
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Stormy Investigation

As the evening approached, the heavy spring rain created a melodic rhythm of droplets that danced on the roof and hammered the lush vegetation in Daiyu's new courtyard. The sound of the rain didn't bring relaxation or warmth to her heart; instead, it seemed to mirror the weight of the day's events, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

Ba Indue served her master's evening meal with a mix of hesitation and shyness. The table was adorned with a feast of delicious food, the enticing aromas filling the air. Daiyu's gaze remained fixed on the rain-swept window, her mood somewhat contemplative.

"Please sit, it is also your mealtime," she instructed Ba Indue, breaking the silence.

The young maid hesitated for a moment before complying, the girl's delicate green eyes glistened with curiosity and admiration as she set out a second set of dishes and timidly took a seat beside her mistress, her small frame perched cautiously on the chair. She looked eager to enjoy the meal but equally attentive to her mistress.

Taking her chopsticks, Daiyu began to eat, the flavors of the food mingling with the pitter-patter of rain outside.

"How has Na Bihn been handling her kitchen duties these days?" She glanced at Ba Indue and inquired, her sapphire eyes observed the young maid closely, curious about her response.

"May this lowly servant be candid, mistress?" Ba Indue asked with a touch of hesitance, her voice soft and respectful. She took a bite of tender green vegetables, her eyes darting between Daiyu and the food.

"It is why I asked you directly. You will not be reprimanded for your opinion," Daiyu assured her, offering a small smile. "And also, let us speak less formally at the table; it aids digestion if we're both at ease."

"Very well, mistress. Thank you." The maid's face brightened with gratitude, and she responded with a gentle smile. With her master's permission, Ba Indue's body visibly relaxed, and she began to share her thoughts.

"She seems to have adapted well, though the kitchen can be a place where gossip breeds like field mice. Na Bihn is impressionable, and I worry that the environment might reinforce her more rigid beliefs. I have seen many people in our village develop such inflexible minds, and the unintentional damage they can cause."

A brief silence followed, during which Ba Indue thoughtfully picked up a piece of meat, her gaze distant as she contemplated her next words. Daiyu respected the girl's moment of reflection, giving her space to share her concerns openly. The rain continued to fall, providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

Ba Indue continued her thoughtful chewing, savoring the flavors of the meal as she gathered her thoughts. Finally, she looked up at Daiyu, her eyes expressing a mix of concern and empathy.

"It is true, Mistress, that Na Binh had been troubled by your recent actions with Nanny Sa Rana. She is a fervent believer in the Maker's teachings, and the violence she heard about was contrary to the values she holds dear," Ba Indue explained, her voice soft and measured.

"I can imagine how difficult it must have been for her to hear about that. I know I surprised many with my actions, and I do not take them lightly." Daiyu nodded, understanding Na Binh's perspective.

"Indeed," Ba Indue continued, her eyes locked onto Daiyu's with sincerity. "Na Binh's struggle lies in grappling with the complexity of palace life and the intricate web of politics that surrounds us. She possesses a kind and sensitive soul, but at just fourteen lunar years, she is still young and inexperienced. The vastness and treachery of the palace overwhelm her, and its machinations leave her feeling lost and uncertain."

"Like many common folks, she believes in the wisdom and magnanimity of our rulers, holding steadfastly to the belief that their decisions are always for the best of the people. To her, royals and the Maker are beacons of benevolence, shining brightly with goodwill and virtue," Ba Indue explained, her voice carrying a touch of concern.

"I understand. The palace can be daunting, especially for someone as young and innocent as Na Binh. I never intended for her to feel this way, and I want her to know that I value her and all of you deeply." Ba Indue smiled warmly, reassured by her mistress's words.

"I will do my best to support her and guide her through this, Mistress. She is a good-hearted girl, and I believe with time and patience, she will come to see the full extent of your character and the complexities of your role." Daiyu reached across the table and gently patted Ba Indue's hand.

