
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

A New Home

The passing days were uneventful, marked by Daiyu's devoted care for her ailing mother while Balam found himself immersed in the teachings and treatments provided by tutors and physicians, all in an effort to prepare him for his future court responsibilities and improve his fragile health. Watching the demands placed upon her young brother, Daiyu couldn't help but feel a mix of empathy and relief that she was spared from such pressures.

Each morning, as the sun cast its gentle rays upon the land, the imperial consort, having regained her strength, would join the children in the grandeur of the dining hall. On the second morning, a sense of anticipation filled the air as the Esteem himself graced their family gathering with his presence. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and unity, but for Daiyu, it was a bittersweet experience.

As she observed the harmonious scene before her, a swirl of conflicting emotions tugged at her heart. The memories of her own family's unity were overshadowed by the haunting remnants of chaos and discord that had defined her life amidst the horrors of war and raids that had separated her from her family and eventually drafted her into service.

her thoughts shifted to contemplate the life of the original host she now inhabited, Daiyu's heart ached at the realization that even in those hazy memories, there were few traces of genuine familial affection. Instead, the images that lingered were of her father and his loyal subordinates huddled around a sand table, engrossed in discussions of strategies and progress while subsisting on meager rations.

In the midst of this conflicting turmoil, Daiyu quietly continued her morning meal, her thoughts wandering to the complexity of her own existence and the struggles of the life she now navigated as she grappled with the weight of her newfound responsibilities.

A messenger abruptly interrupted the tranquil family meal, momentarily jolting Daiyu out of her chaotic thoughts. The messenger bore the deed to her estate and inquired about the siblings' preferences regarding the storage of their remaining rewards. A slight smile tugged at the corners of Daiyu's lips as she observed the nervous palace eunuch kneeling before them in the hall. It seemed the eunuch had failed to anticipate the Esteem's presence, and the man's anxiety was palpable, fearing the potential repercussions of interrupting such an important gathering.

In the eunuch's initial audacity, he had not considered the impropriety of barging into the consort's palace to address these supposedly abandoned siblings of royal lineage. After all, prior to their unexpected arrival at the gates of the imperial complex, no one had even heard of these scruffy and road-weary individuals. As for the consort herself, though she may currently enjoy favor, how long could a woman discarded by the imperial court retain such standing? It had already been five years, and surely her fortunes were bound to wane before long. In the eunuch's mind, her luck had already been far too generous.

*I fail to comprehend how no one has yet recognized your esteemed status. According to my understanding of your society's hierarchy, your noble lineage alone should command the groveling of this male, not to mention the others present at this meal. Have I misunderstood the workings of social standing among your people?* Zalgras' voice betrayed both confusion and annoyance.

*Logistically, that is how it should work, yet the Esteem's actions towards us so many years ago, as well as the fact that no one stood up for us then, coupled with the church's ridicule of my mother and brother, play a hand in their boldness and assumptions. In the coming days, many will have the same thought. It is a misconception I will be able to use to our advantage in the future.* Daiyu explained calmly, her gaze fixed on the anxious servant before her, who was visibly perspiring with anxiety.

The eunuch's lack of foresight had led him to mistakenly believe that the Esteem would only visit a group of individuals for intimate encounters. With the consort's recovery, it was highly unlikely that she would be among those favored by the Esteem. The eunuch deeply regretted his assumptions and wished he had taken the time to gather more information about the current status of the consort. He held so much regret as he now knelt, sweating and staring at the floor, with the Esteem glaring unfavorably over the table of sumptuous food.

In that moment, Daiyu rose gracefully from her seat, positioning herself like a protective shield between the servant and the angered monarch. Her voice, soft and innocent, filled the room as she bowed before addressing the head of the table.

"Most Benevolent Godfather, if our absence is permissible to our recovering mother and poses no inconvenience to the palace, I humbly request permission to inspect the residence after our meal. Furthermore, if it would not be too much trouble, may I make a bold request? As we currently lack a steward to oversee our household affairs, would Your Excellency be so kind as to lend us the services of this servant until we can find a suitable replacement?"

