
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Mining & Crafting And Meeting Ruby.

A man wearing an all-black suit with a red tie walked in his hair was white as well as his beard and the man's eyes were blue he smiled at Alex and looked around the shop. When his eyes landed on the Vr machines he looked curious.

???: "Young man why is there a coffin in here? I have never seen a coffin in a store before. Are you perhaps selling coffins, young man?"

Alex walked up to the old man and placed down a cup of water.

Alex: "Well that is a Vr machine Vr stands for Virtual Reality. If you want you can play some games on it for 30 Lien."

???: "Sure thing kid!"

The man stood up from his chair and walked to the machine he put his hand in his pocket and took out thirty Lien a slot opened up from the side of the machine. The man put his money in there and the slot went back inside the machine. The lid opened cold air was released and in the machine, there were cushions and a pillow.

He stepped into the machine and the lid closed from outside the machine the black coffin was displaying what was happening in-game it showed the old man standing in front of a screen that said {What is your username? ________}.

???: "What is a username?"

Alex: " A username is a name you go by online you can just put your name or make one up."

???: "Thanks for the info young man."

Alex: "I forgot to introduce myself my name is Alexander Ashborn but you can just call me Alex."

???: "Alright Alex my name is John Diver the owner of Dust & Crafts."

Alex: "Well I guess I should play with you."

Alex stepped into a coffin next to Johns without paying of course when the lid of the coffin closed he found himself in an all-black space reminding him of the abyss he went to when he died.

Alex saw a text screen and just typed his name down the darkness that he was in shattered and he stood in a plains biome with the sun shining down and the birds were chirping Alex felt relaxed he saw a bar at the side of his view.

John Diver joined.

Alexander Ashborn joined.

Alex walked towards a tree and did what all people do at the beginning of Minecraft he started to punch the tree. Until it broke he held a woodblock and crafted a crafting table he knew what monsters came out at night so he crafted a wooden sword and using the remaining wood crafted a pickaxe.

Alex heard some walking and instantly pulled his sword out but he was met with John Diver who had a leash around a dog's neck.

Alex: "How the hell did you get a leash and a fucking dog?"

John: "Well when I was walking I fell down a hole and was surrounded by a bunch of skeletons I had to use a stick to kill them all. then I saw a cage with a skeleton in it I looked at it for a little before opening one of the chests there were I got a leash, an apple covered in gold and an iron sword. I got out of the hole and saw a dog attacking a sheep I thought he looked cute and I tried to tame him with steak but he didn't get tamed from that but from the skeleton bones I call him Bim."

Alex was silent and thought ' What god blessed this man to have so much luck.' John was just hugging his dog while the dog licked his face. It started to get dark and Alex and John heard growls.

Alex: "John take out your sword."

John took out his weapon and an arrow flew out from the trees aiming at John's right eye Alex pushed him to the side making him go out of the arrow's way. The dog runs at the skeleton growling it bites down on the skeleton's arm and pulls it off killing the skeleton.

John pets the dog's head and feeds him chicken the dog licks John. Alex spots a zombie with golden armor and two iron swords surrounded by regular zombies.

One of the zombies spots Alex and John and growls all the other zombies start moving towards them. Alex runs up to one of the zombies and decapitated it but another zombie hits him in the face.

Alex starts to decapitate all of the normal zombies leading only the golden armored one left. It turns around expecting to see two new fresh corpses to consume but is instead met with corpses of its minions.

It looks at Alex and roars furiously Alex ran at the zombie and sliced downward but the attack was blocked with the iron sword of the zombie behind the zombie John slowly approaches.

Alex wasn't able to overpower the zombie as he is pushed back from the strength. John jumps up and aims his blade at the neck of the zombie but the zombie suddenly turns around and grabs his blade it looked at John with anger before throwing him away like trash.

John looks at his angry dog and tells it to not attack the zombie the dog listens to its owner and sits down. Alex gets up and limps for a bit before all his wounds are healed shocking the zombie.

Alex puts his arm out and a small crystal forms he shoots it at the zombie's eyes when it hit Alex says.

Alex: "Crystal Growth."

The zombie looked confused but suddenly sharp crystals tore through his skin the zombie screamed in pain as the crystals started to grow. The zombie died and evaporated only leaving behind his golden chest plate.

Alex picked up the chest plate and gave it to John who was getting up off the floor.

Alex: "Well John I am going to stop playing alright."