"Thank you, Ba Indue. Your loyalty and dedication mean the world to me. Please, continue to be patient with Na Binh and help her understand that I am not a perfect person, but I am trying my best to navigate this world with honor and integrity." Ba Indue nodded, her heart touched by Daiyu's words.

In the hush that had descended upon them, Daiyu, testing the waters of their growing rapport, ventured a more profound inquiry. "I wish to hear your candid view of the incident between Sa Rana and myself from earlier," she broached subtly, her voice barely louder than the rain's gentle serenade, punctuating her question with a bite of succulent fish. From the periphery of her sapphire gaze, she studied Ba Indue's reaction. The young maid's eyes softened, comprehending the gravity of the query.

"Mistress, I found no fault in your conduct," she asserted with undying fidelity. "Sa Rana's disrespect towards you was utterly impudent and defiant. Her flagrant provocation of your authority was not to be overlooked. I stand by you, Mistress, endorsing every decision you make. You acted rightly, and Sa Rana's insolence merited a firm retort. This should serve as a caution to all that any lack of loyalty is unacceptable."

Ba Indue's response was fervent and sincere, resonating with the profundity of her convictions. She had been well aware of stepping into a den of vipers upon discovering the true identities of her new master and her brother.

Nonetheless, she was familiar with the harsh reality of life, knowing that even the strongest faith in the Maker wouldn't buy bread or secure medical attention for her ailing grandmother. Faith had not staved off her brother's untimely demise or deterred her parents from abandoning them when the burden of care became unbearable.

However, Yun Val Daiyu had offered her an opportunity and ensured regular medical care for her grandmother during her absence. Through her new master, Ba Indue had the chance to explore the capital, savor exquisite cuisines, and acquire valuable skills that promised a better future for both her and her grandmother.

The pair finished the meal comfortably and Diayu prepared to turn in, instructing Ba Indu to take the night off she would be fine for the evening without her services.

*Quite the insightful conversation you had with your maid.* As soon as Ba Indue left the room, the voice of Zalgras echoed in Daiyu's mind.

*Indeed,* Daiyu thought back. *She has a good understanding of the dynamics at play. Her perspective is valuable.*

Zalgras responded in kind, its voice resonating within her thoughts, *Yet you seem preoccupied. What bothers you?*

*Ba Indue's opinion of my actions with Sa Rana,* she confessed. *Even though she agrees with my course of action, it's not something I take lightly. Sa Rana's defiance was unacceptable, but I do wonder if my reaction was too severe.*

*These are hard decisions you must make, but you are fair,* Zalgras reassured her. *Your actions were warranted given the circumstances, and this one believes Sa Rana's insolence demanded a strong response. Remember, you did not start this, but you had to end it. This is your domain, and respect must be enforced.*

*I appreciate your insight, Zalgras,* Daiyu replied, finding comfort in the creature's words. *It's just... I'm not entirely at peace with the situation.*

*Conflict within oneself can be just as challenging as conflicts with others, Yun Val Daiyu. However, it also shows your capacity for empathy and fairness. These traits make you a strong leader.*

Daiyu couldn't help but appreciate the creature's understanding. Its presence brought her a measure of calm in these tumultuous times.

*Thank you, Zalgras,* she replied mentally, her thoughts filled with gratitude. *Your reassurances help ease my mind.*

Eventually true dark fell over her manor, the depths of the evening found Daiyu sitting in the study resting on a soft couch, her eyes staring at the ceiling her ears strained to hear every sound over the pattering rain.

*It is about time, you are sure of your course of action?* Zalgras inquired gently.

*We must succeed all of our lives depend on this. the test is the day after tomorrow, this is our only chance.* Daiyu reminded the creature, and herself. She slowly stood, she did not wear her traditional martial robes but a pair of black loose-fitting water-resistant pants and a trim close fitting long-sleeved shirt she pulled a pack over her shoulder and silently exited her room.

