
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

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Aftermath Part 3

The Hidler family was sitting around a TV in a rundown apartment building. They were watching the news as the coroner put the bodies into the van and drove away. James threw the remote at the TV, breaking it in the process.

He wanted to break it some more but was stopped by his wife. "James, calm down, I know you are upset, but losing your shit isn't going to change anything." He wanted to retort but knew she was right.

"Cole, I want you to tell everybody to move places and retrieve the bodies. They were our people and will be handled by us, also provide the utmost support to their families." Cole nodded and left to get started.

"See! I knew I should have taken care of that little bitch and Stiles." James back-slapped him with rage. "Then what would you have done!? Boy, you may be my son but make no mistake I will toss you off the cliff before I toss one of my hunters." The room went silent as James looked at Jared.

David spoke up. "Dad considering everything that's happened, we should try for peace instead of revenge." "He is right James, this All-Beast is not your run-of-the-mill hybrid." "What should I do then!? He killed three of our people."

"Only because we crossed him three times." David was getting a headache. James and Suzy looked at him for an explanation. " The first time we crossed him was when Jared and I fought him, the second was when you most likely said something to him Dad, and the third time was when Jared tried to force himself onto Sasha."

James thought about what he could have said, and it finally clicked. "You mean that kid who beat you two up is the All-Beast!? I fucking knew it! That little bastard is so petty." Suzy picked up on what he said. "James, what did you say to him?"

James told them all about the dinner he went to and what happened. David inwardly shook his head. There was nothing he could do to change his dad and brothers mindsets.

"David, tell me everything you know about him, only then can we make preparations. Suzy, I want you to take all the children out of school." He looked up at Cole, who just came in. "Cole, I want you to contact the Argents and see what they are going to do." Cole immediately left and headed over to them. Suzy got up and contacted the schools.

James turned towards his sons. "Boys, you will both stay here while I go buy as much wolfsbane as possible." Jared wanted to refute but stopped in his tracks because of the look James gave him. "Yes, sir." He mumbled meekly.

David sat down on the beat-up couch and sighed. James nodded. "You're in charge, David." This made David sigh again.

Once James was gone, Jared turned around and glared at his brother. David opened one of his eyes and stretched out on the couch. "Don't glare at me. You are the one who made dumb choices." "So what! You are my brother. You're supposed to always have my back."

"Not when you make dumb fucking decisions." David stood up and got into his face. "I wasn't the one who attacked him first. I wasn't the one who went after the girl. I wasn't the one who poked the fucking hornet nest!" He stabbed his finger into Jared's chest with every sentence.

"Oh, and for the record, I've always had your back. Remind me again who was lying on the ground with you that day!? Who was the one who saved your ass!? Who was the one who took that beating from Dad that time? YOU took the car and crashed it! I still have the fucking scars on my back you piece of shit!"

"So don't you ever say that I don't have your back." Jared was mad but also ashamed of himself. David backed away and breathed in and out. He laid back on the couch and closed his eyes to rest.

Argents House.

Kate had just set up a flight when the doorbell rang. She looked towards her brother Chris and he nodded while cocking his gun. Kate walked over and opened the door, ready to shoot. Cole ducked and pushed her gun to the left while punching her in throat. She dropped the gun, and he caught it. He also grabbed her and moved her in front of him.

Chris stopped himself from firing and aimed at his head. Cole looked around for an ambush. Once he was sure there was no one else, he slowly put the gun down.

"Sorry, I reacted. You must have seen the news, right?" He let Kate go and put his hands into the air. Kate coughed, rubbed her throat. Chris put his gun down. "Yeah, we saw the news. How did you piss him that badly?" Cole gestured towards a chair. Chris sat down and listened to what he had to say.

After listening to Cole, Chris shook his hand. "Thanks for telling us about this. Gerard is going to be here within 12 or 16 hours. He is already getting ready to board the plane. Cole was shocked. "You mean Gerard, the bisector is coming here!?" Chris inwardly grimaced at hearing his father name. He earned this name by severing hybrids in half with a medieval long sword. On many occasions, he was forced to watch.