John: "Ok Alex but can you teach me some things about this game before you go?"

Alex nodded his head and taught John how to craft and mine before Alex left he gave John all of his wood.

Alex looked at the hud and noticed a logout button he focused on it and left the game the lid of the coffin opened up Alex got up and out of the Vr machine. He walked to his desk and thought 'I should probably add some items to buy but what should they be?'.

Alex rubbed his chin while thinking he grabbed one of the dollars from when John paid to play and exchanged it for a box of neverending chocolate bars that when eaten cure every disease, Virus, and injury including ones to the soul.

he put fifty-five of them on the top of the shelf and put the box underneath his desk. He grabbed another dollar and made twenty golden apples he placed them on the shelf.

Alex cracked his fingers and went up to the coffin and clicked the (Mod Game) button he wrote down what he wanted to mod into the game.

He made a mod that evolved Mobs depending on how many times they killed the player or villagers. He called this mod [Step-up Mobs] he added it to the game and walked away from the coffin.

He decided to leave the store for a bit he didn't want to leave John by himself though so he made a clone. An identical copy of Alex appeared in front of him.

Alex: "Hi other me! If I must say I'm looking pretty handsome."

Clone Alex: "I know right?"

Alex: " Well clone me can you watch over John while he's playing Minecraft and when he leaves close the store."

Clone Alex: "Yes captain!"

Alex laughed and walked out of the store he noticed the store that Ruby went to at the beginning of the series. The name of the store was From Dust Till Dawn Alex entered the store and saw the old man sitting down with his arms on the counter.

Alex walked to the dust display and looked at all the dust. He looked to the back of the store and saw ruby with headphones on listening to music. He heard the door creak open and then Roman with his cigar and cane walked in along with his henchmen.

Roman: "Do you know how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?"

The old man puts his hands up and starts to panic two henchmen aim their weapons at us.

Roman: "Check that man's pockets to see if he bought any dust."

One of the henchmen nodded and walked towards Alex he checked Alex's pockets and pulled out his money. The henchmen showed his money to roman and roman said.

Roman: "Keep his Lein now grab the dust."

The henchmen open a case and took several containers out they start to take dust one of them walks to the Shopkeeper and places another case on the counter.

Henchmen: "Crystals.Burn.Uncut."

The shopkeeper places his dust in the case as another henchman hears a song playing he walks towards ruby.

Alex slowly walks to the henchmen near ruby and puts his arm on his neck and his other arm on his mouth silencing him he choked the man till he was unconscious. Ruby was oblivious to this as she was reading a magazine.

Alex sighed and put the unconscious man on the floor he tapped Ruby's shoulder and she lifts her headphones up.

Ruby: "Yes?"

Alex: "There are some robbers wanna beat em up?"

Ruby: "Yeah!"

Alex ran up to one of the henchmen and punched him square in the face sending him flying out of the store the others turned around and roman calmly told one to handle Alex.

Ruby kicked the henchmen out of the store while saying "HYAH!!" Alex facepalmed and walked to Ruby who had her weapon in her scythe mode. 'I should get a weapon too' Alex thought as Roman and his minions walked out of the store.

Roman: "It was fun playing with you Red and Black but I'm afraid that playtime is over. Get them!"

The remaining henchmen pull their weapons up and ruby smiles and brung down her scythe on one of the henchmen who couldn't dodge in time squishing him.

Alex punched one in the chest causing the henchmen to hold his stomach in pain Alex kicked him in the head making the man go unconscious. Alex ran up to another man and dropkicked him to the ground.

Alex grabbed the man and threw him to another henchman knocking them both out. All of the henchmen were all unconscious making roman drop and crushed his cigar with his cane.

Roman: "You were worth every cent. Truly you were. Well, Red and Black, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as id love to stick around I'm afraid this is where we part ways."

Roman said as he pulled up his cane and opens the bottom to reveal a rifle with a cross grid. Roman shoots out a red blast at Ruby and Alex he picked up ruby and jumped out of the blast and puts her down her face had a tint of red.

When we look at the spot roman was at he was no longer there ruby was going to talk to the old man but Alex grabbed her and jumped onto a building where Roman was entering a flying ship.

Roman: "Persistent."

Roman fully enters the flying ship and says.

Roman: "It's the end of the line for you two."

He holds a red gem and throws it at Ruby and Alex but Glydna stood in front of them casting a spell.

