
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Arriving at Madagascar

It was weird for Blake once she returned to Menagerie she saw something that she would never believe to happen in her life. There were humans living with Faunas they even helped some of the Faunas with their work!

But it seemed like the White Fang didn't want any of the humans near them at all. They still allowed them to live there but they didn't interact with them at all. Blake walked up to her mom's house and knocked on the door.

The door opened and her mother came out of the door with a smile on her face. She then hugged Blake.

Kali: "Are you ok Blake?"

Blake: "Yeah I'm fine mom why do you ask?"

Kali: "Well after Vale was attacked and I didn't hear from you for a while I thought that you may have well passed. I am very happy that you are alive Blake I wouldn't know what to do if you had died or worse... But let's not think about that as we have a guest over!"

Blake: "A guest?"

Blake then peeked past the door and saw Alex laughing with her father Ghira. Blake was surprised at the sight of Alex and thought 'How did he get here before me?'. Alex then turned around and faced Blake and said.

Alex: "Hey long time no see!"

Blake: "Y-yeah."

Kali: "You know him, Blake?"

Blake: "Yeah. We both met at Beacon Academy."

Alex: "Yeah I'm sorry for not informing you two."

Ghira: "Oh it's alright boy!"

Ghira then lightly pat Alex's shoulder. Alex then stood up and said.

Alex: "Well I have something to request of you."

Kali: "What might that be?"

Alex: "Well I was hoping to take Blake with me to defea- Wait I can't really tell that to you here. Let me do something real fast."

Alex then created a barrier that made it so that no one can listen to what they are talking about. Alex then turned around and said.

Alex: "Done! Now as I was saying. I want to take Blake with me to beat Salem. And Salem is the leader of all Grimm."

Kali: "Why do you need our daughter for this?"

Alex: "Well I was hoping for all of my team and Blake to take credit for Salem's defeat."

Ghira: "Are you sure that this team of yours is strong enough to stop the leader of all grim? I don't want to send my daughter to her death if this team is too weak."

Alex: "I assure you that my team is strong enough to handle this."

Kali: "Where even is your team?"


Yang: "Don't fall in the hole Ruby!"


Jaune: "This is the saddest thing I've ever seen."

Pyrrha: "What is even happening?"

Penny: "I don't know."


Alex: " I don't know where my team is but I assure you that they are either training or preparing for battle."

Ghira: "Alright then Blake it's your decision now."

Blake: "I'll go if you can do something about the White Fang."

Alex: "Alright then I'll do something about White Fang but can you help me?"

Blake: "Sure."

Blake: "Let me get ready."

Ghira: "I'll come with you too."

Alex: "Alright then I'll be waiting outside."

Alex then left the building and leaned against the wall 'You know even though I'm powerful enough right now I should give myself a few powerups you know? Exchange three rocks for infinite regeneration, Reality warping, and finally Hakai from DBZ' Alex thought as three rocks disappeared.

He then heard the door open and turned around to see Blake with her weapons and Ghira.

Ghira: "Alright let's go."

Alex didn't say anything and began to follow Ghira. Ghira then grabbed Alex and Blake and hid behind a corner.

Blake: "Why are we hiding?"

Blake asked curiously Ghira then faced Blake and said.

Ghira: "Right past this corner there is Adam and Sienna."

Blake: "Why are we hiding?"

Alex: "Because now we have the advantage of surprise."

Ghira: "He's right on that one. Now when they turn we will rush them make sure that your equipment is ready."

Blake took out her weapon and Alex well I mean he is the weapon. It didn't take long for Sienna and Adam to turn around. Alex then jumped out first he changed his arms into claws and swiped at Adam hoping to slice Adam's head right off his shoulders.

Alex didn't expect Adam to turn around and kick him in the chest. Alex saw Ghira and Blake facing Sienna.

Adam then attack Alex by slicing downwards Alex grabbed Adam's blade and shattered it Alex then said.

Alex: "I banish you from this realm fiend! Hakai!"


Adam screamed in pain as he faded into white particles and flew away. 'I really wanted to do that since I got Hakai' Alex thought.

Alex then watched as Sienna got jumped sure she was agile quickly dodging attacks that Ghira did but Blake used her agility against her making her dodge Ghira's attacks only to get hit by Blakes.

So yeah Sienna was in a bad situation. Alex then walked up and kicked Sienna straight in the face breaking her nose and knocking out some teeth she then went unconscious.

Alex: "That was very easy."

Blake: "I don't even think we needed you for this Alex."

Alex: "Damn you hurt my feelings, Blake."

Alex then gripped his heart while Blake had a deadpan face. Ghira just inspected Sienna to see if she was really unconscious.

Ghira: "Huh she's really unconscious."

Alex: "Well now that I did what you wanted can we start to go to Salems base?"

Blake: "Alright but let me say goodbye to my family first."

Alex then watched as Blake hugged Ghira and said goodbye she then began to walk back home to say goodbye to her mom.

Yang: "NOOOO RUBY!!!!"

Alex: "Huh Yang?"

Yang: "Ruby fell down a hole! You got to help her!"

Ruby: "I'm in a hole."

Rubys voice echoed Alex then extended his hands and pulled up a dirty Ruby. Some bugs crawled on Ruby making Yang scream.

Alex: "Why are you screaming?"

One of the insects jumped on Yang and crawled into her hair. She then began to profusely scratch her head.

Alex then used water magic and splashed it over Ruby he then used telekinesis to pull the bug out and crush it.

Cheers! We reached twenty chapters! Even though many wouldn't see this as an accomplishment for a person who has never reached that number before I can't help but be proud. So have a great day/night.


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