
Travelling the Multiverse while disposing Trash~~! (Dropped)

A/N : You know all the copyright crap? Imagine it’s all here… ………….. Look, you all aren’t kids that don’t know the difference between harem protagonists and hentai protagonists. You all, well most of you anyway, are degenerates like yours truly that are beyond saving and experienced in reading the hundreds of shitty fanfics posted in Webnovel. You want a summery? Read the tags. Ain’t enough? Fine. MC dies, meets a rather friendly ROB, gets cheats, and story begins. Also, it’s a harem story, so no-harem sect members, kindly go screw yourselves. And yes, the guy that posts a ‘Is it a huge harem?’, review in every damn research material I look up, it’s a huge Fucking harem. Happy? Good, cause I am. Also, instead of spamming the same review, why don’t you give me a list of all such books? It’s for the greater-*cough* I mean, for research purposes, of course. And for the degenerates still reading this summary, why haven’t you added the book to your library yet? You have? Start reading then! Now scram!

Azerial · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

[Chapter:1][A wall-breaking discussion.]

"Sooo…I'm dead?"



"That's it? No other reaction?"

"Well…what do you expect me to say?"

A rather, how to say, 'unique' conversation is currently taking place in what appears to be a white room.

The room isn't large, yet it also can't be called small. It is a typical medium sized room, around 200 sq ft in area. The room is mostly empty, save for the pure white marble low table in the middle, the two comfortable beanbags and the two people sitting in them, a sizeable plasma tv on one of the four spotlessly white walls, and a clock hanging from the wall opposite the one with the tv.

Now, for the two people blissfully relaxing as the soft and comfortable cushions enveloped their bodies, one is a rather quaint looking one.

She was petite in stature, and looked roughly 11 or 12 in age. She had waist long straight blue hair and pair of sapphire-like shimmering blue eyes. Her skin was fair and smooth, and a little baby fat was still evident on her face.

All in all, she was an unimaginably adorable little loli that even the most villainous of brutes would find their hearts yearning to protect and spoil.

((Image here))

Opposite her, is seated a young man. The youth had long, silky white hair, reaching to the middle of his back, and with a few bangs covering his temple and ears, few of them reaching all the way to his chin. His eyes were like a pair of crimson jewels, which, despite being half closed, would make one amazed at the depths hidden beneath their otherwise lazy and carefree appearance.

(A/N : Man I cringed so bad writing this.)

The man was well built, or rather, he had an amazing body. Rather than that of an athlete, the youth's build was extremely muscular, albeit compact, showing his martial progress. Indeed, the youth's is a martial artist's body, with defined muscles hidden beneath his black tank top and simple black jeans possessing near inhuman strength.

Despite that, his skin, similar to that of the little loli's, was incredibly fair, to the point of being pale white, even, and was smooth and unblemished enough for a woman to kill in envy.

((Image here))

"What do I expect, you say…"

The young loli looked at the handsome youth with a strange expression.

"I mean, you're dead, you know? Like dead, as in really dead. You're no longer alive, your life has come to an end, kind of dead."

The youth, who was similar to the loli enjoying the comfort of the soft cushion in bliss, didn't even bother to open his half closed eyes or to sit up straight.

"I don't need you to define the meaning of the words 'You're dead.', I know what it means."

The loli pouted despite still having her eyes closed in comfort.

"So? What happens now?"


The loli thought for a moment, before seemingly deciding something.

"How about I let you be the protagonist of an isekai story? Or do you want the Author to write a fan fiction?"

The youth thought for a moment as well, but shook his head in the end.

"The Author probably decided to make this a fanfic already, so it doesn't really matter. Hell, I'm sure he even decided what cheats I'll get."

The young loli nodded her little head.

"Indeed, I'm sure he did. So? What do you think?"

The youth sighed softly.

"It's not like I have a choice, do I? Although, I'd be glad if Author decides not to put in the tragedy or NTR tags. Netori is fine, since I'm sure his degenerate side won't let him not make me cuck some pieces of trash."

