
The Whim Of A Dragon

Pov Zero

After giving them an hour to decide if they agree to be my disciples to Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er.

I headed for my next target, the person who has the soul of a fox. Using my spiritual sense I could feel that the child with the soul of the fox was in what seemed to be a field.

"It's not far away, but I think I should hurry because I feel negative emotions coming from the little fox." I said as I increased my speed to the maximum that my human form could withstand.

Going with my current top speed, it doesn't take long to reach the fox souled child location. Come in complete silence and without creating a gust of wind.

Leaning against a tree I could see a little girl with reddish brown hair looking at the ground. Although I didn't know why I was looking at the ground, I could know that she was crying from the sobs I heard coming from her.

A second after arriving she somehow noticed my presence, as even a 5 * black gold rank would not notice my presence, I noticed this as I entered the mansion of the 'City Lord ' undetected.

When she saw my shadow she looked up, and as she did so I could see her brown eyes a little reddish from the tears. Seeing her look blank and feeling the hatred that was accumulating in her being I did not know what to do since I do not know the cause of her hatred, so I could only say what brought me to her.

"Little fox, you want to be my disciple." I said extending my hand that was hidden under my black haori.

The girl looked at my hand and did not hesitate to take my hand, which to me is strange since someone normal would not take the hand of an unknown person.

When I took my hand I could feel her chaotic emotions stabilize again. And with a little smile and tears falling down her cheeks.


"I want to be your disciple."

On hearing her immediate answer I said to myself 'what a strange girl why she accepted so quickly, I haven't even told her about the wish, well, I'll tell her later '. I thought without taking much notice.

"Now that you have become my disciple." I said and stopped for a moment to get the girl's attention.

"Tell me what your name is." Although my face did not show it I was a little curious to know to which family my new disciple belongs.

"My name is Shen Xiu "

Upon hearing his name I remembered some events from the novel and thought. 'with the ignorant girl and shaped by her environment'. I remembered her attitude in the novel but I didn't take much notice of her because the current shen xiu is not the same as the one in the novel.

'don't worry, little one, I won't let you go that way, I will be your guide.' I thought looking into the eyes of little Shen Xiu . She stopped crying when she saw me, but she still held my hand.

"Little Xiu , we must go for my next disciple." I said pointing in the direction of my next goal.

"Teacher, you have more disciples." Said shen xiu curious to know if she could finally make real friends.

"Not yet, but I think I have more."

"Then I am your first disciple."

"Well, you could say I've taught a friend fencing before." "I said recalling my practice of fencing with Asuna .

She just nodded to my answer and asked no more.

"And you, little one, why did you become my disciple without hesitation, besides, you have never been told not to trust strangers."

When I asked her she was thinking for a few seconds until she said a little sad: "I don't know how to put it into words, but when I took your hand I felt something I had only felt when I was with my mother and that made me have a strange confidence in you".

'it must have been due to his fox soul, it was different from Ye Ziyun's slight fear and the inferiority felt by Xiao Ning'er . Though I allowed them to feel my soul to see how they reacted out of simple curiosity. '

"It causes you to feel that." I stopped because it would be better if I explained them to them all, she just looked at me making a gesture to keep talking. "I'll tell you later, it's time to leave."

"Sorry." I said while carrying shen xiu in a princess way. She was a little surprised and embarrassed but did not protest.

Use my spiritual sense to find my next goal.

"I already found her even though she doesn't exactly have a special soul." I said to use my Qi and surround Shen Xiu's entire body with it so that his body would not be damaged due to my speed.

She felt the change in her body and asked. "Master, who is this." 'it's so warm'.

"Little Xiu this is vital energy or also called Qi".

"Well, we're going to hold on well." I said as I disappeared from the training camp.


In a small building you could see a young woman with long purple hair in a bun with eyes closed, wearing a light blue hanfu that highlighted her breasts, with a lock of her hair that covered one of her eyes. Sitting on the floor in front of what appears to be an oven that is usually used in the alchemy of this world.

Drops of sweat fell from the woman's face because of the effort to create a spiritual pill. The name of this woman is Yang Xin one of the best alchemists in the city and future director of the alchemists association of 'Glory City '.

Suddenly Yang Xin opened his eyes which were a dark golden color and heard the sound of a small explosion coming from the furnace.

Pov Yang Xin

"(ains) another flaw." I said as I felt the chaotic spiritual energy coming from the furnace.

"It doesn't matter if I keep trying, but I don't have any more ingredients left." Looking around me looking at the lonely room where there was no other person but myself or so I believed.

"Whom I cheat even though I want to help 'glory city ', I've always been alone and most people always turn to me and just think of me as a beautiful woman." I lay down and looked at the roof of my little house.

"It's so hard for anyone to take me seriously."