The courtyard of her manor was hauntingly beautiful at night, with the weeping tree standing tall like a mythical creature with far-reaching limbs and the pond reflecting the obsidian sky, creating an illusion of an endless abyss. The storm had subdued the warm glow of the lanterns, making the surroundings look eerily beautiful as she navigated her way through the courtyard, the archery dumping appeared as if silent witnesses to her sculking her way toward the path leading to the warehouses.

Her tightly braided midnight hair was soaked by the time she had made it to the iron door even though she had paused in the covered brick transition to put on a dark half cloak. She sighed heavily taking out the key to the door her heart was a bit uneasy as her nerves seemed to become aware of every noise and rustle of the wind.

She opened the door grimacing slightly at the wet squeal it made as it swung open. She stepped through gritting her teeth against the sound, that was only loud to her on-edge nerves as she closed the heavy metal door locking it behind her.

*Yun Val Daiyu, a male presence lurks behind you,* Zalgras warned. At the entity's caution, Daiyu spun around, her black metal sword drawn swiftly from her sheath at her hip. She shifted into a defensive stance, her heart pounding with adrenaline.

"I apologize for startling you, Mistress," a deep, harmonious voice broke the silence. It was Ai Zian, who had suddenly appeared as a shadowy figure kneeling in the muddy underbrush. Daiyu didn't lower her guard, her posture still tense and ready for a fight.

"State your purpose, Ai Zian," she commanded, her voice as chilly and hard as tempered steel.

"I dare not guess your intentions, Mistress. We only wish to serve you and stay by your side," he replied, still kneeling in the mud, resembling a shadowy statue.

"And what if my intentions defy the crown and commit blasphemy against the Maker?" Daiyu's voice held no emotion; her grip on her sword tightened. Ai Zian looked up, his face partly covered by a black half-mask, his eyes glimmering with determination and complex emotions as he replied.

"Mistress, you've proven yourself to be a brilliant tactician and a formidable warrior. You've stood up for the weak and meted out justice to the wicked. Despite being falsely accused as a thief, you've given me, a soldier with a tainted lineage, a new sense of honor and family. I will forever serve you and no other in this life," he declared, bowing deeper, his face almost buried in the mud.

*His pulse is steady, Daiyu. He is genuine in his pledge,* Zalgras whispered, its voice tinged with awe at Ai Zian's profound display of submission. Daiyu slid her sword back into its sheath and put her hand forward.

"Stand, Ai Zian. I acknowledge your pledge," Daiyu commanded with an air of solemnity. "From this moment forth, consider yourself as my comrade, a brother-in-arms. I, too, swear to shield you as if you were my own kin." His eyes shot up to meet her own wide in disbelief, his movements momentarily frozen in the shock of the unexpected acceptance.

After a moment's hesitation, his large hand enveloped her smaller, delicate one, creating a stark contrast. Despite the unrelenting downpour, his grasp radiated warmth and stability. The soft crinkling around his eyes conveyed a smile hidden behind his mask. Releasing his hand, Daiyu pivoted to gaze at the towering city walls and, with newfound resolve, began navigating through the dense undergrowth once more.

She could have laughed when Ai Zian had to lay flat and swiftly crawl through the more narrow arias of the path that lead back to the hole in the wall she had discovered earlier that day, but managed to control herself even with Zalgras making sarcastic remarks about the situation.

She pulled the pack off her shoulder and retrieved a shovel, silently Ai Zian took the tool from her hand and made quick work of the pile of mud that obscured most of the entranceway to the hole in the massive stone city wall.

"I'll go first Zian, if it's too dark hold the top of my shoulder to prevent us getting separated." Ai Zian looked as if he wished to argue but nodded in affirmation instead as his young master entered the gap easily where the tall burly man had to bend over considerably to enter behind her.

The hole was actually a weaving passage carved into the thick structure of the wall that spilled out on the other side of the water gate securing the inlet that ran between the shore her manor stood on and the inlet that separated her from The Church of the Maker's temple.

