
Trapped In Shadows

Each time she dared to fall in love or have any romantic relationship with someone, it always ended up crumbling, as every man she loved found solace not in her arms, but in the embrace of her sister. The sting of betrayal left scars upon her heart, making her shut her heart to love, with a promise to never let her guard down around any man. This is a tale of a young girl named Emily, along with her mother and sister, Olivia. Emily's mother runs a modeling agency where her sister Olivia acts as a model. Emily always wanted to work as a model, and there were numerous nights where she spent dreaming of being a model. Her numerous requests to her mother were unsuccessful, as her mother always despised her. Her elder sister, Olivia was always her mom's favorite. Olivia inherited all their mother's charms and was loved by everyone. In high school, guys would always come to her just so they could get Olivia's number but Emily didn't mind. But every time she opened her heart to someone, it always got broken by her sister. Guys would date her just to get closer to Olivia. Emily decided to never fall in love again, after she caught her sister in bed with her boyfriend, Jamie. But what happens when she meets Jake? He's been searching for her for a year and just when he thought he would never find her, he saw her at a restaurant, where she worked as a waitress. He's in town for 3 months and he needs to find himself a wife, or else he'll be forced to marry the girl he's family chose for him. Will he be able to convince her to marry him, in just 3 months?

Raven_Dahlia · Urban
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Chapter 4


The nerve of that guy to just randomly ask me out on a date like that. Who does he think he is? Saying it like I was going to pounce on him the moment he asked. If only I wasn't treated like an outcast in my own home, he wouldn't have been able to approach me like that.

Anyway, I don't blame him. I'm just some waitress he met. The restaurant where I work isn't even a five-star restaurant. If my own family won't respect me, how can anyone else do that? I'm a mess, a complete failure.

The pain of rejection had scarred my heart, but it was the sting of failed relationships that had destroyed my trust in love.

Each time I dared to open my heart, the men in my life were drawn to my sister, Olivia, like moths to a flame. And she kept hurting me over and over again. I hate men, all they've ever done is hurt me. Both physically and mentally.

I can never forget Jamie's cold words to me after I caught him together with her.

"It was easier. I never actually had feelings for you, I've always loved Olive, not you."

These words were like daggers pierced into my heart. If he never loved me, then why make me love him?


This question has bothered me since then. I was truly blind to see the signs, or maybe I did see them but chose to ignore them. Because somehow I kept reassuring myself that he was different.

The only man who truly cared about me was my childhood friend, Kyle. He's mixed. His dad is American, and his mom is South African. I haven't seen him, ever since he left. He left about a year ago when his mom died.

I think he made the right decision to leave. People here kept treating him like an outsider. He believed he didn't have a place here and there was nothing I could do to help. My sister never showed any interest in him. Maybe because she knew that would only make her friends question her personality.

Speaking of friends, don't get me started on that bitch Claudia and her witch of a sister, Macy.

Claudia is just like my sister but the only difference is she's her puppet. Only does things Olivia likes.

Well as for Macy, she never really liked me. In the beginning, we were friends or so I thought. It all started when I scored higher than she did when we were in high school. I don't know what I did to her. But that's a story for another time.

I met Kyle in 8th grade and we pretty much kicked off since then. I guess we had a lot in common aside from our complexion.

I've never had any romantic feelings for Kyle, by the way. I only see him as a big brother I never had. We lost contact 8 months ago and I guess I was so busy with Jamie, that I forgot to try finding a means to contact him.

I wonder how he's doing.

Ugh, I'm such a bad friend. Sometimes I wish I could just leave this planet with the people I care about, and burn the whole world down with all those who have hurt me in it.


When I decided to come to New York, I thought I would spend most of my time drowning in work. Turns out this place is more fun than I imagined. A few weeks ago, I met up with my cousin, Gloria at a small restaurant. She claimed she loved the food there, and I just agreed to meet because I needed to find a nice place to eat. I'm a very picky eater and so is Gloria which is why I asked for her help with finding the perfect place for me.

I had told her I didn't want to attract so much attention to myself, I guess that's why she chose that restaurant.

The restaurant wasn't so bad and seeing as no one knew who I was, gave me the reassurance I needed. However, my first day wasn't as expected since my presence was graced with orange juice spilled all over my clothes. But the fact that I had met with the same girl whom I had spent a year searching for, was working at that same restaurant, just made my day and at the same time, made me curious.

I remember meeting her at a party held at Davis's residence, and she looked a bit different from the first time I saw her. But that doesn't matter, all that matters is, that I found her.

She didn't seem to know who I was, which I found amusing but a little disappointing. If she was at that party, then she was supposed to have an idea who I was but she didn't.

Normally, I would have my assistant fetch my lunch after verifying the restaurant but I always stopped by the restaurant, just to see my little fury.

The very first time I saw her, there was this fire in her eyes like she was ready to consume anyone who crossed paths with her. And that's why I called her fury. Most times when I would talk to my sister about her, I would call her, sizzle, or fury.

I know it's weird but I didn't know her name at the time. Not like we talked or anything, I just admired her from a distance but before I made a move, she was gone.

Two days ago, I tried to get her to talk to me because she'd been avoiding me since she spilled orange juice on me. She doesn't seem like the shy type so I didn't know why she would avoid me.

I asked her out on a date, and that's when Gloria's kids' nanny decided to interrupt. Honestly, I had forgotten that I took the kids out with me. We spent some time at the park and on our way back I decided to order something for them.

It was indeed the wrong timing and I know Sizzle misunderstood the situation. She probably sees me as a cheat now. But at least I got a chance to speak to her again.

She'd better get used to seeing my face, cause I don't intend to stop now. I've come too far to quit. I have 6 months to remain in this city and I intend to take her back home with me as my bride.

Business isn't the only reason why I came to New York City. I needed an escape from my parents constantly nagging me to get married. They want me to marry their friend's daughter but the only way for me to get out of that is if I bring back a girl I like.

To them, it's fair but how the hell am I supposed to get my little fury to marry me on such short notice?

Just then I got a text from my sister, Julie.

Julie; 'Bro, how's it going over there?'

Me; 'Good, how are you?'

Julie; 'I'm cool, I have something to tell you by the way.'

Me; 'Spill'

Julie; 'So, I heard Dad talking to someone over the phone and it seems they don't think you'll be able to find a bride soon, so they're planning for you to marry that bitch as soon as you get back.'

Me; 'Language Missy'

Julie; 'seriously, out of everything I just told you, that's all you have to say?'

Me; 'Don't worry about me, remember sizzle?'

Julie; 'you mean the girl you're obsessed with?'

Me; 'Forget it.'

Julie; 'I'm kidding, what about her?'

Me; 'Turns out she lives here.'

Julie; 'oh my word, that's so cool. You finally get to meet the woman of your dreams. I wish I had gone with you, maybe I'd have found my prince charming as well.'

Me; 'Goodnight.'

Julie; 'lol, good luck convincing her to marry you in just 6 months.'

Foolish girl.

I can't marry the girl my parents chose, I'll have to do something about it. I called my assistant.

"Paul, I want you to do a background check on Emily. The waitress from the restaurant. Do that before the end of the week." With that, I ended the call.

Just a little more time my love.