
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
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37 Chs

From Crop to Crown

The heavy rustling of brush had both of them turning defensively as several figures in royal uniform rushed onto the scene. Their well-trained chestnut steeds didn't even flinch in response to the pervasive scent of blood and the gruesome spectacle before them.

"Attend to the third prince's injuries first!" Liang commanded the guards.

Three men dismounted from their mounts, one of them carrying a substantial medical kit, hurriedly moving to assess the condition of the unconscious man. Meanwhile, the other two knelt before the seventh prince, disregarding the mud that had sullied their green uniforms adorned with gray accents.

"Your Highness, we deeply regret our failure in ensuring your security. We beseech you to punish us for this grave lapse," one of the men implored with sincerity, while his companion trembled with fear at his side..

"You had more than enough time to thoroughly scour the woods before our arrival. It should have been impossible for something like this to occur so near the entrance. Investigate the cause of this immediately. This prince expects a comprehensive report before deciding on your punishment," Liang declared angrily.

"Both men barked their acceptance of the prince's orders and stood to begin reviewing the clearing.

A groggy moan reached Daiyu's ears, prompting her to turn and find Zephyr attempting to sit up, his silver eyes blinking repeatedly as if still in a daze. A trickle of blood flowed from his right ear down to his collarbone, merging with the crimson streak in his hair. She swiftly moved over and knelt beside the man, her trained eyes assessing him for signs of a concussion. His gaze eventually settled on her, accompanied by a faint, lopsided grin.

"Seems I was a bit late in signaling for help. We're truly fortunate that you and Uncle are such accomplished warriors," the young prince remarked as the medic began to clean his head wound.

"Please don't underestimate your actions. It was quick thinking on your part to call for assistance. Although your mount could use some better training. How do you feel?" Daiyu responded with a gentle smile. Zephyr winced slightly as the medic applied a disinfectant to his wound, but he maintained his composure.

  "I've had worse scrapes while training," he admitted with a casual shrug, though his silver eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement. "This is nothing compared to some of Uncle's drills." 

"Well, it's good to see you're in high spirits, Your Highness. But even the toughest warriors need to rest and recover. We'll make sure you're back on your feet in no time, it feels like we have done enough hunting for today." Daiyu chuckled softly, appreciating the prince's resilience in the face of adversity. 

"The creature did act quite peculiar, it almost seemed to be drawn to Uncle despite you wounding it." The prince contemplated as the medic helped him stiffly to his feet, the young man swayed slightly but found his balance quickly. Daiyu was satisfied he most likely did not have a concussion but best to air on the side of caution and keep an eye on the man.

"The creature did behave rather strangely," the prince mused as the medic assisted him to his feet. Despite a momentary sway, he quickly regained his balance. Daiyu was satisfied that he most likely didn't have a concussion, but she decided to err on the side of caution and keep a watchful eye on him. 

"It almost seemed as if it were drawn to Uncle, even after you wounded it," he added, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of concern.

Daiyu nodded in agreement her eyes drifting to where Liang was examining the boar he had beheaded.

"Leave this to the guards, Uncle," Zephyr declared, raising his voice slightly to ensure that Liang could hear him. "Let's head to the shelter for now. We'll get settled in and discuss this further when we have more information." The seventh prince nodded slowly standing from where he knelt by the decapitated animal.

"Your Highness, please take my horse," the medic insisted, offering the younger prince the reins with a slight bow. The young prince accepted them gingerly, mounting carefully. Daiyu stood by, waiting until he was securely seated and sure he wouldn't fall before she moved back to her own horse and swiftly mounted up.

Once again, the trio ventured through the dense woods, with Liang leading the way. It took less than a quarter of an incense stick's time to reach an ancient and massive oak tree. Its branches soared high into the sky, shrouding its true height in mystery. Daiyu couldn't help but notice an array of differently colored floral vines cascading down from various sections of the tree, creating living nets of flowers that adorned the leaves. The sweet fragrance enveloped them with each gentle breeze, adding to the serenity of the surroundings. As they approached the majestic oak, another imperial guard emerged from the woods.

The seventh prince gracefully dismounted, handing the reins to the guard, who promptly led the horse to a nearby trough filled with water. Following suit, the third prince repeated the process. Daiyu, too, dismounted and patiently waited for the guard to approach her.

"Magnificent, isn't it? Just wait until you see it from the top," Zephyr exclaimed with a touch of childlike excitement in his voice. As Daiyu's horse was led away, the three royals circled the base of the massive tree and stumbled upon planked steps that had been meticulously carved into the enormous trunk.

"It truly is incredible. Does anyone know how old it is?" Daiyu inquired, her tone laced with awe.

"Not even a guess. One of the reasons the royal family chose this location for the hunting grounds was to preserve this tree and the structures it holds. The shelter itself predates Qinmay. While updates and modifications have been made over the years, the foundation remains as it was when it was first discovered," Zephyr explained as they ascended higher and higher above the ground. Daiyu's gaze wandered below, where she spotted a multitude of animals moving about. In the distance, she could also make out the silhouette of the imperial complex, jutting into the sky.

The steps led them into a tunnel, intricately melded with the tree's growth. As Daiyu traced her hand over the rough bark wall, it didn't seem like it had been carved; rather, the passage appeared to have naturally formed within the tree itself. They continued to climb, and with each step, the surroundings grew quieter and more serene. Daiyu couldn't help but notice the visible relaxation in her companions' shoulders as they approached a small door.

*You sense it, don't you?* Zalgras inquired.

(Yes, Ilvibole, but I don't see it,* Daiyu replied, furrowing her brows as the familiar energy washed over her.

*It's deeply embedded within the tree's trunk. The ore may have pierced it when the tree was only a few decades old, then grew to encase it,* Zalgras hypothesized. They passed through a softly carved sliding door and stepped into the upper branches of the tree, a sight that left Daiyu gasping in astonishment.

It was shortly before midday, and sunlight filtered through curtains of floral vines and delicate green leaves. Petals danced in the gentle breeze. As Daiyu surveyed her surroundings, she noticed a network of stairs, platforms, and structures nestled into the tree's sturdy, massive branches. Beyond the foliage, her eyes caught sight of the vast ocean, with shadows of aquatic creatures and swaying underwater plant life, as soft waves rippled with glittering sunlight.

"It is truly another realm here," Diayu commented as Liang continued to guide the group forward.  Servants approached their small group assembling themselves in respectful rows bowing and greeting the small party or royals.

"This prince suggests that we freshen up and partake in a meal, Princess Yun. During your stay, Ami will serve as your maid and guide. She will show you to your room on the second level while your bath is being prepared. Ami, please take Princess Yun to the Azur room."

Daiyu had no objections to Liang's proposed plan. It suited her perfectly. As a plump, smiling maid stepped forward, Daiyu felt herself relaxing and returned the woman's cheerful demeanor. She nodded in agreement and bid polite farewells. Observing a bustling open-air kitchen and admiring the hidden structures concealed by glistening leaves and fragrant flower vines, Daiyu followed the maid as they ascended further into the magnificent tree structure.

The second level of the treehouse had a cozier ambiance, with branches, plank walls, and thick leaves creating a sense of enclosure that obscured the view of the sky. While Daiyu logically understood that stepping off the path onto a patch of leaves could lead to a deadly fall, the thickness of the foliage provided a comforting and cocoon-like sensation.

"Princess, this will be your room. Would you like some tea while you prepare for your bath?" Ami's voice was hushed and soothing, contributing to her tranquil demeanor. Daiyu gently shook her head in decline and kindly dismissed the woman, instructing her to return when the bath was ready.

Daiyu entered the room and surveyed her surroundings. She found herself in a small sitting area, with dark blue curtains on either side concealing doorways. To her right, there was a cozy sleeping chamber, and to her left, a small yet inviting study. She decided to explore the study, and upon opening a door, she stepped onto a balcony that left her utterly captivated by the view.

Through the fragrant, dark blue floral vines that enveloped the balcony, she gazed to her right, where a dense forest sprawled out, and to her left, the expansive, glistening ocean extended beyond the horizon. The scene took her breath away.

As Daiyu settled into a rattan chair on the balcony, she couldn't shake off the sense that the situation with the Seventh Prince was far from coincidental. She had her suspicions.

*Zalgras,* she began mentally, *do you think the Seventh Prince was set up? It seems too convenient that the boar was so close to our rest area and specifically targeted him.*

*Indeed, my host, the circumstances appear rather suspicious. The creature's behavior was peculiar, almost as if it had been provoked or guided toward its target.* The entity's presence in her mind responded with a thoughtful tone.

*But who could have orchestrated this? And why? The timing is too perfect to be mere chance.* Daiyu continued, her mind racing with possibilities.

*It would be wise to remain vigilant,* Zalgras advised. *Let us keep a watchful eye on our surroundings and gather more information. The truth often reveals itself with time.*

Daiyu nodded mentally, appreciating Zalgras's guidance. Just as she was about to delve deeper into their conversation, the voice of the maid, Ami, broke her concentration.

"Princess, your bath is ready," Ami's soft-spoken voice reached her ears.

Daiyu responded with a polite nod as she rose from the chair to follow Ami back inside, her thoughts still filled with unease and unanswered questions.


Freshly bathed and dressed in elegant black silk robes embroidered with intricate red carnations, Daiyu found herself seated beside a panoramic window, gazing at the stunning view of the ocean below. Before her lay an exquisite feast, featuring delectable dishes such as lamb dumplings and braised boar meat.

"Uncle, you appear lost in thought. Is the earlier incident still troubling you?" Zephyr asked, sipping from a wine glass that carried the fragrant essence of plums. Prince Liang, his gaze distant and contemplative, smiled and placed his chopsticks down before responding.

"No, I was actually contemplating an intriguing riddle I heard a few days ago," Liang replied.

"A riddle?" Daiyu raised an eyebrow, her attention shifting from the mesmerizing view outside to focus on Liang, intrigued by the unexpected turn in the conversation. Liang leaned in with mock conspiracy in his glimmering eyes.

"It is said that the wandering tribes have been caught smuggling Jianqiu Melons across the border. Why, would anyone go to great lengths to smuggle Jianqiu Melons across the borders? Think about it. These melons are not rare, they aren't precious gemstones, and they certainly aren't a valuable treasure." As he posed the question, he made sure to maintain a sense of curiosity and intrigue. He let a moment of silence hang in the air, allowing his companions to ponder the riddle.

"Is it simply a matter of taste?" he continued after sipping his wine, raising an eyebrow. "Or could there be more to these melons than meets the eye? What secrets might they hold that make them worth smuggling?" 

Prince Zephyr leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed in deep thought as he contemplated the riddle. His silver eyes flickered with a hint of amusement as he formulated a playful response. With a sly grin, he finally offered his guess.

"Well, Uncle, perhaps they're smuggling Jianqiu Melons to woo someone's heart," he suggested with a chuckle, "After all, what better way to win someone over than with the hand-carved lanterns on affection? Love can make people do the most extraordinary things!"

Both men chuckled, sharing the humor in the playful guess. It was evident that Prince Zephyr's light-hearted spirit was at the forefront, and he relished the banter and the intriguing mystery posed by Prince Liang. Their laughter filled the room, creating a convivial atmosphere.

However, their mirth faded as they turned to share the amusement with Daiyu, only to find her utterly still, her eyes fixed on the intricately carved boar on the table.

"Princess, is my riddle so complex that it has turned you to stone in contemplation?" Liang remarked with a chuckle, though his gaze held a hint of curiosity and concern. She raised her eyes to meet his, no laughter evident in her gaze as she gave him a discerning look, contemplating if he truly did not understand the implications of what he just said. After a long moment of silence, Diayu made a nod of her head as if she had finished a long personal debate, now a tense silence hung in the air as both men, intrigued waited for her to reveal something.

"Indeed the Jianqiu Melon is incredibly decorative and makes for incredible festival lanterns. However, it does hold a few unique secrets." Daiyu began her voice low and mysterious voice. The men both raised their eyebrows and leaned forward with intrigue.

"Though it is an important secret, one of immense military and agricultural significance and not to be shared lightly. I only do so because we are now family and have faced life and death together this day." She stated, mentally coming to a decision. She took a sip of her own wine, leaned back, and, adopting a storyteller persona, began to speak once more.

"This tale of the Jianqiu Melon must start with telling of a unique bug known as the Luanzu Worm, an insect so hard to see that it is only visible if the field has been left to follow and is then viewed in the depths of winter for then as the ground freezes, the worm in its frozen death throes turns a deep shade of blue as it surfaces to the air." Zephyr, the third prince, regarded her with fascination, his eyes locked onto Daiyu as she spoke, his youthful curiosity evident. He couldn't hide his intrigue, and his expression mirrored the eagerness of someone who was hearing an enthralling tale for the first time.

Liang, the seventh prince, was equally absorbed in the story. His usual composed demeanor was replaced with an intensity as he focused on Daiyu's words. He had sensed that her story held significant importance and listened attentively, appreciating the gravity of her words.

"However, the effects of the worm are noticeable year-round as it has the ability to camouflage itself in the earth so effectively to appear as chunks of soil while it colonizes and eats away at anything green and growing in rich soil. Because it cannot be easily seen during growing seasons, farmers take it as a plague and burn the fields for seven days, stirring the soil to burn it again each evening until the soil has been cleaned by ashes." Daiyu sipped her wine again, wetting her parched mouth before continuing.

"I was told a tale of such insects and how the plague had been cured miraculously. However, it is not a happy tale but one of intrigue and deceit. Before the founding of Taihar and Qinmay, another great kingdom once stood in the central continent, now long destroyed by war and treachery. It once stood as a brilliant beacon of culture and cultural delights. Though as it happens with more princes than sense, a great battle for the future throne arose. During the fight for succession, it also happened that a devastating crop plague swept through the land, causing hunger and death throughout the land." Her audience was rapt now, both trying to figure out how the story fit with the melons, intrigued by the mysterious atmosphere.

"As their names have been lost to time, I will just use names we are familiar with. Halfway through the growing season, as Prince Jing was dispatched to help with the recovery efforts of the plague, he discovered there were fields that were recovering. He visited the region, desperate to find a solution and save the people, to discover fertile fields overabundant with crops, though smelling as if the depths themselves had expired in them. Approaching the farmers and questioning them intently, it was discovered that the ground had once been used to grow Jianqiu Melons. When the farmers had been away to help with the attempts to save useful crops, the melons had spoiled, and the seeds that had drifted onto the soil had miraculously sprouted and grown healthier, stronger, and twice as fast." The younger prince gasped in surprise and delight at the revelation while drinking another glass of wine, sensing there was more to come.

"So using this method, the prince ordered farmers to find rotten Jianqiu Melons and, though they smelled terrible, farmers feverishly worked day and night, re-tilling fields with this new fertilizer. The fields were indeed saved, as the soil was so miraculously fertile that crops grew twice as fast with no signs of the plague, allowing for not only an abundant harvest but bumper reserve crops to be grown that year. The farmer who had discovered the solution was instantly given a title and promoted to the agricultural department, and Prince Jing, as the savior of the people, could not be moved from his position of crown prince, securing his legacy and empire for the future. However," Daiyu paused for dramatic effects as she herself took a small sip of wine.

"The newly minted noble carried a dark secret into its future generations that made them very powerful during the next few generations. It was the fact that Prince Jing had orchestrated the plague from the beginning by using the farmer to release the Luanzu Worms and instructing him to grow an abundance of Jianqiu Melons on his lands. So, he was both the cause and the solution for the devastating event that cost many farmers their land and many people their lives, all to secure a throne that was already said to be his." Daiyu finished and smiled at the stunned faces of her dinner companions while eating a few bites of tasty rice.

The tale of the Jianqiu Melon and the Luanzu Worms concluded, casting a contemplative hush over the dining area of the magnificent treehouse. Zephyr, clearly captivated by Daiyu's storytelling, displayed eyes that reflected the spark of fascination often gracing his youthful face.

Liang's fingers lightly tapped the surface of his wine glass as he weighed the implications of the narrative. This tale possessed a depth unlike any he had encountered before, and the recent discovery at the smuggler's docks further intensified the need to unveil the truth.

Daiyu observed both men, her gaze oscillating between them. She couldn't help but wonder why Liang had shared this riddle, as it was clear he was genuinely curious about the melons' significance. However, she was also sure it was not the wandering tribes conducting the smuggling, at least not for themselves.

"Princess Daiyu, that was an extraordinary tale. I've never heard of such melons or worms before. It's astonishing how history can be influenced by seemingly ordinary things. This story reminds me of ancient wisdom, perhaps akin to the sayings found in the Daoxi, where the significance of knowledge is profound," Zephyr spoke with an air of wonder, breaking the silence and steering the conversation toward his cherished philosophical thoughts.

"Indeed, it highlights the power of hidden knowledge and manipulation. It's reminiscent of the teachings from my youth at the military academy, especially the importance of deception and intelligence. But, Princess, what led you to share this tale with us today?" Liang inquired, a hint of suspicion tugging at his heart.

"I believe that comprehending the past, especially the concealed secrets that have molded it, can shed light on the present. The wandering tribes you mentioned could be moving the melons for entirely benign reasons. However, we should not ignore the possibility of deeper, hidden meanings behind something perceived as mundane," Daiyu offered a thoughtful smile as she innocently returned to the dumplings in her bowl.

Liang's mind began to churn with thoughts, connecting the dots between the riddle of the Jianqiu Melon and his recent discovery at the smuggler's docks. The seemingly innocent melon shipments had acquired a new layer of significance. He couldn't help but wonder if there was more to uncover beneath the surface, much like in the tale Daiyu had shared. His meticulous nature urged him to delve deeper into the slowly unfolding mystery.

Their conversation continued after dinner, over wine and sweets, delving into the broader implications of history and concealed motives. Guided by the wisdom of ancient texts, and led by the passionate Prince Zephyr until the late hours, the three royals eventually went their separate ways to rest, each with thoughts of how history could hold sway over the future.

Feeling a bit drained the past few weeks, leave me comments/likes to help motivate better writing!

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