
Trapped Destinies

“The fragrance of your love always flows in my veins,” Asher said coming dangerously closer to Louisa “How do you?” Louisa asked shocked. For some unexplainable reason her heat skipped the rhythm listening to those lines “Babygirl from now on you will only be answering my questions” Asher spoke caging Louisa in his arms “The past is gone just like the water under the bridge, you can’t get a second back; what matters is ‘now’ the right now and where will we go from here” he whispered into her ears smiling viciously The way he said those lines contemplated something in her mind “Why do his eyes look like the ones I knew?” she thought trying to get out of his tight embrace which is making her feel suffocated. “I am loving this Babygirl, where I can see you out but you can’t see it; It’s giving me inevitable pleasure,” he said leaning towards her lips but she pushed him away “Babygirl; if you are still thinking of running away, you better give up that silly idea of yours. You don’t have any other way than this as we had our destinies trapped together,” Asher said following her -------------- Synopsis: Louisa Miller: Born with a silver spoon in the affluent Miller family. She is strong, independent, and talented. Some memories were engraved deeper into her heart than the tattoos on her body. Life was never easy for her but she knows how to beat the hurdles and rise against the odds Asher Carter: Mystery runs in his blood. He is like the brightest moon, who still have a darker side which scared him about the worse things it can do and one day everything he was scared of happening, happened and it changed everything. __________________________ This novel has a mix of all the emotions ranging for happiness to mysteries, with the unexpected twists and turns I believe that the story can keep you hooked. The starting chapters maybe a little lousy but every chapter is important for the main crux of the story. I hope you will shower the love, feel free to comment, and correct my mistakes. The cover doesn’t belong to me and was downloaded from pinterest and was edited by Sree_Exol#1214

Thelost_soul7 · Urban
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From all the sides

"What am I doing here?" Elena questioned as soon as she opened her eyes

"Hey, Ell how are you feeling now?" Kevin questioned her

"I am feeling drowsy and my head is spinning," Elena replied clutching her long curls in her fingers

"Drink this," Kevin said passing a glass towards her

"You have spent the entire night with me and now you are skeptical about having this small drink?" Kevin questioned when Elena looked at him doubtfully

"No, it's not like that. I was just thinking what are you offering me this early in the morning," Elena queried

"It's just a lemonade Ell. You can have this without any worries," he said placing the glass near her lips

"Thank you," Elena replied after sipping the drink

"Feeling better?"

"A bit," Elena replied to Kevin's question

"Elena, you lied to me yesterday," Kevin spoke

"What? Did I lie to you? About what?" Elena questioned surprised

"You told me that no one will even have a chance to earn a place in your best friends heart as it is made of iron but it seems like you are wrong," Kevin replied

"Whom are you speaking about?" Elena questioned confused

"How many best friends do you have?" Kevin Questioned

"Two," Elena replied 

"Of both who is the one who you think can never share her heart with someone?" Kevin questioned 

"Louisa," Elena replied and shouted after a few seconds, "You are speaking about Louisa? Really?"

"Yes, I am speaking about her. You could have directly told me that Louisa Miller is interested and drawn towards Asher Carter, I would have explained it to Liam but why did you lie that she isn't interested in any male specimen?" Kevin questioned

"Kevin, what are you saying? Is Louisa interested in Asher Carter? Who said that to you?" Elena questioned

"Who said that? The whole country knows that" Kevin shouted

"What are you speaking Kevin? I can't understand anything," Elena replied

"Common have a look at this, all your confusions will be cleared," Kevin said throwing the newspapers towards Elena

Elena's eyelids shot out watching the headlines. "Kevin, what is this? I can't believe this," Elena said jumping out of the bed

"What can't you believe Elena? Look at the picture see how they are staring into each other's eyes" Kevin said pointing at the picture

"I think the picture is photoshopped," Elena replied

"You think the nationwide largest circulating newspaper will confidently put a wrong picture on the front page even after knowing the power of Millers?" Kevin questioned

Elena nodded her head in a 'no'

"Yesterday you were so sure that no one is in your best friends life and today everything is changed. You could have told me the truth instead of lying," Kevin replied frustrated

"Kevin, stop accusing me. I have no idea how this happened. I still can't believe what percent of this is true," Elena defended

"Look at this all your confusions will fly away in the air. Look at the comments on all social media platforms. They have already started shipping Asher and Louisa as goals and here Louisa Miller's best friend is still confused. Irony," Kevin smirked

"Let me call Rudy and confirm the matter," Elena said walking towards the other side of the table

"What will you do by calling Rudy? I think he too will be in a confused state just like you. So you better not call him and increase his confusion more," Kevin said following Elena

"No, I need to call him to know the truth of this matter," Elena said calling Rudy

"Why is his mobile switched off?" Elena whined as soon as she saw Rudy's mobile being in switched off mode

"He might be in lots of clutches dealing with a lot of things so he could have switched off his mobile so that he can ignore the unnecessary calls," Kevin replied

"God, I am in such a confused state and now not even Rudy is present to help me. What shall I do now?" Elena cried strolling all over the room

"Elena, listen to me. Listen to me," Kevin said stopping Elena from strolling all over by gripping her hand

"Take a seat and first cool down a bit," Kevin said drawing a chair 

"How can I cool down when lots of things are going around about which I don't even have the slightest idea?" Elena questioned

"If you won't cool down you won't be able to understand things clearly Ell, therefore you need to cool your mind," Kevin said sitting opposite to her

"It will be better if I call Lou and get a confirmation from her," Elena said dialing Louisa's number without paying heed to Kevin's words

"Nooooo, why the hell is her mobile unreachable too? What is happening around? Why is no one picking my call?" Elena yelled

"Elena, think with a cool mind and you will be able to understand everything," Kevin replied

"What is that?" Elena questioned irritated

"Listen to my words. Asher Carter was never into the limelight until yesterday, no one knows how he looks or what is he like and your friend Louisa Miller has been single for all these years and no one was able to enter her private life. Yesterday when Asher appeared before everyone for the first time he bagged the most prestigious awards and your overprotective friend too let you have a talk with me. So by looking at all these things don't you think this is a plan by Asher and Louisa?" Kevin questioned

"What do you mean?" Elena questioned

"I think both Louisa and Asher is doing everything wontedly. I feel that both of them are in a relationship for years and now only made it official in such a way that will increase curiosity all over the country for both of them and that serves as free publicity to them which will eventually increase their profits. I totally believe that both of them were in a relationship and they hid that from the whole world," Kevin replied

"You are speaking the most illogical and impossible things, Kevin. Louisa can never be in a relationship because she never moved on. She never let any guy ever come near her and you are saying that she is in a secret relationship with Asher. That is the worst logic anyone can ever draw," Elena said pushing Kevin's theory

"God, she is being so strong and stubborn. Looks like it will be impossible for me to make her believe in my words when she is in her sane mind so I have no option but to choose the next possible choice I have," Kevin thought looking at the wardrobe in his room

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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