
Trapped Destinies

“The fragrance of your love always flows in my veins,” Asher said coming dangerously closer to Louisa “How do you?” Louisa asked shocked. For some unexplainable reason her heat skipped the rhythm listening to those lines “Babygirl from now on you will only be answering my questions” Asher spoke caging Louisa in his arms “The past is gone just like the water under the bridge, you can’t get a second back; what matters is ‘now’ the right now and where will we go from here” he whispered into her ears smiling viciously The way he said those lines contemplated something in her mind “Why do his eyes look like the ones I knew?” she thought trying to get out of his tight embrace which is making her feel suffocated. “I am loving this Babygirl, where I can see you out but you can’t see it; It’s giving me inevitable pleasure,” he said leaning towards her lips but she pushed him away “Babygirl; if you are still thinking of running away, you better give up that silly idea of yours. You don’t have any other way than this as we had our destinies trapped together,” Asher said following her -------------- Synopsis: Louisa Miller: Born with a silver spoon in the affluent Miller family. She is strong, independent, and talented. Some memories were engraved deeper into her heart than the tattoos on her body. Life was never easy for her but she knows how to beat the hurdles and rise against the odds Asher Carter: Mystery runs in his blood. He is like the brightest moon, who still have a darker side which scared him about the worse things it can do and one day everything he was scared of happening, happened and it changed everything. __________________________ This novel has a mix of all the emotions ranging for happiness to mysteries, with the unexpected twists and turns I believe that the story can keep you hooked. The starting chapters maybe a little lousy but every chapter is important for the main crux of the story. I hope you will shower the love, feel free to comment, and correct my mistakes. The cover doesn’t belong to me and was downloaded from pinterest and was edited by Sree_Exol#1214

Thelost_soul7 · Urban
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260 Chs

Preparing to face the Storm

"Louisa, I am warning you to stay at home. You don't know what is the condition there. It can grow more worse too, so it would be better if you stay at home," Oliver warned tucking his ironed shirt into his trousers

"No Dad, everything which took place and which is taking place is because of me. I can't chicken out. I need to face them. It's my absolute responsibility," Louisa fought

"Why don't you understand anything straight Louisa? Why do you want to keep your head in every matter?" Oliver questioned while Sophia gave him his suit

"I am not poking my head into others matters Dad. This is my whole and sole responsibility and so I want to deal with it," Louisa voiced

"Tim, why don't you make her understand?" Oliver asked the only person other than him whose words Louisa pay a little heed to

"Sir, in this matter Ms. Miller is doing the right thing. If we try to solve this the brawl will just turn more ugly so it's better if the parties involved in the matter directly converse with each other and come out with a solution," Tim replied

Louisa squealed a little when she got the support from Tim and patted his shoulder.

"How can even you support her?" Oliver questioned disheartened

"Because I am right," Louisa replied before Tim can open his mouth

"Fine, do whatever you want to do but be careful. I know that you have exceptional thinking ability but you are naive at the same time. So don't give them the chance to see your low point as they may take that to climb the ladder up. As of now we are in a position to control them and we have more support so we should not lose any of it even a bit," Oliver muttered

"Dad, don't worry about anything. You know how your daughter can handle anything. I will be good and they won't be able to do a thing," Louisa replied confidently

"Don't underestimate anyone Lou Baby, especially this one. They have done many things we never expected so they can do much more. Our safety lies in our hands up to the time we have control over our mind, actions, and especially words," Oliver said holding Louisa's shoulders firm

"Okay Dad, I will just wash my face and change the clothes before starting," Louisa replied

"No stay the way you are right now," Oliver muttered

"With this smudged makeup?" Louisa questioned raising a brow looking into the mirror and saw the eyeliner spread all over the face

"No, what I mean is stay in the same clothes. This is the perfect way to dress up for the office and today we have loads of shit to deal with. We never know how things will turn so it would be good if you stay in the same attire which looks business unlike the daily attire you use," Oliver murmured the last part

"Why do you all people care for being presentable to others than your own comfort?" Louisa questioned

"It's not the time for that kind of discussion. Now go and get ready. I will be waiting for you at the breakfast table," Oliver said pushing Louisa

"Fine, as you say," Louisa said dragging each word

"I want you at the dining room did you hear that?" Oliver said once again

"Yeah, I heard that and I know that even if the world is going to end you won't leave me without feeding," Louisa replied sarcastically leaving the room

