
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

Scorpions, Frogs, and Foxes

As the first rays of the sun pierced through the window, casting a warm glow upon the room, Daiyu gracefully knelt beside her mother's bed. Her hands trembled slightly with a mixture of apparent anticipation and reverence, as she prepared herself for the arrival of the Esteem. Balam, standing by the vanity, appeared calm and composed, his eyes glancing occasionally at Daiyu. Meanwhile, Fa Sai positioned himself near the doorway, his body language radiating respect and readiness, awaiting any command from her mistress.

The Esteem, his face beaming with uncontained joy, stepped into the room, his eyes fixated on Daiyu. He approached her slowly, his movements filled with a newfound gentleness. His eyes, once distant and indifferent, now sparkled with a softer, more respectful admiration for the young girl kneeling by her mother's side.

"Rise child no need for such formalities, this, this is truly the work of the Maker!" The Esteem exclaimed to the room, his voice infused with awe. He reached out a hand and gently took his consort's hand, his touch light yet tender. The room seemed to hold its breath, as everyone present sensed the genuine affection the Esteem felt for the woman before him.

"No wiser words could be spoken your Highness," Consort Sheng whispered softly, her words carrying a weight of understanding. "The Maker has indeed blessed these children, for it was fate that brought the wise sage to their aid."Consort Sheng, her voice tinged with wistfulness, joined them, placing a delicate hand on Daiyu's shoulder. She shared a knowing smile with the young girl, understanding the Esteem's discerning nature and his deep appreciation for what he deemed sacred. Daiyu couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards Consort Sheng, recognizing her ability to grasp the nuances of the Esteem's desires and aspirations. As long as it was deemed Maker blessed and of benefit to himself, it would ultimately be considered significant and honorable in his eyes.

The Esteem, his jovial demeanor unyielding, let out a hearty, fleshy chuckle that filled the room. His laughter resonated with genuine delight, a testament to the joy he felt in that moment.

"Indeed, you are blessed, my dear," he proclaimed, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Now, pray, tell us the name of your esteemed master and where we might find him, so that we may express our gratitude and reward him generously for his noble deeds." With a humble bow, Daiyu respectfully began her report, her voice soft and reverent.

"Responding to his benevolent majesty This one's master called himself Ver Míngzhì, a name he claimed was bestowed upon him as he embarked on a sacred journey guided by the benevolent hand of the Maker. I beseech your forgiveness, for I am unaware of his current whereabouts, except for the direction in which we last witnessed his departure. It has been seven days since our parting, and our revered master was traversing southward from the enchanting depths of the Toli Forest. His path may lead him to the Holy City or even to distant lands beyond." As the words left her lips, Daiyu could sense a hint of disapproval in the Esteem's expression, a subtle furrowing of his brow, as he contemplated the enigmatic moniker chosen by her master.

The sacred blessing of 'Ver' signified that the recipient, blessed by the Maker, would tread the path of wisdom throughout their existence. Likewise, in the ancient tongue, 'Míngzhì' carried the profound meaning of 'wise.' Thus, the amalgamation of these two words in the man's name seemingly resulted in a redundant meaning of 'wise and wise.' How was this not an obvious fabrication? However, as the rotund ruler observed the demure girl before him, gracefully presenting tea to his cherished consort, he detected no trace of deceit in her demeanor. With a resolve bolstered by curiosity, he resolved to dispatch someone to investigate this mysterious master who now ventured through the southern lands.

"Very well," the ruler declared, his voice tinged with curiosity. He leaned forward, perching himself on the edge of the bed platform, his eyes never leaving the delicate flower resting before him. "Until your master is brought before us, we shall reward you for your own merits, for your unwavering devotion to our beloved Consort, and your remarkable care of our young sixth prince. Please, inform us of your desires, for we are eager to offer you anything within our power."

Daiyu's voice emerged, calm and measured, as she addressed the ruler with a touch of humble wisdom, her body language radiating grace and poise. She maintained a respectful composure, her eyes meeting the Esteem's gaze with unwavering sincerity. The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting her response.

"Your eminence," she began, her words pregnant with the weight of her circumstances. "This humble child, left without the guidance of a father, now stands before you with only these two remaining pillars of family by her side." Her voice carried a hint of melancholy, reflecting the profound loss she had endured.

"With unwavering commitment, I have carried out my duty, guided by the unyielding principles of righteousness and driven by a fervent desire to honor my father's eternal spirit. It is my solemn responsibility to protect and uphold the noble legacy of my family. Therefore, I beseech your eminence to understand that seeking a reward for fulfilling the expectations bestowed upon a filial daughter and devoted sibling would be an act of dishonor."

As the weight of Daiyu's profound sentiments settled upon the room, a reverential silence swept through the chamber, hushing even the faintest whisper. The air itself seemed to hold its breath as if captivated by the raw emotions and unwavering integrity that radiated from the young girl. The admiration in the eyes of those present was tinged with a touch of sadness, a recognition of the hardships she had endured.

"This is something we have not discussed, but perhaps it is overdue; this Esteem wishes to adopt you as a princess of our realm; if you would have this one in such a role, we would be honored to call you daughter…," the Esteem stammered, his words revealing a mix of sincerity and flustered uncertainty. His eyes remained fixed on the beautiful child before him, captivated by her delicate elegance that mirrored his beloved consort.

Daiyu's heart skipped a beat as the weight of the Esteem's proposition settled upon her. Maintaining her composed facade, she swiftly dropped to her knees and kowtowed before the esteemed ruler. Her actions conveyed a hint of flustered anxiety, carefully crafted to match the Esteem's demeanor. Internally, her mind raced, formulating a strategy to decline this great honor while still preserving her future plans.

"I implore your forgiveness, esteemed ruler, for my forthcoming words bear no intent of disrespect. The offer you present is a wondrous and noble gift, one that surpasses the realm of possibilities for a humble girl like myself. However, I bear the weight of being the sole remaining blood of the first branch of the Yun clan. Should I forsake my ancestral heritage and adopt another surname, even one as glorious and honorable as Nam, it would cast a shadow upon my father's courageous and hard-fought honor. It would disregard the struggles endured by our ancestors, who sacrificed so much to sustain the life force coursing through this insignificant vessel." Daiyu's voice trembled with a mix of reverence and apprehension as she addressed the ruler before her.

Although his words were interrupted, the Esteem remained composed, his calm demeanor undisturbed by the girl's hasty and disrespectful words. He comprehended the profound sentiments that guided her and recognized the immense importance she placed on preserving her ancestral lineage. The eloquence with which the delicate young girl spoke resonated with a conviction that surpassed her years, leaving the Esteem astonished and deeply moved. In that moment, he couldn't help but reflect upon his own children, who had never displayed such unwavering dedication to their father. A twinge of emotion tugged at his heart as he witnessed Daiyu's resolute commitment to honoring her family's heritage.

His bushy silver eyebrows furrowed in deep contemplation, twitching slightly as if two fluffy caterpillars were attempting to wriggle off his fleshy face. A hushed silence hung in the air as the girl remained prostrate on the floor, seemingly fearful of the monarch's response. To the amazement of all present, the Esteem leaned forward, his large body extending to help the girl rise, accompanied by a wide, brilliant smile.

"Very well, that is a wise and noble response for one of your lunar years. Then this one will take you on as a goddaughter; this will not change your ancestral lines nor bind you too closely from your origins. However, this Esteem can still regard you as a daughter and you can come to this Esteem as a fatherly figure. Furthermore, we shall honor your service as prince protector during these difficult years. Does this arrangement meet with your approval?"

Daiyu suppressed a groan, casting her eyes downward to conceal her annoyance. This situation would undoubtedly entail a ceremony and banquet, though it was preferable to being directly thrust into the position of a princess. She despised how the Esteem persistently attempted to bind her to his throne. While her actions would be less restricted and her daily obligations to the throne would not be as demanding, there would still be obligations to fulfill.

Nevertheless, accepting this offer would grant her the advantage of dual citizenship, allowing her to retain ties to her mother country of Taihar while weakly politically aligning herself with Qinmay as well. The girl nodded shyly in agreement, recognizing that refusing this gesture would be excessively disrespectful. She resolved to accept the situation and make the best of it.

Suddenly, a loud and disorderly commotion erupted from the outer chamber, causing the Esteem's subsequent words to falter as Captain Chen Val Hitomu entered and knelt directly before him. Irritation flashed in the ruler's eyes at the interruption, his once brilliant smile turning sour as rage hardened his steel-colored gaze. The room grew instantly colder, sending shivers through those present as they sensed the abrupt shift in their great ruler's emotions.

"Report quickly," the now angered monarch commanded, his voice laced with suppressed fury.

"Your Excellency, Physical Song and the two clergymen from yesterday are demanding entry to the consort's bed chambers. This one awaits your orders," Captain Chen Val Hitomu conveyed, his face turning an unflattering shade of red. The ruler's memory was jogged as he recalled the men who had forcefully entered his beloved woman's private chambers without his authorization the previous day, causing a disruptive commotion.

"Girl, when will our Consort be well enough to entertain guests?" The man's words erupted from him like boiling water, disregarding all royal decorum and etiquette.

"In response to the Esteem's inquiry, the honorable Consort will be able to receive guests for brief periods as long as her mood remains calm in seven days. However, any unnecessary negative emotions will impede her recovery," Daiyu respectfully informed him. With that, the Esteem stormed toward the outer chamber, followed closely by the loyal captain, while Balam silently joined the procession out of the room.

"Your brother…" Consort Zheng began to speak, her voice weak and frail.

"Has it well in hand, you must focus on your recovery and trust that your children are capable of handling such trivial issues," Daiyu interjected firmly, the pale, bedridden woman nodded slowly, casting her daughter a curious gaze as the sounds of loud voices exploded from the outer chamber.

"The impertinence of not kneeling in front of your Esteem!" Balam's voice rang out, carrying a loud accusation. It was followed by mumbled apologies and hasty excuses, with the offenders citing their concern for the Consort as the reason for their lapse in proper decorum.

"Physician Song, in all the years this one has known you, we have never witnessed such concern for individual patients. Since when have you become so attached to the Consort?" The Esteem's words cut through the air, silencing the boisterous doctor.

"Your most magnanimous Lord Physician Song has been troubled all evening due to the heresy spoken by that Tairahn child yesterday..." Daiyu recognized the voice of the white-robed man from the previous evening. She stole a sideways glance at her mother, who had sat up slightly, displaying a keen interest and a hint of amusement on her face.

*Honestly, she just needs a handful of melon seeds,* Daiyu commented inwardly to Zalgras, receiving a chuckle-like response in her mind.

"Silence! If you dare speak of this Esteem's goddaughter in such a manner again, we will not hesitate to remind you that it is this Esteem who has the final say on who lives peacefully and who languishes in our dungeons! It is by the grace of the Maker that the child was able to save the life of this beautiful and beloved Consort!" The Esteem's statement seemed as though he intended to continue, but Doctor Song's voice interjected loudly.

"Your Eminence, such a declaration cannot be made without verification. We merely wish to ensure that her recovery is genuine and not merely a fleeting respite before the storm." The sound of a resounding slap echoed off the quartz and gray stone walls.

"Do you think the Esteem's words are mere decorations, devoid of meaning? How dare you question what he has personally witnessed with his own royal eyes, granted by the grace of the Maker? Though we are all servants basking in the light of the Maker's love and equal in her eyes, he is the Esteem, chosen by divine wisdom to rule in this earthly realm. And yet, you not only challenge his judgment, but you also dare to question the very wisdom of the Maker herself? Is all this turmoil a result of the bet you clearly lost to the honorable Yun Val Daiyu?" Though spoken from the lips of a child only five lunar years old the words still echoed through the room, laden with authority, indignation, and disbelief.

Consort Zheng's soft giggle pierced through the heavy atmosphere in her bed chambers, her laughter laced with pride and amusement. A single tear trickled down her delicate cheek, reflecting the flickering candlelight that danced in her glistening eyes. She found solace in Balam's words, as they reaffirmed the Esteem's authority

"Detain them! Maybe a few days as our unwanted guests will make them see where they went wrong by attempting to storm into the private chambers of an Esteem's Consort as if she were some brothel woman for all to view! This one may have allowed the slight to slide last evening when we were concerned for our beloved, yet twice will never be tolerated." At that moment, the guards sprang into action, their steps echoing through the chamber with a resolute purpose. Their armor clanked faintly, adding to the symphony of emotions in the room. The scent of leather wafted through the air, intertwined with the subtle fragrance of sandalwood.

The room fell into a hushed expectancy, as the consequences of the trespassers' actions loomed before them. Consort Zheng's smile widened her expression a portrait of satisfaction. Daiyu, unable to suppress her amusement, fought to keep her lips from curling into a mischievous grin.

*You said your predecessor lost once to this nefarious group? Was she a complete idiot?* Zalgras's voice echoed in Daiyu's mind, curiosity tinged with a hint of disbelief.

*She was young and inexperienced in political struggles and machinations. Also though it seems simple, knowledge about the original plot allowed us to surprise the enemy and prevent them from administering the final dose of poison before we arrived in the Consort's chambers yesterday. The last time the children arrived at the front gate of the city, dirty and bedraggled yet otherwise healed and unharmed. It was easier to accuse them as imposters; tired, malnourished, and with little energy left after the long trip, the girl fought and took a high-ranking guard captain hostage at the city's main gates.

*The children, forcefully taken away by the shadow guard who swiftly arrived to defuse the escalating situation, were escorted through the city to face judgment before the Esteem. Fortunately, their lives were spared when news of the incident reached the Esteem, prompting him to intercept the procession at the palace gates before the children could be confined to the dungeons. However, amidst the chaos and delays, a second nefarious plot unfolded. The ensuing commotion provided those concealed in secrecy ample time to maneuver, eluding capture long before the children even set foot inside the palace.

