go to.

Only after completing all World Quests can Grace get 1 Crystal Point, and he can use it to select which world to go to after he's done with the one he's in. Otherwise, the world he goes to next is completely random.

However! Grace won't use them for that purpose, because Crystal Points have another purpose.

When travelling to another world, if Grace has a Crystal Point, it will be automatically used up to give him one random ability. Basically, like a jump chain but he has no choice in the matter. I decide what he gets, meaning he'll be hella OP.

And that's where he got his first Ability from. Grace started off with 1 CP, 1 GP, 1 SP, and 1 Point. So when he reached the world of HOTD, that 1 CP got consumed to give him the 'Card Extraction : F-' ability.

'Card Extraction : F-' allows him to extract 1 Card from any Mortal target in sight per day. Ranking it up will increase the number of card that can be extracted by 1, meaning 2 cards at rank F, 3 at F+, 4 at E-, 5 at E, 6 at E+, 7 at D-, 8 at D, 9 at D+, and there will no longer be a limit to Cards extractable from Mortal targets at rank C-, where as at that rank Grace can also extract 1 Card per day from Transcendent targets.

Now, as for the other two cheats I mentioned, one of them is the EX++ ranked Ability he has called 'Plot Armour'. I think that should be obvious, right? Basically, it'll make this story revolve around him, and make the effects of the Plot Armours of other MCs irrelevant and insignificant.

What, you thought others like Luffy and Natsu with their 'Nakama Powah' will still be present? Or Ichigo with his irrational luck to the point where he could literally go from mortal to someone that can slice a God in half and 'still' know bull shit to horse shit about proper swordsmanship?

Nah, they can go screw themselves, Grace is the MC of this story after all.

The last one will remain a secret. Why? Cause I'm curious about the paragraph comments that I'll get when I finally reveal it.


Well, then! That's enough for this chapter, folks! Meet you next time on Drag-*cough* *cough*.

Sorry, I broke the wrong fourth wall. I'll be going back to my own story now.
