
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Not A Soft Persimmon


As the sun gently rose, Daiyu awoke, and dressed herself in her familiar martial robes, finding comfort and familiarity in their fabric. Her new bedroom was spacious, featuring a massive curtained bed surrounded by a ledge. Sitting at an elegantly carved cherry wood vanity, she admired her hazy reflection in the reflective silver mirror as she brushed and carefully pulled her hair into a high ponytail.

Her bedroom led to a sitting room in the center of the hall, and through another doorway, she could access another sitting room that could easily serve as a study if she desired. However, today, she decided to leave her new rooms unexplored for the moment. Instead, she ventured out into her courtyard, relishing the fresh morning air and the earthy fragrance of a new day. Ba Indue, was already approaching her, carrying a large multi-tiered food container.

"Mistress?" Ba Indue inquired, her green hair reflecting the early sunlight as looked perplexed to see her master up so early, dressed and standing in the yard.

"I wish to stretch my legs a bit go in and set out the dishes I will return shortly," Daiyu informed the maid with a nod of understanding, Ba Indue continued to the central room of the hall to lay out the breakfast dishes while Daiyu leisurely strolled through the courtyard, walking toward the weeping tree and the pond in her courtyard.

She took a path to the right around the new archery range and stepped through a gate to enter a long yard, ignoring the door to the memorial pagoda yard she made another right and went through a covered open brick corridor that held small storage chests filled with garden supplies. The corridor spilled out into the corner of another long expanse that ran the widths of the manor along its very back segment where two warehouses lined the very back wall.

She ignored the two buildings and moved to the center of the yard between them to find what she was looking for, a large locked iron door. She stepped up a small step and pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked the solid metal door allowing it to swing open.

Through the open door, she saw a massive water inlet secured from the boat passage by a large stone and metal gate to her left. On the opposite side of the waterway stood the west side of the massive Chuch of the Maker Temple and towering above it all stood the back side of the Maker's statue.

Stepping out into the serene morning, Daiyu's eyes caught sight of a small animal trail running alongside her manor. To the left, the trail meandered towards the bustling city, offering a path to the lively streets and vibrant markets. However, today, she veered to the right, drawn towards the massive city wall that stood as a protective barrier.

Carefully maneuvering through the verdant overgrowth, she parted leafy extensions and gently moved aside clinging vines. The air around her was alive with the mingling scents of green decay, damp earth, and a faint hint of salt water, creating an invigorating ambiance as she neared the end of her property wall.

As she approached, her keen eyes spotted a small hole in the thick shrubbery, just about the size of a dog. Intrigued, she knelt down and inched through the natural maze created by the bushes. The narrow passageway led her to a small clearing beside the capital's towering walls, where the soothing sound of the nearby water whispered its secrets.

She noticed a mound of earth partially covering another hole, and curiosity piqued, she gently kicked at the obstruction. The discovery left her with a mix of wonder and suspicion; this hole was in the very city wall itself.

The ancient bricks and stones seemed to harbor a clandestine pathway, hidden from the eyes of most, possibly used for secretive purposes. Daiyu smiled to herself as her goal for the morning was discovered.

*Though there was an attempt to make it look natural, this seems very deliberate,* Zalgras commented as Daiyu tested the sturdiness of the dirt surrounding the hole with the tip of her boot.

*It should be the smuggler's tunnel Ai Zian heard about,* Daiyu responded, stepping back and carefully retracing her steps to avoid getting mud on her clothes.

*You will not go further to be sure?* Zalgras questioned.

*No, for now, we will return and prepare for tonight,* she informed the creature.

*That seems like a big risk,* Zalgras remarked skeptically.

*It will work out. That's not the part I am worried about. My biggest concern is the tides. If the maintenance portal at the base of the Maker's statue is underwater, I will have to climb it by hand to get to the altar. Climbing the height of nearly fourteen men after swimming a freezing river in the dead of night—even with you boosting my system—the idea is unpleasant,* Daiyu complained darkly to her mental companion as she returned to her yard.

Upon reaching her courtyard, Ba Indu greeted her with a puzzled expression, noticing the mud on Daiyu's shoes as she removed them at the door.