The young loli smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will. But you're taking this surprisingly well."

The youth merely chuckled.

"Well, I'm sure the readers don't want to read about an MC that wallows in self denial or other shit like that. This is a shitty harem fanfic by a degenerate, after all. I doubt they are here to watch me struggle or have character development after tragedies ensue."

The young loli raised her brows at that.

"Oh? So you don't mind having a harem?"

The youth then looked at the loli strangely, well, he would have if the two of them had enough willpower to rise from the comforting cushions, but he conveyed his expression through his words nonetheless.

"Don't mind having a harem? Of course not, why would I mind having several beautiful and exceptional women loving me and being loved by me staying with me for an eternity? Or at least until Author-san says 'Fuck this shit' and drops the book."

The young loli thinks for a moment, before nodding her little head.

"Indeed, although I'm curious, what do you think will happen to us if Author-san drops the book?"

The youth shrugged.

"Who knows? Maybe we'll go to the same place where all characters of all dropped fiction go to? Or maybe our reality will be set on repeat, going back to the very beginning all the way to the point where it was dropped and then back again?"

The loli nodded her head again.

"Indeed, that might be possible. Or we all may even fade away without knowing it, considering the readers would take the book out of their webnovel libraries and forget about us entirely."

Suddenly, a loud, resounding *Crack!* reverberated throughout the entire room, before a literal crack in reality appeared above the white low table.

From within the crack, a piece of paper slipped in, and the crack promptly closed, although, the two people, the youth and the loli, who had opened their half closed and closed eyes to look at the crack, could swear they saw a fat man sweating while covering it with brown duct tape.

The loli snapped her fingers, making the paper float up before a copy of it appeared right beside it. The copy floated to the youth, stopping right before his face, not needing for the youth to even move his arms, while the original flew to the loli.

'Stop breaking the fourth wall you fuckers! You think duct tape's cheap nowadays!?'

"Ara, it seems Author-san in his reality is quite poor."

The loli commented.

"Indeed, it seems so."

The youth agreed, before the two slips of paper promptly burned to ashes.

"Well then, what now?"

The loli asked the youth as she once again closed her eyes to enjoy the bliss that the incredibly comforting and soft cushions give her.

"I don't know…"

The youth drawled as he, too, closed his eyes and soaked in the softness.

A few minutes pass by, before the youth sighs.

"I guess time's up eh?"

The reason for that, is because of his body, which was starting to fade away into particles of light.

"Indeed, it appears so. What a pity, after I finally met someone else that knows of the fourth wall."

The loli pouts cutely for a moment, making an arrow pierce through the youth's heart.


The loli, unaware of the consequences of her unintentional actions, cutely puts her right index finger on her chin, seemingly thinking about something important, before her eyes open up, bright as sapphires under the dawn sun itself.

"Ahh! I know what to do."

Just as the youth realised he might just become a lolicon at this rate, and decides to keep on a look out for the FBI, the loli brings up a sphere of multicoloured light and gently kisses it.

The sphere shakes for a moment, before it begins to expand slightly. What was originally the size of a tennis ball becomes as big as a basket ball. And though there were no other changes visible, the loli nods her pretty little head in satisfaction before throwing it to the youth.

"That's your cheats. And I just included a small part of my Will inside it, so I replaced the original emotionless and mechanical guide / tutorial."

The youth's eyes brighten at that.

"So I can talk to someone else who actually knows the truth of the reality we are in anytime? Sweet."

A pair of bright sapphire eyes meet a pair of wine red ones, and both the loli and the youth smile softly.

""I think we both know where this is going.""

The two chuckle lightly.

"Hey, although I don't particularly mind, I expect you to take me on more than just a few dates, alright? You will be my first, after all."

The loli's cheeks flush ever so lightly, making the youth shudder as the already adorable creature before him just got even more adorable.

"Of course."

The youth smiles as well, just as his entire body begins to light up.

"Hmm, I know it's inevitable for you to get a harem, there's the huge harem tag in the front page after all. But don't forget about me just because we can only meet in your dreams, alright? Or I'll, I'll…"

The loli pauses, returning to her cute thinking posture before jumping up.