"From her we swim, Remain close," instructed Daiyu tersely, and Ai Zian followed her lead without a word. The water felt like icy tendrils against their skin, nearly causing Daiyu to draw a sharp intake of breath. Zalgras, however, worked swiftly, sending a comforting warmth coursing through her body to fend off the cold and prevent the seizing of her muscles.

Silently, they maneuvered alongside the colossal water gate, the shadowy forms making their way toward the towering statue of the maker that breached the water's surface. The soft lapping of their strokes and their ragged breaths were engulfed by the symphony of rain meeting water and the ceaseless collision of the current against the iron bars of the gate.

Throughout their swim, Zalgras pulsed healing energy into Daiyu's muscles that threatened to cramp from exhaustion. The entity maintained its silence, not wanting to disrupt Daiyu's concentration. At last, they found themselves beneath the imposing pedestal of the Maker's 'torch'.

*Zalgras, can you detect the maintenance entrance?* Daiyu inquired, edging closer to the stone base.

*Yes, it lies submerged approximately three men's height below,* came the response. Daiyu nodded to herself in understanding.

*We need to dive. The maintenance entrance is located beneath us,* she relayed to Ai Zian before immersing herself in the chilling water. Guided by Zalgras' directions and the water's edge, she located the entryway and resurfaced with a gasping breath, closely followed by Ai Zian.

*Zalgras, can you enhance my vision?* Daiyu inquired realizing she could not pull her light while floating in the water, especially as the inside of the statue was engulfed in complete darkness.

*I cannot, but I have an alternative,* Zalgras responded. A mysterious tug in Daiyu's left hand led her forward, following the intangible guidance. *A ladder is situated on the submerged ledge to your left,* Zalgras offered. Heeding its advice, Daiyu navigated swiftly, her hand eventually meeting the cool smooth rungs of the ladder.

Ignoring the chill that had seeped into her clothes and the burdensome weight of her pack, Daiyu ascended the ladder with swift precision, hauling herself onto a firm stone ledge. With an immediate urgency, she withdrew a phosphorescent orb from her pack, casting its spectral glow onto the damp, stone-lined chamber.

In the ethereal luminescence, Ai Zian's figure emerged, his dark, saturated clothes delineating the contours of his chiseled muscles as he made his way up the ladder. Both lingered in a silent pause, recouping their strength and savoring the brief respite. Rousing herself from the weariness threatening to creep into her limbs, Daiyu found the task of getting back on her feet and traversing the ledge to a narrow stairwell quite formidable. Nevertheless, she pushed on, her determination fueling her ascent up another ladder leading to an expansive quartz platform and a pillar equipped with yet another ladder.

Muttering a litany of curses under her breath at the statue's perplexing architecture, Daiyu tightened her grip on the ladder rungs and propelled herself upwards, her hands protesting with occasional cramps. Shivers coursed through her body in spite of Zalgras' diligent efforts to maintain her warmth.

The ladder eventually led to a latch and ushered them into a peculiarly shaped chamber where they were met with a formidable iron door.

"Allow me, Mistress," Ai Zian offered, his voice reverberating in the chamber, breaking the prolonged silence since their departure from the manor. Daiyu complied, stepping aside to grant him space. His sizable frame obscured her view, but the subtle cacophony of scratching and clicking noises accompanied by the door's subsequent creaking swing indicated his successful endeavor. He stepped back, allowing Daiyu to take the lead as they emerged on top of the Maker's 'torch'.

*The altar resides around the corner to your right, and I am detecting peculiar energy emanations from it,* Zalgras alerted Daiyu. Heeding the entity's guidance, the two figures clad in shadow found themselves in the presence of the grand altar, Daiyu inspecting it meticulously.

