
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Making Plans Part 1

Raheem listened to Tatiana and Frank. They explained the basic background of the world, from the wars all the way up to the evolution of society. He was shocked and surprised by how the humans here treated each other.

Separating people based on their skin tone, treating the warriors who fought for their respective countries like second hand products, and judging people for who they choose to love.

Granted his world had its fair share of wrongs, some continents had slaves and actively made money from trading people like livestock. They never discriminated though. A slave was a slave, a livestock was a livestock, it didn't matter where you came from.

Tatiana leaned back and watched Raheem's facial expressions constantly change. She wasn't at all fazed, by the way these humans treated each other, in her mind they would fit in perfectly in the underworld. Frank only felt pity for them. They were only sheep who only knew how to ram into each other and prove who were the better people.

Raheem took in a deep breath and let it go. "Tell me about the hunters and the transformed humans. I want to know their habits, territories, strengths, weaknesses, and most importantly their locations." Raheem said this with an air of authority, as if his order should never be challenged.

Frank's eyes widened. He could feel the shift of energies in the room, the air around Raheem seemed to come alive. Tatiana had a huge grin on her face. They both stood up and bowed. "As you wish, Raheem."

For the next four hours, Raheem learned many things about the hunters and the so called 'hybrids'. He learned how they transformed, their ranks, and weaknesses. Hunters were ordinary humans. They believed hybrids were dangerous and not needed. They wanted them all gone.

He also learned how to speak English, Spanish, and French. He knew he was in the country called, United States of America, or commonly known as the U.S.A. To practice more he only spoke English through the rest of the lessons.

Raheem took a break and walked outside of the cabin they were in. He breathed in the forrest air and visibly relaxed. He always felt at peace in the woods or forrest around his town.

*Ding* [Host will recieve a 10% sense buff and a 15% meditation buff for as long as the host is in a forrest or wooded area.]

Raheem eyes snapped opened. He had forgotten about his system.

*Ding* [ Host has unopened rewards from completed tasks. Would host like to open them up?]

Raheem sat on a nearby rock and said. "Yes open all rewards." [Opening all rewards now.]

The dings went off in succession. [The opening of the rewards has been completed. Does host wish to see them?] Once again Raheem said. "Yes."

[ Host has earned the following rewards.

1. Technique of B+ class (chosen randomly)

2. 3 seeds of fortism

3. 1 pressure control technique]

[Host has one new message from the All-Father. Would host like to listen to it?]

Raheem was still reeling from the three seeds of fortism. It was a very rare plant on his planet, let alone on earth! He shook himself out of his zoned out state and immediately listened to the All-Father message.

"Haha I knew I chose right, not even a complete day has gone by, since you've woken up. You already activated your True Human bloodline. Good for you! Well, I'm busy trying to get my pond back, so I will just give you a little bit of information about True Humans. See ya later!!"

Before Raheem could not even blink he passed out. Tatiana came outside to check on him and saw him passed out. "See! I told you he wasn't ready for a field exercise." She groaned as she watched Frank take Raheem back to his room upstairs.

Raheem was in a state of lucid consciousness and unconscious. He was able to feel himself being picked up and laid down in the bed, but wasn't able to move his body.

He appeared inside his mind. "Where am I?" Raheem looked around and saw nothing. "Hey kid, All-Father here, you are inside your mind so for now enjoy listening to my memories of True Humans."

Raheem sat down in the middle of his mind. He didn't quite understand how he was awake in here, but his body wasn't responding to his movement.

"True Humans were the first humanoid creatures I ever created. I made them in the image of myself. I now realize that was a mistake. True Humans were strong, smart, and extremely arrogant. They felt every species in the omniverse should kneel and worship them. They had too much pride and far too much greed."

Pictures of these True Humans manifested around him. They shifted through different time periods and worlds. One True Human was always present no matter the age or planet. " The True Human that caused the rest of them to become extinct." A man's figure stood tall in front of Raheem. Wearing nothing, but a pair of pants and shoes. He stood in his full glory. Chiseld abs, blonde hair, deep blue eyes that drug you into their depths, and tattoos all over his upper body.

"His name was Atom. I created him from my own blood. In a way he was once my son and a brother to my children. He did something heinous and his followers supported him. I took matters into my own hands and killed them all. All-Father voice was even, as if he didn't admit to genocide of an entire race.

Raheem shivered at this. This All-Father was not even close to the one he had met. The one he had met gave off the vibe of a senile yet reliable grandfather. This was distant and cold.

"They didn't follow the normal way of getting power and strength. They didn't use the scales of power that are used today. They divided their power in classes and ranks. The ranks started from 1 to 13, with 1 being the weakest and 13 being the strongest. These ranks represented the mastery one had of their power. The classes identified the level of talent, physche, and potential one had. The more your mastery grew the stronger talent and potential, your body would improve as your mastery did."

"They focused on five things and they did it in this order."

1. Pressure- Intangible feeling used to force opponents into submission

2. Aura- Pressure becomes visible and you are now able to enhance you body to higher levels

3. Intent- Aura and Pressure have combined. In this state you are now able to create constructs and use them to fight your enemies. The constructs can be anything you imagine.

4. Essence- You can now affect the world around you. You are able to bend the laws of nature to your will, as long as you understand their essence.

5. Domain- You have completely mastered your craft, technique, skill, weapons, or elements. An area depending on how strong your mind and spirit are will encompass your surroundings. No one will be able to break it as long as they are weaker than you.

6. All Supreme- Simple you are supreme.

"All righty then! That's the explanation, so good luck boy."

Raheem was thrown out of his own mind. He sat up with a start and was breathing heavily. He slowly calmed his breath down and looked at the clock, it read 9:30am.

"I was in that state for more than 14 hours. Raheem changed clothes and got back into bed. He was exhausted. His body may have been at rest, but his brain was working harder than ever. His plan was to get used to his body first, then set out to the town and interact with the humans of this planet, but now he needed rest.