As he listened to her affectionate request and observed her humble demeanor, the Esteem felt his anger dissipate. His pale silver-blue eyes softened, finding more endearing qualities in this young girl with each interaction. Despite her delicate appearance and weak body, she had displayed remarkable strength and courage when defending her royal brother against a full-grown guard captain. Moreover, her humility, thoughtfulness, and impeccable manners never failed to impress him.

He couldn't help but notice the wisdom and maturity that seemed well beyond her tender age. Her views were unique and far-reaching, indicating a depth of understanding that surpassed her lunar years. She possessed the grace and beauty of her delicate mother, yet there was a resolute determination in her character, allowing her to overcome hardships and adapt swiftly to any situation.

In contrast, his own two daughters appeared somewhat spoiled and lacking in education. His eldest daughter was too preoccupied with her own beauty and the trivial affairs of noble circles to dedicate herself to her studies. Meanwhile, his younger daughter constantly sought attention and admiration by flaunting every morsel of new knowledge or skill she acquired.

Reflecting on these differences, the Esteem couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and respect for Daiyu's remarkable qualities.

Similarly to his sister, the young prince displayed a remarkable dedication to his studies. He approached his lessons with a studious and contemplative mindset, absorbing knowledge without exhibiting the frustrations or complaints commonly associated with his age. Despite his weakened and injured state, he persevered in his learning, never allowing his condition to hinder his progress. Step by step, he moved forward with unwavering determination.

Considering the hardships they had endured, one might expect the siblings to be filled with bitterness, anger, and resentment. Yet, their eyes remained clear and resolute. The Esteem's affection for his beautiful and exotic consort naturally extended to her children, but as he spent more time in their presence, his fondness for the small family unit grew exponentially. At times, he found it easy to forget the political pressures that had driven a wedge between him and his young son. In his heart, he yearned to adopt this girl child as his own, longing for a genuine connection that surpassed mere political alliances.

"We believe our lady consort has recovered sufficiently to grant you a moment of respite; the younger generation should not always be tethered to us elders. We hope the accommodation meets your approval, and should you have any dissatisfaction, please do not hesitate to inform us. However, concerning this servant, we find him unsatisfactory; allow us to find a more suitable replacement for you." The older man spoke, his posture erect and his hands assertively resting on the table, while his consort delicately placed a steaming piece of meat on the edge of his bowl. The young prince observed the scene from his position beside his sister, slowly eating his rice.

"With all due respect, this one finds the servant adequate for the task, and surely someone of his stature will not be sorely missed among the many loyal subjects of his majesty. We understand that our request may be audacious, yet we hope that in your boundless wisdom, you will grant us this small act of defiance." Her words were unhurried and carefully measured, her tone gentle and pleasing to the temperamental monarch's ears.

"You are indeed a tender-hearted child; we shall grant your request, but only this once. You shall learn in due time that not all acts of mercy are acts of kindness, but for today, we deem this lesson not of immediate importance. Henceforth, the servant shall be under your care, and we decree that he shall serve no other until his last breath." The Esteem smiled widely, chuckling at her efforts to protect the lowly eunuch from punishment. Meanwhile, the eunuch himself released a long-held breath, silently wishing he could wipe the beads of sweat forming on his brow, yet he dared not make a move that might draw unwanted attention once more.

"Serve your new master with unwavering loyalty and utmost dedication," the monarch commanded the pale, bald man, his voice firm and authoritative. The man remained prostrated, his forehead pressed against the floor in a display of submission and reverence. The weight of the monarch's words hung heavily in the air, emphasizing the significance of his instructions.

"Never forget that her generosity is the reason you still draw breath," the monarch added, his tone carrying a hint of warning. It was a reminder of the favor bestowed upon the man, a reminder that his life depended on his faithful service to his new master.

The pale man dared not lift his head or utter a word, understanding the gravity of the monarch's words. He absorbed the command with a mix of apprehension and gratitude, knowing that his fate and future now rested in the hands of the young girl before him.

*Why would you choose such a disrespectful individual to oversee such important matters?* Inquired the creature, its curiosity seeping into her thoughts.