Flanked by two towering green pillars, a mosaic canopy of gold and green glass sheltered the altar and its circular 'scale'. Atop a flat oak bench lay three soft green prayer mats. The high priest would ascend a stone step to occupy the central mat, while her brother chose either the left or right mat, depending on the side the priest's ancient coin indicated.

As the two pray, the scale would react, the polished asteroid pieces located before the left and right mats pulsating a number, a testament to the child's 'Maker Blessing', while the scale determined their affinity with the deity.

*The prayer mats seem to be the energy source. The central mat triggers the mechanism. Depending on which mat one kneels on, left or right, the needle moves accordingly, indicating the affinity with the Maker. If the child is lightweight, the needle remains central. It's a pressure-sensitive electromagnet. To fail the boy, all they needed was to add more weight and have him kneel to the left,* Zalgras explained, his tone bearing a tinge of discontent upon realizing the simple yet effective trickery of the device.

*Can we sabotage it permanently, or could you interfere on the day of the test? What proximity do you require?* Daiyu inquired pondering Zalgras's words

*I can do either. For a permanent sabotage, close proximity to the indicator is required. To intervene on the day of the test, I need to be within a radius of thirty men laid end-to-end,* Zalgras responded confidently. Daiyu continued her inspection of the altar, deliberating over the best course of action.

*We do it on the day, of the test. If we sabotage it, we run the risk of being discovered. Interfering is temporary and safer.* Daiyu declared decisively, her gaze probing the details of the altar. She stood on the edge of one of the verdant pillars, her attention arrested by the polished star-shaped rock nestled atop the altar. The artifact shimmered subtly, a gentle glow persisting even under the gloom of the rain-soaked evening.

An almost irresistible urge to caress the faintly pulsating light within it tugged at Daiyu. Her hand instinctively extended towards the rock before a sudden flare of lightning tore through the murky sky, casting transient illumination around the altar and the two silhouetted figures. A resonating rumble of thunder promptly followed, reverberating through the stony ground under their feet.

"Daiyu, figures are approaching the bridge leading here, though they are still distant. It would be wise to retreat now," Zalgras's words jolted Daiyu from her reverie, spurring her into action.

"Time to leave, Ai Zian. I have seen what I needed to," she announced curtly, turning back towards the door they had entered. The impending sounds of heavy armor clinking against the bridge to the temple hastened their departure. The duo plunged into a hurried descent down the first ladder, abandoning the slow progress of the rungs, and instead, bracing themselves with cloth-wrapped hands to slide swiftly down the sidebars.

The distant clatter of the maintenance door opening echoed above as they hastily replicated the maneuver down the next ladder. However, Daiyu misjudged her landing this time, jarring her ankle against the hard, stone bricks. She suppressed a pained whimper.

*Zalgras block the pain, please, I need to move, we can heal my injury later.* She told her ever-present companion. The warmth of his power flooded her injury, allowing her to keep pace with Ai Zian towards the final ladder that plunged back into the chilling saltwater.

Just before grasping the ladder, Daiyu deftly sheathed her phosphorescent orb back into its cover, plunging the cavern into near-complete darkness. Submerged again in the frigid water, she felt Ai Zian's movements beside her and followed his lead toward the cavern wall. The hollow echo of armored footsteps above resonated ominously as they made their descent.

Their synchronized swimming formed an elongated shadow undulating through the murky depths. The lurking danger of discovery fueled their swift strokes until they dragged themselves ashore, exhaustedly crawling through the sand and damp foliage to hide further in the underbrush. Both of them panting heavily attempting to regain their breath.

The world flashed starkly for a moment as another bolt of lightning illuminated the sky before darkness swallowed the scene again.

"Maker's tits!" Daiyu swore, trying to stand on her injured ankle, only to tumble back onto the wet earth.

"Mistress!" Ai Zian hissed, alarmed, as he hastened to her side.

"Just a leg cramp. Give me a moment..." Her words trailed off as Zian hoisted her up, moving back towards the manor. She contemplated arguing but a wave of fatigue swept over her, stealing away her protests.