*Tragically, their mother fell victim to a sinister scheme. She was administered the final dose of poison, succumbing to its deadly effects just as her children reached her bedside. This heart-wrenching turn of events ensured that the children would forever bear the burden of the "cursed" label* Daiyu stood and moved to a table where tea tools had been left, quietly making her mother a fresh cup of soft, fragrant tea as the older woman watched in peace.

*This time, we arrived unannounced, just before the imperial gates were getting ready to close for the evening, not allowing outsiders to get a message into the palace, saving our mother from the final dose. It was fortuitous that the guards, amidst a gathering of influential individuals, were able to establish our identities at the palace gates, and our visible injuries garnered sympathy from those present. These factors will undoubtedly prove invaluable as we plan our future actions, as well as the enigmatic presence of my alleged 'master.'

*If the palace conducts thorough checks, they will discover that a generation ago, there was indeed an elderly wanderer named Ver Míngzhì in the southern lands. He gained renown for his selfless acts in the name of the Maker. There are numerous reliable accounts documenting his existence, however, the residents of Uptol hold the belief that he probably departed from this world many years ago. By rescuing us, his name will only grow in legendary stature. However, should he still be alive, we will address this matter if it reaches that point, although I currently do not view it as an obstacle.

*Today would have unfolded quite differently, I am certain, if not for the Esteem's wise decision to seal the palace until matters concerning our identity and Consort Zheng's well-being were resolved. Our greatest challenges lie ahead, posed by the influential Song clan, the formidable Ma clan, and the enigmatic 'Church of the Maker.' To ensure our survival, it is imperative that we uncover the identities of those aligned with these factions, as information will be our key.* Daiyu once again moved to her mother's side offering the angelic-looking woman a fresh cup of sweet-smelling tea a small smile gracing the younger girl's thin, worn face.


The early evening found Daiyu and Balam once again on their knees in the throne room, enduring the lengthy announcements of edicts from the Esteem. Daiyu couldn't help but think that the court martial inquiry she once faced was more comfortable - at least she had a chair then; what was with ancient people kneeling for everything?

"In the Esteem's divine wisdom gifted to him by the benevolent Maker herself…."

*Do they really need so many flowery words to inform the population that you're becoming the Esteem's goddaughter, receiving a residence near the imperial bridge, and being gifted with various shiny trinkets? It's unnecessarily long-winded.* Zalgras whispered sarcastically in her mind as Daiyu tuned out most of the verbose speech being delivered by the official in the overly crowded room. The Esteem had summoned the Imperial Dowager, the Imperial Madam, all three princes, the two princesses, and every official, along with the heads of the influential clans who had the misfortune of being in the vicinity of the capital city. Despite the room's grand size, the sheer number of people crammed inside made the air heavy with a blend of body odors, overpowering perfumes, and the scent of strong incense. Daiyu and Balam had no choice but to breathe slowly through their mouths, attempting to avoid the unpleasant odors. It felt as though they could taste the air, and Daiyu had to concentrate to keep from gagging.

*I have no idea why they do not speak more plainly, just that it seems to be part of the current culture to waste everyone's time.* She remarked casually, her expression remaining stoic despite her internal sigh.

As the official continued to drone on about her virtues, moral integrity, perseverance, and filial piety, the passing of half an incense stick seemed interminable. Fortunately, sitting close to Balam Zalgras provided some relief for his injured leg, alleviating his pain and aiding in his healing. Daiyu was certain that without this small help, the boy would have fainted from the agony.

She was beginning to feel the Esteem was a bit dull-minded or sick in the head for making the child kneel extensively with an injured leg. It seemed rather obtuse and inconsiderate. However, despite her discomfort, she couldn't deny the rewards bestowed upon her. Along with a residence, she received a generous sum of a thousand gold gints, lavish fabrics, exquisite porcelains, precious jewels, and healing herbs.

To honor her newfound status and commend her for safely escorting the prince, a lavish banquet was arranged in Daiyu's honor. The grand feast was set to take place in two days' time, coinciding with the reunion dinner for the Esteem's youngest son and his sole surviving brother, Nam Cal Liang, the seventh prince from the previous generation. It was rumored that Nam Cal Liang had recently returned to his residence in the capital and was scheduled to greet the Esteem privately later that evening.

It was further decreed that Balam's Maker blessing would undergo re-testing earlier than originally planned. The ceremony would serve as the opening event for The Festival of Glittering Tears, which would take place fourteen days later, to commemorate the Esteem's beloved concubines' restored health. As part of the celebration, Balam was bestowed with significant gifts, including an ancestral bow, a generous sum of two thousand gold gints, a grassland tribute pony, an exquisite set of the four treasures of the study, and a few noble maids to attend to his needs.

