
Traveler Of The Multiverse(Dropped)

Alexander Ashborn was an ordinary soldier, but he was met with an offer to reincarnate with 3 wishes and 2 perks when he died. Of course, he took the request, and now he will travel the multiverse. BTW this book will have no romance. Worlds: >>Rwby (COMPLETE!) >My Hero Academia >Undertale >MCU >DC

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

A New Life

{January 7, 2021}

The Government received a phone call from a terrorist group called Phase Zero in the call the organization announced that they planted a bomb in New York. The call ended after the announcement the Government called the military and started to evacuate the city.

Soldiers ran through the city in swarms entering buildings searching for the bomb the citizens were filled with confusion about the situation they weren't informed about the bomb situation.

Near Lady Liberty, three people ran inside armed with revolvers there were spiral stairs were leading up to the head of Lady liberty.

Solder Male: "Olivia, James I'm going to head up the stairs ok."

Olivia: "You can go up ok but Alex if you see the bomb report to us alright?"

The woman who responded to Alex was a woman who had an hourglass body blue eyes and black hair.

Her body would make all men lust over her but not Alex and James. Through the small conversation, James stood silent observing the area for any abnormalities.

Alex ran up the stairs with his gun down but still ready to shoot at any time his run up the stairs was silent but suddenly there was a sound.



Alex realized what it was and ran up the stairs faster until he reached the head of lady liberty.

On the ground, there was a bomb with a timer that read 14 seconds he was going to call his friends but there wasn't enough time for that.

He went to the bomb and took out a pair of scissors on the bomb there were three wires but he focused on the blue and red ones. He had to decide blue or red if he didn't choose right the statue of Liberty explodes.

He was going to cut the blue wire but he stopped the time was now 10 seconds he began to sweat as his heart started to beat faster.

[9 Seconds]

He went to the red wire but he doubted himself and went to the blue wire again he wasn't trained to defuse bombs. Three seconds had passed.


The time was ticking he decided to go with red he cut the red wire and put hands over his face after waiting a minute and no explosion went of he lowered his hands and sighed in relief.


A shot rang out as a sharp burning pain went through Alex's body the bullet went into his leg. He screamed in pain as he got kicked to the ground he felt his arms being cuffed.

He looked up and saw a man with white hair wearing a gas mask he had a Pistol and a combat knife on him. The man held his revolver and threw it to the side.

Alex: "Who are you?"

???: "Well that should be obvious I am the leader of Phase Zero."

Alex looked around trying to see if there was any way to get out of the handcuffs but there was nothing 'My friends should have heard the gunshot they should be coming up the stairs by now' Alex thought.

Alex: "Why are you doing this? Surely there must be a reason."

???: "And why should I tell you?"

Alex didn't reply to his answer.

???: "Well I could tell you why we are bombing Lady Liberty though. The reason is actually very simple."

???: "We are going to cause chaos once they see the explosion they will become fearful and the government will be busy because of that."

Alex could hear footsteps he knew it was his friends James and Olivia the man looked at Alex.

???"Well, my time is up say hello to Satan for me."

Before Alex could reply he pulled the trigger the bullet went straight through Alex's brain ending his life.

Alex awoke floating in an endless abyss there was no sound at all Alex quickly checked the spots he had been shot at but to his confusion, there were no wounds at all.

Alex floated around the abyss thinking about his life 'Wait what about my slimes in slime rancher! What about all the animes I didn't finish!'.

Alex wandered around for what felt like a day doing various things like backflips, Flying kicks, and trying to do various anime attacks that he saw.

Then suddenly the void began to crack and finally shatter like glass. What used to be a void was now a beautiful forest in front of Alex there was a being it didn't look like a girl or man it was energy forming human figure but its eyes glowed blue.

???: "Sit down we have much to talk about."

With a wave of the being's hand, two chairs, and a table materialized Alex looked shocked at all of this. The being chucked at Alex's reaction and sat down Alex sat down calmly but inside he was very excited.

???: "I presume you want to know what I am correct?"

Alex nodded to the being's question.

???: "I am what you humans call a ROB and the reason why you are here and not in heaven is that God tasked me to offer you with a deal."

Alex stood still digesting the information given to him Rob waited patiently for Alex's answer.