He was unsure how the large former soldier had carried her through the sections of the path he had originally crawled through. Her senses only returned as she was seated at the table in her room, a hot cup of tea pressed into her freezing hands. The warmth of the room began to thaw her numbing limbs, making her ankle throb rhythmically with the renewed circulation.

"Mistress, you need to get out of these wet clothes," Zian advised, shrugging off his sodden hood.

"And you, brother. Go change, then return and help me clean this mess," Daiyu instructed, her voice faint with exhaustion. His pistachio-colored eyes flickered with hesitation, but the icy resolve in hers brooked no argument. He nodded, his sodden forest-green ponytail leaving a trail of water droplets as he exited her quarters.

*You push yourself too hard, Yun Val Daiyu,* Zalgras reproached, sending a soothing wave of warmth to her ankle. As the pain subsided, fatigue threatened to claim her again. She bit her inner lip to maintain focus, forcing herself to change into dry, warm clothes.

When Ai Zian returned, garbed in fresh, black attire, his eyes immediately darted to her uninjured ankle, relief washing over him.

"Mistress?" he started tentatively, struggling to phrase his inquiry tactfully.

"Call me Daiyu when we're alone, brother Zian. Fetch the towels from that cabinet. We've trailed in half the riverbank and quite a bit of underbrush," she commanded. His pale blue skin flushed a delicate pink as he nodded, hurrying off to fulfill her instructions.

Resignedly, Ai Zian rummaged through the cabinet, retrieving several thick towels, their soft fibers eager to absorb the remnants of their expedition. Together, they began mopping up the mess, their bodies moving in a weary ballet of cooperation and unspoken communication. He brushed off the scattered leaves and twigs from the floor, while she dabbed away the trails of water they'd trekked in.

Throughout the task, their movements were punctuated by the occasional wince of pain from Daiyu's ankle, as Zalgras had once again left her with a physical reminder it was unhappy with her mistreatment of herself, or the grimace of Ai Zian as he wrung out another saturated towel with tired worn hands. Yet, the room gradually regained its original order, the last vestiges of their harrowing adventure being cleared away.

Once satisfied with their efforts, Daiyu trudged over to her kitchen, her usually lithe movements now plagued by the day's fatigue. She filled the teapot with water and set it atop the small furnace. While the water heated, she carefully measured out leaves from a soft pouch of tea, her hands shaking slightly from exhaustion.

Ai Zian, in the meanwhile, shuffled to a small cabinet, retrieving two porcelain tea cups. He placed them on the table, their presence a comforting promise of the relaxation to come. The pair moved around one another in hushed silence, the only sounds being the soft clatter of the tea set, the steady crackle of the fire in the furnace, and the pattering of the rain.

When the water reached a boil, Daiyu delicately poured it over the leaves, their distinct, soothing aroma slowly wafting through the room. The tendrils of steam rising from the pot brought a small, weary smile to her face, a tender expression Ai Zian hadn't seen on her always sullen face. He watched her pour the steeped tea into their cups, the liquid swirling and dancing with inviting warmth.

They both settled down, the sturdy wooden chairs creaking under their exhausted bodies. The steaming cups sat before them, their warmth seeping into their palms. They savored their first sips, the hot liquid flowing down their throats, melting away the last residues of cold from their bones.

Outside, the storm continued its tempestuous assault, oblivious to the quiet sanctuary within the manor. The sky still flashed with lightning, casting eerie shadows that danced against the shutters. Yet, inside, the dim, flickering light of the candles provided a warm contrast to the chilling chaos outside.

As they continued sipping their tea in companionable silence, the fatigue of the night settled upon them like a soft blanket. Their eyelids grew heavy, and their minds grew quieter, each lost in their own thoughts, punctuated by the occasional sip of tea. This peaceful moment, this brief respite, seemed like an oasis in the desert of their endless struggles.