In her peripheral vision, Daiyu observed the pale blue faces of those gathered near the throne, their almost white skin giving them an otherworldly aura. The Kisin people, due to generations of poorly regulated nutrition and physical adjustments necessary for space travel, rarely achieved such dermatological results through diet alone in her timeline. Most individuals with such skin resorted to expensive medical enhancements, requiring millions of credits. However, in this present era, a healthy diet supplemented with costly herbs allowed for such a feat, although it remained out of reach for commoners. Amidst the crowd, a vibrant array of hair colors spanned the rainbow, but it was the royal family alone, excluding the Imperial Madam and Imperial Dowager, who possessed flowing silver hair and crystal-like pale gray eyes.

Daiyu found solace in the blue hue that emanated from her brother Balam's eyes; it brought life to his features, unlike the cold countenances of his half-siblings. From her perspective, they resembled animated water corpses, with their fair, pale skin and silver-gray eyes that fixated on Balam and herself, as if they were insignificant creatures to be crushed or toyed with.

The first prince, Nam Tor Jing, appeared to be around twenty lunar years old, with his sharp, sword-like eyebrows accentuating his hawk-like silver eyes. His expression remained stoic, devoid of any emotion, as he assessed the kneeling siblings. Daiyu felt a distant judgment emanating from him as if she were deemed inconsequential. His broad shoulders were rigid on his tall frame, resembling a guidepost for hanging decorations. She wondered whether a smile would soften his features or cause them to shatter.

Positioned slightly behind and to the left of the first prince stood the second princess, Nam Na Xiulan. Her name mirrored her delicate and pure appearance, akin to a winter orchid. At approximately seventeen lunar years of age, she barely reached her elder brother's shoulder in height. Her hair was meticulously braided and spun into soft buns, with wispy tendrils of silver strands cascading down. Occasionally, her downcast eyes would flutter open, revealing eyes that were silver with a hint of blue, distinguishing her from her male siblings. Her gaze held a watery softness, creating the impression that tears came easily and beautifully to her eyes. Her slightly pink, bow-shaped lips resembled blossoms in the dim light of the chamber's lanterns.

Standing gracefully, slightly taller than the princess yet not quite reaching the towering height of the first prince, was the third prince, Nam Ai Zephyr. Daiyu, guided by the host's memories, knew that they shared the same age. However, Nam Ai Zephyr possessed a commanding presence, his stature enhanced by a broad, well-built figure that exhibited no traces of malnourishment or mistreatment. Intricate strands of prominent red streaks adorned his lustrous hair, meticulously braided on the right side of his head before cascading into a regal, silky silver ponytail—a visual legacy likely inherited from his mother, the deceased fourth concubine. His serene, kind silver eyes, resembling pools of moonlit water, seemed disengaged from the bustling scene unfolding before him, as if he transcended the earthly realm and held no value for its transient matters.

Beside Nam Ai Zephyr, a boy of tender ten lunar years stood, his figure appearing delicate and ethereal as if he had emerged from the strokes of a snowy ink painting. Yet, within the depths of his eyes, the subtle curve of his thin lips, and the tautness of his jaw, Daiyu discerned something distinct. It was a familiarity that resonated with her past experiences, reminiscent of the recruits she had encountered in her previous life. Behind his innocent facade, there simmered a tempestuous blend of petulant anger and rebellious disdain, radiating from his eyes like fervent flames. Admittedly, he was adept at concealing his true nature, skillfully masquerading as a docile lamb. However, years of honed instincts and discernment could not be deceived. Daiyu knew, with unwavering certainty, Nam Ja Yazhu, the fourth prince, was a cunning wolf disguised in sheep's clothing.

Imperial Madam Song Val Měifēn, exuding regal grace, commanded attention from her seat on the opposite side of the children. With utmost care, she cradled the youngest princess in her lap, directing the child's gaze toward the unfolding splendor. Her cold, tiger-like golden eyes surveyed the scene with calculated authority, captivating all who encountered their penetrating gaze. Adorned in an intricately crafted gold crown, harmonizing flawlessly with her shimmering hair, she radiated majesty at every turn. The crown, a masterpiece of exquisite details, secured her meticulously styled bun, its brilliance mirroring the cascade of her lustrous sun-colored locks. Resembling a doll-like replica of her formidable mother, the young girl, merely five lunar years old, shared an uncanny resemblance.

Daiyu discreetly halted her clandestine observations as the eunuch's melodic recitation came to a close. With precise adherence to court decorum, the children expressed their gratitude to the Esteem and fervently wished him a long and prosperous life. The formalities concluded, and the attendees were gracefully dismissed.

Knowing the importance of proper protocol, Daiyu and Balam were required to swiftly depart and attend to their ailing mother. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the royal family gracefully transitioned to the formal dining hall, where they would partake in their evening meal. The corridors were filled with the hushed whispers of courtiers, their voices resonating with anticipation as they eagerly prepared for the upcoming feast.

Balam gracefully rose from his kneeling position and moved with elegance through the grand halls of the palace. The presence of palace guards, led by the vigilant Captain Chen Val Hitomu, served as a protective shield, ensuring that no overly zealous courtiers encroached upon the children's procession. Guided by the guards, the siblings navigated the labyrinthine maze of identical passages, as they made their way towards the staircase leading to the annex.

Concerned for her brother's well-being, Daiyu hurriedly approached him, offering her support as they ascended the arduous flight of stairs. She could sense the trembling in his knees and the pallor that had washed over his perspiring face, and her heart ached for him.

"This prince insists that he can manage, dear sister," Balam weakly protested, attempting to maintain his composure.

"This one feels a sense of unease, dear brother," Daiyu expressed softly, her voice laced with vulnerability. "The physical contact gives this one courage. Will you grant permission?"

Captain Chen's lips betrayed a slight twitch, acknowledging the transparent nature of Daiyu's request. However, he inwardly nodded in approval, recognizing her sincere efforts to uphold her younger brother's dignity. The young boy, in response, offered a gentle smile and tenderly patted the hand resting on his shoulder, signifying his agreement and gratitude.

The day had surrendered to night, casting a subtle chill in the air, as they knelt in the throne room. It was early spring, and the days had yet to turn long, leaving the air slightly chilly as they proceeded through a series of gates, making their way to the inner court where a palanquin awaited to transport her brother back to their mother's palace. Sensing his weariness, she handed him a small hand warmer, confident that once he settled in, the warmth would lull him into a peaceful slumber.

In the tranquil night, a delicate fragrance of fresh earth and early cherry blossoms filled the air. They quietly made their way past the storerooms and servants' housing, the sounds of any bustling activities muffled by the presence of a grand fountain wall on their right. As they turned a corner, Daiyu's attention was captivated by the origin of the enchanting floral scent. During their initial visit, the torrential rains had prevented her from noticing the towering height of the trees. Yet now she was impressed that such trees were flourishing in this astir environment, surrounded by jade and stone.

Reflecting on the simulations she had run countless times in her previous life, Daiyu couldn't help but marvel at the subtle differences she now observed. In her simulations, there had been no trees, only ornamental lamps. This small but significant alteration prompted her to contemplate how much more of the structure deviated from historical records. As her gaze wandered, she glanced up at a three-tier guard tower, noticing a lone sentinel leisurely strolling along the topmost level. His watchful eyes followed their procession, observing their journey with a mix of curiosity and vigilance.

"There is a significant cavernous space five men deep beneath us, bustling with numerous people and activities," Zalgras stated, his surprise evident.

*Indeed, there is an entire underground city beneath us, fortified with obsidian stone. The imperial complex is protected by weaponized ships, and the exterior wall is beyond the firing range of any weaponry developed in the next three centuries. While it may not be impenetrable, history reveals that the undercity once rebelled and infiltrated the main palace. However, they were no match for the multi-gate system and limited access points. Their plan to seize the Esteem in his throne room was thwarted, as it was the crown prince who held court that day due to an illness. Many guards, servants, and staff lost their lives, but none of the royal family was harmed. Although, I believe that particular event is still a few hundred years away,* she replied absentmindedly as they waited for the gate to the consorts' courtyard to open.

Captain Chen, with his imposing stature and dignified presence, expertly roused the slumbering prince from his rest. His strong yet gentle hands provided support as the young man gracefully disembarked from the conveyance. Stepping into the ethereal realm of the courtyard, adorned with a breathtaking array of blue orchids and towering acacia trees, the group was enveloped in a serene ambiance. The Captain's piercing aqua gaze, scanned the surroundings, ensuring the safety and tranquility of their passage.

"Captain Chen, we extend our deepest gratitude for your invaluable assistance. This prince believes that we will be able to proceed from this point," Balam's voice, though fatigued, carried a resolute tone as he issued the command to dismiss the knights. In response, the tall and esteemed captain bowed deeply, showing utmost respect.

"Very well, sixth prince, may you find restful slumber. However, if I may have a moment to speak with Ms. Yun?" Captain Chen's words were filled with respect and sincerity, his voice carrying a tone of utmost courtesy. Sensing her brother's curiosity, Daiyu glanced at Balam and nodded reassuringly, granting him permission to step away.

"This prince will not trouble you further; take your time, sister; we will dine when you are done," Understanding her silent approval, Balam graciously excused himself and made his way toward the consorts' palace, leaving Captain Chen and Daiyu to engage in their private conversation undisturbed.

"Fa Sai fetch a lantern and some tea, please?" Daiyu commanded her voice firm yet composed. Fa Sai, ever dutiful, bowed perfectly before stepping into the palace. In the quiet moments that followed, the young girl and the imposing imperial captain stood in contemplative silence. Soon, Fa Sai returned, gracefully carrying a tray adorned with a tea service and a small lantern. With practiced grace, Fa Sai led them to a jade table nestled under the shade of a towering acacia tree, surrounded by a vibrant display of wild blue orchids.

Daiyu, the hostess of the impromptu gathering, motioned for Captain Chen to take a seat, gesturing with a graceful hand. Fa Sai, demonstrating her attentiveness, carefully attached the lantern to a hook on the tree before pouring the fragrant tea. With each action, she moved seamlessly, her presence almost imperceptible as she stepped back, allowing Daiyu and Captain Chen to engage in their conversation undisturbed.

Daiyu savored the bold-flavored tea, feeling its warmth permeate her cold palms. She patiently awaited Captain Chen's words, sensing his nervousness now that they were seated alone. He cleared his throat, attempting to alleviate his unease, and took a sip of tea to moisten his throat.

"Miss Yun, I am a simple man and do not wish to offend you with my plain speech," Captain Chen began, his tone cautious. Daiyu suppressed a small laugh, her lips barely lifting in amusement.

"Captain Chen, please be at ease. I may be young, but my experiences on this planet have mostly involved soldiers or monks. Many of those encounters were characterized by simple and direct conversations. Among the three options of simple, crass, or riddles, I prefer straightforward dialogue," Daiyu interrupted, speaking honestly before taking another sip of her tea. A light chuckle escaped Captain Chen, the tension in his shoulders visibly easing, and a hint of amusement sparkled in his sea-colored eyes.

"As you wish. I have thoroughly reviewed the reports regarding the incident at the imperial bridge. I am curious about how you, wounded and weary from travel, managed to defeat a trained veteran twice your size with ten years of active combat experience," Captain Chen inquired, his curiosity tinged with a hint of suspicion that lingered in his tone.

Daiyu spoke with a quiet determination, her voice carrying the weight of her experiences. "In peace, prepare for war. In war, prepare for peace. I have never forgotten my father's teachings, nor the days spent on the battlefield with him," she stated, her midnight blue hair cascading like a waterfall down her back, a striking contrast against her fair complexion. Her sapphire eyes sparkled with a steadfast resolve as she continued.

"I always remained vigilant and ready to confront any threat posed to my brother, upholding my family's honor through the skills instilled in me by my father," Daiyu explained. Her gaze remained unwavering as she recounted her strategy. "The gate captain was formidable in size, while I am of smaller stature. So, my approach was to wear him down, buying time until someone with greater authority could properly address the dispute. While I may not have had strength on my side, my formidable training with my father's guidance and my youthful determination kept me moving forward," she concluded, her smile accentuating her small delicate features.

As a gentle breeze wafted through the air, it playfully tousled the aqua-colored ends of Captain Chen's hair, causing his high ponytail to sway gracefully in the wind. His piercing gaze seemed to darken as it sharply assessed Daiyu, studying her with keen interest. In the midst of their conversation, Fa Sai quietly approached, skillfully refilling their cups with tea, her movements seamless and unobtrusive. The warmth of the tea enveloped them as they savored its comforting embrace, their attention momentarily captivated by the tranquility of the moment. Daiyu, pretending not to notice Captain Chen's inquisitive stare, fixed her gaze upon the delicate silver rim of her teacup, contemplating its intricate design. Breaking the silence, Captain Chen's impassive face revealed a surprising revelation.

"I have sent a request to the Esteem to allow you to participate in training with the Imperial Shadow Guard. It has been approved, should you be interested," he disclosed, his eyes remaining fixated on the rim of his own teacup, seemingly engrossed in its subtle details. Despite his outward composure, Daiyu couldn't shake the feeling of being intensely scrutinized, as if every word and movement was being carefully weighed.

"I am deeply honored by the lengths you have gone for my sake, Captain Chen. Requesting such a favor from the Esteem is no trivial matter. However, I find myself wondering why you would undertake such an endeavor and how you managed to secure the Esteem's agreement. Allowing the daughter of a rival empire's greatest general to partake in the training of the elite guard, directly serving the royal family, may appear unwise," she stated, her tone both appreciative and analytical. With deliberate grace, she set her cup down and folded her hands in her lap, her posture exuding a sense of poise and confidence. Her piercing sapphire eyes remained fixed on the captain, examining him with a discerning intensity.

Upon closer examination, she realized that Captain Chen was younger than she had initially presumed, perhaps only six or seven years older than herself. His stature exuded strength and determination, yet his youthful features had not yet been weathered by the hardships of life. A faint scar traced just under his left ear, a testament to the trials he had endured, while his skin bore a deeper hue from relentless training under the scorching twin suns. Small scars and calluses adorned his large hands, evidence of his extensive experience with weaponry. As he spoke about her potential participation in the training, she detected a glimmer of excitement in his calm, cold eyes, a spark that belied his otherwise impassive demeanor.