Alex: "What is the deal?"

Rob: "You will be reincarnated with three wishes no limitations you also can choose two perks you can have is it a deal or not?"

Alex: "Of course I accept!"

Alex said excitedly Alex couldn't see it but Rob smiled.

Rob: "Ok then Alex what are your wishes and perks?"

Alex started to think after a while Alex finally decided on what his wishes and perks would be.

Alex: "Alright my first wish is to have The End from Medaka Box but the percentage of mastery is two hundred instead of one hundred and twenty. My next wish is to be able to exchange anything for anything an example would be exchanging a rock for the Infinity gauntlet the ability name is Absolute Exchange. Finally, I wish to be able to integrate anything into me."

Rob: "Alright there all granted now for your perks."

Alex: "The perks were much easier to decide than the wishes anyway my first perk allows me to turn any fat gained into muscle. My second perk makes me a true immortal but I can turn it off and on."

Rob: "Ok now what world do you want to go to."

Alex: "I'll go to...Rwby!"

Rob: "Are you sure?"

Alex: "Yeah I'm sure."

Rob sighed remembering how many reincarnaters went to Rwby to get Harems. Rob swiped his hand a blue glow covered Alex.

Alex curiously looked at his arms and saw the blue energy.

Rob: "Well I hope you have a nice time in Rwby Alexander Ashborn."

Alex smiled and thought of Olivia and James and swore in his heart to not forget his best friends and his experiences with them.

Suddenly Alex was sucked into a portal in the portal lights danced around as he was flying down what seemed to be a long tube at the end there was a bright white light that made Alex's eyes hurt for a bit.

He entered the white light and landed on the ground rolling dirt got all over his clothes. He stood up and swiped the dirt off of his clothes and then he looked around.

He was in a forest the sun leaked in and there were rabbits, birds, and other animals there minding their business. Alex didn't know where he was and how close he was to any sort of civilization but he hoped it to be Vale as that is where the story starts after all.

Alex decided to test his powers first starting with Absolute Exchange he crouched down and picked up a rock and thought 'Exchange this rock for a map that also has my location on it'.

The rock disappeared and a map took its place and fortunately he was near Vale but he would have to walk a while.

Alex started to walk in the direction of Vale while observing the forest to see if there were any Grim.

//Time Skip//

Alex was almost at Vale he also started to spot more Grim the closer he got to the city most likely because Grim are attracted to negative emotions.

Alex continued to walk near Vale while carefully trying not to make any sound at all. But he stepped on a stick making a Beowolf detect him it started to growl at him.

The Beowolf lunged at him with its mouth wide open ready to bite down into his flesh. Alex right hooked the wolf sending it to the side it got up and started to growl at Alex again.

It ran at Alex and attacked using its claws Alex couldn't react in time as the claws tore through his flesh making him scream in pain. Alex saw the wolf biting into him but his immortality quickly regenerated all the wounds.

Alex grabbed the lower jaw of the Beowolf and started to pull the jaw was ripped off of the Beowolf Alex then grabbed the Beowolfs neck and.


Alex snapped the Beowolfs neck ending its grim life the corpse of the grim started to rapidly evaporate Alex picked up the remains and decided to integrate the Beowolf into him.

Alex closed his eyes expecting the corpse of the Beowolf to taste disgusting he put it in his mouth and the remains of the Beowolf instantly evaporated contrary to what he believed would happen. A warm feeling spread throughout his body when he opened his eyes he could see much further and could even spot a small and on a leaf, Alex could smell much better too but all he could smell was the metallic scent of blood.

Alex's hearing improved as well he was surprised at the improvements but when he smelt blood he knew it must have been animals fighting each other. Alex continued on his way to Vale he was close he knew it because he could see a giant wall in the distance.

He continued to walk until he saw a large gate that had a sign that had the word Vale on it. There were also two men besides the gate armed with assault rifles Alex walked to one of the guards.

Guard: "Sir if you want to enter Vale you have to pay at least 20 Lien."

Alex told the guard to wait as he went into the forest and picked up another rock and exchanged it for 500 liens.

Alex went back to the guard and gave him the money the guard nodded and opened the gate allowing Alex to enter. When he entered the city was very lively Alex walked around for a while getting used to the city.