"Mistress?" The young maid inquired but Daiyu simply smiled and shook her head.

"It's nothing to worry about, Ba Indu. I was just exploring the yard this morning. Let's enjoy our breakfast." The maid still unused to dining with her young lady hesitated but eventually sat opposite the girl she served.

As Daiyu finished her small bowl of creamy soup, she heard footsteps approaching from the courtyard, followed by a firm knock. Ba Indue cleared the table as Daiyu welcomed the newcomer into her home. It was the plump palace nanny, Sa Rana, her dark brown hair impeccably styled with delicately carved wooden hairpins. Her grey and plum uniform was immaculately clean and pressed.

"Maker's blessing, Sa Rana. What brings you here this morning?" Daiyu asked politely, moving toward the sitting room, with the nanny following closely behind.

"You have a few guests waiting in the main courtyard, young miss," Sa Rana reported, though Daiyu noticed that she didn't address her as 'mistress' and didn't bow upon entering her rooms.

"Who has come this early?" Daiyu inquired, browsing the books on a shelf without turning to give the nanny's presence much attention.

"Mistress Zhang Da Jing and First Miss Song Ver Yi. It would be rude to keep such esteemed members of the empire waiting. It might tarnish the Esteem's reputation. Young Miss, please, hasten to dress properly and greet them," the older woman said, a bit haughtily. Daiyu raised an eyebrow at Sa Rana's frustration, with the realization that the maid knew how to address nobles but chose not to with her.

"Mistress? First Miss? So, you do know how to address nobles. Let's discuss a few matters about your employment. Wasn't your indenture transferred to me by the Esteem himself?" Daiyu asked, picking up a golden scroll from her desk as she waited for the nanny's response.

"This servant was sent here by the Esteem, that is correct. To care for you, educate, and guide you while living outside the palace," Sa Rana replied, puffing up her chest proudly as she glared at Daiyu as if looking at an insect.

"And it's a good thing too, as you seem to have been neglectful in your etiquette studies, as this little performance..." The nanny's righteous words were cut short as Daiyu's swift movements surprised her. With the golden scroll, Daiyu swept the woman's feet from under her, causing her to fall to the floor.

The nanny let out a shout of pain, gasping "How dare..." but Daiyu wasn't done yet. With a quick strike to the woman's solar plexus, she knocked the wind out of her, leaving Sa Rana gasping for air on the ground. Ba Indue remained composed and continued packing the dishes.

"This is the decree sent by the Esteem for the housewarming, and it includes the list of gifts, to which your indenture contract is one of the items. There are no stipulations as to your function listed inside. Did the Esteem send you with a letter or another official document that I'm unaware of?" Daiyu asked calmly, observing the woman on the floor.

The nanny shook her head, tears streaming down her face from the pain. Daiyu continued, "Then you were given to me as property, and now you belong to me. This is a matter of fact and law. It means, as the owner of this house, I am your 'Mistress,' and it also means your life and death are held solely in my hands. Inside the walls of this manor, there is no law except for those I have put forth."

"How dare!" The woman croaked before Daiyu slammed her palm into the woman's solar plexus knocking the wind from her body, leaving the woman wheezing on the ground attempting to take a deep breath. Ba Indu did not flinch at her master's sudden actions but quietly continued to pack the dishes.

"You will regre...." Diayu did not let the woman finish speaking before she grabbed the woman's hair and dragged her to face her.

"I am the first-born granddaughter of the Taiharn Esteem, and the Goddaughter of the Qinmay Esteem, the only child of the Bloody Tiger War God, Song Ver Yi, these are facts that neither country can ignore. No one on two continents other than those three people has the authority to reprimand my behavior or judge my etiquette, and all of them would do so at swordpoint with me surrounded by soldiers. Not through an aging proxy that would break if I slapped them like a bug." With unyielding determination, Daiyu delivered her declaration with calm detachment, her voice resonating with authority and power.

She knew her lineage and the influential figures who stood behind her, and she made it clear that no one else had the right to judge or reprimand her. The nanny's fear was palpable as her face turned as white as snow.