Glydna starts to attack the ship by firing seven purple streaks Roman is thrown around Alex crouches and leaps into the ship he stood in front of Roman who was trying to get his balance back.

Alex: "Hopefully you don't mind me boarding your ship right?"

Roman: "Yes I do mind!"

Roman said as he swung his cane down Alex moved to the side and then was hit by an explosion sending off of the ship back onto the building he landed on his feet and looked up to see Cinder he could only see her because of his enhanced sight.

Roman looked at Glydna and said.

Roman: "We got a Huntress!"

Roman runs to the front of the ship to take control of it. Glynda glows purple for a moment and aims another blast above the craft, resulting in a dark storm cloud right over the jet. Alex looks at the cloud as large jagged hail starts falling that pummels the jet and even breaks through the window, narrowly missing Roman's head.

Alex looks as Cinders shirt lights up and sends a burst of energy at Glydna who blocks it but behind her, an explosion occurs which Glydna dodges the rubble left by the explosion is used to make spears that are sent at the aircraft.

Cinder breaks the spear with a few blasts but it reforms just in time to hit the aircraft to hit the side of the plane. The plane leaned as the construct broke and reformed three spears Cinder sends several blasts destroying the spears.

Ruby starts to fire at Cinder who blocks all of the bullets using only her palm Alex didn't have any weapon so he just stood there waiting for Cinder to attack.

Blazing circles from underneath Alex, Glydna, and Ruby Alex backflips away while Glydna telekinetically pushes Ruby out of the way. Glydna herself rolls out of the way the ship was escaping Alex snatched Cresent rose from ruby and started to rapidly fire at the ship but all the bullets were disintegrated by a big blast from Cinder.

Alex: "Sorry for snatching here."

Alex handed Cresent Rose back to Ruby and she responded with.

Ruby: "It's alright."

Ruby looked at Glydna and said something to her Alex wasn't listening he was thinking about what to do next.


Alex sat next to Ruby in a room that only had a little bit of light reminding Alex of interrogation rooms.

Glydna: "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young lady. You put yourself and others in great danger. And you young man what were you thinking when you jumped into that Bullhead what would happen if they used you as a hostage or worst."

Ruby: "They started it!"

Alex: "They took my money and they were bad guys so."

Glydna: "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back... ...And a slap on the wrist. But there is someone here who would like to meet you."

She moved out of the way revealing a door that opened as Ozpin came out. Ruby and Ozpin began conversing as Alex was thinking 'Why didn't I think of this before exchange my breath for...The Blacklight virus also make it full fused with me'.

Alex felt a surge of power he felt like he could do anything that feeling was boosted when The End fully mastered how to use the Blacklight virus. Alex's body was now a weapon.

Alex looked at Ruby and was shocked to see that instead of her face he saw her organs and skeleton he blinked a couple of times and he now saw regular ruby. 'That ability is similar to James Heller's hunting ability I wonder if my ability is an exact copy of Jame's ability or is it different in some ways?' Alex thought.

Ruby and Glydna leave the room leaving only Alex and Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Alex right? When I researched you today I saw no files about you care to explain why?"

Alex: "I recently moved here that's the reason."

Ozpin sat there thinking after a bit he smiled at Alex and said.

Ozpin: "Well Alex I was impressed with your fighting skills if you want I can allow you into Beacon."

Alex started to think 'Should I go to Beacon I mean I do get to be near the main characters and I won't have fun only running a shop I'll just tell my Clone to run the shop while I'm gone'.

Alex: "I accept your offer Professor Ozpin."

Ozpin: "I hope you have a wonderful time at Beacon."

Ozpin smiles as he opens the door letting Alex out of the room. Alex waved goodbye and when he got out of Ozpins view he used magic to teleport back to his home.

When Alex made it home he saw his clone spinning on his chair while eating chocolate bars. When he stopped spinning he stared at Alex.

Clone Alex: "Uhh the chocolate tastes good."

Alex: "Yeah I know I ate some."

Clone Alex: "...Soooo how was it out of the shop."

Alex: "It was good I got to meet Ruby and join Beacon so while I'm gone your going to run the shop don't worry I'll leave games here for you to play and also download Crunchyroll and Netflix."

Clone Alex: "Alright bye."

The clone poofed and all the memories of the clone went into Alex who went up the stairs and fell on his bed asleep.

Hello! How's your day mine is going well well I'll see you tomorrow have a great day.


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