
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Aftermath Part 2

The annoying Trio

Entertainment was extremely satisfied with what he saw. He put away the monitors and relaxed in his chair.

Pranks and Illusion had left to do their jobs. Pranks' favorite job was to attempt to bring joy and laughter. Illusion doing multiple different jobs. She was in charge of the mirage people see in deserts, visions before you die, puzzles, and many more.

"You little piece of shit!" Entertainment was thrown and tied up against the wall. "Now now Freddy boy don't do something you will regret." Godfreed wanted nothing more than to tear him limb from limb. "Don't you ever call me Freddy! Only my sister is allowed." He tossed Entertainment into a courtroom.

"Oh come on darling you can't be that upset. I did notify and save one of your precious Generals." Entertainment was amused and without care. He loved all types of entertainment, even if it meant he was the entertainment.

The All of Judgement sat in her chair. She was exasperated. "Entertainment why are you in my courtroom this time? You were just here 100,000 years ago, what could you have possibly done?" If one were to ask her which All she wanted to see the least of, she would say the All of Entertainment.

"Judgey! Hey, how have you been? Ouuu I'm loving the hair darling." He swayed his hips and waved at her. Godfreed stepped into the courtroom and brushed off his suit. "How do you do Judge?" Judgement nodded her head at him and looked at the file that landed on her desk.

"Let's see why you both have come to me." She read the file and sighed. "I'm extremely busy gentlemen so I will make this quick. Entertainment." He stood up from his seat with a smile. " I find you guilty on the counts of scheming against an All. I also find you guilty of assisting two others in interfering an All's training. How do you plead?"

" I am pleading guilty your honor." She looked towards Godfreed who was watching the proceedings. "Very well. Your message board and any access to media will be forbidden for the next 300 years." She banged her gavel and they both disappeared.

Pranks and Illusion were summoned next and were punished as well.

Raheem woke up around 2 pm. He felt amazing as if he was reborn. He looked in the mirror and saw the changes to his body. He was loving the fact he had his long hair back, it just needed to be braided. His skin had gotten darker and smooth. He lost some height but that didn't bother him. His eyes and teeth were the most noticeable after his hair.

His eyes had slits in the pupil like a cat's and were silvery purple. He blinked and they went away going back to their black obsidian color. His teeth were tougher, he could feel he had a lot more bite force than before. His canines were bigger and sharper too, not to a crazy extent but just enough for someone to see how sharp they were.

"Status update."

*Ding* [Showing Host updated Status.]

Name: Raheem Judas

Age: 16

Powers: Synergy and Sound manipulation

Techniques: Brules Hunter, Pressure Mastery, and Earth's martial arts

Pressure: Rank 8

Weapons: Enchanted Pistols and rifle

Currency: 0

Bloodlines: Primordial Wolf, True Human, and Nemian Lion (NEW!)

Class: D

Rank: 7


Enchanted pistols and rifle

One blank dimension token

New evolution (Safe to use.)

John Wicks world

One Madness Purifier

Official All-Beast apparel

Raheem clicked on the new bloodline for more details.

Neiman Lion: A mythical beast who is impervious to all sharp, bladed, and piercing damage. They can be cut by weapons made from their claws and fangs. They have a lifespan of 20,000 years. They only give birth once in their lifetime. They will have 7 cubs with most being girls. They are gold or silver. They grow up to 16 feet in length and 8 feet in height. Due to their bones and muscles, they can weigh up to 7,500 pounds. They shed their fur three times. One when they reach adolescent age, the second when they reach adulthood, and the third when they die. Their diet is very vast. They can eat meat, plants, or ores to sustain themselves. Their favorite food however is golden fish. They are very territorial!

Raheem rubbed his stomach and realized he felt empty. He went downstairs and saw the table filled with meat, plants, and some shiny objects. He didn't care about the news. He was focused on the food.

Stiles heard the noise coming from the kitchen and went to check it out, but was stopped by Tatiana. "Never, go into a lion's den, especially a Nemian Lion while they are eating." Stiles took her word for it and sat back down. A few minutes later Raheem came out of the kitchen with a satisfied smile.

"So what happened?" "Nothing much just you beating the shit out of Frank and getting a new bloodline." Raheem spat out his soda.

"I did what!?"

