
4 Life in Konoha

A month goes by fast and Takahashi and his mom make their departure from the small village they call home. The journey to Konohagakure is long so Takahashi missed the enrollment time for the academy this year so he has to enroll next year. During the journey, Takahashi never stops training with his mom to hone his skills. After arriving at Konohagakure, the two had to report to the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Takahashi's mom explains the situation they are in and is permitted to live in Konoha. During the encounter, Takahashi discovers that his mother is quite famous. She is called Head Hunter Shiva by the world. Anyone can guess how she got the name so Takahashi didn't ask. A few days before it was time to attend the ninja academy, Takahashi asks Shiva questions about the academy but she hasn't been to an academy so he didn't get any answers.

[4 Years Later]

In the past four years, Takahashi learned all he could at the academy and went to the village library when he wasn't training. He cut down on physical training and started accumulating knowledge about the world, such as learning about tailed-beasts, the three Sannin, and any non-confidential information about Konoha's history. Takahashi was friendly to everyone in his class except for Sasuke Uchiha. This being because of Sasuke's attitude during class. It's also noteworthy that Takahashi has almost finished developing his new taijutsu. Once he can polish it up by using the taijutsu in actual combat, he will be able to fully develop it.

[Congratulations, the user is now level 20.]

[User has reached level 20. Reward: 1000NP.]

[Mission: Graduate the Academy completed. Rewards: 150xp and 150NP.]

Takahashi partially listens to the notification of the system as he accepts his forehead protector from the instructor, Iruka Umino. He requests a white forehead protector and Iruka gave it to him. Takahashi puts his forehead protector around his waist, leaves the academy, and races home to show Shiva.


[Name: Takahashi Shigaru

Age: 12 years

Level 20

Clan: Shigaru

Chakra Nature: Water, Fire, Wind

Kekkei Tōta: Nitric Release

Power: 111

Agility: 135

Chakra: 125(Genin)

Chakra Control: 80%

NP: 2195


{Prodigy: Reduce time spent learning something new and practicing it by 150%}

{Nitric Master: Easily learn wind, fire, and water techniques as well as easily combine the natures to make nitric techniques.}

{Sosengan: Proficient at using the Sosengan.}]

[Congratulations, the user has reached an 80% chakra control...Summoning Pack is now available.]

'Open the Summoning Pack.'

[Opening Summoning Pack...you have received 2 summoning contracts]

'Can I choose the summoning clan I want to summon?'

[You can but some summoning clans won't agree to have a summoning contract with a ninja that already has a summoning contract with another summoning clan.]

'I choose the Owl clan as the summoning clan to have a summoning contract with.'

[A summoning contract will be established once you reach level 25 or meet an owl that agrees to the summoning contract. You could also cultivate owls.]

'How will a summoning contract be established if I reach level 25 before meeting an owl that agrees with it?'

[The system will provide the user with an owl that matches perfectly with you.]

'Can I cultivate owls and still get an owl at level 25.'

[Yes, but once the user reaches level 25 the cultivated owls will go dormant to synchronize and become your perfect matches.]

'How long will they be dormant?'

[Dormancy should end at level 50 but if you cultivate owls by the end of this year you can reduce dormancy to between level 30 and level 35.]

Takahashi goes to bed so he can wake up early tomorrow and get assigned his team. Before going to the academy the next day Takahashi decides to use his second summoning contract.

'Use my second summoning contract to make a contract with one of the Three Sage Clans.'

[Snake clan is the only Sage clan that allows the contractor to have multiple summoning contracts...continue contact?]


[Does the user want to be sent to Ryūchi Cave?]


[Contract canceled...the user can continue anytime.]