"I take you seriously child." When I heard the unknown voice coming next to me. I saw a boy dressed in haori black covering the whole of his body except for his beautiful and delicate face, red eyes and fluttering black hair. And next to him a girl was wearing a one-piece dress with many scarlet decorations stained with mud on some sides, reddish brown hair and brown eyes.

'who these children are from what I can see from the girl's clothes must belong to a noble family but the strange thing is that I couldn't detect her until I saw her with my eyes although she is only this bronze rank 1*. And that boy like the girl I couldn't feel when I got to my side, but it doesn't give off any spiritual energy but seeing his deep red eyes I feel like I'm seeing Lord Ye Mo , it's impossible for a boy to be as powerful as lord Ye Mo I must be imagining things because I'm so tired. ' Many ideas crossed my mind but I decided not to think much and ask who these children were.

"Who are the little ones? ". I said with a smile as I asked their names.

"I am Shen Xiu ."

When she heard my question, the girl answered, but he just kept seeing my face with a thoughtful expression.

"You must belong to the holy family ." The girl just nodded to me, but the boy still didn't answer.

Even with a smile on my face I was still waiting for an answer from the boy. A few seconds later the boy seems to have made a decision.

"I'm much older than your girl but that's important to us for now, I'm here to propose something to you." said the boy with a neutral expression.

When I heard the boy talk, I thought it was fun and I followed the game. "What a proposal you have boy." I said with a playful smile.

"I want you to become my disciple, although you do not have exactly what I am looking for."

I was surprised that a boy asked me to be his disciple

"Ohh and why should I become your disciple."

"I can give you materials to continue practicing your alchemy and teach you some things to improve your control over spiritual energy." That strange boy, said he, putting one of his hands on his heart, shone in gold, and when it stopped shining, it showed a simple apple that gave off a great deal of spiritual energy. 'besides, I don't know what to do with all the spiritual plants of Eden.'

When I looked and felt the amount of spiritual energy of the apple I was surprised and without hesitation took the apple from the hands of the child to see it in more detail.

As I analyzed the apple in more detail I could realize two things: this apple does not contain any impurity and the other is that I could make many spiritual gathering tablets with just one piece of it. 'this is amazing if I get more of these blocks it would be a big win for glory city .

"Boy from where you got this apple." I said very excited to know where to find this kind of fruit and if there were other kinds of spiritual plants where the apple was found.

"I got them from Eden, and I will give you more spiritual plants if you become my disciple."

"Well, I don't care if you don't do as you're not exactly what I'm looking for." He said as he got up from the floor and the girl followed him.

"What is Eden and where is it located?"

"Well Eden is a different world than this and is here." said the boy pointing to his heart.

"Don't play with me boy."

"I am not playing but since you do not want to become my disciple I will leave."

Then the boy carried in his arms the little girl of the holy family and I see she was preparing to leave. Many thoughts passed through my head and I said. "Wait! I will become your disciple." I said as I stretched out my hand and caught a part of his clothes.

"Well, give me your hand." The boy said to stop carrying the girl and render a strange aura of hand.

As I took the child's hand, the strange white aura surrounded my whole body. I was surprised by the strange event but I didn't let go of his hand because I didn't feel any damage in my body, I just felt a strange feeling that I didn't know how to describe the only thing I knew was that it was a feeling I didn't want to lose.

He did the same with the holy family girl and told us. "Xiao Xiu turns half to the right, Xiao Xin turns half to the left." Although it felt strange that a boy called me small I paid attention without complaint like the girl but I felt curious to know why he asked us something like this, although before turning the girl gave me a look of compassion. 'what does that look mean... '. Then I felt a strong wind and my stomach was spinning.


In the mansion of the Lord of the city, in the room of Ye Ziyun a strong gust of wind passed through that room. When the blast was over you could see 3 people. One of them was Zero who was normal but the other two were not at all well especially the young woman.

"What happened, where... ". Yang Xin did not finish speaking when he got on his knees and started vomiting.

"It feels really bad, no." Shen Xiu felt a little better than Yang xin as she had already experienced that feeling before. However, she still felt the same way as Yang xin.

Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun saw more strangers enter the room and especially the man whom the father of the latter could not detect. But when they saw the two women in trouble they did not hesitate to approach them and help them.

The only man in the room smiled a little at his action but in his mind he was thinking. 'I am so naive what would happen if they were your enemies and were just pretending.'

It took Shen Xiu and Yang Xin a minute to calm down but they were still a little dizzy. The girls offered him chairs in the room which helped them calm down faster.

"Girls have already made their choice".

Upon hearing zero's voice they moved their heads up and down as a sign that they had already made a decision.

"And what a decision they made".

"We want to know if it's true that you can revive someone." Said little Ye Ziyun with much hope in her voice

Zero was silent for a moment. "Yes I can but there are some conditions to revive someone"

"What are those conditions?" Both girls asked at the same time.