
Trapped In A Fairytale: Surviving The First Empress of Ksin

Many stories start with once upon a time, but are the villains always the evil and hero's always righteous? Are demons always malevolent and dangerous? Yun Val Daiyu is a battle-hardened soldier fighting battle after battle to secure the resources to keep her planet and people safe. On the eve of an incredible victory, she is betrayed and dies at the hands of one of her closest friends. Then impossibly, she is reborn as another Yun Val Daiyu, a villainous sister in an ancient bedtime story. Can she survive the fate awaiting her? Through conspiracies and dark plots? Are her allies more dangerous than her enemies?

R_Castle · Fantasy
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37 Chs

A Royal Hunt

The hunting grounds lay a short distance from Daiyu's residence, and she arrived just before the break of dawn. To her surprise, the two princes, Nam Cal Liange and Nam Ai Zephyr had already arrived. Stepping gracefully from her ornate carriage with the offered assistance of Ai Zian, Daiyu found herself standing upon a rough paved stone path. This path wove its way through a dense forest of ancient trees, eventually culminating at a small gate tower that marked the entrance to the hunting grounds. Ba Indue stepped out behind her mistress respectfully keeping her head lowered and bowing before the two royals.

Nam Cal Liang, with his smoky silver hair, silver-blue eyes, and a tall, muscular frame, was the epitome of regal elegance. Beside him stood Nam Ai Zephyr, who, despite his youthful age, was almost as tall as the seventh prince. The bright streak of crimson on the right side of his meticulously styled silver-stranded bun caught a reflection of the rising suns' light and seemed to be a brief patch of fire on a spider's moonlit web, complementing his silver eyes.

His well-built physique was evident even beneath his stylized hunting gear, which mirrored his uncles in style as both men wore the royal colors of dark grey and green Their garments featured tight sleeves, and double-overturned lapels adorned with intricate dragon embroidery along the cuffs and lapels. The outfits fastened on the right side near the armpit, giving them an imposing yet dignified appearance.

The garments diverged not only in style but also in materials and accessories. The third prince's attire was fashioned from robust, unadorned fabric, with delicate green embroidery that added a touch of refinement. His belt, crafted from high-quality leather, bore no ostentatious decorations save for a dark green jade identity plate, proclaiming his name and noble rank.

In contrast, Liange's ensemble boasted opulence. His attire shimmered with luxurious fabric, adorned extravagantly with intricate gold embroidery. The belt he wore was an intricate masterpiece of elaborate green jade. While the third prince's hair was held in place by a simple green leather strap, the seventh prince's tresses were graced by a miniature green jade crown. The sight of the two men was enough to make even the most stoic of hearts pause and take notice.

*Daiyu, did you know you are staring?* Zalgras' voice interrupted her inspection of the beautiful scene before her. She quickly cleared her throat and blinked, as if feigning fatigue.

"Princess Yun Val Daiyu extends her warm greetings to the seventh and third princes of glorious Qinmay. May the Maker always bestow her blessings upon you both. I apologize for my apparent rudeness; the scenery here momentarily captivated my senses." She spoke with a measured tone, offering a respectful bow to both men.

"Please, there's no need for such formality, Princess. After all, you've been connected to our imperial family through marriage for more than five years now. It is our oversight that we haven't met formally until this moment," the Third Prince remarked, approaching with a warm smile. His youthful countenance held no trace of sarcasm or lingering ill intent, and his silver eyes gleamed with sincerity and openness.

"Indeed, Princess. As my nephew mentioned, we're all part of one family. My brother has even honored you by making you his goddaughter and a princess of our empire, all in recognition of your remarkable achievements," Liang expressed with a warm and welcoming smile gracing his chiseled features. His eyes held an emotion that Daiyu found difficult to decipher. She responded with an equally warm smile, offering a small, respectful half-bow.

