
Meeting The Others

[The next morning]

[Jin's pov]

Today, is the day. I will bring that girl to meet the others.

I go to her room and knock on the door. She doesn't open it. I guess, I'll need to go inside and wake her up.

[Knock~ knock~]

I open the door and see that she's not on her bed. Then, I heard that the door to the bathroom is opening so I take a look. I see that she is coming out from there wearing a towel. She sees me and she shout.

Sujin: Yahhhh!!!!! What are you doing in here?!

Jin: I'm checking on you. By the way, why are you shouting?

Sujin: Are you dumb, stupid or dumb, huh??!!! Can't you see what I'm wearing right now?

Then I realise that, she's only wearing a towel. That's why she's shouting. I feel very embarassed. My face start getting hot.

Jin: Ermm.. Sorry.. I-I'll go now. Ermm.. There's a dress in the closet, wear it ok. A-after you're done, go to the dining room to have breakfast.

After saying that, I get out of the room and get ready. I will be wearing this clothes:

After getting ready and all dressed up, I go to the dining room and see the she doesn't arrive yet. Well, I guess I need to have breakfast first.

[Sujin's pov]

After Seokjin gets out, I go to the closet and pick a dress. I think I'm going to wear this one:

For my hairstyle:

And for the accessory:

After getting ready, I go to the dining room as told by Seokjin. I knock on the door first. I go inside and see Seokjin stuffing his mouth with food very fast. His face is

literally like a chipmunk.

He's really cute though.

Sujin: Hey.. Slow down.. you're gonna choke on the food. The food won't run away anyway.

Jin: Well, for me food comes first. What you staring at? Ppali mogeo.

Sujin: Wow! I've never seen so many food on a very long table.

Jin: Hahahahaha. That's cute. O-oppsss..

Sujin: What did you just say?

Jin: N-nothing. Faster eat. After eating, please go the meeting room.

Sujin: Arasseo~


I already finish eating. I'm very full. The food here are really good. If only I can get to eat this kind of food everyday at my world. Well, better go now or else I'm gonna be late.

[In front of the meeting room]

I knock on the door and open it. Then, I heard the door being open.

???: Who are you.

Jin: Oh, you're here. Come in.

When I go inside the room, everybody stare at me.

???: Seokjin hyung, who is this?

???: Is this the maid??

Seokjin: Did she look like a maid to you? *glares*

???: Mianhe hyung.

???: So, you must be the girl Seokjin hyung have been talking about.

Sujin: Uh, my name B-Bae Sujin. Nice to meet you guys.

???: Oh, what a beautiful name! My name's Kim Namjoon. Nice to meet you.

???: Hey there, baby girl~ My name's Jimin. *Wink*

Jin: Hey ,STOP IT!

Jimin: Oopsss! Mian~

???: My name is Hoseok. I'm an elf. I'm your eternal sunshine!

Sujin: Awe! You're so cute!

???: My name is Taehyung! I'm very sorry about earlier. By the way, this is Jungkook.

Jungkook: Ah, hyung~ I can introduce myself. *Pout*

Taehyung: But, you always get nervous arond girls..

Jungkook: Shh! Cut it out. That's my biggest secret.

Jin: That's enough. Yoongi your turn.

???: ..... *Snores*

Jimin: Hyung, Yoongi hyung is sleeping.

Jin: Aish.. How did he manage to sleep now.. *slaps forehead*.. Sujin-ah, this is Yoongi. He seems to be a bit lazy but actually he's a total genius.

Sujin: Oh, I see. But, why did you guys seem to be very different?

Jin: Haiyah! I told you, this is the fantasy world. Everything that exist here is only fantasies.

Sujin: Oopss, sorry... I really forget about that. So, Seokjin is a prince. Yoongi is a king, I guess.

Jin: How'd you know that he's a king?? Creatures here doesn't know what kind of creature he is cause' he barely go outside the castle.

Sujin: Oh, it's because he got a crown on his head. *point towards Yoongi's head* Doesn't a crown represent a king.

Jin: Oh, yeah right. I'm such pabo. *slaps forehead*

Sujin: Anyway, let me finish. So, Taehyung is a warrior. Jimin is a werewolf. Hoseok is an elf while Namjoon is a wizard, right?

Hoseok: Wait, how'd you know that I'm an elf?

Sujin: I saw those cute pointed ears right there. *point at Hoseok's ear*

Hoseok: Y-you think they're cute?? *blush*

Sujin: Of cour-

Jin: Hey, STOB IT!

Sujin: Oopss, mian Jinnie-ah.. So, I guess each one of you correctly. But, I can't figure out what is Jungkook. Jungkook-sshi, neo mwoni??

Jimin: Oh, he's a vampire.

Sujin: Wait, what?!! *covering neck*

Jungkook: Erm.. Gwenchanayo. I don't drink human blood. Well, maybe I'll drink it if there's no source of food. I suck anything that's red. Just like Marceline from Adventure Time.

Sujin: Wait, you watch Adventure Time?! Heol! I can't believe it!

Jungkook: Yeah, of course I watch it. It's my all time favourite cartoon.

Jin: Ay, yah yah! It's not the time to discuss about your favourite cartoon. We're hear to discuss on how to send her back to her world. *suddenly looking at Yoongi* Yah! Wake him up.

Namjoon: Hyung, you know that she can only go back to her world by falling in love with one of us.

Jimin: Well, that's easy. Just let her fall in love with me then I'll send her back.

Hoseok: Aish... Pabo-ya.. She need to choose one of us...

[In the middle of discussion..]

Yoongi: Ah! That was a good nap. *stretch arms out*

Jin: Finally, you're awake... I thought you were dead... Anyway, can you give us some idea here..

Yoongi: Idea about what?

Namjoon: Idea on how to send her back...

Yoongi: You know there's only one way, right?

Jungkook: We know that hyung... But, how can we get her to fall in love with one of us if she doesn't even know us??

Yoongi Hmmm.... Aha! That's easy... Why don't we let her sleepover at our place so that we get to know each other better. Hmm.. About 2 days will be enough, right??

Taehyung: Wow hyung! You are such a genius.

Yoongi: Yeah, I know.. *smirk*

Taehyung: Ermmm... You were supposed to say 'Thank you'.... I complimented you...

Yoongi: Why would I?? Taehyung-ah.. That was not a compliment, that was a fact.. You were stating a F.A.C.T!!! *flip hair*

Sujin: Guys, it's not the time to argue! It's time to decide who's place I should go tonight...

Jimin: Hmm... I think you should start with Jin hyung. Because, you already spent the night here.. So, why don't you continue living here. Then, tomorrow there'll be someone who's gonna pick you up and go to his' place.

Sujin: Wow! That's a really brilliant idea! Hmm.. So, I'll be choosing on the next person.

[Here's how the line is]

Yoongi -> Hoseok -> Namjoon-> Jimin -> Taehyung-> Jungkook

Jungkook: Why do I always get the last???

All except Sujin and Jungkook: Neo maknae nikka!

[Everybody laughs]