
Trapped In Shadows

Each time she dared to fall in love or have any romantic relationship with someone, it always ended up crumbling, as every man she loved found solace not in her arms, but in the embrace of her sister. The sting of betrayal left scars upon her heart, making her shut her heart to love, with a promise to never let her guard down around any man. This is a tale of a young girl named Emily, along with her mother and sister, Olivia. Emily's mother runs a modeling agency where her sister Olivia acts as a model. Emily always wanted to work as a model, and there were numerous nights where she spent dreaming of being a model. Her numerous requests to her mother were unsuccessful, as her mother always despised her. Her elder sister, Olivia was always her mom's favorite. Olivia inherited all their mother's charms and was loved by everyone. In high school, guys would always come to her just so they could get Olivia's number but Emily didn't mind. But every time she opened her heart to someone, it always got broken by her sister. Guys would date her just to get closer to Olivia. Emily decided to never fall in love again, after she caught her sister in bed with her boyfriend, Jamie. But what happens when she meets Jake? He's been searching for her for a year and just when he thought he would never find her, he saw her at a restaurant, where she worked as a waitress. He's in town for 3 months and he needs to find himself a wife, or else he'll be forced to marry the girl he's family chose for him. Will he be able to convince her to marry him, in just 3 months?

Raven_Dahlia · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 3


My mom cut me off just like she said she would. It's been three weeks now and she still hasn't bothered to know how I was surviving without my usual allowance. I knew she meant it which was why I got a job immediately after she said that but I couldn't help but think she would be worried about me. I guess a part of me wanted her to care, a part of me craved her affection.

It wasn't easy getting a job, I knew that already but no one said it would be so time-consuming. But I finally got one at a local restaurant, the manager said I was lucky. That's a first, my sister usually said I was lucky I even existed. Now I have to balance school and work, it's gonna be tough I don't have a choice. I can read on my breaks, then continue at night.

Since I started working here, everything has been going smoothly but ever since I accidentally spilled juice on a customer I've had this feeling that I was being watched.


"What would you like to order ma'am?" I asked the beautiful lady in a green floral gown.

"Nothing for now love, I'm waiting for someone." She replied in a smooth British accent. I've always wanted to go to London.

"Would you like to have a drink while you wait?" I offered

"Sure, can I get a glass of orange juice?" Oh my God, that's my favorite. This woman seems to be waiting for someone. She looks so simple yet, elegant. I remember how my mom would put on so many layers of clothing and lots of makeup whenever she was going out for lunch by herself.

"Right away ma'am." How silly, she must have seen me staring for too long.


I got back shortly with her drink, but that's when I saw Claudia, one of Olivia's friends. My first instinct was to turn around and hide, but I kept moving. I remembered how they'd bullied me in high school. As I got closer to the table, I noticed there was someone else sitting with the lady in green but I could only see his back.

Maybe he was her guest, I felt someone prick me with something and that caused me to toss the juice and it landed on the man's clothes. It felt like time froze for a couple of minutes, from the corner of my eye I saw Claudia laughing with a blonde-haired girl. I didn't even notice she wasn't alone, that's probably her sister Macy. I checked my arm to see what pricked me but all I saw was tiny blood. Did she just use a pin to prick my arm? She probably didn't want others to notice but Claudia isn't so smart so it was likely Macy who did.

Curse those bitches. Look at the mess they made for me to take care of.

"Are you okay?" I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was the man with whom I just ruined his clothes.

"I'm sorry sir, ma'am please I'm sorry it's just..." I trailed off not knowing what to say, I can't afford to lose this job.

"Hey, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes now and then." The lady in green cooed. I didn't make a mistake it was that foolish bitch Claudia and her sister.

"Sir I'm sorry, please don't report me." I pleaded with the man who had not said a word since. He was just staring at me and I found it hard to meet his gaze.

"Can you at least show me to the restroom?" His voice was really deep I almost fainted. He should have just remained quiet, now I feel worse.

"Anytime now," came his voice again. Seriously, I would have to tape his mouth shut, his voice makes me feel so many things all at once.

"Uh, yes, right this way sir." I ushered

"Lead the way." He spoke as he got out of his seat.

"Can you be quiet, I'm trying to focus here." I thought.

"I beg your pardon?" He questioned, his voice getting a little louder. Oh my God, please tell me I didn't say that out loud. He probably thought I was being rude. It's just that I'm feeling intimidated by him and at the same time I'm getting tingles in weird places but I can't possibly say that right?

"N... No, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to... Umm, my brother. Yes, I was talking to my brother just now." I said pointing at my earphones. "I'll call you back Kyle, I'm trying to focus." Oh, I'm such a good liar.

FYI, Kyle is my best friend whom I haven't seen or heard from in years now.

I pointed to the men's room when we got there, while he just nodded. He was looking at me like I was guilty of something.

"He bought that right?" I asked myself when I saw him go inside. Now, I was confused, do I wait or go back?

I decided to go back.


Since then, he's been coming here all the time. According to my colleagues, he's a new regular customer. I always find a way to escape serving him. It's a lot easier since the girls here have a crush on him. But I found it weird cause just a few days ago, he was on a date with the pretty lady in green. Men will always be men, I guess.

"Emily, go attend to the customer at table 9." My supervisor ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." I hurriedly left to go take the order.

To my greatest disappointment, it was our new regular customer. Note the sarcasm. I knew he could tell I was not happy to see him again. Hell, I'm not. Especially not after I embarrassed myself the other time. Honestly, I thought I would only see his face once in my life. He didn't look like one of those big-shot guys I was used to seeing. He seemed to be a normal guy but at the same time, he gave off this commanding vibe.

I don't mean to sound like a gold digger or anything, it's just that I got used to seeing well-known celebrities and businessmen because of how popular my family is. I would usually sit by my room window whenever there was a party or when we had important guests, cause my mom would always lock me in.

My focus was soon brought back to the customer I was to serve as I approached his table. He was good looking no doubt but he was also the kind of man my mom and sister would classify as poor at one glance. To them, poor was anyone who didn't look like they just came from a photo shoot. To me, he looked pretty normal.

"May I take your order, sir?" I tried so hard not to roll my eyes as he kept staring at me.

"Why haven't I seen you around, Emily?" I froze as soon as I heard my name.

"Ho... How do you know my name?" I asked but he just chuckled and gestured to my name tag. Oh fuck me, of course, he pointed out the obvious. I looked away feeling embarrassed.

"I'd like some grilled salmon with dill source, roast beef with vegetables, and Ceaser salad to go." Such a foodie

"Anything else?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes, your number," he said flirtingly.

"Not happening." I retorted but he just smiled.

"Have dinner with me." He said stopping me in my tracks. How can anyone be so straightforward? I was about to reply, but then a lady came in and whispered something to him, to which he told her he would be outside soon.

Was he seriously going to dismiss her and then act like she wasn't just here?

Such a cheating bastard. Why am I still standing here, he made his order already. I should be leaving now right?

"She's not who you're thinking." Well, fuck you for reading my mind.

"Who said I was thinking about her? Excuse me, sir, your..."

"Jake," I guess he saw my confused face when he said that cause he immediately continued

"My name's Jake." like I care what you're called.

"With all due respect sir, I don't care." With that said, I left to go get his order.