"In that case, I'll forego the formalities, Uncle Liange and Third Brother Zephyr. Please, feel free to address me simply as Daiyu," she replied openly." She responded openly. In her original time, such formalities were rarely observed, and even in her military life, she had no qualms about being addressed by her last name or her first. Only her nickname held special meaning, reserved for just two individuals in the universe.

*The Seventh appears to have swallowed a fly, but your choice of "uncle" is quite accurate,* Zalgras quipped with an amused tone. Indeed, Liang had briefly stiffened at her address.

*It's not my fault that his brother, my stepfather, is seventeen lunar years his senior. Who told the former Esteem to have children so late in life,* Daiyu responded mentally. Her expression remained sweetly serene as she shared a mental chuckle over the man's evident discomfort.

*However, considering both lifetimes, you are indeed his senior,* the creature mused thoughtfully.

*You're fortunate that we share the same body,* Daiyu replied. *Harming myself would hardly be productive. But remember, Zalgras, it's never wise to delve into a woman's true age, and we have a long memory when it comes to grudges.* She cautioned the entity, signaling that the topic was best left untouched.

"Shall we make our way in?" Liang inquired, his voice carrying a hint of tension that didn't go unnoticed by Daiyu. Zephyr, on the other hand, responded with a knowing smile. Ai Zian moved a plain brown mare, already saddled and equipped with a bow and arrows and a simple supply back, closer to her.

"Mistress, your orders?" Zian asked simply, extending the reins of the horse and a thick leather belt adorned with her short black sword. Daiyu accepted the offerings with a nod, swiftly securing the belt around her standard black martial robes. The red trim stood in stark contrast against her light violet skin as her hands took hold of the horse's reins.

"There are attendants stationed at the resting area, but if you'd prefer to have your own servants, that can be arranged. We have the grounds to ourselves for the next three days," Zephyr informed her, leaving the choice in her hands and subtly indicating his desire for her comfort and assurance that she needn't feel threatened.

"Escort Ba Indue home, I have left a list of tasks with Lu Min that I wish completed, I will send word if I require an escort," Daiyu stated firmly. Ai Zian exchanged a brief look with the two men, his eyes filled with a silent question. In response, Daiyu offered a reassuring smile, and the man understood her unspoken message.

"Very well mistress, we will await your return." the robust guard replied calmly, then turned to assist the stone-faced Ba Indue back into the carriage.

"Your people seem remarkably at ease, leaving their mistress with two roguish royals in the woods." Liang quipped, a playful smirk on his face, while Zephyr signaled to the tower, instructing the guards to open the gate and allow their entry.

Liange extended a hand as if to assist Daiyu onto her mount, but she surprised him with a graceful leap into the saddle. Black and red fabric billowed around her as she landed, a striking display of agility and speed that left him momentarily stunned. The third prince, on the other hand, watched with keen eyes, assessing her skills with a momentary glance before mounting his own horse, followed closely by Liang.

Daiyu's response to Liange's earlier comment was delivered with a playful tone, her smile adding to the lightheartedness of her words.

"They've grown accustomed to my adventurous spirit," she quipped, her voice filled with mirth. "They trust that if any rogues get out of line, I can handle them with ease."

With that, she urged her horse forward, riding up beside the third prince as the group passed through the double-gated passageway. The clanking of the iron gates rising and falling left Liange with no room to add more than a warm smile to her witty reply.

"The hunting grounds are teeming with bears, wild cats, deer, and various foraging creatures," the third prince cautioned with a grave tone, his silver eyes reflecting genuine concern. "Princess, you must never let your guard down and stay close to us at all times. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your safety."

*Would you say he's enduring that he's worried about you, even if his concern might seem a tad misplaced? It's akin to a mouse being concerned for a tiger,* Zalgras remarked with a hint of wry humor.

*He does seem rather too kind for a prince in this treacherous empire*, Daiyu replied mentally, accompanied by a gentle smile.