"I'll bite you to death!"

The youth gawks at her, before bursting out into laughter.

"Sure, though the hickeys will be hard to cover up."

The loli blinked, before understanding what the youth meant and her face turned a deep red, quite in contrast to her eyes and hair and the youth could swear he just saw steam coming out of her ears.

"P-pervert! Hentai! Baka! Ecchi!"

The youth burst out laughing as the loli unconsciously curses him with Japanese jargon. And just in time too, as his entire torso begins to fade away.

"Right, I guess we still don't know each others' names huh?"

The youth flashed the best grin he could as he looked at the loli.

"My name is Grace, Gabriel Grace Godkin. I'll see you in my dreams, my future harem member."

And just as he fades away entirely, he heard the last words of the still flushed loli.

"Dea, Dea Numen. That's my name. Don't forget it."


*Beyond the fourth wall*

Hello there, ladies and gentlefolk!

This is your Author Azerial here!

Welcome to 'Beyond the fourth wall', which, literally, means me interacting with you guys.

So, I'll be giving you a summary on what to expect from this novel.

((Also, there will be quite a few spoilers ahead, so read at your own risk.))

Well, then, let's begin with the tags.

For starters, this story is a fanfic. Well, that much should be quite obvious. Another thing is, it's a Multiverse fanfic.

Meaning the MC Grace will travel to many different worlds, but he will also have his own 'base of operations' so to speak.

Also, spoiler alert!

His first world will be HOTD.

Anyway, back to the tags.

Grace will be OP, like really OP. But he'll also get a plethora of abilities.

But the focus this chapter isn't the tags, it's how OP Grace will be, or rather the reason for that.

For starters, let me begin with the cheats he gets.

Grace gets three cheats, so to speak.

The first is a System. The System has the basic functions like 'Status', 'Quests' with no penalty, 'Skills and Abilities' which is the main function of the System, 'Lottery', which is basically the Gacha, and 'Terminal' with which Grace can travel to other worlds or visit ones he had already been to.

'Status' is, as it sounds, a full scan of Grace. Simple right?

'Quests' function is rather cliché too. Grace will be issued quests based on the situation he is in and on his own desires, meaning if he is, say, in the midst of a monster house, and has to make his way out within a few minutes so that the bread in his toaster won't get burnt, he would get a quest with a time limit of slaughtering all the monsters in the monster house for a reward.

Now, obviously, Grace can also simply ignore the monsters and escape on his own, but subconsciously, he will, as any other gamer, want to take care of the monsters and not waste precious exp or items or whatever, which is why the quest appears.

There will also be quests for each world Grace goes to, called 'World Quests', and these quests are only specific to their particular world. You don't have to complete them, just as Grace doesn't need to complete any quest, but their rewards are pretty good.

Also, if you complete all the World Quests in a particular world, you get the ability to freeze the time in that world when you leave it to go to another one, so you all can expect Grace to complete all World Quests of all worlds he goes to.

Or rather, Grace won't leave any quest unfinished, especially since it's his own conscious and subconscious desires that make the quests be issued.

The next function is the 'Skills and Abilities', which is, as I said before, the main function of the System.

By the way, I didn't mention the name of the System yet, did I?

The System's name is 'Trash disposal System'. Yup, you read it right.

To explain it in simple terms, take the first world HOTD.

In that world, who can be considered trash?

Shido is one, that delinquent member of Shido's groups is another, so is the spy guy from same group, then there's the family that kill the adorable little loli Alice's father, Saya's father who I will refer to as 'To be cucked #2' (spoiler!) who prioritises leading his little band of useless idiots more than his daughter, that woman that makes noise and says that zombies are just something 'To be cucked #2' and his group came up with to control them, the group in the mall, etc… .

Now, the System has a Point chart, with Points, Silver Points, Golden Points, and finally Crystal Points.

And with that, I'll close this chapter.

What's that? I didn't even explain all the things clearly, you say?

To that, I only have one, err, three words.