
Heartfilia Kingdom

Sujin: Wait, you're saying that you're a prince?!

Jin: Yes, I am.

Sujin: Y-your Highness! *Bows*

Jin: W-wait, no need for that. It looks like you hurt your leg. Gwenchanayo?

Sujin: Nae. Gwenchanayo.

Jin: How did you get here anyway?

Sujin: I don't know. I was just staring at the ceiling cause I can't fall asleep. Then, I heard knocking sound so I looked around to see what is it. I heard that the knocking sound was from the mirror. Then, I saw some kind of blue dust. At last, I was here.

Jin: Wait, what?! You're telling me that you come from another world?!

Sujin: What do you mean by another world? I'm pretty sure there's only one world.

Jin: Well, this is a fantasy world. A world where magical creatures live in. I know this sounds crazy but I think you're trapped in this world.

Sujin: Wait, what?! I'm t-trapped! Is there any way for me to go back to my world?

Jin: There is one. You need to fall in love with one of us.

Sujin: You mean there's more people like you?!

Jin: Well, to be precise, we're not just 'people'. Anyways, let's go back to my palace before it's dark.

Sujin: What can happen when it's dark?

Jin: Vampires will bite you.

Sujin: You have vampires?!

Jin: I told you, this is the fantasy world. Let's go now.


[At the palace]

Jin: We are here! Welcome to Heartifilia palace!

Sujin: Wow! This is the first time I see a palace!

Jin: Nice ,huh? Come on, I'll show you your room.

[Sujin's pov]

As soon as me and Seokjin enter the palace, all the people inside the palace which I assume the servants, greet Seokjin with a bow.

The palace is very big. It have so many room. I'm impressed with the beauty of this palace.

Jin: This is your room. The room beside your room is my room. If you need anything just knock on my door. Well, I assume that you're tired so I'll let you take a rest. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the others.

Sujin: You mean, we have meeting with the other princes?

Jin: They are not princes. They are just troublemaker. Well, have a good rest. Bye.

[Back to pov]

As soon as Seokjin leaves, I open the door to my bedroom and enter the room. The room is really pretty. The room is big and have many space. Even my room is not that big. It have private toilet.

After having a room tour, I go to the toilet and wash up. Then, after that I go to the closet and choose this for my pijama:

Then, I go to the dressing table to do my skin care routine. I can't believe that the fantasy world also have such skin care. That's very, daebak!

After doing my skin care routine, I go to the bed and get ready to sleep.