"I appreciate the advice, brother Zephyr," she replied, pulling her bow from her saddle and nocking an arrow as the group ventured deeper into the dense forest, the sounds of small animals rustling in the underbrush filling the air. Daiyu seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Zephyr, in an attempt to draw him out and get a better understanding of his personality.

"Brother Zephyr," she began, her silver eyes bright with curiosity, "I've heard that you're a dedicated follower of Daoixism, particularly the teachings of Julan. While I've dabbled in his writings, my understanding remains rather basic. Could you share some of the core beliefs and principles with me?" Her bow remained at the ready, her keen eyes scanning the forest's shadows for any signs of game.

Zephyr, his hair shimmering like molten silver in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy above, briefly knitted his eyebrows together, lending a pensive air to his countenance. He seemed lost in thought for a fleeting moment, the pale skin between his brows creasing ever so slightly. His eyes, as clear as the sky, held a hint of uncertainty as if he pondered her intentions before deciding to share his insights.

"Of course, princess," he began, his voice calm and measured. "Daoixism, as we practice it, places great importance on finding harmony with nature, embracing humility, and seeking inner tranquility. Julan's Daox, in particular, teaches us to maintain balance in all aspects of life, to appreciate the beauty of simplicity, and to follow the natural flow of existence."

Daiyu listened with rapt attention, her sapphire eyes reflecting a genuine eagerness to learn. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the rustling leaves and chirping birds pausing momentarily as if in reverence.

"It sounds like a philosophy that can offer profound wisdom for navigating the complexities of our world," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine interest. Zephyr nodded, a spark of enthusiasm in his silver eyes, signaling his readiness to share more of his beliefs.

"Indeed, Sister Diayu. The Daoixist path is one of introspection and self-improvement. By understanding and aligning ourselves with the Dao, the universal way, we hope to attain harmony with the world around us." As they continued their conversation, the forest around them teemed with life. Birds chirped melodiously from the treetops, and the soft rustling of leaves accompanied their horses' steps. Daiyu's keen eyes caught a group of rabbits darting through the underbrush. Swiftly, she drew her bow, and the tense quiet was shattered by the twang of a released arrow. Three rabbits fell in quick succession, their flight stilled by Daiyu's remarkable accuracy.

Liang, trailing behind, exhibited his prowess by bringing down one rabbit and a fox, his actions met with a wry smile from Daiyu. However, Zephyr, to his chagrin, found himself in an embarrassing situation as he missed two rabbits, much to his own embarrassment.

"The hunting grounds seem well stocked indeed," Daiyu commented, her voice resonating with satisfaction as she dismounted and pulled a well-crafted hunting blade from a sheath in her tall hunting boots. Liange followed suit, while the third prince remained on his horse, his silver eyes vigilantly scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.

Daiyu skillfully field-dressed the three rabbits, her hands moved with practiced precision as she knelt beside the fallen game, her fingers deftly parting the soft fur from the delicate meat beneath. Each movement was deliberate and efficient as she maneuvered the blade, making precise cuts along the skin to ensure that the pelts remained intact. The blade glinted in the dappled sunlight, the polished metal gleaming with each controlled stroke.

The scent of fresh blood seemed the air as Liang was similarly engaged in the process his movements efficient and sure. His capable hands worked with the grace of a seasoned hunter. As he carefully removed the animals' pelts, he occasionally glanced at Daiyu, admiring her skill and dedication to the task.

*Daiyu something is coming, it is large and fast!* Zalgras shouted into her mind, the creature's concern causing her to set aside her task and come to her feet swiftly just as her body registered the slightest tremble in the earth.

"Liang, be on guard!" Daiyu's warning tore through the forest just moments before a colossal creature burst forth from the underbrush, hurling dirt and leaves in all directions. A deafening, bestial scream reverberated through the air. The monstrous boar, nearly half the size of their horses, thundered toward the still-kneeling Liange, its razor-sharp tusks poised to eviscerate the prince.