Despite her wish for a peaceful existence, Daiyu couldn't ignore the reality of the situation. The maid's true nature as a spy for three different masters in the palace had been revealed in a report received the previous night, none of whom was the Esteem nor had the true authority to control her

It became clear to Daiyu that the nanny had been sent in to test her, to see if she could be manipulated or undermined. The unsuspecting servant had unknowingly become a pawn in a much larger scheme. It was time to correct the misconceptions about her character, which had been formed due to her leniency towards Eunuch Lu Min.

In a swift and decisive move, she once again dropped the woman to the floor, and with a predator's precision, she struck the woman's tibia, hearing the bone crack under her foot. The nanny's screams echoed through the room, a chilling sound akin to that of a dying swine.

Knowing that the news of what transpired here would undoubtedly reach the palace, Daiyu wrestled with the hope for peace and the necessity to establish her authority. There was no choice but to act firmly. The message had to be clear, and the consequences had to be felt.

"Ba Indu, I will go greet my guests. Nanny Sa Rana needs time to reflect. Have Ai Zian move her to the servant's quarters and ask Lu Min to fetch a doctor," Daiyu ordered firmly as she made her way to exit her hall.

"Of course, Mistress," Ba Indue responded with a bow, accepting the command without hesitation. She followed her master to complete the assignment, leaving the palace nanny screaming on the floor of the central room.

*Do you think the Esteem will make an issue of this?* Zalgras asked as Daiyu moved towards the main hall where her next opponents waited.

*No, he will approve it's how he wished I had responded when I was disrespected in the palace by Lu Min.* Zalgras went silent contemplating Daiyu's words.


In the bustling kitchen of the manor, Na Binh, with her pond-blue skin and black-focused eyes, was diligently peeling apples for the day's meal. As she worked, she couldn't help but overhear the whispers and gasps among the other staff, their voices carrying the shocking tale of what had transpired between Nanny Sa Rana and Daiyu. Na Binh's forehead wrinkled in concern, and her mouth turned down in a deep frown as she listened intently, her curiosity piqued.

"Did you hear what happened with Nanny Sa Rana? They say Daiyu took drastic action," one maid said, her voice lowered to hushed tones.

"Yes, I heard that she broke the old woman's bone with her own foot! It's horrifying," another added, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Na Binh couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had always looked up to and respected Daiyu, seeing her as the embodiment of compassion and virtue. As a devoted follower of the Maker's Love, Na Binh had been deeply inspired by her teachings. The news of such a violent act from Daiyu troubled her deeply, causing her to question the ideals she held dear.

Just then, Ai Zian, the new guard assigned to the manor, walked over to the basket of apples, his blond hair catching the light. He took one and bit right through the skin as if trying to relieve some of the tension in the room. Na Binh felt the urge to seek answers, so she mustered her courage and spoke, her voice soft but determined.

"Is it true what they're saying about Daiyu and Nanny Sa Rana?" Her eyes were filled with a mix of concern and confusion.

"Yes, it's true," Ai Zian replied, his voice patient and kind, like a teacher explaining a fundamental concept. "But there's more to the story. Sa Rana was not who she seemed to be. She was a spy, selling information to people who wanted to harm Daiyu, her brother the prince, and even her mother the consort. They wanted to ruin Daiyu's reputation, blackmail her, or worse."

Na Binh gasped, her dark eyes widening in shock. Ai Akina nodded, his pistachio-colored eyes serious as he spoke.

"I know it's hard to reconcile with the just and compassionate image we have of Daiyu. But think about it from her perspective. She was being targeted by someone she trusted, someone who was supposed to care for her. It was like letting Sa Rana wield a hidden knife against her. If they hadn't paid Sa Rana to kill Daiyu directly, they were using her as a weapon to do it indirectly."

As Ai Zian spoke, the bustling noises in the kitchen gradually died down, and the other servants listened intently to his words. The clinking of utensils and the chopping of vegetables softened as everyone turned their attention to the conversation. Na Binh considered his words, the turmoil in her heart slowly easing.

"I suppose... it's a matter of survival, isn't it? She had to defend herself and her family. The Maker does not frown upon those protecting the wellbeing of the innocent," she said thoughtfully, her voice soft and reflective as she pondered the implications.