"Sophia, for the day you please make a visit to the Propulsion complex and make sure that no work is interrupted due to the unnecessary ruckus and if the situation goes out of control you need to keep an eye on everything around. None should suffer due to this," Oliver ordered his wife

"What do you think Oli? Will this too go out of control and create unwanted disruption?" Sophia questioned walking behind Oliver

"We will know that only after we reach the place and look at the situation with our eyes," Oliver replied

"Tim, any news about threats to LOX Organization?" Sophia questioned

"No Madam, there is nothing much yet," he replied

"Good then, I will get ready and meet you at the breakfast table," Sophia said hopping on the elevator

"Tim, is the situation still under our control?" Oliver asked turning towards Tim

"Yes Sir, until now we have the situation in our hands but if we should take steps carefully or else it will slip out of our hands," Tim replied

"Make the security tighter and keep an eye on everything. We can't let anything slip from our hands

"Sir, we should take care of Louisa too, we know her anger and her sharp tongue is no new to us. We should keep her at bay so that she won't burst out on them. We can't deal with new tensions. We have enough on our plate," Tim said walking downstairs with Oliver

"That's true," Oliver said dialing a number

"Make sure that you won't skip carrying Louisa's medication. Carry the panic attack pills too. Always keep an eye on her but stay a little distant from her. She should never know that you are watching her," Oliver ordered the security personnel on the phone

"Tim, I have ordered them and I will call our doctors to the office. If an emergency arises we need to make sure that no one is harmed," Oliver said to Tim

"Yes Sir, don't worry. We will take care of everything," Tim assured

"Good morning Sir" the staff bowed as soon as he stepped in the dining room

Oliver nodded at them and took his seat. He eyed Tim to take a seat and Tim followed the orders

"Dad, let's get going," Louisa standing near the arch

"Not before completing breakfast. Come here Louisa, I won't let you skip breakfast," Oliver stated

"We have a hell lot of things to deal with and you want me to have breakfast? I can't even breath normally forget about eating," Louisa said strolling away from the place

"Stop her," Oliver ordered the staff present in the hallway

They followed his orders and stopped her from taking a step forward and led her back to the table

"Why are you so stubborn Dad?" Louisa questioned

"Because I am your father," Oliver stated passing her the toast

Louisa sighed hard and started gulping the food without chewing.

"Lou, the things are still in our control and you don't need to worry about them. Eat your food at ease," Oliver said trying to slow down his daughter

"Tim, why don't you make him understand?" Louisa pleaded in order to skip her food

"No Louisa, you can't skip food. We can't risk your health for anything. Please follow Sir's orders and eat tummy full. We have no idea how much time this new thing is going to kill us; so it would be better if we go there our tummies full," Tim said munching his pasta

"Tim, what is the latest news about the Blairs?" Louisa questioned

Tim choked out his food listening to Louisa's sudden question about the Blairs

"Why are you asking them all out of blue, Louisa?" Tim questioned

"Why Tim? Can't I question about them? Did your family threaten you of killing you if you spill something about the Blairs to us?" Louisa questioned back

"Louisa, watch your words. You know how Tim is; you just can't speak to him like that," Oliver warned his daughter

"I am sorry Tim; you see she is not in a good mood since yesterday due to all those events which took place," Oliver tried explaining to Tim

"It's Okay Sir, there is no need for you to apologize to me for Louisa. I know what she is," Tim replied smiling

"Coming to your question Louisa, there is no new news about the Blairs. They are just trying to bounce back into the game by nook or crook," Tim replied to Louisa who is so engrossed in her own thoughts

"Louisa, he is speaking to you," Oliver said nudging her elbow

"Yeah, I heard that. Any news about them planning to trap us or especially me?" Louisa questioned 

Tim looked at Oliver with a confused look not understanding anything Louisa said

"She apparently thinks that it's the hand of the Blairs behind everything happening around," Oliver said chewing his toast

"That is totally impossible Sir. With the network they have and the resources available to them they can't even reach us so forget about them being a threat to us," Tim replied

"So sure about your deceiving family?" Louisa questioned straight

Oliver was about to say something but Tim stopped him and started speaking

"Louisa, I am from the same deceiving clan and I don't need to prove what I am. If I was not trustworthy I wouldn't have been sitting here dining with you all and one more thing is that just because I share the same surname I am nowhere related to those vicious people and our family has cut ties with them long back and you all know that," Tim replied firmly

Louisa opened her mouth to say something but her mother's words stopped her

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