
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

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Raheem stepped out of the door and found everyone eating at the table. Stiles smelled the food and blew past him. He took a seat and fixed him a plate. Raheem stared at the sight in front of him. A table full of people talking and eating. Human, demon, angel, witch, hybrids, and finally him. It dawned on him that this was his goal. This is what he had to achieve around the globe.

He took his seat that was at the head of the table. Stiles sat on his right side. Frank and Tatiana were on his left. Blake sat at the other end of the table with his daughters by his sides. Raheem smiled and began to eat.

After dinner, everyone went their separate ways. Stiles and Scott left in his jeep. Peter and Derek went to their old house. Raheem fixed it up for them. He felt that it was the least he could do for them. Blake went to the indoor gym. Samantha and Sasha went to the meditation room. Samantha was trying to help her sister awaken her magic.

When everyone was gone from the table, the atmosphere changed. Frank and Tatiana were the only ones left. Raheem crossed his fingers and sat up straight.

"The DNA Peter and Derek returned with. Were there any results?" A month ago, Raheem was in his room thinking about how the society he planned on shaping was going to operate. He knew exposing the world to hybrids would alter and question everything. He needed to make a rough outline of the system.

He knew there were extremely ill people, which is why he started the pharmaceutical company. He didn't want people to just jump at the chance to become a hybrid. The bite alters their very DNA. For some, it was successful, Scott being an example. For others, it changed them or killed them. He had the idea of getting people tested to see if they could even survive the bite, and if so, what would they transform into.

There had been cases of people getting bitten by a werewolf but only to turn into a different hybrid. He wanted a system or test to prevent this. If every single human were to be bitten, then they would go extinct. He knows the greed and temptation of being powerful. He asked Frank and Tatiana to get DNA from everyone in town. He never asked about it since he wanted to take his time.

Peter and Derek had stayed there for most of their lives, the Hale family bloodline even longer. If anyone had a record of people living in Beacon Hills, it would be them.

"They brought back 29 samples of DNA. We had to help and erase 17 people's memories, though. Peter wasn't too keen on asking permission, " Tatiana reported.

"Derek used his brain and avoided harming those he could. When he did harm them, it was only to the point of giving them a headache at most a mild concussion." Frank replied.

Raheem made a mental note of that. "The results?" Tatiana and Frank glance at each other.

"Negative. The level of technology is too low, and we have to account for mana as well. We haven't studied hybrids long enough. We should be able to speed up the process if we had subjects." Tatiana said.

Raheem frowned at the thought of using people as lab rats. He knew they weren't researchers or doctors, so the task was difficult for them to complete without a living subject.

"We will wait and see for now. Just continue with what we have. If we are lucky, we can convince a druid to exchange information with us. Maybe even convince them to join us." Raheem was hopeful that they could do achieve this with as little bloodshed as possible.

They talked some more about the finer details of the society and some laws that would have to be implicated. Raheem also told them his plan about the high table. Tatiana had a proud smile on her face. Frank was mostly surprised that Raheem even became friends, let alone trust a hired killer with such a task.

"Very good, Raheem! I'm very proud of you. You are capitalizing at the opportunity that has shown itself before you. You not only planned for an organization take over but have also managed to secure total control over your first conquered world! Most Gods who have hundreds of thousands of years experience can't achieve this, let alone in such a short time period."

Raheem smiled and accepted the praise but didn't let it go to his head. He knew his achievement was not even noteworthy in the grand scheme of things.

"Thank you. I still have a lot to learn."

Frank nodded his head in agreement.

"What should we do about the guests wandering outside?" Frank asked.

Raheem showed his teeth in their full splendor. "Let's go give them a test. We need to make sure they are up to par."

"Scare them, and if they run, capture them. If they fight them, wound them, but not severely."

Frank chose to sit out for this one. 'I swear children these days.'

"Frank, since you won't be joining us. Build them a guest lodge out in the back. Make sure it's not too close to the greenhouse."