Daiyu acted on pure instinct, without conscious thought. Her hand released her blade in a swift, fluid motion. The weapon soared through the air and struck the beast's tough hide with a resounding thud. The impact disrupted the boar's charge, causing it to skid and reposition its footing. Liang, seizing this critical moment, rolled away from the creature's path. He scrambled to his feet just as the massive beast careened headlong into the base of a towering oak tree with a bone-crushing crash.

The sudden flurry of activity and the impending danger sent their horses into a nervous frenzy. The creature, now recovering from its collision with the tree, turned its attention back to the trio. In a frantic attempt to summon aid, Zephyr retrieved a small horn from his robes and blew it with all his might. However, the sound only intensified the horses' distress, and one of them, overwhelmed by fear, began to thrash uncontrollably. Zephyr fought desperately to regain control, but the panicked steed managed to toss him from the saddle before bolting off into the nearby woods. With a sharp grunt, Zephyr hit the ground hard, lying there motionless amidst the chaos.

In the blink of an eye, Daiyu closed the distance to Liang, her short sword drawn from its sheath. Liang, composed and observant, seemed to be rapidly assessing the unfolding chaos. The crazed boar, however, paid no heed to the fallen Zephyr or the vigilant Daiyu. It charged once more, its bloodshot eyes reflecting sheer madness, its target still set squarely on Liang.

*Diayu, there's something seriously off about this creature's behavior. Shouldn't it be more focused on attacking you for injuring it?* Zalgras inquired, its tone a mix of thoughtfulness and agitation.

*There's no time to figure that out now. I'll analyze its behavior once we've put an end to its rampage,* she responded, her irritation palpable.

"Liang, don't engage it directly. Keep it distracted until I can reach my bow," Daiyu shouted, realizing that they were at a severe disadvantage and that her sword wouldn't be of much use at such close quarters. The seventh prince nodded in response as he agilely dodged the boar's relentless charge.

As Liang skillfully distracted the frenzied boar, his dark gray and green hunting garb blended with the forest's shadowy undergrowth. His goal was clear: keep the creature's attention away from Daiyu until she could retrieve her bow.

Daiyu quickly moved to the saddle of her horse, her gloved hands fumbling with the straps securing her bow. The adrenaline pumping through her veins made her movements seem slower than they were, but she finally managed to free her weapon. Her eyes were locked on the unfolding scene, calculating her timing.

The boar, now thoroughly fixated on Liang, charged at him with unrelenting fury, tusks gleaming menacingly. Liang's lithe form seemed almost like a phantom as he evaded each of the beast's powerful lunges. His movements were mesmerizing however Diayu could not be distracted by the man's lithe grace, she narrowed her sapphire eyes. Notching the arrow to her bowstring, her hands steady despite the tension in the air. She took a deep breath, her focus narrowing on the beast. Liang, now a blur of motion, continued to keep the creature occupied, drawing it farther away from Zephyr, who lay prone on the forest floor.

With a deft pull of the bowstring, Daiyu released the arrow. It sailed through the air, finding its mark on the boar's flank, causing it to bellow in pain. The creature staggered for a moment, its eyes wide with confusion, before it continued its charge, undeterred.

Daiyu's heart raced as she quickly notched another arrow and took aim once more. This time, she focused on the beast's head, knowing that a well-placed shot could end the threat swiftly. The boar, still charging, was now within striking distance.

With all the strength her body could muster, Daiyu released the second arrow. It flew true and struck the boar squarely between the eyes. The creature's charge faltered, and its frenzied energy finally waned. It collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

Liang immediately backed away from the fallen boar, watching it cautiously. Daiyu, with her bow still at the ready, approached the fallen beast, ready to deliver another arrow if necessary. But there was no need. The once-mighty animal now lay still, its rampage forever halted.

With a solemn expression, Liang stepped forward, his gloved hands reaching for a gleaming blade at his side. In one fluid motion, he beheaded the boar, ensuring that it posed no further threat. The forest seemed to hold its breath as the duo stood there, adrenaline still coursing through their veins.