
Traveling through the Series

Like every other 'Another World' novel, A truck hits the MC. The MC then meets God who caused the death of the MC. God then asks whether or not the MC wants to go to another world. Mc goes in the end. [This is a fan-fiction story. I will be using names, characters, and backgrounds from a series. I do not claim to own any of the characters I borrowed and I am just writing this for my own entertainment.] The series I'm using is Fire Emblem. (Just putting it out there since this has gained some traction.)

AndyLyn · Video Games
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30 Chs

I'll Take Care of Everything

As Ryan was leaving the castle, he did not stop for anything. Even when he made contact with the castle maids and soldiers, he just kept walking without faltering. All they did in response was just take a step to the side and bowed. His walk out of the castle gates was completely silent, the only sound apparent was the steps from Ryan's boots.

At the castle gates was a black wolf waiting for somebody. Beside him were a fairly large backpack and a hooded robe. Ryan smiled and walked towards him.

Ryan: "Thanks Volug. Sorry, it took longer than expected."

The wolf just nodded and handed him his things for him to put on.

The wolf's name was Volug, a Laguz and a playable character in the game, although at the current time period he looked a bit smaller than how he was in the game, only about waist height. He was known for being able to continuously maintain his beast form without needing to shift back with the offset of being weaker than a regular Laguz soldier in their beast form. This meant that although he may never win a head-on fight, he would always be the final victor in a battle of attrition and guerrilla tactics.

Another thing that makes him different from the other Laguz is that he does not really speak. Although he is able to talk, he mainly speaks in the Ancient Language, a tongue only a handful of people understand.

The way that he and Ryan got acquainted was through Nailah. After training Ryan for some years, she found the act enjoyable and wanted to find another person who she can 'teach'. After searching for a while Nailah spotted Volug some time ago and found him very interesting due to his ability and now she was training him.

Seeing him being beaten up remind Ryan of himself when he had to go through all that, so he gave Volug some tips on how to better survive without getting killed. The two founded a friendship after that.

Seeing that Volug was worried and sad that he was leaving. Ryan wore his robe and saw that he wanted to come with him, so he decided to tell it to him straight.

Ryan: "You can't come with me, right now you're too weak. You won't be able to survive the desert, let alone the other side."

Volug drooped his head and Ryan made a wry smile.

Ryan: "It's not like I'll be going and never coming back. This is just something I need to do."

Seeing that he was not looking any better, Ryan sighed.

Ryan: "Remember. As long as you train hard, get stronger and never give up, you'll be able to go wherever you want. There is a long stairway in front of you and you have to go up one step at a time."

Volug raised his head looking a little bit better, only to be filled with sorrow after his next sentence.

Ryan: "And your first step would be to make it through Nailah's training."

Ryan smiled and starting walking away after saying that without looking back. He covered his head with his tan robe and started walking through the castle doors that had just opened. Although he drew curious eyes, Ryan's presence started to fade within the crowd of people soon after.


After a couple of hours, he was finally out of the kingdom. He did not have any trouble passing through the kingdom checkpoints since they were given word ahead of time of his arrival and let him through after seeing his face. Also, he was fairly lucky that he did not encounter any bandits along the way. Although he could easily take care of any bandit group with his sword skills and his magic, trouble should be avoided, not sought out.

When he arrived at the desert edge, he just stood there for a while. From here on, there was no longer any soldiers nor bandits, just an endless stretch of land, filled with sand.

Before, it was mentioned that after discovering Tellius, Nailah ordered her warriors and scholars to find a safe way to cross the desert. Even after 15 years, they still have been unsuccessful in accomplishing this task.

In the Desert of Death, scouts have never discovered any signs of life, much less an oasis. Without that, it would be extremely hard to even establish a checkpoint in the desert since there was no other way to gauge distance in a land that always changed its shape. After a few years, Nailah decided to cancel their orders since it was currently an impossible task and just had them send out scouts for a few days and have them return with whatever they could find.

This worked to Ryan's benefit since there was no need to check up with people before he used his unique skill. Although he had learned some useful skills throughout the years, none of them were as important as the first one he ever got, teleportation. The only downside to this was that you had to be in the place you want to teleport to before and the long cooldown period.

Since he was planning on using this Skill, the only place he planning on going to was his previous home, the house where he was born and cared for by his true parents.

This was the reason why he was just standing in place and gazing at the desert. He was hesitant to go back, to the place where his father was killed, to the place where his mother was taken away from him. All sorts of emotions were running throughout his mind, even affecting the environment around him, causing a gust to kick up. He had never been as emotional as the time where he saw his father die right before his eyes.

Ryan slowly started calmed down and the winds were returning back to normal.

Ryan: "Haaah~ This is just the beginning and I already want to go back and have a cup of tea."

Half of Ryan's inner self was already screaming for him to just give up and go back home. Although he prepared himself for this very moment, it was much more harder than he thought.

Ryan: "Suuu~ Haaaah~ Suuu~ Haaaah~"

After standing in place for a couple of minutes, he started to take deep breaths. After a couple of these, he finally made up his mind.

Ryan closed his eyes and prepared to use his Skill. Although he had used it before to test it, this would set the record for the longest distance his teleportation had brought him. Because of his recent state of inner turmoil, he was having some doubts with how God said that he would be able to teleport anywhere. However, this was the best chance to test that.

After picturing his destination, he then started to concentrate on that image. He continued to focus his mind until he felt a change in the environment. He slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a familiar forest.

The forest was not very thick, there was plenty of space to walk and the trees were pretty thin. That's right, this was the same forest where Dale had carried Ryan in an attempt to escape the Begnion soldiers.

Ryan started walking towards the east end of the woods with heavy steps. When he finally reaches the end, he saw a lush green field. In the field, he noticed something erect and walked towards it. He saw that it was a large stone.

Ryan: "This must be it."

Ryan got down on his knees and started pulling the weeds around it. He pulled out a cloth and wiped the stone a couple of times and prayed.

Ryan: "I'm sorry that it took me so long to come back. I hope that God had sent you to a nice place. If you've met him, then you'll know that I different from everyone else, so I have him to thank for letting me meet you. I've met some really nice people and they've treated me like their own, so I was well taken care of. I got a grandma, grandpa, and even a big sis and bro. They're all really nice, but a bit annoying..."

Ryan just kept talking like this without stopping, narrating his life story. Even when the sun had fallen beyond the horizon he did not stop, he continued on for hours.

Ryan: "...and he's the real silent type, he doesn't speak much. It's not like he can't speak, it's just that Volug usually speaks in an Ancient Language. I'm not sure if you'll understand it, but it's real elegant sounding. He was the last one I spoke to before I left."

Ryan stopped speaking and made a long pause here.

Ryan: "Although I don't know where mom is, I know that she's probably still alive. I'm sure we'll meet someday, it's not that hard to find out about a family of a noble. I was told the details by Nailah and Rafiel, about how they found out that mom was kidnapped by her family. Although they are not 100% sure, it sounds right to me."

Ryan stood up.

Ryan: "Don't worry about me and mom, I'll find her and take care of everything. You just wait for us. We won't be there soon, but we meet again, let's all take our time."