Raheem didn't wait for his response and stealthily jumped through the window. Tatiana gave him a wink and smirk before she disappeared into the shadows.

Frank sighed and got up to do as he was told. It would not even take him 20 minutes to build it with his magic. There were only seven people anyway.

Felix and his pack before contact.

"Yo Felix, man, why the hell are we even entertaining this All-Beast dude? What the hell do they think they are? Batman? I say it's was a waste of time." Jorge said.

"Yo Jorge, cool it, man. If Felix says this is the right move, then just listen. The Hidlers were getting ready for what seemed like a war and all because of this All-Beast character. That means whoever he is, he poses a legitimate threat, and for us, that is good." Theodore said.

The rest of the pack were silently chuckling to themselves.

"Aye, shut up back there. We don't know what the All-Beast is capable of. Even the mistress of the night listens to him, so no funny business while we are in his territory." Felix was 33 years old and had been leading this pack for the last 5 years.

Theodore was his second in command and his little brother. Jorge was comic relief of the pack. You could always trust him to make light of a situation and keep calm when it really counted. The youngest of them was a girl who was 17. She was homeless and dying when Felix found her and bit her. He gave her a choice of dying or becoming something else, and the rest is history.


Raheem watched them from above. He was in the trees completely still. He listened to them talk and nodded his head at Felix, thinking. He thought Jorge and Stiles would get along very quickly. 'Another headache to deal with.' He made a signal with his hands.


Smoke and fog drifted into the woods. Felix quickly got everyone to put their back to each other's.

"All-Beast! We are not enemies! We seek sanctuary as promised!" Felix watched all sides and waited for a response. Raheem responded by activating the traps on the trail.

Immediately, they scattered. Raheem made another hand signal and followed Felix. The rest were subjected to fear from Tatiana. You could hear her beautiful but dark laughter throughout the woods.

Felix was dodging and running on the trail. He dodged logs, pitfalls, and tripwire. He knew he was being tested and could only hope he had passed. After running for a solid five minutes, he came into a clearing. He saw a kid who was roughly 16 or 17 years old. He stood around 6'0 and was wearing a mask. He put his guard up.

"Hey kid, call the All-Beast here. We are just here to seek sanctuary. We didn't sign up to be treated like animals to be hunted in the fucking woods. If not, then just let us leave."

Raheem didn't say anything and rushed him. He didn't shift forms either. He used the same tools the hunters use to hunt hybrids. He threw silver throwing knives. Felix ducked under and rolled forward. He shifted mid roll and swiped upwards with his claws.

Raheem reacted with an electric baton. He stabbed downwards Felix's face. Felix dodged the stab, but he was grazed in the process.


Felix spasmed but regained control over his body quickly. He opened his mouth to roar but got punched in the jaw. Felix tried to call for his pack, not because he wanted back up but because of how strong the kid in front of him was.

He donkey kicked Raheem and opened up some distance. He was breathing heavily and had bad coming from his lips. He could feel himself becoming faint.

"Tell me, is this all you can do for your pact? Will you just roll over and die? You don't hear them anymore, right? What do you think happened to them."

Felix heart seized for a few seconds, but then it started beating at a hundred miles an hour. His eyes turned a deeper shade of red, and the injuries he had sustained became scars. He roared with all his might and then rushed Raheem. He grabbed a fallen tree and launched it at Raheem.

Raheem swatted it away from him with ease. He looked at Felix but found he was gone. He realized the tree was a distraction. Before he could move, he was yanked into the sky by a tripwire.

He was upside down and watched Felix runaway. The shadows wiggled, and Tatiana came out.

"A good seedling. He remained his sanity even with you influencing him and threatening his family. He used his brain instead of letting the temporary power up control him. By the way, you aren't off the hook. You lost this one. You will suffer for it later."

Raheem was nodding his head along until he heard the end of her analysis. He reached up and cut himself loose.

"Let's head back to the house."