"Yes, exactly," Ai Akina agreed. "It's unfortunate, but sometimes desperate situations call for drastic actions. Daiyu did what she had to do to protect herself and those she loves. We can't always judge others without knowing the full story."

Na Binh nodded slowly, the horror of the incident still fresh in her mind, but a newfound understanding beginning to take root. The other servants exchanged glances, and some nodded in agreement with Ai Zian's explanation.

"I'll pray that the Maker gives her more strength to overcome these trials and hope that she finds peace amidst all this chaos," Na Binh said, her voice sincere.

"That's a noble gesture," Ai Zian said, giving the young maid an encouraging smile. "Daiyu has a lot on her shoulders, and she needs all the support she can get."

The kitchen gradually returned to its usual bustling ambiance, but the atmosphere had changed slightly. The other servants had gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities of Daiyu's position, and a quiet sense of respect for their young mistress settled among them.


After the intense encounter with the palace nanny, Sa Rana, Daiyu emerged from the central room of her hall with a mix of emotions swirling inside her. Her heart was heavy with the weight of having to take drastic action against the idiotic woman, yet her mind was resolute in knowing it was necessary to protect herself and her loved ones. The woman had allowed herself to be used and did not think of the consequences, as Daiyu would like to show the woman sympathy for her ignorance she could not allow such treachery to endanger her family. As she walked through the corridor, her pond-blue skin glowed softly under the warm light, and her black eyes held a trace of weariness.

As Daiyu reached the main courtyard gate, she found Lu Min, waiting for her. He stood there, his amber eyes meeting hers with an air of serenity, despite the underlying curiosity he couldn't entirely mask. His bald head glistened in the sunlight, a symbol of the life he had dedicated to the palace. Clad in his customary elegant silk robes, he was an embodiment of grace and diplomacy.

"Mistress Daiyu," Lu Min greeted her with a respectful bow.

"Lu Min," Daiyu acknowledged him with a nod, appreciating his presence in this critical moment.

"I trust your morning has been... eventful," Lu Min spoke in a way that hinted at the seriousness of the situation without directly delving into the details. Daiyu, surprised word had traveled through her manor so quickly, understood his implication and decided to share a brief summary of what had occurred with Nanny Sa Rana.

"Yes, Sa Rana's true nature was laid bare before me. Her audacious disrespect and arrogant attempt to control her master were nothing short of a blatant challenge to my authority. It is as if she believes she possesses formidable backers, emboldening her to behave this way," Daiyu stated, her voice resonating with a mix of genuine concern and deep weariness.

"In the face of such a threat, I could not afford to be passive. My actions were necessary to safeguard not only myself but also the interests of our family." Daiyu stated with more conviction and resolve.

"I see. Such matters can be complicated, and one must act with prudence and resolve." Lu Min's expression remained neutral, yet his eyes conveyed a subtle understanding.

"Indeed. Now, what of the guests awaiting me?" Daiyu nodded, grateful for his insight. Lu Min leaned in slightly, lowering his voice.

"They are members of the First branch of the Song Clan, Madam Zhang Da Jing, and her daughter, Song Ver Yi. They arrived unannounced and expressed a desire to discuss some matters with you." Daiyu raised an eyebrow, her thoughts racing. She had heard, Madam Zhang Da Jing, was a formidable woman, known for her ambition and cunning. And her daughter, Song Ver Yi, had grown up with a sense of entitlement, often flaunting her family's influence, which is how she was of twenty lunar years but yet to marry any suitor.

"How should I approach them?" Daiyu asked, seeking Lu Min's wise counsel. Lu Min's eyes held a glimmer of encouragement and pride that his young mistress would just his advice and seek his council.

"With the composure that befits your station, Mistress. Remember, they may try to provoke you, but maintaining your dignity is essential. Listen to their words, but guard your own carefully. Your strength lies not only in your martial prowess but also in your ability to navigate political waters." Daiyu nodded, absorbing his words, as the man smiled encouragingly.

"Thank you, Lu Min. Your guidance is invaluable." Responded genuinely grateful for his words.

"It is my duty and privilege, Mistress," Lu Min replied with a humble bow, his voice warm and filled with his true feelings.

