
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Weiss's Distrust.

'How will Weiss react to this...' Alex thought as he walked into Weiss's home. The house was silent Alex walked into Weiss's room. He then saw Weiss sitting down on her bed with her face down.

Weiss: "Why..."

Weiss then suddenly stood up tears running down her face.

Weiss: "Why didn't you save him!?"

Alex: "I-"

Weiss: "Because of you my father is dead!"

Alex: "Look I'm sorry Weis-."

Weiss: "Shut up! Just leave!"

Alex listened to Weiss's demands and left the room silently. Alex then thought 'Why didn't I save him? You know what it doesn't matter I should focus on making Weiss forgive me but how? Maybe I need some advice.'

Alex then walked over to his friends. He sat down next to them and asked.

Alex: "Weiss is upset with me and I don't really know how to make her forgive me."

Yang: "First off did you not save James on purpose or not."

Alex: "I didn't do it on purpose Yang."

Alex said while staring into her eyes. Yang then crossed her arms and said.

Yang: "I don't think you can make her forgive you, Alex. I mean her father literally died today! You can't expect her to forgive you after that."

Alex: "What do I do then?"

Yang: "Wait and hope that she forgives you."

Alex: "Alright then let's head onto Menageri-"

Pyrrha: "Can we take a break before we head there? Because after that I assume we are going to head to Salem correct?"

Alex: "Yeah alright we'll take a break."

Pyyrha, Jaune, and Penny then left the area leaving Ruby and Yang. Ruby sat next to Alex and said.

Ruby: "Are you alright?"

Alex: "Yeah I'm fine why do you ask?"

Ruby: "Well you seem kinda distant."

Alex: "What do you mean by that?"

Ruby: "Well we barely talk and when we do it's about either Grim, Salem, or a new enemy."

Alex: "Heh your right on that *Sigh* Yeah maybe a break was a good idea."

Alex then yawned and raised his arms up. Ruby began to kick her feet in boredom Alex then asked.

Alex: "Hey why is it that you don't get shocked anymore when I show you a new ability?"

Ruby: "Well with everything crazy that is happening it became easier to accept things."

Alex: "You know Ruby you are becoming less of a nervous wreck."

Ruby: "I mean after hanging out with so many people it just became easier to communicate I guess."

Alex then watched as Yang left the room leaving Ruby and Alex by themselves. Alex faced Ruby and said.

Alex: "Since your sister is gone want to learn about curse words?"

Ruby: "What are curse words?"

Alex: "Well curse words are friendly ways to address people you like."

Ruby: "Oh! Why didn't Yang teach me about those words?"

Alex: "It doesn't matter now let me teach you the art of cussing."

Ruby: "Cussing?"

Alex: "Another name for curse words alright, let's begin."

Alex then began to teach Ruby curse words he completely forgot about Weiss while teaching.

Ruby: "Alright I'll use your teachings Sensei!"

Alex: "Sensei?"

Ruby then bowed and began to run away Alex was curious and followed Ruby. He then found Ruby running in Yang's direction he then thought 'Well shit'.

Ruby: "Hello Bitch!"

Ruby said enthusiastically Yang then turned around and said.

Yang: "Who the hell called me a bitch!?"

Ruby: "I did sis!"

Yang: "Ruby...Who taught you this."

Ruby: "Alex did!"

Alex then saw Yang punch her palm and say.

Yang: "Oh when I find him..."

Alex then ran away he then ran up to a couch and sat down. He then noticed that Weiss was sitting down next to him.

Alex: "Uh hey Weiss."

Weiss didn't reply and then Alex and Weiss sat there in silence. Alex then turned around and looked at Weiss.

Weiss: "Even though you could've saved my father... I can't truly bring myself to hate you not after everything that we've been through."

Weiss: "But I don't think I can trust you... So I forgive you but I can't trust you anymore."

Alex: "It's alright at least you forgave me. So then are you coming with me to Menagerie?"

Weiss: "I don't think it would be a good idea bringing me. Because of our family's reputation, I don't think that the Fauna's would like me over there."

Alex: "So then what will you do?"

Weiss: "I'll try my best to protect Atlas after all it is my home."

Alex: "Ok then I guess I'll see you after we get Blake."

Alex then walked away he then saw Pyrrha walk beside him and ask.

Pyrrha: "Do you like anyone?"

Alex: "Well I don't really like anyone."

Pyrrha: "Not even one person?"

Alex: "Yeah not even one person."

Alex probably wouldn't admit this but he kinda fears relationships. Because he doesn't want to have his heartbroken by anyone and another part of his fear is his fear being used by women. And because of both of those things he decided not to bang anyone and plus he ain't wasting no money on anyone else except him.

Alex then met up with his team he then saw Yang cracking her knuckles while having a grin on her face.

Jaune: "Are we ready?"

Alex: "Yeah I think so."

Pyrrha: "Where's Weiss?"

Alex: "Well she believed that the residents of Menagerie wouldn't like her being there so she wanted to stay back."

Yang: "Ok so can we go now? I had enough of standing around and doing nothing."

Alex: "Alright then huddle up I'm going to teleport us to Menagerie."

Everyone then grouped up and Alex then teleported them to Menagerie. But he didn't teleport them near any civilization so they landed in the barren deserts. Dust devils were basically everywhere and sand also flew in every direction.

Alex and his friends had to cover their eyes from the amount of sand thrown in their direction. Alex then teleported all of the members near a civilization.

When you forgor to post yesterday :( .


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