Stiles wiped his face. "I would appreciate it if you didn't use me as a shield." He spoke to Tatiana. He got up from the couch.

"Sorry Stiles!" Raheem shouted. Stiles waved him off. "I'm stealing a shirt." He went upstairs to Raheems room. Raheem looked towards Frank. "Frank I'm sorry, I blacked out."

"It's not your fault it's mine. Don't worry about it I can take a few punches." He smiled, this made Raheem relax. "Oh please don't overestimate yourself again." Tatiana proceeded to tell Raheem everything that happened from her perspective and then Frank came clean as well.

Raheem sighed and clenched his fists. 'I need to stop screwing around, I have to accept my other half. I have to accept him in my heart.' He concluded that he must start the Heart trials, as much as he feared them.

Hours before the attack.

David reached home and was stopped at the gate. "Davey Pa wants to see you." David slapped his forehead and went to the second floor to the room at the end.

He opened the door and saw his dad, mom, uncle, and brother. The room had been renovated into a meeting room. His dad sat at the head of the table, his uncle to his right, his mom to his left, and his brother sitting next to his mom. "Take a seat son." David nodded and sat next to his uncle.

"Now that the whole family is here let's discuss." Jared glared at David. David knew what was about to come. "Pa I had a chance to take care of someone who had ties to the All-Beast but David stopped me." James wasn't surprised. He looked at his son to see his response.

"Pa, this imbecile almost ruined everything and almost got himself killed in the process."

Jared opened his mouth but shut it when he felt his mother's hand squeeze his wrist. "Baby can you elaborate." "Sure no problem Mom." He then told her about what Jared did and what he almost did.

His mom Suzy slapped him across his head and berated him. His dad looked at him in disappointment and his uncle displayed a slightly disgusted expression. His dad was about to say something when a rock with a letter tied to it smashed through the window.

Everyone in the room ducked and took cover. They all pulled out guns from various hiding places. They all looked at each other, his dad gestured at his uncle. He nodded and approached the table. "Come on out, it was just a rock with a note on it."

They all came out. Suzy asked. "What does it say, Cole."

The note read: This is to David, I talked to the All-Beast and he has granted you five chairs at the meeting. You are allowed to bring any weapons you want. You may NOT bring anyone else with you, don't blame me for what happens if you do. P.S. He is seriously pissed I suggest you don't come to school until the meeting also I'm not sure what will happen.

From, The All-Beast liaison.

Cole read the note out loud and everyone stood around. David spoke up. "Dad we should evacuate right now. I've met the All-Beast once and he is not something we should joke about." James nodded his head. He knew David and he knew he wouldn't say something like that without evidence. "Ok, David we will leave but not everyone, some will stay behind just in case. We will discuss you meeting the All-Beast later."

Sasha House

Nikki was asleep when she felt the pulse from Raheem. It was unlike anything she had ever felt. She felt like she was in the middle of a typhoon without a boat. She got out of bed and went downstairs to the basement. She knocked on the floor in a rhythm. A stone staircase revealed itself and she went downstairs.

The entrance closed behind her. She opened a door that led into a room. She went to the desk and wiped off the dust and found a compass. The compass was going haywire and looked like it would break at any moment.

It broke and shattered to pieces. Nikki covered her eyes so the glass wouldn't go into them. She looked at the damage the explosion made. The books were on the floor and dust was stirred up everywhere.

She picked up everything and sat in the chair. She looked at the tattoo that was glowing on her hand and sighed. "We had a good run while it lasted." She was thinking about the time she spent with her family. A few tears escaped her eyes.

A portal appeared in front of her and two men stepped out. She wiped her face and walked in between them without speaking. The men turned and followed her.

Alison's house.

Alison walked in and dropped off the letter to her dad and went upstairs. Chris tried to speak to her but didn't get a response. Kate picked up the letter and opened it.

The letter: Good evening to you, I am the All-Beast and I am sending this letter to tell you about the upcoming meeting. The Argents have 5 chairs waiting for them. You may bring any weapons you want to. You may NOT bring anyone else with you. Please do not brush off this letter. I do not want to spill blood. I hope to establish a society in which hybrids, humans, and druids can walk and interact in peace.

From, the All-Beast

PS Your daughter is fine. She won't remember meeting me or even delivering the letter it's up to you to bring her or not.

Chris looked at Kate. "Get Gerard on the phone."