A subtle, knowing smile curved Daiyu's lips, her thoughts dancing with a mix of amusement and understanding. She recognized his intent all too well, for she had encountered individuals like him in the past. There was a part of her that resonated with his thirst for knowledge and the desire to explore new techniques. He sought to test her skills and unravel the mystery of her victory against the Captain at the entrance bridge. His underlying goal was clear - to gain insights that could enhance his own combat prowess, or perhaps even provide an advantage if he were to confront the Taiharn in the future. She embodied a unique opportunity for him to study the fighting styles of a foreign power up close, a chance that he couldn't let slip away.

"His Majesty has granted his approval based on your unwavering dedication as the prince's sworn protector throughout the years. He wishes for you to continue this duty in the future," Daiyu interjected, raising her hand to halt his impending words.

"Please excuse my forwardness, Captain Chen. However, with the young prince back in the capital city and the anticipated retesting of his Maker's blessing, there is no doubt that he will be fully recognized as a member of the royal family. Consequently, he will be assigned an official honor guard and a personal protector. It would be inappropriate for the goddaughter of the Esteem to continue in the role of personal retinue." Daiyu paused briefly to sip her tea, her movements graceful and refined. Even dressed in Taiharn martial robes, she exuded an air of elegance that harmonized perfectly with the gentle glow of the lantern-lit royal garden.

"I find your suggestion intriguing, although I believe some adjustments are necessary. I will compose a letter to my esteemed grandfather, the Esteem of Taihar, proposing that I serve as a military liaison, aiming to foster peaceful understanding between our two nations. While I await his response, I understand that you hold an arena event every twenty days for the troops to test their skills. If it is agreeable to you, I would be interested in participating to enhance my own abilities and facilitate the exchange of fundamental knowledge," Daiyu proposed, her voice carrying a note of genuine interest.

The man sitting across from her was visibly taken aback, his eyes widening with surprise at the implications and potential benefits of her suggestion. Although he swiftly regained composure, his hand trembled slightly as he lifted the tea to his lips, attempting to mask his excitement with an air of nonchalance.

"Indeed, I will make the necessary arrangements and seek his majesty's approval," Captain Chen acknowledged with a nod, his eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and intrigue. Daiyu's smile widened, her lips curving in a slight arch, as she sensed the possibilities that lay ahead.

"The physicians have assured me that with proper care and adherence to their treatment, my wounds should heal completely within five days," she replied, her voice filled with confidence. The captain took her response as a sign that their discussion had reached its natural conclusion.

Rising from his seat, Captain Chen stood tall and bowed with impeccable grace, showing his respect and appreciation. As they bid each other farewell, the air seemed charged with anticipation, hinting at the possibilities that awaited them in the days to come.

"My lady?" Fa Sai appeared perplexed and slightly concerned by what she had just witnessed. She longed to inquire about her mistress's intentions but was unsure how to approach the matter respectfully. Daiyu, sensing Fa Sai's confusion, chuckled softly.

"Allow me to share a story," Daiyu began, her voice calm and measured. "There was once a scorpion that needed to cross a river but could not swim. It asked a passing frog to carry it across, promising not to harm the frog. The frog was hesitant, fearing the scorpion's sting. However, the scorpion argued that it would also perish if it stung the frog in the middle of the river. Convinced by this logic, the frog agreed to help. But halfway across the river, the scorpion stung the frog, dooming them both. When the dying frog asked why, the scorpion replied, 'I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's in my nature.'" Daiyu paused with a chuckle at Fa Sai's furrowed brow, then continued.

"Many years later, a fox encountered a scorpion at a riverbank. The scorpion requested the fox's assistance in crossing the river. The fox, aware of the previous encounter with the frog, allowed the scorpion to perch on its nose as they swam across. But the fox remained vigilant, keeping its eyes on the scorpion. When the scorpion raised its tail, the fox swiftly shook its head, causing the scorpion to be flung into the river. The scorpion cried out in betrayal, asking why the fox had done this. The fox simply replied, 'I had already heard about the frog. If you truly meant me no harm, you would have remained still.'"

"I assure you, I am not a frog," Daiyu stated with conviction. "Captain Ai Akina is already en route, carrying my letters under the guise of charting a new trade route for her company. Once my grandfather receives those letters, he will understand the benefits of my requests and actions. QinMay will not be able to gain any advantages without offering equal exchange, whether they are aware of what they are giving in return or not." Her words lingered in the air, leaving Fa Sai deep in thought as she diligently tidied up the tea set and collected the lantern. The two women proceeded back into the consort's palace, each lost in her own contemplations.