*If I did not intervene on his behalf, he would have faced severe punishment. Given his current level of disrespect, he would have suffered a minimum of debilitating beatings, if not the maximum penalty of immediate execution. I do not wish for people to witness such favors granted by the Esteem towards us at this point. By appearing weak and lacking support, it would only embolden our true adversaries. However, this minor issue is not worth a confrontation that would only make our enemies cautious about revealing their true intentions.*

"We humbly thank you for your grace. Then we will have him wait for us at the footbridge to escort the way to the new residence for the inspection." Daiyu responded gratefully, to which The Esteem only hummed his approval. The terrified palace eunuch retreated with salutations of "Long Live" while executing a realistic impression of mist in his haste to flee to the palace gates.

In moments it was as if the disturbance had never happened; the family quietly went back to their meal, and the warm family atmosphere enveloped the space once more.


Clad in her customary attire of a black martial robe adorned with elegant red accents, Daiyu strolled through the sprawling imperial complex, her every step unimpeded. By her side, Fa Sai, her faithful maid, donned a new uniform—a tasteful ensemble comprising a dark gray top and a flowing, pale plum-colored skirt. As a gentle breeze rustled through the air, their garments billowed gracefully, their silky ponytails swaying and the ribbons adorning them dancing along the invisible currents. One emanated an aura of delicate freshness akin to the blossoming of spring, while the other exuded a resolute and heroic presence.

Daiyu's mother had advised the siblings that their loyal attendants would require designated uniforms. However, the pale pink and blue hues that had initially been chosen had already been claimed by the fifth princess. Moreover, the colors imperial green and Taiharn red were off-limits. Black was solely reserved for the clandestine guard, and red belonged exclusively to the first prince.

As her mother began to explain about the other princes and princesses as well as the noble houses, the exemption color list expanded exponentially. Eventually, Daiyu decided to put herself out of her misery and asked just to be brought fabric in the colors that were still available for such use. Hence her servants would wear dark gray and plum, and Balam's servants would dress in dark gray and pale orange; these colors were then recorded in the Capital registry as belonging to their private branches.

The constant adherence to meticulous etiquettes that she had to acquaint herself with since their arrival in the capital became increasingly apparent. The "politics of color" amused Zalgras greatly, finding it entertaining how such trivial details could irritate Daiyu to the point that her left eye twitched.

After the passing of a whole incense stick, the duo finally emerged from the grand main gates, which led to the trio of bridges spanning the narrow channel separating the imperial complex from the bustling capital city.

"The humble servant greets his esteemed master, Mistress Yun Cal Daiyu," the eunuch from earlier in the morning hurriedly approached, bowing at an almost ninety-degree angle as a show of utmost respect.

"Rise, for from this day forward, you are under my protection. Loyalty will be handsomely rewarded, while betrayal will be met with swift and severe consequences," The bald man smoothly straightened, rising to almost two meters in height compared to his new master's one and a half meters, causing the two females to look up at the man as he bowed slightly again in acknowledgment of his master's words.

"I understand and will fulfill my duty with unwavering loyalty. My life and allegiance are pledged to you, Mistress Daiyu," the servant declared, his voice brimming with sincerity and devotion. Daiyu acknowledged his words with a gentle nod, signaling the eunuch to lead the way.

"Shall I arrange for a carriage or sedan chair to transport you, Mistress?" the man asked, his caramel-colored eyes filled with eagerness to fulfill her desires.

"We will walk according to its city designation; it is not far from here," Daiyu responded calmly, preparing to make her way to the footbridge. The man's eyes widened in surprise, though it was true that their new residence was merely a short distance from the palace gates. He marveled at the fact that his young mistress chose to walk instead of utilizing any form of transportation.

*How quickly the man's attitude changes; can such a man really be trusted?* If the creature had a chin, Daiyu could imagine it rubbing it thoughtfully.

"He is well aware that I have just saved him from certain death. Though the Esteem may appear to be fat, jovial, and foolish man, however, his rise to the throne was not without cunning or a malevolent intent. No one understands this better than a eunuch bound to keep the imperial secrets," Daiyu explained, her voice steady and resolute, ready to address any further inquiries from the creature, who remained thoughtfully silent.

The eunuch, Lu Min respectfully took the lead, with Sa Fai standing half a step behind her mistress; the group maneuvered around multitudes of merchants, guards, nobles, and servants bustling around the three bridges. Daiyu folded her hands lazily behind her back as she breathed in the cool, salty air while observing a family of swans swimming happily in the channel.

On the other side of the bridge, vines dripped off the tall jungle trees and danced like curtains in the delicate breeze. Messengers and ordinary people traversed past the trio with an air of focused diligence. She smiled at how mundane it all appeared, wondering how long this type of lazy, easy-going morning would last.

Upon reaching the other side of the bridge, they were greeted by a significant assembly of individuals dressed in their newly acquired dark gray and plum uniforms. Nine figures, comprising seven men and two women, swiftly fell to their knees, their actions a profound display of deference. As one, their voices harmonized in perfect unison, proclaiming, "Greetings, Mistress Yun Val Daiyu." The scene seized the attention of onlookers, including the inquisitive gazes of the guards stationed at the nearby watchtower.

Daiyu's left eye twitched in mild annoyance at the exaggerated greeting from her devoted followers. Zalgras found amusement in the spectacle, sensing the eagerness in their actions. Sa Fai couldn't help but stifle a small giggle, sharing in the light-hearted moment. It was clear that her loyal comrades were excited to be reunited with their master and curious about what new plans she had in store for them. Meanwhile, the palace eunuch stood with his mouth agape, openly astonished by the sight of the kneeling men and women before them.

"Rise, let us see our new home." The collection of people rose in unison, the women moving to stand a step beside their mistress as the men took up positions around them. The assembly of people turned their backs on a large white carriage stable with gray tiles and dark wood accents moving around a tall gray stone guard tower.

As the group approached the cream brick building, partially masked by overgrown vegetation, their eyes were simultaneously drawn to its abandoned appearance and the lingering traces of its former splendor. The intricate details of the beige stone accents, though weathered and worn, still showcased the craftsmanship that had once adorned the structure. The bright red-tiled roof, faded but resilient, stood defiantly against the backdrop of the clear blue sky.

Tall wisteria and blossoming cherry trees, untamed and wild, adorned the main outer wall, their branches cascading with fragrant blooms. Beneath their majestic canopy, neglected floral vines and berry bushes sprawled freely, reclaiming the space with their tenacious growth. Nature's touch, though unchecked, added a touch of wild beauty to the scene.

A gentle breeze carried the faint scent of both decaying leaves and blossoming flowers, an earthy blend that spoke of both the passage of time and the resilience of life. The air was filled with the soft rustling of leaves, sounding like forgotten whispers from the past. The occasional chirping of birds echoed through the tranquil surroundings, a reminder that life persisted even in forgotten corners.

Despite the building's apparent neglect, there was an undeniable aura of grandeur that still clung to its weathered facade. The passage of time had added a layer of mystery and allure to the structure, inviting curiosity and the desire to uncover its hidden stories.

As Daiyu retrieved the brass key from her sleeve pocket, its weight felt substantial in her palm. The key's intricate design and the way it caught the sunlight added a touch of elegance to the moment. Lu Min, with his steady hands, accepted the key, his movements precise and graceful.

Approaching the massive spruce doors, the group could see the intricate carvings that adorned the wood, telling stories of ancient heroes and mythical creatures. The padlock, a weathered lion's head, held its place firmly, a testament to the history of the building.

With a deliberate motion, Lu Min inserted the key into the padlock, and as he turned it, the rusty mechanism protested with a groan. The doors slowly swung open, revealing the interior of the property bathed in warm, golden light. The aroma of old wood and the faint scent of flowers wafted out, welcoming them to their new home.

Lu Min stepped aside, his posture exuding reverence and respect, as he bowed and extended his arm in a gesture of invitation.

"Mistress, if it pleases you, welcome home," he spoke with heartfelt sincerity, his voice carrying the weight of the moment.

The woman in black robes fought the urge to roll her eyes at Lu Min's showmanship as gossip and speculation followed their arrival. Instead, she maintained a stoic smile as she walked through the main gate, the voices of curious onlookers fading into the background.

"Has someone really moved into the old Ren place?" a hushed whisper reached their ears, tinged with intrigue.

"I heard it was gifted to the Esteem's new goddaughter," a confident female voice responded, relishing in her knowledge.

"The Taiharn orphan girl?" a high-pitched voice chimed in, filled with curiosity.

"Her mother is a consort of the Esteem; she's not an orphan," the woman corrected, eager to share her newfound information.

"Isn't that place haunted? I mean, five people did die inside..." the first male voice trembled with a mix of fear and fascination.

Daiyu allowed the voices to fade into the background as she motioned for Lu Min to close the gates. The space within the relatively large entryway felt crowded as all twelve members of the group huddled together, curiosity gleaming in their eyes.

"Mistress, here is a comprehensive map," Se Mali offered, handing Daiyu a scroll. The intricate inkwork depicted a detailed property map, showcasing the various outbuildings and courtyards with precision. Lu Min blinked in amazement, marveling at the craftsmanship and secretly wondering where such a remarkable piece had been acquired.

To the right, according to the map, an outdoor kitchen courtyard awaited, connecting to a small food storage room. A side door offered access to an alleyway and the central indoor kitchen.

She turned left, passing through the gate into another courtyard, her eyes immediately drawn to the doors of a grand meeting hall on her left. The sight of its intricate wooden carvings and ornate decorations hinted at the importance of the gatherings that had taken place within its walls.

In front of her, an open entryway beckoned, revealing a serene yard that unfolded like a hidden oasis. According to the map, a picturesque pond awaited, surrounded by a lush bamboo forest that whispered in the gentle breeze. The sound of rustling leaves and trickling water filled the air, creating a soothing natural atmosphere. Adjacent to the pond, doors led to a study, accompanied by an attached bedroom where scholarly pursuits and peaceful rest could intertwine.

It did not escape her observation that the city wall overlooked the north length of the property as it ran from east to west. Three watch posts had clear kill shots into her yards, as did the elaborate stone city wall section. Her lips pressed into a determined line as she continued her survey.

Turning right, she faced a set of sturdy doors leading to the front yard. Lu Min hurried to open them, revealing a spacious courtyard that housed three substantial buildings. The central structure before her was likely the main hall, a place where important events and gatherings would unfold. Its imposing facade and grandeur instilled a sense of reverence.

To her left, separate buildings stood, housing a bathing room for relaxation and refreshment, as well as accommodation for visiting male guests. On the right, structures were designated for the needs of the male servants, including a dedicated kitchen for their use and a storage area to hold everyday and personal belongings.

Two magnificent oak trees stood as guardians in the expansive open area, their branches reaching toward the sky. Surrounding them, overgrown patches of grass and wildflowers threatened to overtake the simple dirt walkways, giving the courtyard a touch of untamed beauty. A faintly visible path meandered around the main hall, beckoning Daiyu to explore its hidden corners.

Moving forward, she followed the map's guidance into a stone hallway. This gate, marked as the entrance to the residence's backyard, carried an air of seclusion and intimacy typically reserved for the family's women. Se Mali, ever eager to assist, stepped forward to open the gates with a respectful smile and a bow, a silent challenge passing between him and Lu Min. Fa Sai, unimpressed by the petty exchange, followed her mistress into the next part of the residence.

Once through the gate, they entered a covered entryway that shielded them from the sun's rays. Steps led them into a narrow opening, where the tall silhouette of a birch tree cast its graceful shadow. Continuing along the walled area, they arrived at another expansive courtyard. A beautiful crabapple tree stood proudly on their right, its delicate blossoms adding a touch of color to the surroundings. Across from it, a massive pond dominated the scene, its calm waters mirroring the grandeur of a majestic weeping willow that graced its banks.

"Mistress, this place is so huge; I feel lost already!" Na Binh exclaimed with uncontainable excitement. Ba Indu and Fa Sai exchanged amused glances at the petite maid, who seemed to vibrate with enthusiasm. Mold, cobwebs, and overgrown foliage did nothing to dampen her spirits as she eagerly surveyed the surroundings.

Once again, to the left were the familiar rooms—a private bathing room, a greeting room attached to a bedroom, and a study. To the right, mirrored in layout, were another indoor kitchen, another greeting room with an adjoining bedroom, and a small study. Daiyu proceeded past these extensive side buildings, circling around the large pond. She paid no heed to the graceful tendrils of the weeping willow that yearned to brush against her skin. As they continued, the courtyard opened up to reveal an elegant flower garden that, over time, had been left to wither and decay.

"It must have been so beautiful once..." Na Binh's voice carried a tinge of sorrow, akin to that of a disappointed child who had dropped their favorite dessert.

"I'm sure we can restore its beauty, Mistress. Please don't be disheartened," the girl eagerly tried to reassure her mistress, her words overflowing with genuine enthusiasm.

*This girl truly has a fondness for flowers and plants,* Zalgras observed, its tone tinged with mild boredom.

*It's not surprising. Many young women are captivated by the allure of beautiful and fragrant things. She likely envisions grand tea parties and vibrant gatherings taking place here,* Daiyu responded, her irritation evident at the mere thought of such trivial activities occupying her time and space.

*I take it such frivolities do not suit your taste?* Her lips twitched as she wondered if the creature realized it had again adjusted how it addressed itself.

The neglected flower garden spread out before them, its once vibrant colors now faded and wilted. Overgrown weeds intertwined with the dying remnants of petals, while the fragrance of decay lingered in the air, mingling with the damp earthy scent of the surrounding vegetation. The distant chirping of birds and the soft rustle of leaves filled the silence, a stark contrast to the neglected garden's stillness.

Daiyu's eyes scanned the scene, taking in the sight of the desolate flower beds and the tangled mess of vegetation. Her expression remained resolute, devoid of any sentimental attachment to the decaying beauty that lay before her.

*Such frivolities have no place in my life, she responded to Zalgras, her thoughts tinged with a hint of bitterness. I am not afforded the luxury of leisurely pursuits. The challenges that lie ahead for Balam and me are far more pressing. Within hours Balam's and my own challenges will begin. It may start at the 'family' meal this evening; however, the story unravels and escalates to being falsely accused, hunted, and murdered. Our story will unfold, not in a picturesque tea party, but through false accusations, danger, and the constant threat of death. Flowers offer no tactical advantage in such circumstances.* Her thoughts were dry and filled with concern for the future.

"Ja Chin, Ba June, La Lei, join Lu Min in renovating this area," she instructed, her voice tinged with determination. "The pond and the willow shall remain on this side," she gestured to her left, "but flatten the rest of the garden. We will create an archery field here," she motioned to the right side of the courtyard. "I want straw and wood training dummies set up as well."

Stepping back to the steps of the main hall, Daiyu surveyed the area before her, visualizing the transformation that was to come.

"Clear the area around the martial training ground, creating a wide running path," Daiyu commanded, her voice filled with determination. She glanced around, searching for a piece of charcoal to mark her plans. Ai Zian, approached her, holding out a charcoal writing instrument wrapped in leather with his delicate pale hand. She accepted it with a nod of gratitude, appreciating his attentiveness. He bowed respectfully and discreetly retreated to the back of the crowd, his soft green eyes lowered in deference.

As Daiyu began to sketch on the map, outlining her vision for the training ground, Na Binh's voice rose in protest. "But mistress, it's such a waste of the beautiful..."

Her words were quickly silenced by Lu Min's sharp reproach "Silence! How dare you speak against your master's desires?" The eunuch's stern tone held no room for disobedience. Ba Indu also shot a warning glance at Na Binh, emphasizing the importance of respecting their mistress's wishes.

"You are no longer a child, Na Binh. It is crucial that you learn your place and not disappoint our mistress," Lu Min continued, his words laced with a hint of reprimand. He couldn't help but wish he had a hand whip to discipline the disrespectful maid.

Daiyu's focus remained on the map, undeterred by the commotion. She knew that establishing a martial training ground was essential to their future endeavors, and she would not allow any objections to sway her determination. Once she had added her adjustments to the mad she raised her head and looked at the group.

"Though you are not wrong, Lu Min, I will discipline the servants in the future. Your role will be to report any transgressions to me promptly. I will not tolerate any secrets being held within these walls. Those involved in such actions will be dismissed, regardless of how trivial it may seem. Is that clear?" Daiyu's voice held a firm tone as she addressed the group.

In unison, they responded with a resounding, "Yes, Mistress." Satisfied with their acknowledgment, Daiyu nodded before leading the way toward the southern passageway.

She disregarded the overgrown path running westward, obscured by towering trees and wild vines that made it inaccessible to reach the warehouse located at the back of the property. Instead, she took another southern passage that opened into a spacious courtyard, adorned with tall fruit trees and a prominent pagoda building. The air was filled with the sound of splashing water, indicating the presence of a pond, although it was heavily obscured by dense overgrowth.

As the group dispersed into the open area, some choosing to remain in the narrow space between the courtyards and the path leading to the warehouse, Na Binh cautiously entered. Her mouth remained sealed, fear of further provoking the displeasure of the imposing palace eunuch evident in her expression. Yet, her eyes sparkled with excitement, undeterred by the recent chastisement.

Daiyu's gaze fell upon a weathered, locked door to her left, which the map indicated led to an alley connecting to the city. Temporarily disregarding it, she pushed through the tall grasses, making her way toward the majestic pagoda.

"Everyone, wait here," she commanded, halting the group, and ascended the solid, polished wooden steps of the pagoda.

The first floor revealed a small altar adorned with faded red and gold cloth. A brass incense burner, cold to the touch, sat before what were once memorial plaques. Daiyu bowed respectfully, acknowledging the ancestors whose spirits could no longer be properly honored. She then turned her attention to a worn ladder and ascended to the second level.

*I must say, I'm surprised. You don't strike me as someone who believes in superstitions. What's the point of praying to irrelevant spirits?* Zalgras remarked, its tone laced with curiosity.

*Whether the spirits exist or not is uncertain, but I already have enough uncertainties in my life. I see no reason to invite more by tempting fate,* she responded, continuing her climb.

Upon reaching the top, she found a small bed and a dilapidated writing table, both forgotten by time. Stepping onto the balcony, she noticed that part of the railing had decayed under the weight of damp vines. From this vantage point, she could observe the back courtyard of a builder's shop and confirm the presence of a pond surrounded by a tranquil bamboo forest in the southeastern corner. As her gaze swept over the scene, she noticed that everyone, except Na Binh, stood in a composed manner, patiently awaiting her return. The flighty maid had managed to maneuver through the overgrown foliage and now knelt by the abandoned pond, captivated by the sight of small fish gracefully swimming in its depths.

*It seems that one has a tendency to lack focus,* Zalgras remarked casually, as Daiyu shook her head with a mixture of exasperation and amusement at Na Binh's antics.

She ascended to the topmost level of the building, her delicate footsteps echoing on the creaking ladder. As she entered the final section, she found herself surrounded by glass windows that bathed the space in soft, filtered light. The room was sparsely furnished, with a table displaying a decaying manuscript and a three-legged chair facing east, as if eagerly anticipating the rising sun.

From this vantage point, the view of the pond was obscured, but she could see the vast expanse of the nearby farming fields and the courtyard of neglected flowers that she had previously inspected. A gentle breeze rustled the vines, creating a soothing melody that harmonized with the gentle lapping of the pond. With a serene nod, she descended to the ground floor and rejoined the waiting group.

"Lu Min, please retrieve Na Binh and meet us in the front meeting room," she commanded, her voice calm yet firm. Silently, she led the way through the overgrown and neglected areas, the sun casting their almost nonexistent shadows as they made their way back to the front of the residence.

Taking a seat on the cool stone floor, she motioned for everyone to join her. The group settled down, forming a circle of quiet anticipation. They waited in respectful silence until Lu Min and the wayward maid returned, Na Binh's face flushed with embarrassment as she silently slipped to the floor, assuming a kneeling position alongside the others.

"Se Mali, it will be your responsibility to procure suitable furniture. Start immediately, and if necessary, expedite the process by paying extra for prompt delivery. The men will be accommodated in the front servants' quarters, while Na Binh and Ba Indu will share a room in the backyard. Ensure that the women have access to fresh linens and proper beds by sundown," Daiyu directed, her voice firm and decisive.

Fa Sai materialized beside her, holding a pot of fragrant tea and a steaming cup, which she gracefully passed to her mistress.

"Ba Indu, I entrust you with meal preparation and stocking of supplies. Na Binh, I have designated areas for vegetable cultivation and garden revitalization. Consult with Lu Min for guidance and obtain any necessary tools or seeds to fulfill these tasks," she continued, her gaze shifting to each individual as she spoke.

Na Binh's eyes sparkled with excitement, her smile radiating enthusiasm until Daiyu's stern stare brought her joy to an abrupt halt, causing her blood to run cold.

"As punishment for neglecting your duties, you will not join the meal tonight. Remember, you have pledged your loyalty to me, and it is imperative that you understand the weight of that commitment if you wish to continue in my service," she declared with unwavering authority. In her peripheral vision, she caught a nod of approval from the aged palace eunuch.

"Se Enan, your responsibility will be to negotiate contracts with the merchants for necessary supplies and renovations. Lu Min, you will oversee the management of material lists and supervise all ongoing projects. Ai Zian, I expect you to provide me with daily progress reports, including updates on previous assignments. You will also serve as a messenger between me and Lu Min, conveying any orders or instructions as needed. Is everything clear?" Daiyu's voice resonated with authority as she addressed her team.

A unanimous silence affirmed their understanding, prompting a satisfied nod from Daiyu.

"Excellent. Tomorrow, I expect you to present me with detailed timelines, budgets, and lists of items required for each task. Se Maili, you may begin procuring the basic furnishings tonight. Here are the necessary funds," she said, handing over a pouch heavy with coins. Se Maili bowed and swiftly exited the room to carry out the assigned task.

"Se Enan, I want you to purchase meat, side dishes, and wine for everyone. Spare no expense tonight; they all deserve a hearty meal. The rest of you, commence cleaning the rooms you will be occupying as the repairs and renovations progress. That is all. You are dismissed!" Her authoritative command resounded through the room, and with a chorus of "Yes, Mistress," the group dispersed, leaving only Fa Sai, Ai Zian, and Lu Min in the chamber.

Daiyu finished the remaining sip of her tea, then rose gracefully to her feet.

"Ai Zian, make arrangements for the items to be transported by carriage tonight. Lu Min, when the palace gifts arrive, store them in the main courtyard's warehouse until we can access the back warehouse. Keep external contractors to a minimum; I prefer repairs and renovations to be handled by people I can trust," Daiyu instructed, her voice firm and decisive. Both men nodded, acknowledging their instructions.

"If I may, Mistress, which courtyard would you prefer for me to arrange for your personal habitation?" The bald man asked, lowering his caramel-colored eyes deferentially, though his tone held a hint of subtle judgment.

"I will take the backyard and place my belongings directly into the main rooms there." The man nodded, a soft breath leaving him, seeming pleased with her decision.

"And what about the front rooms?" Lu Min inquired cautiously, his words laden with unspoken questions. Daiyu caught the insinuation and reproach in his tone. She did not miss the minor accusation, nor were the implications of a young Mistress living on her own with Six abled-bodied men, three female servants, and one eunuch with no male family member and no proper matriarch.

"Lu Min, as a trusted supervisor from the palace, are you not sufficient as a guardian to uphold my image in public?" she responded, her voice carrying a hint of reproach.

"Of course, Mistress. I can assure you that I will ensure your reputation remains virtuous and beyond reproach," Lu Min stammered, flustered by her response.

"Very well, then let that be the end of the discussion. Manage my affairs diligently," she declared firmly, her gaze unwavering. With a nod to Fa Sai, she signaled their departure. Fa Sai, the tea set mysteriously absent from her hands, bowed respectfully to her fellow servants as a farewell gesture. They all understood the weight of the responsibility that lay upon their shoulders as they watched their mistress exit the residence. With that, Daiyu entrusted her new home to the capable hands of her loyal followers.