With a deep breath, Daiyu made her way into the main hall where the visitors, Zhang Da Jing and Song Ver Yi, were waiting. Her imposing black martial robes, adorned with red tiger embroidery and red mid robes, made a statement about her strength and authority. Her hair was tied up in a simple ponytail, lending her an air of readiness even in the face of unexpected guests.

As she entered, Daiyu maintained her composure, her expression calm but assertive. The women's eyes widened at her appearance, clearly surprised by her attire. But Daiyu carried herself with grace, and her voice held a polite yet firm tone as she moved towards the main seat in the hall.

"I must apologize for my appearance," she began, her words precise and measured. "You see, I was not informed of your visit, and thus, I was unprepared for formal attire. However, I am delighted to receive prominent guests, and I shall do my best to accommodate you."

Her words conveyed a subtle reminder of their bad etiquette for not sending prior notice, but her tone remained courteous. Daiyu refused to allow rudeness to cloud her own behavior, choosing instead to call out the oversight in a manner that upheld her dignity and poise. Ba Indu appeared and poured fresh tea for her young mistress wordlessly before retreating to the corner blending so seamlessly that Daiyu wondered if she had been taking lessons from Fa Sai.

The two women exchanged glances, their expressions betraying their displeasure at Daiyu's lack of immediate gratitude and their indignation for having been keto waiting only for Daiyu to appear in such undignified attire.

Zhang Da Jing, the noble Mistress Song of First Branch, spoke up, her voice veiled in a thin layer of false sweetness, as she swallowed hard as if attempting to remove a blockage from her throat.

"Oh, dear Daiyu, we came here with the sincerest intentions," she said, her eyes narrowing slightly, "to offer our assistance and guidance as you step into society. We understand the challenges that come with being Esteem Nam's goddaughter, and we thought it best to extend our support." Her daughter, Song Ver Yi, chimed in then with a well-practiced smile, though her words held a hint of condescension.

"Indeed, Daiyu, with our experience and connections, we can help you navigate the intricate web of court politics and social engagements. You are family, after all, and we only wish to see you thrive in this world."

Daiyu listened attentively, her expression unchanged as she picked up her teacup and took a sip formulating her response mentally while letting a purposeful and uncomfortable silence linger.

"I appreciate your offer, Madam Zhang, and Miss Ver Yi. However, I must clarify that I am not a stranger to society or its intricacies." The two women exchanged surprised glances, not expecting such a response. Madam Zhang quickly regained her composure, attempting to regain control of the conversation. Madam Zhang's elegant voice laced with faux understanding filled the room.

"But as someone who has spent most of your life in the monastery, it is only natural that you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the complexities of our world." The clink of Daiyu's teacup meeting the saucer resounded softly amidst the silence, and she met Madam Zhang's gaze directly, her blue eyes unwavering.

"While it is true that my time at the monastery instilled values and teachings that I hold dear, I am no stranger to the world beyond its walls," Daiyu replied calmly, her voice carrying a hint of steel. "In addition to my spiritual education, I have experienced the realities of life on the battlefield alongside my father, the Bloody Tiger War God. As the first-born grandchild of the Taiharn Esteem, I received a comprehensive education in etiquette, diplomacy, and martial arts from the finest tutors."

Song Ver Yi's polite facade wavered, and a hint of frustration briefly flashed over her elegant face, her violet eyes revealing her discomfort. The young noblewoman clearly found it difficult to accept that Daiyu possessed both the wisdom of a monastic life and the sophistication of a privileged upbringing.

"But surely, you would benefit from having someone with experience by your side. We only wish to be of assistance, dear," Song Ver Yi interjected, her tone tinged with sharpness, sensing her mother's agitated mood. Daiyu's eyes narrowed slightly, her composure unwavering as she addressed Song Ver Yi directly.

"I have my trusted advisors, sent to be by the Qinmay Esteem, and companions who have supported me throughout my journey. They have shown me kindness and loyalty. I do not feel I am at a loss for counsel, and if the need arose, I could turn to the Palace directly for guidance." Madam Zhang's smile faltered, her displeasure becoming more apparent.

"Ah, I see. You are quite determined to rely on your... close circle of friends." Daiyu nodded firmly, not faltering under Madam Zhang's probing gaze.

