
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Attacked, and a Chance Encounter

The depths of the well cast a dim and eerie light, obscuring the sun that should have been high in the sky, yet she could see the vines that would lead to the lip of the well without Zalgras' help. She spent a few moments wandering around, testing the vines' sturdiness and whether they were tall enough to climb to the top. Meanwhile, Balam remained silent, his wide eyes fixed on his sister, his tiny hands clutching at her robe with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

"The vines are thick and have a few sharp thorns; this will be a little difficult." She stated while opening the pack on her chest to pull out a roll of bandages; she began to wrap her small delicate hands slowly.

"Will you be able to carry us both up, elder sister? It seems very high. This one is amazed that we did not die from our fall; you must have protected us very well." Her brother's voice trembled with uncertainty. He remembered falling into the well, his sister holding him tightly, and the sense of weightlessness but nothing of what occurred afterward just the feeling of his sister's warmth as vines rushed past in the darkness.

"Fear not, dear brother. Your elder sister is not so weak as to be unable to carry such a small bundle of turnips like yourself. The height is not the main concern; it's those thorns. The vines are sturdy enough for me to climb in short bursts. We can manage this." Daiyu chuckled softly, her eyes filled with affection for her younger sibling. Her brother stuck his tongue out at his sister's teasing tone before smiling and nodding, full of trust and determination.

As she climbed, Daiyu was thankful that the small fourteen-year-old frame she inhabited was lean and muscular with good stamina. The young girl's memories had revealed that she practiced secretly at night in the woods behind the monastery the siblings had been imprisoned at. Though she did not have a real sword, she substituted it with a thick, sturdy branch she had found and painstakingly polished for the purpose. She also tied bags of stones to her limbs as she practiced her hand-to-hand techniques, training both her combat techniques and endurance. The grueling chores and forced meditation during the day further instilled resilience and mental clarity within her.

However, despite her training and stamina, the strain of carrying both her brother and the K-boxes began to take its toll. A few dozen feet from the ground, she found herself sweating profusely and in need of a break. The weight of the stones she had practiced with paled in comparison to the burden she now bore. The K-boxes, though shrunk in size, each weighed about as much as a large ripe melon carrying them alongside her malnourished brother proved challenging. It took until late afternoon for her to reach the top of the well, her hands bleeding through the bandages and her body drenched in sweat, her breaths coming in heavy pants.

A series of tall black stones were scattered near the edge they had just climbed over. She leaned heavily as she soothed her exerted breathing. Balam patted her shoulder gently, his eyes filled with awe and admiration as he looked upon his sister's fatigued profile.

"We should eat a quick lunch and continue on. I'll set you down carefully, but remember to stay still. Moving too much could complicate your splinted leg, alright?" she instructed him, her hands trembling slightly as she untied the knots that secured him to her body. With great care, she lowered him to the ground, positioning him between the sturdy stones and a towering oak tree.

*Creatures are approaching; they are hostile.* Zalgras informed her.

"Balam, something is coming. Stay perfectly still and do not make a sound; elder sister will handle it." She whispered while sliding the back of her body and pulling the sword from her sheath. The blade was a soft gray in the dim afternoon light. It was forged from what the people of the planet would call sky iron; the meteorite ore was ten times stronger than even modern steel of her time.

"Yes, elder sister, we will do as you suggest." The boy seemed calm even when told they were in danger, his eyes firm and trusting.

The howls of approaching creatures echoed through the nearby forest, their eerie chorus sending shivers down Daiyu's spine. It was the same pack of wolves that had driven them into the well, and now they had them cornered in this secluded clearing. Several sets of hungry eyes glowed in the dim light, their presence closing in, cutting off any chance of escape. Daiyu swallowed the dry lump in her throat, her grip on the sword's handle tightening amidst her sweaty palms.

With a deep breath, she stepped forward, positioning herself protectively in front of her brother. Her eyes locked onto the lead wolf, its snarling maw revealing sharp, gleaming teeth. Time seemed to slow as her training kicked in, her instincts merging with the rhythmic flow of combat. The world around her faded away, her focus honed solely on the imminent threat.

It was a risky strategy. The hope was that if she could kill the strongest fighter brutally, it would frighten the others to second guess the rest of the attack. To kill a snake, she must take its head. She risked this because the pack looked healthy and not starved; they probably saw them as easy prey; she just had to prove that theory wrong.