Cole left the house and returned to the beat-up apartment.

The River's Home

Blake woke up and didn't feel Nikki next to him. He didn't think anything of it and went to wake up his daughters like usual. He woke up Samantha first, then knocked on Sasha door until he heard a pillow thrown at it.

He chuckled and went downstairs. His wife was still absent. This made him start looking for her. He didn't shout for her since he didn't want the kids to worry about anything. He told them that she left to run some errands. He took Samantha to school and made sure Sasha was gone.

He called into the office and went to the basement. 'Please, please just be down here and tell me that you just lost track of time.' He wished and prayed with all his might.

He went to the same spot and knocked in the same rythem. He followed in his wife's footsteps. He could clearly see them in the dust that covered the floor. He stopped at the door and took a deep breath.

He opened it and saw the damages. His heart sank, he entered with heavy steps and sat down in the chair. He looked around and saw some envelopes on the table. He picked them up and saw there was one for each of them. He opened his first.

Dear Blake,

You were the best thing that happened to me. I got two beautiful daughters thanks to you. I experienced what life had to offer and what it could give. You accepted me for what I truly was without hesitation. You never made me feel like an outsider and always took care of me in the best way possible. I don't want you to do anything drastic. We knew this day would come. Follow the plan and make sure to keep our babies safe. They won't touch them as long as I still have air in my lungs. They are afraid of what I'm capable of.

From your Love Nikki

His hands trembled as he read the letter. He didn't cry. He refused to shed tears. He sniffled and wiped his nose. He grabbed a suitcase and stuffed it with all of the books that were on the shelf. These books would become very important soon. They explained mana, hybrids, and how to control mana.

Blake was just a soldier when he met Nikki. He never even thought magic was real. He wasn't able to use it either, but he knew without a doubt his daughters could. Once he was finished packing everything, he could see. He checked the room for any hidden compartments. He wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything.

He didn't find anything and left the room. He took out a piece of paper that had an ancient language on it. "Nikki said if I tear this, then it will point towards the best place for the girls to stay." He tore the paper in half and instantly knew where to go. He packed a few bags for the girls and put them by the door.

He went around the house and packed the photo albums. He was preparing to burn the house to the ground as planned. He grabbed the jar of green liquid. It was labeled as Greek Fire! The warning was faded, but he didn't need to read it. Nikki diluted it so that regular people could put it out.

He set up a timer and placed it at the end of the kitchen table. When the timer went off, a heavy object would roll and push it over the edge. He quickly grabbed everything and put it in the car.

By the time he was finished with all of this, school was ready to be over. He texted Sasha that he would be picking her up and went to get Samantha early. Sasha didn't want to get picked up by him, but he didn't leave her a choice. He made it to the end of the street when he saw his house catch fire.

He watched it for a few seconds and then continued forwards.

Raheem and Stiles was outback sparring with each other. They both needed to get used to their new strength. Raheem swung his fist outwards. Stiles stepped back and sent a wave of pressure. Raheem didn't move an inch.

"Stiles I'm heavier than I was before so you need to use a lot more pressure and force." He threw a straight right and imagined a rocket being launched. Stiles felt the danger and hit the ground with everything he had. He imagined an anvil sinking into the ocean.

A simple but very effective strategy. The pressure that hit the ground made it cave in a little bit. The wind from the swing forced Raheem's pressure to fall to the ground. Stiles moved in for melee combat. He knew he couldn't beat Raheem in pressure.

He threw a faint left hook and connected with a head but. Raheem head snapped back. Stiles jumped for a high kick but Raheem kicked out first and hit him in his stomach.

Stiles stood up and wiped his mouth. Raheem did the same with his nose. "Nice head but Stiles." He said this with a smile. He was just about to rush Stiles when the barrier deactivated. He looked towards the house and saw Tatiana waving at him.

He stood up straight and bowed towards Stiles. He did the same to Raheem. They grabbed their things and headed inside.