"Indeed, and they have proven themselves worthy of that trust. As for stepping into society, I am quite capable of handling such matters on my own. As last evening's celebration has illustrated, though it does seem to me if you had genuine intentions of support and kindness, you would have been in attendance with the other great houses for the Housewarming event. With only Great Physician Song in attendance, I felt your absence greatly yesterday." The women exchanged tense glances, their initial plan of manipulation now thwarted by Daiyu's self-assurance, and her deftly turning the tables by pointing out their own social misstep.

Despite their inner disdain for her Taiharn heritage, they realized that the young girl before them was not as naive or easily swayed as they had hoped.

With an air of forced politeness, Madam Zhang rose from her seat, "We were remiss yesterday as we had prior engagements and mean to send a gift in the future to bless your new home. Though Princess, it seems you are in no need of our generosity. If you ever change your mind, our offer will remain open. We look forward to your performance in the future." Mistress Zhang Da Jing's words no longer hid her derision and contempt, but Daiyu pretended not to notice, her face a mask of calm composure.

"Thank you for your understanding," Daiyu replied, nodding politely, not revealing any trace of the relief she felt at their impending departure.

As the women left the main hall, Daiyu's composed demeanor softened slightly, and she turned to Ba Indu with a grateful smile. She was aware that she had just navigated a delicate political dance, one that could have had serious consequences had she faltered.

"Thank you, Ba Indu, for your support," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"It is my honor to serve you, Mistress Daiyu," Ba Indu responded respectfully, her loyalty evident in her eyes. "Though all I did was serve the tea. I feel it may have been of more use to you if I had poisoned it or at least served moldy snacks."

Daiyu chuckled softly, the tension in the air slowly dissipating. "Your presence and loyalty are more than enough, Ba Indu."

With the visitors gone, Daiyu settled back into her seat, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions. She knew that the Song family's intentions were far from genuine, and she was determined not to be a pawn in their political games.

She let out a calming breath the morning had already been so eventful and yet she still had a solo mission to fulfill that evening.

As Daiyu returned to her own courtyard, she found herself alone with her thoughts, and a familiar presence stirred within the depths of her mind.

*You have had quite the morning,* Zalgras playfully remarked, its voice echoing in Daiyu's mind. *Breaking bones, asserting your authority, and dealing with noble manipulators. It is just another day in the life of Yun Val Daiyu, is it not?* Daiyu couldn't help but smile inwardly, accustomed to Zalgras's banter.

*Indeed, it has been an eventful morning,* she replied, her thoughts resonating with a mix of exhaustion and relief. *But sometimes, one must take decisive action to protect what is dear.*

*Yes, you are right. This one is here just here to remind you that you handled it well. Not everyone can navigate palace politics and confrontations with such poise. From my observations so far such situations are deep waters indeed.* The creature responded, and Diayu imagine it nodding in agreement.

*Your encouragement means a lot,* Daiyu replied, feeling a sense of comfort in the creature's presence within her thoughts. *But now, I must prepare for the evening.*

*The mission to the Maker's altar, huh?* Zalgras remarked a hint of excitement in its voice. *Going to manipulate the scale and show the Church of The Maker what's what, are we?* Daiyu chuckled inwardly at Zalgras's playful nature surprised its personality had adapted so.

*Something like that. I must ensure that the outcome is favorable to my brother and that the forces that seek to disrupt it are kept in check.*

*Do not fear Daiyu, you will discover a way to achieve this goal." Zalgras said, its tone surprisingly serious. "You always do. And you know this one will be right there with you, protecting you from any harm that may come your way.*

"Thank you, my friend. Your support gives me strength." Daiyu felt a surge of gratitude for the creature's unwavering loyalty

"Oh, I know," Zalgras replied, its tone flickering mischievously. "But remember, This one doing this because I want to, not because you asked. I am not some loyal lapdog I am a superior lifeform after all." Daiyu couldn't help but smile at Zalgras's playful remark.

"Of course not, Zalgras. You're a unique presence in my mind, and I wouldn't have it any other way." She replied with a soft chuckle.

With renewed determination, Daiyu focused on her preparations for the evening's mission.