Her brother was tucked into the stones at her back. With the well gaping open to her right, she focused on the animals that could attack her from the left and front. Immediately the pack began to harry her.

The first wolf lunged, its jaws snapping hungrily, but Daiyu moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior. She deflected the attack, her blade meeting the wolf's teeth in a clash of metal and fang. Sparks erupted, illuminating the tense tableau. Without hesitation, she countered, her strikes swift and calculated. Each movement was an intricate dance of offense and defense, her body a blur of fluid motion.

The wolves circled, their growls blending with the rustle of leaves under their paws. Daiyu remained resolute, her determination unwavering. She parried and dodged, her movements synchronized with her brother's silent stillness. The pack tried to encircle them, but she held her ground, her blade cutting through the air with lethal precision.

One creature managed to get under her guard and snag a panel of her outer robe, attempting to drag her forward. The angle was too awkward for her to swing her sword. So she used the pommel to smash its forehead, a hollow thudding sound emitted from the beast before it growled and drew out of range, leaving the panel of her robe frayed slightly.

Frustration lined her face as a bead of sweat slid down her hairline. This young body had reached a limit just climbing from the well. Fatigue weighed heavily upon her, her muscles protesting the prolonged exertion. The wounds on her hands throbbed, and her breaths grew labored. She knew she had to end this encounter swiftly, or her body would fail and they would die. Gathering her remaining strength, she unleashed a flurry of strikes, aiming for the wolves' vulnerable spots. One by one, they fell, their menacing forms crumpling to the forest floor.

Her eyes finally focused on a large beast with a long claw scar marring its left shoulder. This animal seemed to be directing the others where and how to attack her with its actions. She began to track its patterns waiting for it to come close or let down its guard.

Finally, as if sensing the girl's fatigue, the scarred one lunged at her with a ferocious roar. Its gaping jaws aimed at her vulnerable form, teeth gleaming menacingly in the dim forest light. With calculated precision, Daiyu stepped directly into its outstretched paws, facing the razor-sharp claws head-on. In one swift motion, she thrust her blade forward, piercing the creature's muzzle and penetrating deep into its brain.

Breathing heavily, she kicked the lifeless beast off her blade, watching as it convulsed on the ground, blood gushing from its wounds. The rest of the pack, witnessing their leader's defeat, hesitated, reassessing the situation. Her clothes bore the scars of their leader's failed attempts to harm her, but her flesh remained unscathed. Her sword dripped with the dark blood of the fallen adversary, serving as a stark warning to the remaining predators.

A darker gray wolf, fueled by fury and desperation, lunged at her next. Its snarls filled the air as it snapped its jaws, driven by an instinctual hunger. Daiyu swiftly spun, plunging her blade into the thick neck of the creature. A wet, spongy sound filled the clearing as she withdrew her weapon, delivering a powerful kick to send the lifeless body sprawling in a different direction. She immediately squared up, ready to face the remaining predators.

"Anyone else who wishes to try, come on, you cowards!" She screamed viciously at the creatures, her voice resonating with ferocity and defiance. Growls and snarls clashed with her own anger, her breaths heavy and uneven. Her wide eyes held a glimmer of madness, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. The pack slowly backed away, recognizing her as a formidable foe, their voices fading into the distance as they retreated, finally understanding the siblings were not easy prey.

Silence settled upon the clearing, broken only by the heavy panting of both siblings. Blood dripped from Daiyu's blade, staining the ground as a testament to their survival. She turned her gaze to her brother, a mixture of relief and pride filling her eyes. Despite the danger they had faced, he had remained steadfast, placing his complete trust in her.

"Elder sister?" A tremulous voice broke through the aftermath of battle. Daiyu's gaze softened as she turned to her frightened brother. Kneeling down, she reached for a clean patch of fur on the fallen leader's back, using it to wipe the blood from her blade before sheathing it. Her eyes remained watchful, her senses heightened as she scanned the surroundings.

"We are safe, younger brother," she reassured him, her voice laced with a mixture of relief and admiration. "You showed incredible bravery. Let's eat as we continue our journey. We must move away from this place, as other creatures may be drawn to the scent of blood." She pulled out a few handfuls of dried meat, handing him some before she re-secured him and the pack to her body. They began to move towards the location of the nearest town once more. Her steps were slow but determined and steady; she focused on eating the jerky as she evened her breaths.