The sunset and Alex was still walking through the city when he was suddenly pulled into an alleyway. Alex looked at the two thugs one wielding a knife and the other had a gun.

Thug1: "Listen, if you hand over your Lien you'll get away with your life understo-"

Alex didn't let him finish his sentence and punched him directly in the face breaking the thug's nose and making him go back. Alex pulled him forward and headbutted him.

The other thug pulled up his gun and Alex held the other thug up using him as a meat shield.




After the thug's bullets hit his companion Alex took the knife from the thug's dead body and threw his corpse away. The thug was going to shoot again but there were no more bullets in the chamber.

Alex rushed at him and the thug but something unexpected happen the thug glowed orange and clenched his fist. The thug did a right hook to Alex to which he dodged by going underneath the attack.

The thug's fist instead of hitting him hit a brick wall making web-like cracks appear on the wall. 'So his Semblance is Super Strenght I'm pretty screwed aren't I?' Alex thought as he punched the thug's face.

The thug kicked Alexs chest making him fly to the end of the alley way Alex spat out blood as the thug approached ready to finish him off. Alex looked around and saw a little piece of flesh from the first thug.

Alex picked it up and thought 'Exchange this with Super Strenght' Alex felt a surge of power course through him the feeling was addicting. All of Alex's internal wounds healed completely.

The thug got closer and closer to Alex until he was close enough for Alex to attack. Alex sweeped the thugs legs making him fall Alex stood up and kicked the thugs head.

Making the thug scream but Alex continued by kicking the thugs chest making slide across the floor.

Alex walked to him and picked him up by his collar and punched him in the face repeatedly the fifth punched popped the thugs head like a balloon. Blood and brain matter covered the walls.

Alex didn't like the fact that he was injured by a Beowolf and two random thugs. But he knew could easily solve those problems Alex looked at the two bodies and Decide to exchange them.

Alex touched the bodies and thought 'Exchange the first body to manipulate magic without the chanting.' Alex instead of feeling a warm feeling felt a cold one instead he held his hand and imagined water and unsurprisingly a ball of water appeared in his palm.

He commanded it to clean the blood off of his clothes the water did as it was commanded. Alex dispersed the now all red water ball and used Wind magic to dry his wet clothes.

He looked at the second body 'Exchange this with a HUD that I can add features to and make it include an inventory'. On the edges of his vision, a screen appeared but it didn't block too much of his vision it read.



Alex took the now dead thugs weapons and put it in his inventory by just saying inventory. Alex walked out of the alley with his hands in his pockets the sun shined down on the streets and Alex continued to walk until he got bored he found a spot where there was an abandoned building.

There was moss and vines covering the building there was a broken sign that was unreadable the windows and doors were covered by wooden planks.

'Well, I always wanted to start a shop exchange this building with another building that I can change to my liking' The building was replaced with a pure white building that had two windows and two doors Alex entered his building and looked around.

There was a desk that had fifteen computers on it there were also on the wall two big fridges alongside the walls there were about one hundred black coffin-like items laying. The room was cool in temperature there were also black shelves on the wall and above them all there were four giant TVs that weren't on currently.

On the front, there were also five red tables that all had four chairs.

Alex went up to one of the coffins and saw a holographic screen appear on it.



'So this is one of those Vr machines but to the max at least in my free time, I can play some Minecraft' Alex thought. He saw stairs going up Alex went up the stairs until he got to a grey door.

He opened the door and saw a large room with a Tv one of the advanced Vr machines but it was black and purple instead of only black. His ceiling was purple with white dots almost looking like space.

He sat in a chair that was near the large Tv and immediately felt relaxed he looked at the wall and saw another screen that read.


Alex looked at the screen and then stood up and went to the front of the building. He sat in the chair and spun around for a little bit before getting up and pressing (Add Game) on the VR machine.

[Which game do you want to be added ( )?]

Alex typed down Minecraft and a Minecraft grass block appeared on the screen. Alex went to one of the chairs and sat down waiting for his first customer.

(After seven hours)


Alex: "Welcome to my store!"

This chapter was very long I don't plan on making any other chapter in this book as long as this one well all of you have a great day!


Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts