
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


She made her way back through the hole she had fallen down and to her brother's side. Now that she knew the outpost was safe, she decided to bring her brother back and let him rest in a bed while she prepared for their return to the Capital. She felt that in the original timeline, it had initially taken them a month and a half to reach their destination on foot.

If they had not found the observation post, the siblings would have had to get to the road through the dangerous woods and find the remnants of their carriages, where they would only recover a damaged knife, according to the hazy memories. Then, with only the clothes on their backs, a knife, and their Jade identification charms, they faced starvation, assassins, robbers, slave traders, and carnivorous animals while fighting the elements in tattered clothes.

Finding the outpost was not just lucky; it would literally save their lives in the long run, not only providing them with clothing and supplies but giving them the means to build a more stable future in the Capitol.

She placed her brother on the giant plush bed in the leader's quarters, a pang of jealousy fluttering through her as she watched him sleeping so soundly, knowing she had much more to do. She would sleep later, now she needed to work, time was not on their side. She moved through the rooms, checking the available supplies in the storage room and comparing them to recipes in the fabricators. Each discovery made her smile more. She even found a few K-boxes of different colors.

The kakureta boxes or K-boxes used a form of dimensional space technology no one, even in her time, had been able to recreate. On every planet, they had been surrendered to the monarchy. A random civilian touching one would mean certain death.

The boxes expanded from the size of a woman's fist to half the size of a grown man. Each box had twenty-seven storage slots; every slot could hold an item as small as a grain of sand or as large as four men, two standing abreast of each other, with two stacked atop. No matter how much the items inside weighed, the boxes were never heavier than a large ripe melon. The outpost had six; she would be taking them all.

Finding a soft gray robe, she took a moment to clean herself using water that was piped into the outpost before dressing her wounds in soft clean fabric. Many of the cuts had begun to scab thanks to the Ilvibole stones, and they no longer ached with intense pain. She noted the unhealthy darkness of her violet-skinned hands, knowing the dark color was a sign of her malnourished condition and history of poor living. She had suffered the same being raced in the orphanage. She wondered slightly how long it would take her to get healthy this time. Her mind wandered back to the events in that confined metal hallway that had brought her to this place. A pang of sadness hit her heart, tears burning the corner of her eyes.

She stopped herself, suddenly shaking her head with a deep sigh. She moved her thoughts back to the issues at hand. Surviving came first; morning and self-doubt would have to wait. She glanced longingly once more in the direction her brother was comfortably resting in the soft, warm bed before sliding into the robe, squaring her shoulders, and beginning to work.

Zalgras kept her rooted with the time of day, his energy allowing her to stay awake and moving as she strived to fill the K-boxes. Making clothes, preparing food, storing gold, silver, gems, weapons, money, mining Ilvibole, and anything else she could think of. She feverishly moved items into the K-boxes as the multiple fabricators completed their tasks.

When the second morning came, all except two were packed to the brim and stuffed into a newly created black leather sling pack. When she felt good about the preparations, she moved to the bed and exhaustedly slid into the soft comforter, curling up around her snoring brother. No thoughts crossed her mind as her eyelids immediately shut, and she was fast asleep.

"Elder sister! Elder Sister, wake up! Wake up; demons have taken us!" She woke slowly to her brother's frantic cries; she yawned heavily and sat up to him, shaking her shoulders is small body half in her lap.

"Elder Sister, wake up! Wake up; demons have taken us!" His sweet high, pitched voice cried edged with fear.

"Demons have not taken us; we found this place with the help of an old master a few days ago; you have been asleep a long time." The lie was one of convenience. Though Zalgras would be considered old by their standards, he was nowhere near a master of anything. Yet the lie served to explain things. There were always mystical stories of chance encounters; strangely enough, it was something people would accept far faster than the truth.

"An old master?" He asked again, confused, his thin child's face lighting up with excitement as he looked around their surroundings with less fear. He had woken up, unable to move due to the overwhelming pain in his broken leg and tender ribs. His eyes first focused on the strange and lavish room, his mind jumping to tales of how Demon lairs were extravagant, holding strange and enchanting items to entice and seduce humans to do evil.

His frightened heart was mildly soothed, finding his sister sleeping beside him, but then a new wave of concern exploded from his tiny body when he could not immediately wake her. Fear that demons had already devoured her soul sent him into a frantic frenzy his little heart had yet to recover from.

At the tale of a great master, his child's eyes grew wide with surprise and wary apprehension. Was there really a great master, or had his sister been fooled by a demon?

"Sister, is there really a great master? Are you sure it wasn't a demon in disguise? We should flee…." The older sibling chuckled, placing a hand on his excited little head.

"Yes, there truly was a great master who has helped us a great deal and gifted us many useful provisions. These are not things a demon would do; no contract or binding agreement was exchanged. He has taught me many things these days while he helped us heal. He has even taught your sister some skills that may even help mother; we must hurry and leave today. So let's wash up first. Then sister has a change of clothes for us both. We will then eat before heading out to save mother!" She explained, a gentle smile raising the corners of her soft bow-shaped lips, making her seem impish and sweet.

"Elder sister, can you really save our mother?" The young boy's eyes filled with tears of joy at the idea of saving the mother he barely knew. He secretly praised this great unseen master in his heart, setting aside any notions of him being a demon. No demon would be so great as to want to help their mother. He would remember to light incense at the temple in gratitude once their mother was indeed healed.

"Hurry, Elder sister, hurry!" The boy started to move, wincing in pain but not crying out, his excitement completely taking him over despite his broken leg and tender ribs.


Yun Se Balam was cooperative when Daiyu helped him wash up and dress; she had fabricated the boy several new garments in a striking gray with green trim and embroidered design. The monk-style robes he wore that day were simple and understated, with the smallest amount of trim along the edges and the pattern of tiny auspicious clouds making his miniature form seem sweet and delicate.

Braiding his shoulder-length gray-blue hair, she fastened it with a sturdy leather tie. She had him tie his green jade identity tablet around his neck and tuck it tightly under his clothes. Many would love to ransom a prince of QinMay. Even a worthless prince was worth something to someone. She had made him deep green soft leather boots but packed them away and covered his feet with several thick socks and a pair of slippers due to the brace.

For herself, she had used the fragmented memories she seemed to have of training with this Yun Val Daiyu's father, the War God of Taihar, Yun Ver Chao. The original Yun Val Daiyu had begun to learn martial arts with her father from the time she was three lunar years old. By five, she cared for the wounded on the battlefields her father fought in, helped with troop meals, encouraged the men, and on the day her father died, she stormed into the fray, sword drawn and blood lust in her young angry eyes. She defended her father's body from being ravaged by the enemy, killing fifteen grown enemy soldiers before the fighting had ended.

So her garment choices were in the Taihar martial style with short, clean white inner garments, a thigh-length dark red middle robe and a longer paneled black outer robe, and a thick pair of black outer slacks. Dancing red tiger embroidery lined the bottom seam and the wide cuffs, matching the short black leather scabbard she secured to her waist with a gleaming loose dark red belt.

She finished lacing her deep red calf-high boots, securing a hidden blade in each before standing. Her identity tablet was displayed at her waist, its soft, deep black color complimenting her attire as well as broadcasting herself as a citizen of Taihar and a member of the warrior class.

Due to the legends and tales sent back surrounding Taihar, many rumors spread about how even their children are taught to fight at a young age using vicious and terrifying martial skills. Anyone who recognized her tablet and its significance would show respect or give them a wide berth. If they didn't, then her personal years of combat and training would drive the point home. Even this young fragile girl protecting her brother had killed grown men and fought wolves. A seasoned veteran like herself would do no less.

Finally feeling completely cleaned and refreshed in new clothes, her blue/black hair tightly secured into braided buns on either side of her delicate pale violet face. She felt ready to begin the adventure with the plan to secure carriages, horses, and, if possible, a few guards in the mining town of Uipol. Then, make it to the nearby harbor anonymously before sailing to the Capital port.

She had come to accept that she held memories from the depths of this Yun Val Daiyu's timeline, etched into her very being. Though many of these memories were vague, like passing mist, there was an equal amount that was very sharp like shards of glass, that cut deep into her bones. In that original timeline, Yun Val Daiyu and her little brother embarked on a treacherous journey to the Capital, a journey devoid of money, food, and protection, save for a broken knife.

The tales told about their journey were distorted, and twisted to conceal the harsh truth. The fairytale retellings of their stories speak of how imperial soldiers found them and escorted them back to the Capital. Perhaps the writers thought the truth would garner too much sympathy for the siblings, so actual events were changed. The reality was far more brutal, perilous, and degrading.

Zalgras, their steadfast companion, had to retreat into hibernation due to the immense energy expenditure of healing the children and transferring into Yun Se Balam's body. With only a broken knife salvaged from their wrecked carriages, the siblings braved bandit attacks, endured the scorn of townsfolk as destitute beggars, and fought their way through the labyrinthine paths they became lost and disoriented while fleeing from slave traders. through much of the journey Daiyu herself battled a debilitating fungal infection, a rash spreading across her small malnourished legs, and a relentless fever that clung to her until they reached the desolate northwestern coastline. Walking along the treacherous shoreline, they cautiously navigated packs of feral beasts, their survival instincts their only shield, until they finally arrived at the towering walls of the Capital city.

At the gates, their identities were scorned and threatened with death by the guard captain, who refused to acknowledge their true lineage. Overwhelmed by anger and frustration, Yun Val Daiyu ignited a maelstrom of chaos, holding the captain hostage and demanding an audience with the head of the royal guard and Esteem's aid, Viscount An Fa Xia. Word of the commotion reached the Esteem's ears, and to the shock and dismay of the entire Capital, he stormed to the city entrance personally.

The tumultuous encounter ended with the decapitation of the guard captain and the undeniable recognition of Yun Se Balam as the sixth prince. The siblings were whisked away to their mother's bedside without a moment's respite, not even given the chance to bathe or seek medical attention. Their mother, feeble and fading, managed to utter tender words of love and farewell before her last breath escaped her, leaving Yun Val Daiyu truly orphaned.

Reflecting on these vivid memories, the current Yun Val Daiyu marveled at how the siblings originally survived. Somehow, against all odds, they had also evaded the venomous fangs of animals, the piercing stings of the insects, and the toxic touch of the forbidden forest itself.

Now, the present Yun Val Daiyu vowed to prevent many of these misfortunes. The resources they acquired from the observation outpost would grant them the means to face these challenges head-on. Zalgras, rejuvenated by the proximity to the Ilvibole mineral, would serve as their protector in times of dire need. Armed with weapons, provisions, and the expertise gained from years of clandestine missions, she was confident they could conceal their true identities until they reached the Capital, defying fate and rewriting their own destiny.

As Yun Val Daiyu pondered the events that unfolded, she couldn't help but feel the weight of the hardships they endured on their journey to the capital. Many of these challenges seemed to be a culmination of unfortunate circumstances, magnified by their naivety and lack of knowledge about the world. Yet, as they stood at the imposing city gates, it became evident that a web of conspiracy had been meticulously woven, ensnaring the siblings in its suffocating grip.

The first blow came with the untimely death of their mother. It became painfully clear that their distance from the palace and the Esteem's absence from their mother's side had provided ample opportunity for those lurking in the shadows to orchestrate a sinister plot. Their mother's final breaths were strategically timed to coincide with the siblings' arrival, branding them with an unjust label of being cursed and bearing ill fortune.

Yun Val Daiyu's heart swelled with a mix of sorrow, anger, and determination. She could almost feel the invisible hands tightening around their throats, attempting to crush their spirits. But she refused to succumb to the role fate had seemingly assigned them. Deep within her, a fire burned bright, fueled by a longing for justice and a fierce desire to protect her family's legacy.

With each examined memory, the gravity of the conspiracy unraveled before her eyes. The machinations of unseen puppet masters slowly came into focus, their insidious influence extending beyond their mother's demise. It was evident that forces were at work, aiming to manipulate their every step and taint their accomplishments with darkness.

Yun Val Daiyu vowed to break free from this suffocating stranglehold. She would defy the predetermined path set before them, determined to carve their own destiny amidst the deceit and treachery that lurked in the shadows. The burden of her brother being labeled as 'cursed' only fueled her determination to prove the world wrong, to rise above the shackles of fate, and emerge victorious against all odds.

Her gaze hardened, her fists clenched. The game had been set in motion, and she was ready to play her part. With every fiber of her being, she swore to unravel the threads of conspiracy and uncover the truth that lay concealed beneath layers of deceit. No longer would they be pawns in someone else's game; they would become the masters of their own fate, and those that conspired against them would suffer.

"Elder sister, are we underground? How will we get out of here?" The innocent voice of her younger brother tugged at Yun Val Daiyu's heart, momentarily pulling her back from her complex thoughts. She looked down at the ridiculously cute face of the small boy resting on the bed, his eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of worry.

"Your elder sister made a harness; it will be hard for you; however, sister will carry you on her back until we reach a town where we can hire carriages and new guards. According to the map that the Master has left us, a town known as Uipol is only a two-day walk from here. We will manage, though it will take us a bit longer due to your injury. Sister promises to keep you safe, younger brother." Balam pressed his lips into a straight line nodding his head in agreement with his sister's plan.

Balam pressed his lips into a straight line, nodding his head in agreement with his sister's plan. Deep within his little heart, he made a solemn vow. He would not allow himself to become a burden, no matter how much it hurt, so they could reach their goal faster. With an unwavering determination, his eyes sparkled like tiny stars, eager to embark on their journey. Yun Val Daiyu couldn't help but be moved by his resolve, a warm smile forming in her heart.

*This young one's heart is palpitating; is this natural?* Zalgras inquired, noting Balam's apparent excitement. Over the past few days, Yun Val Daiyu and the entity had delved into various topics, from anatomy and geography to emotions and the concept of deceit. She was unsure how much it had really understood, but part of her felt that it would learn over time, and there was no harm in introducing these ideas to it early. As they discussed these topics, she began to discern its mental voice had started to have more inflection. As a result, its current curious tone almost held concern for the child's well-being. Even after living for untold generations, the entity was still a child itself when it came to its understanding of the more complex carbon life forms with their intense array of emotions and social structure. So she would have to educate him slowly.

*He is brimming with excitement and determination, and I can't help but feel relieved. These emotions will help him push past his worries and fears.* Daiyu responded mentally. She carefully positioned the black sling pack on her body, ensuring that it hugged her chest tightly, providing a secure hold. With gentle hands, she helped her brother into the harness, fastening it around her hips and chest with slip loops. The dual shoulder pack arrangement allowed her to carry him on her back, close and protected. In the face of danger, she could swiftly release the harness, setting him down safely so that she could defend them both with agility and precision. She fervently hoped that they wouldn't encounter any threats that would require such measures. Fortunately, Zalgras remained conscious, and the warm energy emanating from the Ilvibole provided Zalgras with a considerable recharge, further bolstering their chances of avoiding danger and instilling a sense of guarded optimism in their hearts.

The sight of her brother enduring his injuries as she secured the harness pained Yun Val Daiyu deeply. She longed to alleviate his suffering, to let the creature heal him fully. But she couldn't risk arousing suspicion with their miraculously unscathed appearances. They had to maintain their charade of weariness and hardship, concealing the true extent of their struggles. The public eye would cast doubt upon them, pointing accusing fingers and raising questions of collaboration with demonic forces. This time, Yun Val Daiyu was resolute in her determination to prevent such accusations from surfacing. She would protect her brother at all costs, even if it meant bearing the weight of his injury and the burden of their secret.

With a steadying breath, Daiyu stepped out of the observation post, her senses immediately greeted by the cool, damp air that enveloped the underground cavern. The bats flitted about, seemingly indifferent to the presence of the two siblings as they made their way toward the tunnel that had led them into this hidden world. Over the past few days, with the help of Zalgras' energy and the resources they had gathered from the outpost, Daiyu had painstakingly fashioned crude steps, allowing them to ascend more efficiently.

"Sister, is that grass underground?" As they approached the staircase, her brother's curious voice broke the silence. The boy's gaze fixed on the vibrant green earth that surrounded the stairs leading out of the hidden outpost. Daiyu smiled warmly, her eyes gleaming with affection.

"It's a special kind of subterranean moss, the glowing minerals in this cavern provide enough light for it to grow, and there's a small underground pond that supplies it with water. Our Master ingeniously used this water to nourish his garden room and enable us to bathe indoors. The clear glass he used for the roof allows the cavern's light to filter through, illuminating his home and aiding the growth of his cherished plants." she explained, her voice filled with a mix of mirth and knowledge. Her brother's expression reflected genuine admiration for their Master's resourcefulness.

"Elder sister's Master is truly brilliant and wise," he remarked, his voice laced with gratitude. Daiyu's heart tinged with guilt at her small lie. She couldn't help but wonder if the ancestors who had built this outpost could ever fathom that their advanced technologies would be attributed to a single eccentric figure, the fake old man they knew as their Master. It was a secret she would carry with a mix of amusement and trepidation.

*Is this one of those white lies? This one is uncertain how to differentiate their colors.* the entity inquired, seeking clarity on the matter. Caught in her thoughts, Daiyu was momentarily startled by Zalgras' voice within her mind. Daiyu's eyes softened as she gently pulled her brother alongside her through the narrow, grimy tunnel that led to the bottom of the ancient well.

*The color of a lie cannot be seen, Zalgras,* she responded, her tone imbued with reassurance.

*It is determined by the intention behind it. This tale is not meant to harm the boy but to protect him,* she explained, her voice carrying a hint of empathy and understanding. Although she grappled with the complexities of her situation, the truth of her origins, and the knowledge of future events, she chose to shield her brother from the weight of such revelations, focusing instead on their shared purpose.

As they emerged from the confining tunnel, their eyes were greeted by darkness, Daiyu's gaze lifted to the top of the glistening black well far above them. The sight before her stirred a mix of determination, anticipation, and a touch of trepidation.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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