*It appears your body may not be able to withstand much more strain. The tearing of muscle tissue could have severe consequences. Are you certain this is acceptable?* Zalgras' tone was inquisitive as if he was evaluating a science project, curious about what might happen to its host's body if she continued pushing herself. They had had similar conversations while at the outpost. The creature understood fatigue and how muscles, bones, and blood circulation functioned due to its years as a snake. Yet it was still curious how they were different for each of the different types of lifeforms.

*It will not; I'll need your assistance once again if we are to continue our journey. Do not fully heal me; just keep the damage minimal. Otherwise, I fear I may collapse under the strain, and my body won't have sufficient time to recover before we face danger and potentially meet our demise.* Daiyu's response carried a sense of urgency and reliance on the creature's powers. Zalgras seemed to contemplate her words before emitting a wave of energy. Her fatigue and most of the muscle pain subsided, leaving only a dull ache. Renewed vigor coursed through her, allowing her to increase her pace.

The fierce storm had obliterated any traces of their previous path leading to the well, erasing all signs of the carriages and their original direction. But Daiyu had a vague recollection of running northeast along the side of the plateau. Consulting the map, she deduced that the village they sought lay to the west of the well and down the slope.

She had no plans on returning to the carriages this time, It would be a tedious and fruitless endeavor, with no valuable items left to justify the risk. Thus, she pressed onward, steadily descending to the west.

"Elder sister, are you sure I'm not a burden? I feel like I'm slowing us down," the young boy voiced his concern, nibbling on his food while scanning the shadowed corners of the dense woods for any signs of danger.

"As I've said, you're as light as a sack of turnips, younger brother. Don't worry, you're not a burden at all," she reassured him, chuckling softly as she carefully descended a steep section of rocks, using one of the many sturdy trees as support. The forest was so thick in some areas that clusters of trees formed walls, forcing them to navigate through the maze-like passages. The boy smiled to himself, finding solace in his sister's words, as she focused on finding a path amidst the tangle of trees.

*Two hundred feet ahead, there are more hostile creatures. They have yet to detect our presence,* Zalgras informed her softly several hours later.

*Can we avoid them?* Daiyu inquired, slowing her pace and scanning the surroundings for an alternate route.

*Liquid from the sky will fall soon; This one can sense the build-up in the air. If we take refuge in the cave fifty paces ahead, the storm may send them away, allowing us to avoid them and the storm. However, this one senses another life form inside the cave, severely injured and posing no threat.* She thought about Zalgras' words, happy it was using words like we and conjecting inference. It was significant progress, in her opinion.

*Sometimes wounded animals are the most dangerous, but better one than another whole pack atop being stuck in a storm. We will risk the cave.* They moved slowly towards the cave it had found, arriving just as a peal of thunder broke overhead and dark clouds reduced the dimming daylight to a murky gray.

"Little brother, our good fortune seems to be holding, and the Maker has blessed us. I will go in and check the safety of the cave, stay here and stay quiet please?" she instructed the young boy.

"Yes, elder sister." The boy nodded quickly with minor anxiety etched on his pale face. She nodded, patting his head softly as she drew her sword pulling apart a curtain of soft vines as she slowly made her way into the cave.


Yun Val Daiyu cautiously maneuvered around a bend in the cave, her heart pounding in her chest. With Zalgras enhancing her vision, her eyes widened in shock as the area came into focus. The warmth inside the cave struck her immediately, offering respite from the chilly evening air. But what truly caught her attention was the sight before her—an intricately furnished space resembling a hermit's sanctuary. Handcrafted crates, tables, chairs, and bookshelves occupied the first half of the cavern. A chair stood before a cold, lifeless fire pit to her left. Squinting, she tried to make out the hazy shape of a figure curled up in pain on a small bed at the back of the cave.

*Zalgras, the injured creature, does it have the same anatomy as my brother?* She queried her tone laced with curiosity as she sheathed her sword.

*Affirmative, though it has an extensive incision in its lower anatomy, some of the reproductive organs we discussed seem slightly different. Is this because it is larger? Or perhaps it is a gender of your kind we have yet to discuss?* She tried not to choke as its words burned her brain and caused a deep blush to creep up her neck; she was not going to explain how puberty changed the different genders yet; this was not the time or place. She paused at the entrance, her eyes laser-focused on the figure in the bed.

*Is there only one? Are there no others nearby?* she asked, dismissing the creature's inquiries and focusing on potential threats, her breathing slowed to a near standstill.

*Affirmative.* It responded; Daiyu nodded to herself before slowly making her way forward, the comforting weight of the hidden knife in her sleeve adding to her confidence. She only wanted to appear non-threatening and wished to avoid a conflict if possible but be ready for one if necessary.

"Pardon the intrusion, but is anyone here? My brother and I have become separated from our family. We didn't mean to intrude, but we're lost, and this seemed to be the only shelter. We mean no harm." She made her voice sound slightly timid and soft, falling into the persona of a lost young girl allowing a tremor to surface in her voice as she inquired into the darkness.

Silence greeted her as she ventured further. The scent of blood wafted to her nostrils. Coming across a makeshift work table, she discovered a lantern with a bit of flint and steel beside it. Averting her gaze from the figure, she focused on lighting the lamp.

*Yun Val Daiyu caution!* Zalgras's warning reached her just as the spark ignited the wick, casting a flickering light that revealed a tall figure suddenly standing before her. Blood oozed from a deep cut in the man's abdomen as he clutched his middle, lunging toward her with his free hand. Instinctively, she moved, but in her haste, she stumbled and landed on her backside, narrowly escaping the man's grasp. Undeterred, he pounced again, nearly grabbing hold of her outer robe as she rolled and swiftly rose to her feet.

"I have no fight with you, sir. If you can calm yourself for a moment, I might be able to assist you. I possess some medical skills," she offered, deftly evading his painful attempts to reach her.

"Elder sister!" a terrified cry resonated from the cave entrance. Balam, concerned for his sister's well-being, had crawled forward to check on her, only to witness a man attacking her.

"By the depths, Balam! Do not move an inch! I swear by The Maker! I told you to wait!" Her voice quivered with a mixture of fear, frustration and urgency, her own wounds protesting as she strained her body. The fear for her brother's safety surged through her like a shockwave, intensifying her determination.

She dodged again, purposely angling her shift to bring her closer to the mouth of the cave, placing herself between the assailant and the form of her defenseless brother. Balam looked as if his sister had slapped him, his eyes filling instantly with crystal tears as the tip of his nose burned red and sour.

Dodging yet again, she deliberately positioned herself to block the assailant's access to her defenseless brother, her gaze fixed on the man before her. He froze, his pain-filled eyes scanning the siblings. Sharp, sword-like eyebrows furrowed on a face that couldn't have seen more than eighteen lunar cycles. Pale silver eyes reflected the dim light from the lantern as the young man breathed heavily, his body wracked with pain. Daiyu paused cautiously, observing. She had no desire to harm someone merely defending their home from intruders.

"Sir, I implore you to calm yourself. My younger sibling and I only seek refuge for the night. We mean you no harm and have no intentions regarding your belongings. We, too, have suffered wounds. If you can find it in yourself to remain calm, I would be more than willing to tend to your injuries and provide a warm meal. We seek only shelter, nothing more," she spoke with a calm and soothing voice, allowing her sapphire eyes to moisten slightly, emphasizing her non-threatening demeanorHer whole posture was screaming 'non-threatening.'

The man opened his mouth, confusion etched across his handsome features. Then, as if losing all strength, his knees buckled, and he collapsed onto the cave floor with an audible thud, his body drenched in sweat and blood. Daiyu's frustration and concern simmered within her, contemplating how much easier it would have been to tend to his wounds had he simply stayed in bed.

"Younger brother, stay where you are!" she ordered her voice firm and tinged with the echoes of a battlefield. She swiftly moved to kneel beside the now prone figure of the man, who lay unconscious and breathing erratically. Assessing the situation, she felt the impulse to growl or deliver a harsh kick for the unnecessary trouble he had caused. If only he had heeded her words, she wouldn't have to exert herself to mend him.

"Beneath the depths, you had better be grateful when you regain consciousness. Such a colossal pain in my..." she muttered, a string of dark curses escaping her breath in a whispered chain.